Chapter 26 Give you a chance, kneel down and apologize

Dragons have reverse scales.

Lin Chuan could not accept anything from his family.

In order to catch up, Lin Chuan drove the BMW M4 that was originally to be given to his sister.

Originally drove from Taoyuan Village to the city, it would take half an hour to get there without traffic jams.

There was a traffic jam in the city today, and it took an hour for me to get to the hospital.

According to the positioning sent by my mother.

Lin Chuan found the emergency room.

Sister Lin Juan wrapped gauze on her forehead and was sitting in a wheelchair outside the CT room.

wheelchair! ! !

Lin Chuan felt tight and walked over quickly.

“Sister, what’s the matter? How are you?”

Lin Juan looked up in shock: “Why are you here?”

“I came to see my sister, what’s weird, what’s the situation with you!” Lin Chuan looked anxious.

Lin Juan rolled her eyes: “What can I do! It’s okay, I just hit the car in the morning.”

Lin Chuan felt a little in his heart: “Had hit by a car? Your leg…”

Lin Juan was about to speak, when a fat middle-aged man next to him suddenly said, “Yeah, I called my brother? How much is this going to ruin me? Come on, just tell me, I have something to do, I don’t have time to be with you. Mushrooms here!”

Lin Chuan frowned: “Are you the driver who caused the accident?”

“Yes, it’s me!”

Lin Chuan’s anger instantly collapsed and his figure moved. The next moment, before the middle-aged man had time to react, Lin Chuan had already reached him.

Probing his long arms, like iron tongs, grabbed his collar!

With a little harder arm, the middle-aged man has been raised.

The middle-aged man screamed with his feet off the ground.

The surrounding patients and their families were shocked and backed away.

“Huh! I drove into my sister and dare to be so rampant! Don’t worry, I won’t ruin you, and you won’t have to pay a dime! But my sister has suffered multiple injuries, and you have to repay it twice!”

“Let’s talk, which leg do you keep!” Lin Chuan’s eyes were cold.

The middle-aged man was so scared that his face turned pale.

The people around were also dumbfounded.

The height of this middle-aged man will not be less than 1.75 meters, and the weight will not be less than one hundred and sixty catties.

Lin Chuan can easily carry a little chicken with one hand. What a lot of strength this is! ! !

“You…do you dare…”

The middle-aged man struggled hard, kicking his legs arbitrarily, but he couldn’t break away.

“Stop, put people down!” A crisp and slightly soft voice came from behind Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan was taken aback, anyone else dared to come forward?

Without letting go, Lin Chuan turned around.

A tall, heroic female traffic police!

Lin Chuan snorted coldly: “You should be advocating justice, not helping the gang! This man drove into my sister and is so arrogant. If I don’t teach him a bit of profound lessons, I am not worthy of being a man!”

After that, Lin Chuan’s fingers pressed hard, and the middle-aged man screamed, struggling harder.

Lin Juan exclaimed in amazement, “Chuan, I’m really fine, it’s not serious!”

With that, Lin Juan got up from the wheelchair.

Lin Chuan was dumbfounded: “Sister, you… are you okay?”

“I’m fine, the pain is pain, but I don’t feel it hurts my bones.”

The female traffic police stepped forward and supported Lin Juan.

“Don’t move, do you want to do it? Whether there is any bone injury, it depends on the result of the CT examination!”

“sit down!”

Lin Chuan threw the middle-aged man casually, as if throwing some rubbish.

Without looking at the idiot, he came to Lin Juan.

“It’s okay? Don’t behave!”

“Comrade traffic police, I want to sue him! I want to sue him!” The middle-aged man got up from the ground embarrassedly.

Lin Chuan squinted and was about to speak, but the female traffic policeman shouted first: “Mr. Tu! What are you going to sue him?”

“He just hit me!”

The female traffic police looked serious: “I didn’t see it! With so many people and so many eyes, who saw it?”

Lin Chuan was astonished. In what circumstances, is this female traffic police her own?

The people around shook their heads.

The middle-aged man said angrily: “He just grabbed my collar and lifted me up. Isn’t this a fight?”

The female traffic police looked a little impatient: “Mr. Tu, if you want to sue him, of course you can, but it’s not impossible. This is the hospital. You should go to the hospital and get the injury report first! There is also surveillance and there are so many witnesses. , You said he hit you? With a fist or with a foot?”

Middle-aged man: “I…”

The female traffic police said disdainfully: “Don’t you, you, me, you, you drove into someone, and there is a mistake first. Not only do you have no guilt, but you also have an arrogant face. Who gives you the privilege?!”

“Hundreds of eyes are watching here. You still want to falsely accuse others of hitting you. Are you still shameless?”

The female traffic police is eloquent and righteous.

The surrounding people also agreed.

Some people even cheered and applauded.

For the rich and unkind, those who have a backstage, trample ordinary people unscrupulously, and those who are privileged.

Who doesn’t hate such a person?

The female traffic police’s righteous speech made Lin Chuan and the surrounding people feel good.

At this time, my mother Gao Ping came over with a few inspection reports.

“Chuan, are you here?!”

“Well, is my sister’s report form? What do you say?”

Gao Ping was obviously relaxed.

“I saw it with a doctor and said there was no problem. Brain CT, leg CT, and this CR, all showed normal.”

The female traffic police leaned over with a suspicious expression: “Really no problem? I watched the surveillance video sent by my colleague, and they all crashed for several meters. Is it okay?”

Lin Chuan’s heart moved, and he immediately thought that it should be the Spirit Gathering Pill that had worked! ! !

Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, although the old sister is fine, but this middle-aged greasy man, do you want to teach him a lesson?

Lin Chuan turned his eyes to the middle-aged man.

He had just one stroke of power, it was too amazing.

The middle-aged man was so frightened by his gaze that he involuntarily took two steps back.

“come here!”

Lin Chuan beckoned.

The middle-aged man was full of fear: “What are you doing? So many people are watching, in public, you dare not beat me?”

“Chuan, forget it, your sister has nothing to do. You have to forgive and forgive.”

Gao Ping turned her head and squeezed a reluctant smile at the middle-aged man: “It’s okay, you can go!”

The middle-aged man was a little surprised and was taken aback, but then he looked at Lin Chuan again.

Lin Chuan doesn’t speak, he dare to leave?

Lin Chuan sighed inwardly.

My mother and old sister are the same, so kind-hearted.

In this case, how could he let him go!

If he had an attitude at the beginning, it would be fine.

But can Lin Chuan let him go?

“Mom, I’ll take care of this!”

Gao Ping hesitated for a moment, and said: “Then say it well, your sister is not injured, there are a lot of adults.”

“I know how to do it. Mom, take care of this matter.”

Lin Chuan hooked his finger at the middle-aged man: “You, come out with me!”

“What are you doing? I won’t go out!”

“What are you afraid of! I won’t eat you again. Besides, if there is no surveillance camera in the hospital, I can kill you or not?”

Lin Chuan really looks down on such people.

How arrogant just now, how arrogant you are now!

The middle-aged man had a firm attitude: “I’m right here, not going anywhere!”

Everyone laughed.

The female traffic policeman gave Lin Chuan a blank look: “If you have any words, just say here, what are you going to do outside? Nowhere is it outside the law!”

Lin Chuan glanced at his mother and sister.

A wry smile.

Immediately dismissed the terrible thoughts before.

“I’ll give you a chance!” Lin Chuan’s eyes flashed sharply, “Kneel down and apologize to my sister, that’s all for this matter, otherwise, let alone a traffic policeman today, even if the king Laozi comes, you won’t be able to keep you. !”

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