Chapter 224 Red Boy: I stole a pocket to raise you

Early in the morning, refreshed.

Lin Chuan and the two little guys, each holding two tomatoes as big as fists, sat on the threshold and gnawed.

The one who was gnawing was overflowing with juice and drooling.

Sweet and sour tomatoes are perfect for appetizers.

And the tomatoes grown in the vegetable garden have just the right sourness and sweetness, which makes people want to eat them.

Lin Chuan originally came out to hang out after getting up early, but he ran into two little guys who stole food in the vegetable garden.

Later, I saw them eating happily, and I ate it myself…

“You guys, don’t eat early in the morning and sit here to eat tomatoes?” At this moment, Lin Juan came over, not having a good temper.

“It’s an appetizer. Actually, this tomato tastes good. Sister, please try it too.” Lin Chuan got up and patted his pants, took a tomato and handed it to Lin Juan.

“Don’t want to use this to bribe me. I haven’t even said about you yet. You are all uncles. They are still sitting on the threshold and nibbling on food, what it looks like.”

Lin Juan gave Lin Chuan a lesson, then took the tomatoes and ate them.

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan winked at the two little guys, causing a burst of sweet laughter, and overshadowing the chirping of the magpies on the branches.

After breakfast, Lin Chuan rushed to Changzhou with Junya and Jiuwei to set up a formation in the Deling Building.

Originally, there was no need to worry about this, just take it easy.

But now there are just two free labors, and of course they have to make good use of them.

“Pixiu, you pulled us over to let us work?”

After arriving at the place, Jumei heard Lin Chuan’s intention to call them over, and felt that the whole person was not good.

He and Nine Tails came to play with Lin Chuan, and took a vacation to relax.

As a result, Lin Chuan brought them over to work!

This is a holiday, let them work, should they be so cruel.

“Yes, I’m going to set up a formation here, but there is a shortage of manpower. It just so happens that you are here, so of course I have to call you.”

Lin Chuan was righteous and confident.

“You’re really right to call Pai Xiu, you’re careful, and even our two free labors have to be squeezed out.” Kyuubi couldn’t help but vomit.

“I’m not happy with what you said. Didn’t you feel happy about shopping yesterday? Would you like to return those famous-brand bags?”

Lin Chuan squinted his eyes and said.

“Work, work, everyone is a teammate, it is normal to help each other.”

“Besides, Pai Yao is so generous, surely he won’t treat us badly!”

When Kyuubi heard that he was going to return the bag he had chosen so hard yesterday, he immediately urged Suo Ma to go to work together as if stepping on his tail.

Although those bags were exempt from the shopping mall people, Kyuubi knew very well that they were all at the face of Lin Chuan.

These bags are now her lifeblood, and she has to hold them when she sleeps, so how can she go back.

Suo Ma, who was urged by Kyuubi, had no choice but to take the materials given by Lin Chuan and go to the designated place to place it.

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan also began to get busy.

Regardless of the previous nine-tailed formations, they were all set up at once.

In fact, all the arrays that can be set up are very simple formations. The real big formations have too much attention to detail.

Every material in the formation is very particular about the placement of it, and there can be no deviation.

It is said that the team began to arrange formations after obtaining the Transforming Orb. There is no news yet, which shows the difficulty of it.

Moreover, only immortal cultivators who are very sensitive to spiritual energy can accurately find the location, and it is useless to ask more ordinary people to help.

Therefore, the formation of the Deling Building can only be arranged by the three of Lin Chuan. There are so many things to do, and it will take a few days to get it done.

Lin Chuan took Mi and Jiuwei, and worked in the Deling Building for several days in a row.

During the period, all the employees in the management company liked to get close to Lin Chuan, ask for warmth, serve tea and water, that is a passion.

Lin Chuan knew this well and didn’t expose them, and stopped what was on hand from time to time to chat with them.

Through chatting, Lin Chuan found that there are still many talents in the company.

It’s just that the general manager was pressing down before, and he couldn’t show his ability no matter how much he had.

As for the general manager, after the audit company entered, it was quickly found out that he had moved nearly ten million from the company’s account to his overseas private account.

Moreover, he also found out that he took money from a newly opened office building, deliberately making things difficult for the company in the Deling Building, and forcing them to go there.

After calling the police, the yamen took him into the detention center, and he honestly explained that the junior he raised overseas was pregnant locally and urged him to buy a house.

As soon as the general manager gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, he was ready to make a fortune, and then escaped, and went overseas to spend time with the little three…

After Lin Chuan learned the news, he wondered how many sacred beasts ran past.

As long as people are shameless, they can really do everything.

Fortunately, Lin Chuan quickly cut the mess and took him down.

Qian Shichang also received the news, and immediately called to apologize to him, saying that he didn’t know the person, believed him in the wrong, and planned to fly over to apologize.

Naturally, Lin Chuan didn’t bother to let him go to war. He has a lot to do now, but he has no time to entertain Qian Shichang.

Moreover, those people left by Qian Shichang, in fact, the general manager alone has a serious brain illness, and the others are considered excellent talents.

Especially the few vice presidents, they struggled for the position of general manager. They racked their brains to come up with a bunch of methods, and even went out to talk in person, and they have already attracted many companies to settle in.

In a short period of time, the decline of Deling Building had already reversed.

On this day, when Lin Chuan continued to lay out the formation with Jumei and Nine Tails, he heard a series of message prompts.

He turned on the phone and found that it was the little boy named Honghaier, saying that he was bored, and clamoring for Lin Chuan to find him some fun things.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Hong Haier, do you know that I am very poor? 】

Naturally, Lin Chuan would not be used to this little kid, but it would be very annoying if Red Boy started something, so Lin Chuan sold it badly.

I’m so miserable, you’re always embarrassed to come to me again to squeeze the wool, right?

[Red Boy: So you are so miserable, before you gave me so many delicious and fun things, what a great person.

Well, I’ll go to Dust Palace to steal things to support you. You can help me find some fun things, okay? 】

Hong Hai’er was really embarrassed, but he had a peculiar way of thinking, and soon came up with a solution.

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