Chapter 227 Drinking Fairy Bathing Water?

The gods heard Nezha’s retelling, but they didn’t know that they were playing off this time.

Thinking about it, this is indeed the case. The rules that people worked so hard to make are all destroyed by them, and no one will be happy.

“Um…this time we are wrong, or else you can discuss with Xiaoyao Fairy, this time I promise you won’t break the rules.”

“Yes, yes, we will definitely never break the rules again.”

“It’s just a try this time. Let’s just have a good time next time. You can’t breathe, right?”

Gods, you and I are persuading Nezha to talk to Lin Chuan again and let him change his mind.

“You don’t need to say any more, Xiaoyao said, through this competition, he can see that this competition system is problematic.”

“There is a problem with the competition system, so naturally we have to change it, otherwise everyone won’t have a good time, and it won’t be too late for everyone to continue playing after Brother Xiaoyao finishes it.”

Ne Zha was so quarreled by them that his head hurt, and he revealed Lin Chuan’s intention to stop the game.

As soon as these words came out, the gods looked at each other and didn’t know what to say.

Everyone has said that this is to change the game system and let everyone have a better time. What else can they say?

It’s just that they just started playing and haven’t enjoyed it yet. This karting race is not going to be played, which really makes them a little unwilling.

In fact, they can still play according to the current competition system, but as Lin Chuan said, this competition system is problematic for the gods.

In addition, karts are really not banned. Many fairy karts have been completely scrapped after running once.

Without Lin Chuan to supplement their consumption and provide a new competition system, they really couldn’t play.

Regardless of their mood, Lin Chuan said that if they didn’t do it, they didn’t do it. Anyway, the merit points of selling karts have already been obtained.

Through this small competition, he has absorbed a lot of experience and lessons and gained a lot. Next time he talks with Buddha, he will be more confident.

As for what event to do, he still didn’t think about it…

Don’t worry about this, the top priority is to find Red Boy to fulfill the promise!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Red boy, you have played this kart, what’s the promise for me? 】

[Hong Hai’er: What are you anxious about? What you promised to give you must be indispensable.

But I haven’t enjoyed it yet, can this karting race really be impossible? 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: It really can’t be done, the competition system is very problematic.

But I can promise you that when I plan the competition system, I will definitely be the first to invite you to play. 】

Lin Chuan saw that Honghaier was obsessed with the go-kart race, so he simply drew a pie for him.

[Red Boy: Okay, that’s it.

The old bull in Dousing Palace told me that the old man was invited by the Jade Emperor to discuss matters. If he is not in Dousing Palace, I will steal things for you. 】

As soon as Hong Haier heard that he could be the first to play in the new format, he immediately got excited and excitedly went to steal…get something for Lin Chuan.

How can the family’s affairs be called stealing!

Hong Haier, a bear child, just can’t speak.

“I don’t know, what good things Red Boy can get me.”

“The old bull he was talking about, isn’t it the blue bull that the old man was riding too much?

Lin Chuan saw that Hong Haier had gone to Dust Palace, and he was waiting for good news from him happily.

The Lao Niu mentioned by Hong Haier made him very emotional.

How to say that one person can get the way, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven, and an old cow can become a fine.

If he can also get ascendant, maybe that stupid dog with bald hair can also become fine.

No, the bald hair seems to be fine, then it’s okay…

When Lin Chuan was thinking about it, Hong Hai’er had already flown in front of the palace of Douzi.

Different from the magnificent and tall Ling Xiao palaces, the Dust Palace looks ordinary on the surface, just like an ordinary small manor.

However, if you look closely, you can find that the whole manor is integrated, every part is full of charm, and it makes people feel a lot more peaceful before getting close.

There is an old tree at the entrance of the Douling Palace, and an old cow is tied to the tree and lying on the ground. The cow’s tail flicks and flicks, which looks very boring.

“Lao Niu, I will go to the edge of Yaochi and cut some grass for you. Hurry up and taste how it tastes.” Hong Haier arrived at the entrance of the Douli Palace and went straight to the old cow.

He took out a large handful of grass and threw it in front of the old cow.

“Aren’t they all grass? What’s good to taste? After eating grass for so many years, I’ve long been tired of eating it.”

Seeing Honghaier coming, Lao Niu was a little bit energetic, his mouth closed and he uttered words.

However, it dismissed the grass on the ground.

No matter how good a thing tastes, you will feel a little greasy after eating it several times.

Not to mention that the old green cow has been eating grass since he was born, and I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years he has eaten it. If he can still like the grass, that would be a strange thing.

“This grass is different, this is the grass I picked from the edge of Yaochi!” Seeing that the old cow didn’t take it seriously, Hong Haier emphasized.

“What’s wrong with the grass in Yaochi? It’s the grass planted in Ling Xiao’s treasure hall. That’s not the case.” The old cow shook his tail, still dismissing it.

“You don’t understand, I have heard that those female fairies in Yaochi like to bathe in Yaochi the most.”

“These grasses are equivalent to growing up under the shower water of fairies. Can they taste the same?”

The red boy leaned over to Lao Niu and said mysteriously.

When talking about the female fairy of Yaochi, his eyes were full of yearning.

If he had the chance, he would probably learn from Dong Yong and go to see the female fairies in Yaochi taking a shower.

“What, these grasses grew up in bath water, isn’t it equivalent to drinking fairy bath water? I can’t eat them anymore.”

“Red boy, you are still young. I don’t know that those women are tigers. It’s meaningless at all.”

“Lao Niu, I don’t want to say anything to them, let alone eat the grass grown by their bath water.”

Hearing this, the old man became even more disgusted with the grass on the ground.

“Women are tigers, isn’t that more interesting?”

“Unexpectedly, Lao Niu, if you dislike women so much, what you said is definitely wrong. Obviously many gods want to go to If You Are the One to go on a blind date.”

“If women are boring, why are they rushing over?”

“If Xiaoyao Xian didn’t say that I was young and wouldn’t let me go up, I would want to participate.”

Hong Haier didn’t care about Lao Niu’s advice, but was still full of interest in female fairies.

“Sooner or later you will suffer.” Upon seeing this, the old cow sighed and said nothing more.

“Stop talking about it, Lao Niu, I came to see you this time for a serious matter.”

“You have been with the old man for so long, and you must know where he hid good things.”

“Tell me about where there are good things in Dousizong, I want the best one.”

Hong Haier didn’t want to talk about this topic either, and directly stated the main purpose of his coming.

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