Chapter 243

Yuan Cuihua came to admit her mistake

The tripod obtained from Hong Haier can be said to have become the eternal pain in Lin Chuan’s heart.

Since he had dealt with the gods, he had never suffered such a big loss.

It was said that the baby that was obtained from the palace of Dousing was actually a useless waste.

This psychological gap made Lin Chuan very uncomfortable.

And after getting the tripod out, he couldn’t move it away, or take it back to WeChat.

This tripod was placed here, and every time I saw it, it made Lin Chuan feel uncomfortable.

Other people often mention this tripod, and they simply don’t want Lin Chuan to feel better.

No, someone mentioned this tripod again.

“Sister, you are quite discerning, this tripod, but the treasure that my son finally got back is very valuable.”

As Lin Chuan’s father, Lin Dashan naturally knew Lin Chuan’s embarrassment towards this tripod, so he boasted about it.

As long as the tripod appears to be very powerful, Lin Chuan will not be taken advantage of, and naturally will not be embarrassed.

Where did he know that the more he said that, the more embarrassed Lin Chuan became.

The more Lin Dashan said that, the more proof he had suffered.

“Uncle San, why didn’t you say anything when you came over, I almost didn’t know.” In order to avoid Lin Dashan from speaking any more, Lin Chuan quickly appeared and said.

Of course, he only greeted San Shu Lin Dahu, and Yuan Cuihua next to him selectively ignored it.

He is not as generous as Gao Ping. Yuan Cuihua forgave her after an apology. If she didn’t show her face, it was already counted as a face to San Shu.

“Chuan’er, you’re here, this time your third aunt actually wanted to come over temporarily, so I didn’t tell you.”

“Your third aunt has completely awakened since what happened last time. She is aware of the mistakes she made over the years and feels ashamed, so she wanted to come and apologize.”

Lin Dahu noticed Lin Chuan’s attitude towards Yuan Cuihua, and quickly helped her speak.

“Chuan’er, I really know your third aunt was wrong.”

“We are a family, and I shouldn’t treat you that way anyway.”

“Last time it was so dangerous, you saved me regardless of the previous suspicions. I was very moved and very guilty.”

“My words are here, as long as you can forgive me and let me be a cow and a horse for you!”

Yuan Cuihua walked up to Lin Chuan, tearfully apologized to Lin Chuan sincerely, and expressed her attitude.

This posture was almost to Lin Chuan’s knees.

Lin Chuan also felt Yuan Cuihua’s sincerity, but still hesitated.

As the saying goes, things are easy to change, but one’s nature is hard to change.

Just because of Yuan Cuihua’s virtue, Lin Chuan didn’t believe that she would not do those disgusting things again after she repented.

But Lin Dashan and Lin Dahu looked at him blankly, and he couldn’t say anything.

Forgive her for the time being, let’s see the aftereffects!

“Three…three aunts, it’s okay if you can figure it out. You don’t need to be a cow or a horse. You will live a good life with my third uncle in the future, and you will have a harmonious family.”

Lin Chuan yelled his third aunt a little awkwardly, expressing his forgiveness generously.

When Lin Dashan and Yuan Cuihua heard this, their faces were full of joy.

But hearing Lin Chuan’s last words, both of them were a little unnatural.

“I really want to have a family and He Meimei, but Junjun doesn’t know where he is going, and the family can’t get together, how can he and He Meimei?”

Yuan Cuihua, who was very fond of Lin Jun, couldn’t stop her tears as she thought of her son who didn’t know where she had gone, and started streaming down.

“Why are you crying, Junjun is so smart, he will definitely not suffer, he may be back after a while, he will definitely come back!”

Lin Dahu put his arms around Yuan Cuihua’s shoulders and comforted.

As he said, his eyes started to turn red, and he cried with Yuan Cuihua in his arms.

When the father and son saw this scene, they looked at each other.

Lin Dashan glared at Lin Chuan, thinking which pot he was not opening and which one to pick up, and he said something nicely and peacefully.

Lin Chuan can only express that he is innocent. He obviously just said something on the scene. Who knows how their reaction could be so big.

And Lin Jun just didn’t know which corner he ran to cultivate, and he was not dead. Is this the couple?

“Three uncles and three aunts, I have heard a little news about Lin Jun. He is studying art with his teacher. After he finishes his studies, he will come back to see you. Don’t worry too much.”

Seeing the couple crying non-stop, Lin Chuan reluctantly said in comfort.

“He really went to apprentice to learn art?” Yuan Cuihua asked, staring at Lin Chuan with tears in her eyes.

“Of course, he wants to learn a craft well, and then come back to honor you.” Lin Chuan pinched his nose and said something kind to Lin Jun in order to prevent them from crying.

He hated Lin Jun, his cousin.

Lin Chuan also knows that with Lin Jun’s personality, it would be good to have a little parental position in his heart, how could he want to be filial to his parents when he returns from his studies.

But the two of them were crying like this. Without saying a word to comfort them, they still don’t know when they will cry.

“This kid is finally a little sensible.”

“I didn’t even tell us about apprenticeship to learn art. Could you tell us that we would still stop him from going?”

Sure enough, when Lin Chuan said so, Yuan Cuihua immediately burst into laughter, calling her a beauty in her heart.

“Let’s stop talking about it. I heard you say that Chuan’er saved his younger siblings. What is going on, why don’t I know?”

Seeing that the atmosphere eased a little, Lin Dashan quickly changed the subject.

“Didn’t Chuan’er tell you, this lady in my family broke into a ghost before and got caught by a ghost!”

“If Chuan’er hadn’t come over and kill that ghost, this lady in my family wouldn’t know what would happen.”

Lin Dahu thought of what happened before, with lingering fears.

“There is still such a thing, it turns out that there are really ghosts in this world.”

“This ghost is too Damn it, kill it well, if I run into those ghosts, I have to kill them!”

Lin Dashan was a little surprised at first when he learned that Yuan Cuihua was upper body by a ghost, but soon figured it out again.

He can cultivate immortality, and it’s not surprising that there are ghosts in this world.

Cici and Xinxin just came over, hearing Lin Dashan’s words, Cici suddenly stiffened.

Mei is also a ghost. If Lin Dashan knew her true identity, wouldn’t he kill her too?

“Let’s stop talking about this, how can we deal with ghosts.”

“It’s this tripod, I have some thoughts.”

“If the tripod is placed here, it is too wasteful. You can put some soil in it and plant some flowers and plants.”

Lin Dahu didn’t want to talk more about ghosts and monsters, looked at the tripod in front of him, and suddenly thought.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but twitch at the corner of his mouth when he heard the words. Is this tripod with me left so functioning now?

This is Baoding, the Baoding made from Taishang Laojun’s Palace!

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