Chapter 291 Sweep all the way, kill!

“Surprise? Surprise? I just want you to die now!”

Duo Li’s sullen expression became deeper and deeper.

He lifted the snakehead stick in his hand and hit the ground hard, and several black lines pounced towards Linchuan from all directions.

The formation that had just risen didn’t even block these black lines, and it had no effect at all.

In an instant, Lin Chuan was in crisis.

Lin Chuan stood there blankly, as if he had been frightened by the battle.

Seeing this, Duoli couldn’t help but grinned, the black snakes looming between his lips and teeth, very terrifying.

Soon, those black lines rushed to Lin Chuan’s body and turned into small black snakes, biting at Lin Chuan fiercely.

Then, there is no more…

If you dare to touch the little black snake in seamless clothes, you will only end up with death.

All the black little snakes that came across Lin Chuan turned into a puff of black smoke, floating in this space.

“Puff…” When the little black snake disappeared, Duoli’s throat was sweet and he spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Had it not been for a snakehead stick, he would have fallen directly to the ground.

“You’re the person before!” Duoli remembered the same experience not long ago, his face became very ugly, and the look in Lin Chuan’s eyes was full of insidiousness.

When he was speaking, his mouth was sprayed with blood, and he was obviously hurt.

“You guessed it, I just came to you to settle the account, do it!” Lin Chuan coldly shouted when he saw him mention the last time.

As soon as his voice fell, countless magic spells suddenly appeared, and a group of figures fell from the sky, drilled out of the ground, and rushed towards the group of people.

Lin Chuan sat in the tree in his spare time, waiting to see the final result of the battle.

His task has just been completed.

Bai Ze is not afraid of Duoli, the only doubt is the black snakes on Duoli.

These little black snakes were all gu worms raised by Duoli with his own blood, very vicious.

As a head-down teacher, these little black snakes are the trump cards of Duoli, and they are also the most powerful means of attack.

The attack is vicious and difficult to resist.

Even if the cultivator of the Golden Core Stage was bitten by these black little snakes, his strength had to drop a lot, and it would take a long time for him to relax.

Not to mention the immortal cultivators below the Golden Core Stage, if Duoli launched a ruthless attack, it would not be impossible to destroy all the team members who came to the foundation stage.

After Bai Ze worried for a while, he suddenly thought of Jumei’s report on the last mission. Lin Chuan didn’t seem to be afraid of these little black snakes!

So he found Lin Chuan, and after explaining the situation, Lin Chuan readily accepted Bai Ze’s idea and used him as a bait to let Duoli release all the black snakes on him.

With the seamless heavenly clothes, the black snake’s attack naturally did not have a chance to succeed, and it also defeated a wave of strength.

After Duoli was half disabled, everyone attacked together. It was called a smooth, and dealing with the group of people Duoli brought was as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

Of course, those people that Duoli brought were not without any abilities.

There are several head-down masters inside, who suddenly went crazy before dying, letting the Gu worms they raised swallow them!

The Gu worm that swallowed the flesh and blood of the head descending master became extremely powerful, and many of the team members were seriously injured.

Of course, this is just an example, the balance of victory is still leaning toward the repair management team.

Soon, those people that Duoli had brought were all cut off by the team members, leaving Duoli still struggling to support.

“Doli, when dealing with me, did not expect to have today?” Lin Chuan saw that the battle had come to an end, jumped off the tree and said.

“I’ll deal with you? You obviously hurt me badly!”

“It’s not bad that I didn’t find you, but you actually came to me to settle the account!”

Duoli heard Lin Chuan’s words and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

He wanted to deal with Lin Chuan, but Lin Chuan had nothing to do with him. He was seriously injured. Lin Chuan had to run over to find him to settle the account. Is this fair?

“I’m fine, that’s my skill. If you dare to calculate me, then you have to pay the price!” Lin Chuan said coldly.

It seems that Duoli was bullied, but in fact he himself is the culprit.

If Lin Chuan didn’t have a seamless heavenly robe, I’m afraid Duoli would have killed him a long time ago, so there would be no chance to come over and find him to settle the account.

“The price? Since you want to kill me, you have to pay the price.”

“All of you, don’t even want to leave Annan Kingdom!”

Duoli heard the words, and a grinning smile appeared on his face, which made people chill.

“No, he’s going to explode, fast back!” Bai Ze felt the strange aura fluctuations on Duoli’s body, his face changed, and he quickly warned.

Duoli’s cultivation base is equivalent to the Golden Core Stage cultivator, and the power of self-destruction can be imagined.

When Bai Ze reminded it, it was actually too late.

Duoli’s body exploded violently, turning into a bloody fog, rushing toward the players.

At this time, the misfortune who was on the periphery of the blood mist resolutely chose to go retrograde!

He stood before the blood fog and bought time for his teammates to escape.

“Do you want to die?” Lin Chuan rushed up when he saw this, and led him out.

At this time, Midou, the armor on his body had become pitted, and some places had even been broken, exposing the flesh and blood inside.

Midou’s face was even more bloody, and he couldn’t help his original appearance.

The power of the blood mist is evident!

Of course, when this blood mist hits the seamless heavenly clothes, it still has no effect. Lin Chuan can even go in and out of the blood mist freely, unharmed.

If Duoli had blew himself up, he would have to be angry again when he saw this scene.

Everyone hurriedly escaped from the blood mist, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

“Hurry up and save people, the misfortune will be overwhelming!”

Lin Chuan felt that the aura on Wodou was fading rapidly, and directly put a Spirit Gathering Pill into his mouth, and then shouted loudly.

Although he had just met Midou, he didn’t say a few words.

But this honest man had already left a deep impression in his heart, but he didn’t want him to die like this.

The immortal cultivator, who majored in medical treatment, hurriedly rushed in, taking turns in various healing methods, and finally rescued the misfortune from the ghost gate.

“Alive, Midou came alive, hahaha…” The team members with one heart in their hearts noticed the changes in Midou, all of them breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

Only Bai Ze, his face is still ugly.

“Captain, is there any question?” Lin Chuan asked.

“Seeing that the blood is soaking up to the sky, Duo Li’s self-destruction is not only an attack, but also a signal!”

“The entire Annan practice world has probably been alarmed. It will be very difficult for us to leave.”

Bai Ze pointed to the scene in front of him and said.

The entire mountain forest has been shrouded in blood, and it is difficult not to find it.

And Annan’s practice world is obviously not vegetarian. If they are all assembled, it will be a matter of minutes to destroy them.

“What are you afraid of? If it’s a big deal, we will sweep all the way and kill!”

“Those who dare to stop us will all be killed and a bloody path will be made directly!”

Lin Chuan realized the seriousness of the matter, and not only did not panic, but was bold and eloquent.

“Well said, I, Bai Ze, is not as proud as you as a young man!”

“This time, let’s kill it!”

When Bai Ze heard the words, his spirit was shaken, and his momentum continued to rise.

“Have fun!” the players shouted in unison.

Incomparably high fighting spirit, straight to the sky!

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