Chapter 264: Too Beautiful, It’s A Trouble

“Are they looking for a job?” Lin Chuan asked in surprise.

He wanted to break his head, but he could not have imagined that these foxes would go out to look for work.

Please, you are fairies, and you want ordinary people to go out and find jobs like ordinary people. This style of painting is too wrong.

“That’s good, why are they looking for work?” Lin Chuan frowned and asked.

No matter what he thinks, it feels wrong.

It’s not that those foxes can’t bear their loneliness and go out to charm people.

If you really do this, it would be a lot of fun.

Not to mention others, people in the repair management team will surely come over and slay demons when they learn that there are monsters.

This is all a living achievement!

“They feel that since they want to integrate into human society, they must survive according to the rules of human society.”

“But I think the most important reason is that they don’t have any money in their hands and they have to find a way to make money.”

Ling Xiaoxiao secretly smiled covering her mouth.

“They are short of money, so they have to go out to find a job?” Lin Chuan couldn’t help but laugh.

The foxes just came out of Qingqiu, so naturally it is impossible for them to have money.

Lin Chuan also forgot about this, and didn’t give them any money for living expenses.

Of course those foxes are dumbfounded. How can they be able to live without money these years.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help laughing as long as he thought of a group of beautiful foxes who were stumped by a small amount of money.

“Yes, they still asked me to borrow the money they went to take the bus.”

“If they can’t find a job today, they will be hungry.”

Ling Xiaoxiao remembered the embarrassment when Yao Mengxue asked her to borrow money in the morning, and smiled even more happily.

“It seems that these foxes are really determined to survive in our human society.”

“Then I will be here waiting for them to come back and see if they can find a job.”

After Lin Chuan laughed, he admired these foxes a little.

In fact, if these foxes have no money, they can borrow money from him.

But they didn’t open their mouths, but chose to go out to find a job by themselves.

Lin Chuan is very curious about the results of their job search.

“I want to know too.” Ling Xiaoxiao also expressed his expectation.

Lin Chuan looked at Ling Xiaoxiao’s beautiful face after smiling, and quickly moved his eyes and looked to the side.

“By the way, why is the management company so deserted, where are the people?” Lin Chuan looked at the empty office and wondered.

“It’s not the vixies making trouble. After the employees came to work, they saw those vixies and they all had no intention of working.”

“It just so happens that the building is full of immortal cultivators, and we don’t need so many ordinary employees. We simply let them take paid vacations and take turns to work.”

“Boss, I think we need to hire some immortal cultivators as employees, otherwise I can’t manage such a big building by myself.”

Ling Xiaoxiao explained and gave a suggestion.

Those cultivators are very proud.

Ordinary people talk to them, and they don’t even bother to listen, let alone follow them.

Only the cultivator can manage the cultivator.

“Recruiting immortals?”

“This is a little troublesome, let me think about it first.”

Lin Chuan hesitated after hearing this.

Most of the immortal cultivators who come to Deling Building are from clans behind them, and if they are recruited in, there is no guarantee that they will not use power for personal gain.

It would be even more inappropriate if it were to recruit casual repairs.

The casual cultivators are similar to the former Pu Liqi, all of them are thorns, in order to compete for a little cultivation resources, they do everything.

It is easy to recruit immortals. How to make them obedient and use them obediently is a problem.

One is not good, and that is to lead a wolf into the house, Lin Chuan would not do such a thing that does not worth the loss.

“Okay, it’s not too anxious anyway, boss, you can think about it slowly.” Ling Xiaoxiao responded with a smile.

After speaking, she looked at Lin Chuan for a while, and then stopped talking.

Lin Chuan was thinking about recruiting immortals, but he didn’t notice Ling Xiaoxiao’s expression.

After a while, after he came back to his senses, he realized that today’s Ling Xiaoxiao looked a little different.

She didn’t try to get close to him like she did before. She wanted to double repair with him. It seemed that she had recovered to the previous state and got along very well.

Could it be that after she was rejected yesterday, she gave up the idea of ​​double repair?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Chuan didn’t know what it was like.

The day passed quickly, and a loud noise rang from the elevator. Lin Chuan knew without guessing that it was the vixen who had returned.

“I’m so mad, what kind of vision those company bosses don’t want me!”

“There is a fat guy who Damn it the most. He looked at me with a squint and said that he should not go to work. He went home directly with him without looking in the mirror to see if he was worthy.”

“The boss of the company I interviewed was also the same. He asked me to be a secretary. What unspoken rules do I want to make? My mother kicked him into a shrimp.”

“The company I went to was quite normal, but the recruiter actually said that I am too beautiful and unsafe, so he refused to accept me!”

A group of beautiful and charming figures walked in angrily.

“I heard that you are looking for a job. It seems that the result is not ideal depending on the situation.”

“How about, has any of you found a job?”

Lin Chuan looked at them with a smile and asked.

“You don’t want to open which pot or not to mention which pot is good, knowing that we haven’t found a job, we still want to ask!”

“None of us got a job. Are you satisfied with this answer?”

Yao Mengxue gave him a white look, annoyed.

“You didn’t find a job, really?”

“In the morning, weren’t you very confident, saying that with your looks, it takes minutes to find a job.”

Ling Xiaoxiao was surprised to learn that none of them had found a job.

When the foxes set out in the morning, they were very confident, and Ling Xiaoxiao also thought it made sense.

After all, this is a face-seeking society. With the appearance of vixen, it should be very simple to find a job.

As a result, it was so strange that none of them were found.

“At first I thought it was okay to find a job, but after I went, I realized that it was completely different.”

“If we encounter men’s interviews, one by one will be like a ghost possessing one’s body. The interview will not be normal at all, and we will make all kinds of strange requests.”

“It’s even more serious if you meet a woman. As soon as you walk in the door, you will start to despise us. All kinds of provocations make it as if we are going to grab her husband.”

Yao Mengxue said depressedly when he thought of today’s experience.

“It seems that being too beautiful is also an annoyance.” Lin Chuan said with some sorrow when he learned of their experience.

“Don’t sigh, I said you have a lot of spooky ideas, so let us figure out how to find a job.”

Yao Mengxue was not used to this, and just wanted Lin Chuan to give them ideas.

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