Chapter 24 The Kitchen God’s Treasure

Lin Chuan didn’t sleep this night.

It was not until dawn, when the light from outside projected on his face, that Lin Chuan naturally stopped the movement of heat.

The dog barked suddenly.

Lin Chuan moved in his heart, went down the pavilion, walked through the corridor to the main courtyard.

Who could it be so early?

The bald hair screamed hard at the big iron gate.

Go to the iron gate.

Lin Chuan was startled.

“San? Why are you here?”

“Yeah, Lin Chuan, I heard people say that you bought the house of Li Datou’s house, and you also bought a car. Come and see, you have fixed the wall? Wouldn’t you ask me to go in and sit?”

“I’m going to decorate here, it’s messy, so I won’t invite my third aunt to come in and sit down.”

Lin Chuan was expressionless.

It’s not that Lin Chuan floats when he has money, but among all his relatives, Lin Chuan hates this third aunt-Yuan Cuihua the most.

Auntie’s expression instantly froze.

But then there was a smile.

“It’s okay. If you don’t go in, you won’t go in. I want to come over and discuss something with you. Your cousin is about to get married right away. My family still has more than 80,000 yuan to pay the cash. You have money now. Please see if you can borrow one hundred and eighty thousand for your aunt’s turnover. Don’t worry, I won’t borrow too long. I will pay you back when your cousin Junjun joins the work.”

Depend on!

Lin Chuan’s face suddenly came down.

How shameless this is!

His cousin Lin Jun is only half a year younger than Lin Chuan. Lin Chuan counts as four years of college and three more years of work. Lin Jun could not go on in his second year of high school and dropped out of school at home. Until today, he hasn’t worked for eight years.

This alive is just a waste, these three aunts are really shameless, waiting for him to join the work and then paying back, wait until the day of his death, I don’t know if he can make 80,000 yuan!

If you are young and ignorant, forget it. You are all 40 or 50 years old. Have you survived as a dog?

What’s more, who would run to someone’s house early in the morning to borrow money!

“No money!”

Lin Chuan shook his face directly.

Lin Chuan always remembered that when he was admitted to Changda University, his family had no money and he asked relatives to borrow money to collect tuition fees. Although the second uncle and uncle gave less, they always collected a little.

The third uncle gave a thousand yuan at the time, but that night the third aunt ran to the house cursingly, crying and making trouble, and he just wanted the thousand yuan back.

Lin Chuan remembered very clearly at that time, his mother cried with anger.

Lin Chuan is not a stingy person, but he hasn’t achieved any good feelings for this third aunt.

Borrow money?

The lion opened his mouth, one hundred and eighty thousand.

Fuck you paralyzed!

“Oh, hey, why don’t you have money? They are all relatives? We can’t be rich and unkind! Even if you don’t look at your third aunt’s face, Junjun will always be your cousin anyway, you can’t write two Chinese characters in a stroke. Now that you have money, you can’t look down on your poor relatives! Junjun’s life-long event, if you don’t get the gift money and become dirty, how can you bear it!”

Lin Chuan sneered: “Oh, the third aunt still knows about family affection?! It’s really rare, really rare. Back then, when I was admitted to Changda University, my third uncle gave a thousand yuan, and who was the one who came to the house in the middle of the night and wanted to go back. He wiped his neck and hanged himself? Now I know that I can’t write two forests in one stroke? Why did you go early?”

Yuan Cuihua’s face changed and changed: “Lin Chuan, let’s do it, one hundred and eighty thousand, you may indeed find it difficult to get it, and I can’t force others to do it, thirty thousand, thirty thousand, right?”

Lin Chuan was dumbfounded, didn’t he express himself clearly enough?

“I don’t have a dime, do you understand? Can you understand?”

Yuan Cuihua snorted: “It’s not a single dime, right? I ask you if you can’t ask for money, right? If you have two small money, it will swell, right!”

