Chapter 278 Our family has a background!

“Boss, is this true? How come I don’t believe it so much?”

“That is, Ling Xiaoxiao said it was the secretary of the boss, who can’t tell, she is the woman of the boss, how could she go on a blind date with others.”

“If this is true, then I have to admire the courage of the person who dared to go on a blind date with Ling Xiaoxiao.”

“It would be great if we had a chance to go to the scene to see it, it must be very exciting.”

The sons and buddies didn’t believe it, Ling Xiaoxiao would let Lin Chuan not want to go on a blind date with others.

The point is that Lin Chuan is still following behind, watching her go on a blind date with others.

This scene, just thinking about it, is very interesting. The sons and sisters can’t wait to flash to the scene immediately, as a crowd of melon-eating people.

“I want to see what you said, and wait for me to ask.” Fatty Yao looked at the son’s words, and his heart was itchy.

“Brother Chuan, is it convenient for onlookers?” He, who has a strong relationship with Lin Chuan, asked directly without any circumstance.

“You fat man, why do you like to join in the fun so much, just do it yourself.” Lin Chuan replied a little speechlessly when he saw the news, and sent a location by the way.

Fatty Yao still likes gossip as before.

“Brothers, Brother Chuan agreed. We will gather in the old place. Let’s go as fast as we can, otherwise we may not be able to make the trip.”

Fatty Yao received the location and immediately shouted in the group of young masters.


“Boss is mighty!”

“Let’s pass!”

The son-in-law was so excited, no matter what he was doing, he immediately jumped up and rushed over to join him at the fastest speed.

Lin Chuan didn’t know that he had made such a big noise in a word, and he was looking at the overall structure of Wanjia with great interest.

“What are you looking at?” Ling Xiaoxiao asked curiously when he saw him looking around.

“You can feel it carefully.” Lin Chuan reminded her when she noticed no abnormalities.

“What do you feel… The concentration of aura here seems to be higher!” Ling Xiaoxiao felt it carefully, and said in surprise.

“That’s right.” Lin Chuan nodded in appreciation when seeing her reacting so quickly.

This manor of Wanjia seemed to have consulted some experts during the construction, and the layout of the plants and trees was very particular.

The concentration of aura in the manor is higher than that outside, obviously a natural formation is arranged.

This handwriting is already very rare for a rich man in the countryside.

However, this increase in concentration is not worth mentioning compared with Deling Building, and it is normal that Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t feel it at first.

“Don’t stay so close, you are really not afraid of the Wanjia people being angry!” Seeing the two of them whispering, Ling Dawang was about to stick together, and his liver began to tremble.

Lin Chuan and Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t know how terrible Wanjia was, but he knew it very well.

If it really angered Wanjia, the two young men would be punished, and he would also be implicated.

“Haha…” Lin Chuan sneered, not cold to Ling Dawang’s words.

“A good pair of young couples, they look really talented and beautiful, they are very good match.”

At this moment, an old lady with white temples, but still red, looks very wealthy, and walked over with the help of a middle-aged man who kept smirking.

“Old lady, why are you here, do you know their relationship?”

“Let me tell you, I really didn’t know beforehand that my daughter had found a boyfriend. It has nothing to do with me.”

Ling Dawang saw the old lady appear, his face turned green, and he quickly wanted to clear up the relationship with the two.

However, no matter what he said, the old lady didn’t even bother to look at him, let alone take care of him.

This shows that Ling Dawang is inferior to a dog in the eyes of the old lady, at least the old lady is still bald.

“Old lady, it seems that you have known our relationship a long time ago.” Lin Chuan looked at the old lady, narrowed his eyes and said.

This old lady don’t care about her long wealth, kind eyebrows, but her eyes are not friendly at all, as if she would swallow him at any time.

“It’s not too early, just last night.”

“This girl is worthy of the person I value, and she is born out of Shui Ling. No wonder there will be a boyfriend.”

“But your relationship ends here.”

“The people we are fond of cannot tolerate others to get involved!”

The old lady looked at Ling Xiaoxiao, she became more satisfied as she watched, and said casually.

Breaking up a couple seems to be as simple as eating and drinking, and there is no room for doubt.

When Lin Chuan heard the first sentence, his heart moved slightly.

I found out last night. It seems that there are thousands of eyeliners in Xiwa Village, and the news is spread very quickly.

After hearing that, Lin Chuan was a little speechless.

“Old lady, it seems that you are accustomed to domineering and blessing in this one-third of acre, thinking you can say everything you say?”

Lin Chuan said a little funny.

The Qing Dynasty was dead, and Cixi was cold, and some people even thought of themselves as the empress dowager.

“Bold!” There was a stern shout from the side, and several men came around with clubs, as if they were about to move Lin Chuan to death at any time.

Lin Chuan saw this scene without blinking his eyes, and Ling Xiaoxiao’s expression did not fluctuate at all.

Bald Mao lay on Lin Chuan’s feet, flicking his tail, feeling very boring.

However, Ling Dawang collapsed on the ground, almost frightened to pee.

Just when the conflict was about to erupt at any time, the thin man at the door leaned into the ear of the old lady and said a word to her.

The middle-aged man next to the old lady clasped his fingers as if he could pick out a flower.

“Oh, it seems that you, a young man, are not an ordinary family.”

“But this Ling Xiaoxiao, I picked it for a long time.”

“I also count on relying on her cleverness to neutralize with my son and give birth to a baby with normal brains. It is impossible to let you!”

After listening to the lean man, the old lady looked at Lin Chuan with a firm attitude.

Ling Dawang’s clumsy eyes does not mean that others cannot recognize the Ford Raptor driven by Lin Chuan.

People who can afford to drive this kind of car are obviously not ordinary families.

But the old lady just made up her mind and didn’t want to let people out.

“I’m really curious, old lady, where is your confidence.” Lin Chuan looked at the old lady’s empress dowager and was very puzzled.

“Hehe, you wouldn’t say that our Wanjia is really just a small owner with a mine at home?”

“I’m not afraid to tell you, Changzhou Wang’s family is in-laws with us!”

“Zou’s family in Changzhou, we are friends with our family.”

“If you know these two, you will naturally know where my confidence is. If you don’t know, then I advise you to go back and inquire first.”

“Don’t make yourself regret for a lifetime for a woman!”

The old lady raised her chin slightly, putting out her background very aggressively.

“The Wang family and the Zou family in Changzhou?” Lin Chuan’s expression became a little weird upon hearing this.

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