Chapter 217

Yuan Cuihua’s voice is called a sad, that is called a sadness, coupled with her teary old face, unknowing passers-by will feel a little bit when they see it.

“You let me let you go?” Lin Chuan raised his brows and said lightly.

“Yes, yes, yes, I know you have a good personality and a kind heart. This kind of thing is definitely not what you told Young Master Wang to do.”

“Our mothers and daughters have really suffered a lot these days and suffered a lot of sins. We really knew we were wrong.”

“As long as you can forgive us, talk to Young Master Wang, and avoid the 1.5 million compensation, I will do it for you!”

Seeing Lin Chuan’s face, Yuan Cuihua didn’t show any obvious expression of disgust, and suddenly felt that there was a play, and she came directly to the upper body of the drama, and cried even more.

“You are quite accurate when you see people, I am really kind-hearted, and I don’t see anyone suffer…except you!”

“Think about what you have done before, you still have the face to ask me to forgive you?”

“No, you are shameless in the first place. It’s not surprising that you can do this kind of thing.”

Lin Chuan stretched out his hand to push Yuan Cuihua away, and said coldly.

When he first spoke, Yuan Cuihua was still happy, thinking that Lin Chuan might really let them go.

But the more she heard it, the colder her heart became, knowing that this matter was completely useless.

Yuan Cuihua finally began to regret what she did to Lin Chuan, did she go too far?

It is a pity that there is no regret about taking medicine in this world. Yuan Cuihua has done those things before, so he must pay the corresponding price!

Either you spend your whole life in repaying your debts, or you sell your house and become homeless, there is no third option anymore.

Yuan Cuihua slumped on the ground, feeling that there was no hope in life.

“Let’s go.” Lin Chuan didn’t even look at her again, and brought a bunch of people into the office.

“Why are you still in a daze? Hurry up and clean up. The person from the auditing company will come over and see this scene. What do you want to pay?”

A little supervisor lags behind, urging Yuan Cuihua to work quickly.

“Yes, yes, I will clean it up.” As soon as he heard the word’salary’, Yuan Cuihua immediately came back to life and rushed to deal with the puddle of urine.

Lin Chuan returned to the company with a bunch of people, and directly summoned all the company owners into the large conference room.

“You should have heard about the former general manager. Now that the position of the company’s general manager is vacant, I need a capable person to take it.”

“Regardless of whether it is a department head, an ordinary employee, or even a new employee who has just joined the company, there are opportunities.”

“Now the company urgently needs to get rid of the predicament. Whoever can put forward a good plan or suggestion can add points to me. If you have any ideas, please tell me.”

Lin Chuan stood on the main seat, scanned the audience, and said cleanly.

When he said this, everyone in the company’s eyes lit up.

The position of managing the company’s general manager is very good.

And as long as they have this qualification, even if they are dismissed for not doing well, they will be able to find a job much better than they are now.

“I have an idea. Now the company’s service is too bad, many warranties are not repaired, and the security guard’s attitude is relatively bad, which gives people a very bad impression.”

“I know that the government has a policy to support start-up companies. I think we can fight for it and cooperate with the government to use our building as a base for innovation and entrepreneurship.”

“In a few days, there will be a large-scale investment promotion association in Changzhou. We can go to a place to bring in those enterprises that have attracted investment.”

“The rent of our building is not as competitive as other office buildings. It can be appropriately lowered and provide more services to attract companies to settle in.”

Under the temptation of the position of general manager, everyone in the management of the company racked their brains and gave one idea after another.

The clerk in charge of meeting minutes had a phantom with his fingers on the keyboard, but he almost couldn’t keep up.

Lin Chuan sat in the boss’s chair, watching the people who made suggestions, nodding to them frequently, encouraging them to speak more boldly.

After nearly an hour, the meeting room gradually became quiet, because they had already mentioned all the suggestions they could make, and no one could come up with new ones.

“I see your performance in my eyes, and I will take some feasible methods to try.”

“Whoever puts forward the best suggestion is the position of the general manager.”

“I hope everyone will not slacken in the next work. I will always pay attention to your performance.”

“The corresponding plan will appear in your hands tomorrow. The meeting is over!”

Seeing that they had finished making comments, Lin Chuan waved his hand directly.

When the employees heard the words, they left with anticipation, and there were only a few brothers and Yue Qin’er left in the meeting room.

“Pixiu, I didn’t expect your management of the company to be okay, you can change the situation so quickly.” Hearing the staff’s suggestions throughout the process, he was amazed.

Lin Chuan’s cultivation is already quite good among his peers, and he is talented in business, and he is simply versatile.

“The main reason is that when Pai Yao came up, he took down the general manager and used this position to attract other employees.”

“This should be called Linchuan fishing. Those who wish to take the bait, such a big bait is here, it’s strange that those employees don’t actively make suggestions.”

Yue Qin’er also admired Lin Chuan’s handling.

This may not be the best way to deal with it, but it is definitely the fastest. It can reverse the current situation of Deling Building in the shortest time and stimulate the morale of employees.

“Don’t say it, these suggestions are good.”

“If it weren’t for our repair and management team, there were only a few companies, and it’s not easy to relocate, I would like to suggest that the team should open the company here.”

Juma thought about the upcoming reforms of the Deling Building, and wished Limara a company to come over.

“We still have a company in our group?” Lin Chuan asked with some curiosity.

“Look at what you said, our repair and management team is independent, and there is no government financial support. If you don’t start a company, where can you get the money to give bonuses.”

“Don’t talk about us. As long as the cultivators are in a sect, they basically have their own companies, which they use to make money, find resources, and collect information.”

Nine Tails gave Lin Chuan a wave of common sense in the spiritual world.

“With that said, I can also attract some companies from the spiritual world to come over?” Lin Chuan heard this and suddenly had an idea.

“What do you think? Except for the various resources in practice, the spiritual world doesn’t care about others. The preferential conditions you have here simply won’t attract them.”

Kyuubi smiled and shook his head, thinking that Lin Chuan was whimsical.

“What if Deling Building has the resources they want?” Lin Chuan smiled faintly and said meaningfully.

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