Lin Chuan sneered: “I have nothing to do with you if I have money!”

Yuan Cui stomped her feet, her face deformed with anger: “Okay, you wait!”

After finishing speaking, stepped on the bicycle, stepped on the pedals crookedly, and walked away griefly.

Lin Chuan spit out the iron gate and turned back.

“Master’s third aunt is not a kind person!”

Bald Mao wailed a few words solemnly.

Lin Chuan was startled. Not only is this ugly dog ​​talkative, but he also knows how to distinguish between good people and bad people?

Is Qi Ling Pill so magical?

“Talk about it, why not be kind.”

Bald shook her head and shook her head: “First of all, she didn’t have the low posture that borrowers should have. She ran to borrow money and put on a straightforward and supreme attitude.”

“Secondly, she didn’t intend to pay back the money at all. What else did she say to wait for her son to work and earn money before paying it back? What if her son is a waste and can’t make any money all the time?

“Finally, let’s talk about borrowing one hundred thousand. After being rejected, I changed my mouth to thirty thousand. This is to retreat as an advance. This is a bit of a flowery intestine, fooling the child!”

“Therefore, it is absolutely correct for the master not to lend her! Even my dog ​​can’t be fooled by that little IQ, let alone a wise and handsome master!”

Lin Chuan was dumbfounded.

“Let me go, you ugly dog, you still have so much knowledge, not bad you! Your IQ is much better than many people!”

The bald hair flicked his tail triumphantly: “Of course, I don’t see who the owner of this dog is!”

“Smuggler!” Lin Chuan kicked it coldly, kicking the bald hair to eat shit.

“Reward you a Shuanghui King of the King!”

Bald got up on his bones.


Lin Chuan laughed and scolded: “Eating too much will make you a pig!”

After speaking, I threw two to it.

Lin Chuan was planning to make a breakfast for himself, came to the vegetable field, thinking about how to do it.

Suddenly WeChat prompts that I just grabbed a red envelope.

Generally, if the red envelopes you grab are merit points, WeChat will not prompt you.

If it is a special item, WeChat will prompt you.

Lin Chuan hurriedly took out his cell phone.

“The Kitchen God’s Treasure from Lord Vesta. Excuse me, do you want to learn it?”

“What is the Kitchen God’s Book?”

Lin Chuan was shocked. He likes rural life and cooking food.

Is it related to cooking?

“Learning!” Lin Chuan was shaking with excitement.

In the WeChat inventory, the Kitchen God’s Treasure disappeared instantly, turned into a faint light, and flew into Lin Chuan’s eyebrows.

A majestic memory rushed into Lin Chuan’s brain instantly.

After a full ten minutes, Lin Chuan opened his eyes.

His face was full of joy and excitement.

The Kitchen God’s Book!


This Kitchen God’s Book is not a recipe, but the talent of the God of Cookery, which has become Lin Chuan’s instinct.

That’s awesome!

Lin Chuan glanced at the various vegetables in the vegetable field.

The ingredients of these vegetables, the cooking methods of these vegetables, and how to cook them to get the most delicious and fresh taste, and even countless kinds of combinations appeared in my mind.


Lin Chuan picked some vegetables immediately.

Come to the kitchen, clean and process.

At the same time, some white rice was put down and boiled in the pot.

So busy.

After all the steps are completed, the last thing is to wait for the porridge.

One hour later.

Lin Chuan, who won the Kitchen God’s Book, produced the first work.

In the fish plate.

Peach blossom drunk willow fishing in the setting sun.

Where is this a bowl of porridge!

This is clearly a work of art!

The faint porridge fragrance exudes a refreshing and pleasant feeling.

Lin Chuan couldn’t bear to drink it!

Lin Chuan suddenly thought that if Laozi made a table of dishes, a table of 10,000 yuan would obviously not work!

At least 20,000!

When I was smug, my cell phone rang.

It’s Ling Xiaoxiao here!

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