Chapter 211: How can the matter between brothers be called the back door?

“These gods, one by one, are really very realistic.” Lin Chuan looked at the enthusiastic response of these gods, and felt a lot of feelings in his heart.

He also asked this question in the group before when he wanted a practice exercise.

As a result, each of these gods either loves to answer or just wants to benefit.

It happened that he was shy at the time and didn’t have much merit.

Had it not been for Xuanzang’s strength, he wouldn’t have been able to practice the exercises.

Asking the same question now, the attitude of these gods has taken a 180-degree turn.

All of them are very generous and are willing to give Lin Chuan exercises free of charge.

In the final analysis, Lin Chuan is doing well in Tianting.

Having opened two stores, I earn a lot of merit points every day.

Engaged in a blind date show, the result attracted the attention of the entire fairy world, these gods are so diligent, most of them are for the show.

Now if you are the one, you are very popular. Whether it is a male fairy or a female fairy, if you want to be on the show, you can’t pick it up.

If Lin Chuan hadn’t left this thing to Nezha, then he wouldn’t have to do anything else, and would have to reply to the WeChat of those gods who want to be on the show all day long.

Most of the people who offered him the courtesy were not selected for the second episode of the program.

The guy Taibai Jinxing took a different approach and planned to go directly to the backstage of the female guest.

In this regard, Lin Chuan just wanted to say: You are afraid that you are thinking of eating peaches. I haven’t been there yet. Let you go?

[Xiaoyao Xian: Everyone is so enthusiastic, I just want a few ordinary exercises.

We are fair trade, we can’t bring any conditions, especially don’t mention the requirements related to the program. 】

After Lin Chuan and other groups slowed down the news, he slid for a while.

Now he is not the one who wanted a copy of the practice technique in the first place.

Isn’t it a merit point? What we have is!

If you want to use a few mere books to practice the exercises, and ask him to make demands, don’t even think about it!

[Zhao Gongming: No, brother, you can’t treat me like this, just take pity for my single brother who doesn’t know how many tens of thousands of years. 】

[Dragon King of the East China Sea: It is difficult for the descendants of our dragon clan to multiply, and we really need to go on a blind date on the show. 】

[Han Zhongli: Why do you want to get stuck so hard? Isn’t it good for everyone to be on the show with the kindly? 】

[Tota King: Let’s just say it, how much benefit will it give you to be on the show? 】

[Nezha: @托塔天王, good you Li Jing, you are a man with a wife, but you still want to be on the show. I need my mother to file a complaint! 】

[Torta King: Did you call Li Jing? It’s not big or small… I’m asking for a friend, so don’t tell your mother, how bad it is to make her angry. 】

When the gods learned that Lin Chuan was so strict, they would rather use merit points to buy the exercises than give them the back door. They felt very uncomfortable.

King Tota was even more miserable, and was directly caught by Nezha.

If he wanted to keep his father’s majesty, he could only use the most serious tone and say the most insulting words, which was an embarrassment.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I understand everyone’s feelings, and I also thank you for your support to the show.

However, this show is run under the supervision of the Queen Mother. I must have high standards and strict requirements so that the show can be made wonderful.

Therefore, all people who go through the back door are declined, and you don’t need to mention it again! 】

After Lin Chuan waited for them to disappear, he immediately sent a high-sounding remark.

He hasn’t forgotten that the Queen Mother has been following this show, and there are too many people in the group.

If he really wants some benefits, he can just plug people. What will the queen mother think if she knows it?

“Niangniang, look at this.” Sure enough, after Lin Chuan finished this sentence, a female fairy took her mobile phone and sent it to the Queen Mother.

“This Xiaoyao Immortal is really interesting, it’s worthy of my trust in him.” The Queen Mother looked at Lin Chuan’s remarks and smiled with satisfaction.

The Queen Mother was satisfied, and the gods in the group had nothing to say after reading this passage.

Lin Chuan moved the Queen Mother out, what else can they say…

The gods who had no hope, suddenly stopped.

At this time, Lin Chuan received a separate message from Zhao Gongming.

[Zhao Gongming: Brother, I have a lot of exercises here, you can choose whatever you want. 】

Following this passage, there are hundreds of pictures, each of which introduces a practice technique.

Lin Chuan looked at the dense piles of exercises, his eyes were lost.

Didn’t Nine Tails say that cultivation techniques are precious? There are just a lot of them here, and you can’t pick them!

Lin Chuan, who was picky, didn’t look at it at all. He just chose a few pictures and saw that there were no special requirements in his cultivation, so he was satisfied.

As for whether these exercises are powerful or not, he doesn’t bother to care about what level he can cultivate.

Anyway, he didn’t expect his family to go to the spiritual realm to fight. He didn’t need much powerful exercises at all, and he didn’t need to pick and choose.

Taking 10,000 steps back, if you feel unsatisfied after practicing, it’s a big deal to find Zhao Gongming for a new one. It’s not a simple matter.

[Xiaoyao Xian: God of Wealth, I have already chosen, how many merit points do I need? 】

Lin Chuan reposted the selected pictures.

[Zhao Gongming: It’s all from my own family, it’s vulgar to talk about money, count as my eldest brother as a gift to you! 】

Zhao Gongming directly sent the exercises selected by Lin Chuan, without blinking his eyes.

How else can people be the God of Wealth?

[Xiaoyao Xian: Merit points are still to be given, otherwise I will feel sorry. 】

[Zhao Gongming: If you really give merit points, then our brother will not be able to do it! 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: If you say that, God of Wealth, the female guest is still missing a door-god backstage. I wonder if you have the intention to condescend to protect the safety of the female guest? 】

Seeing that Zhao Gongming’s attitude was so determined, Lin Chuan directly offered a position without knowing what his idea was.

[Zhao Gongming: I am obliged to protect the female guests if I am willing, thank you brother so much! 】

When Zhao Gongming saw that Lin Chuan went on the road in this way, the reward he gave was completely in line with his appetite, and he immediately opened his eyes and smiled, thinking that the brother Lin Chuan was too worthwhile.

Seeing Zhao Gongming’s satisfaction, Lin Chuan smiled faintly.

Whether you can go through the back door depends on whether the cost is large enough!

Zhao Gongming didn’t say anything when he came up. He threw out hundreds of practice exercises and let him choose.

If such a sincere person doesn’t meet his small requirements, Lin Chuan will feel sorry for him.

Besides, why are we going through the back door? This is caring about the marriage of a single old man!

How can the matter between brothers be called through the back door?

[Xiaoyao Xian: By the way, I have another question, what kind of exercises are suitable for people who are born with discerning eyes? 】

Lin Chuan looked at the several exercises sent by Zhao Gongming, and suddenly remembered Xinxin’s special situation, and asked Zhao Gongming again.

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