Chapter 272: Call You Father-in-law, Do You Dare To Accept It?

Lin Chuan thought that he was a bit dignified, and even those dudes with their eyes on the top of his head would have to nod and bow at the sight of him.

As a result, Ling Xiaoxiao, a strange father, actually regarded him as a Didi driver!

Lin Chuan seriously suspected that Ling Dawang’s eyes were smoked by the smoke of the kerosene lamp, and he was a little blind.

“Hey…” The bald hair lying on Lin Chuan’s feet made a little noise.

Lin Chuan doesn’t need to look at it to know that this guy must be snickering.

Seeing that his master is underestimated, even if he is different from the enemy, he still laughs. Can this stupid dog still want it?

“Dad, what is your attitude?”

“He is not a didi driver, but my boyfriend Lin Chuan, come back to see you with me!”

Seeing Ling Dawang’s attitude towards Lin Chuan, Ling Xiaoxiao was immediately anxious.

“Boy friend?”

“Didn’t you say you didn’t fall in love before, why did a boyfriend suddenly pop out?”

“You didn’t sleep with him, I told you that if a woman’s body is broken, it’s worthless!”

After listening to Ling Xiaoxiao’s introduction, Ling Dawang immediately became anxious, pulling Ling Xiaoxiao back several steps, as if he was afraid of being infected by Lin Chuan.

“What are you talking about, can you be more normal!”

“If you say anything like this, then I will leave now!”

When Ling Xiaoxiao heard his crazy words, he was almost mad.

Ling Dawang said this in front of Lin Chuan, what would Lin Chuan think of her?

She didn’t want to wait for a second, turned around and wanted to pull Lin Chuan away.

If she stays any longer, her image in Lin Chuan’s mind may be destroyed by Ling Dawang.

In fact, she thought too much. Lin Chuan got to know Ling Xiaoxiao’s wonderful dad, not only did not look down on her, but pityed her instead.

Growing up in such an environment, Ling Xiaoxiao’s personality is actually so good, so hard work and progress, it is really rare.

She didn’t know how much effort it would take to get a life similar to that of ordinary people.

“Don’t go, don’t go, you rarely come back, how can you leave so quickly?”

“If you don’t like to hear me say this, then I won’t say it.”

“Hurry into the house, what is it like to stand outside the door?”

When Ling Dawang saw that Ling Xiaoxiao was about to leave, he finally started to panic, stepped forward to hold Ling Xiaoxiao and said.

“Are you sure you won’t say any more strange things?” Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t believe it easily, staring at him and asked.

“I’m sure, I’m sure to say something nice.” Ling Dawang promised directly without even knocking.

“This is what you said, let me hear anything bad, and Lin Chuan and I will leave immediately!”

Of course Ling Xiaoxiao knew that Ling Dawang’s guarantee was the same as farting, but it was not good to leave as soon as he got home.

In addition, it is already dark, and walking at night will be more dangerous.

So after warning Ling Dawang again, she still entered the house.

Lin Chuan followed in, put down what he was holding, and was pulled by Ling Xiaoxiao and sat on a bench.

Well, the bench is a bit swaying, it looks like a leg is broken…

There is not even a better bench, which shows what the situation is in Ling Xiaoxiao’s house.

Even in Xiwa Village, a well-known poor village, this is not the case.

No matter how poor you are, you will not be too poor to find a few pieces of wood, and you can’t do it by nailing a stool.

Moreover, the salary Lin Chuan gave to Ling Xiaoxiao was not low!

Ling Xiaoxiao’s situation at home can only be found in Ling Dawang.

Lin Chuan wanted to take a look at Ling Xiaoxiao’s house and see what it was like where Ling Xiaoxiao grew up.

It is a pity that the light of the kerosene lamp is too dim.

“Young man, your name is Lin Chuan, right?” Ling Xiaoxiao and Ling Dawang also sat down, and Ling Dawang spoke.

“Yes, my name is Lin Chuan, and hello, uncle.” Lin Chuan recalled the TV series he had watched, and said, imitating the way his son-in-law came to the house for the first time.

After saying this, Lin Chuan almost burst into tears.

It’s not easy to enter the normal meeting process for so long after getting off the bus.

“Who is it called Uncle?” Ling Dawang was immediately unhappy when he heard the words.

“Do you want to call you father-in-law?” Lin Chuan pretended to be dumbfounded.

“Bah, baah, let’s call father-in-law even worse, I haven’t promised you to be together yet!”

“We have nothing to do, you just call my name.”

When Ling Dawang heard the name “father-in-law”, he jumped up like an electric shock, and responded that it was called a dad.

“Okay, father-in-law is what you say.” Seeing his reaction, Lin Chuan smiled and called father-in-law again.

After being disgusted by Ling Dawang for so long, it is rare to have a chance to go back sick, how could Lin Chuan let it go.

Not to mention, Ling Dawang felt uncomfortable, but Lin Chuan felt extremely comfortable.

Sure enough, people’s happiness is often based on the suffering of others.

“You still call your father-in-law, if you say you are not allowed to call, you give me out!” Ling Dawang heard him call his father-in-law again, and he was so irritated.

“He goes, I will go too!” Ling Xiaoxiao immediately stood up and said.

“… Let me be scared, just call it whatever you want.” When Ling Xiaoxiao said that he was leaving, Ling Dawang stopped immediately.

Upon seeing this, Ling Xiaoxiao sat back again, then rolled her charming eyes at Lin Chuan.

She didn’t know that Lin Chuan was deliberately arrogant.

But when Lin Chuan called out that father-in-law, Ling Xiaoxiao’s heart was still happy.

“Ahem, where are you from?” Ling Dawang took a sigh of relief and resumed the normal questioning session.

“Changzhou native.” Lin Chuan stopped calling his father-in-law, and responded directly.

“Changzhou is not too far, the city or the country?” Ling Dawang continued to ask.

“Count it in the countryside.” Lin Chuan hesitated before responding.

Although he bought a luxury villa in Changzhou, he also owns a mansion.

But he had always lived in Qinghuang Xiaozhu, and he thought he belonged there, and he was naturally a countryman.

“What do you mean to be a countryman, yes, no, no, young people must be honest!”

“Xiaoxiao, are you dazzled by that shit love and forgot how I taught you?”

“Is such a little boy in the country worthy of you?”

Seeing Lin Chuan hesitate, Ling Dawang jumped up again, thinking he was embarrassed to say that he was a countryman, and said with contempt.

“…” Lin Chuan blinked and was speechless.

Well, he was disliked again…

Being despised by people like Ling Dawang, Lin Chuan not only didn’t feel uncomfortable, but a little funny.

“Dad, do you know who Lin Chuan is?”

“Forget it, I don’t want to tell you more.”

“Lin Chuan is leaving, let’s go back to our room to sleep, if we have anything to say tomorrow.”

Ling Xiaoxiao also thought it was funny. He wanted to reveal Lin Chuan’s identity to Ling Dawang. After thinking about it, he felt boring, so he pulled Lin Chuan and left.

“So, we two are going to sleep in this room together?” Lin Chuan reacted after being pulled into the room, and his voice became a little dry.

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