Chapter 203 I’m sorry, I have more firepower

Sorry, I have more firepower

Originally, Kyuubi’s attack was very smooth. Under her crazy output, the animals that looked like walking dead fell one after another.

Nine Tails are like mowing grass, harvesting a pile of walking dead in a short time, and they have no power to fight back.

But those walking corpses were obviously not muddy, and they quickly reacted, rushing to this side in piles.

And the sound just now obviously came from one of the walking dead.

“Nine-tailed, how are you?” Lin Chuan quickly asked when he saw that the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

“The aura in my body is completely messed up. I have to meditate and adjust. You can help me out first.”

Kyuubi didn’t try his best. After talking about his own situation, he quickly began to meditate, but his eyes were full of worry.

Lin Chuan is a little white in her eyes, can he withstand so many walking dead?

“No problem, you meditate at ease and leave the rest to me.”

“By the way, giving you a medicine should help you recover.”

Lin Chuan didn’t feel any pressure. He still cared about Nine Tails and handed her a Spirit Gathering Pill.

“What kind of pill is this, it can really have…” Kyuubi hesitated, not daring to take it casually.

As a result, Lin Chuan saw her procrastinating, and while she was talking and opening her mouth, Lin Chuan put the pill into her mouth, lifted her chin, and let her swallow it in.

“Pixiu, what are you doing!” Kyuubi who felt offended was very annoyed.

“Hurry up and meditate to recover. The walking dead are going to rush up.” Lin Chuan stared at the front without turning his head back.

Hearing this, Kyuubi quickly settled his mind and began to meditate.

Gradually, she discovered that the pill that she had just swallowed had a majestic spiritual power released, and immediately made her extremely chaotic spiritual power a lot better.

“What kind of panacea did Pixiu give me? It’s so powerful!”

Nine Tails, who felt the extraordinary place of the Spirit Gathering Pill, were very pleasantly surprised, and took the time to restore the spiritual power in the body.

Relying on Lin Chuan alone, she certainly won’t last long, she must quickly recover.

Lin Chuan also felt a little troublesome when he saw a lot of walking dead in the mountains and forests not far away.

Especially behind the pheasant and hare rushing in front, huge figures looming, obviously more difficult to provoke.

He had never seen such a scene.

“As for these chickens and dogs, Shanheyin probably won’t be needed, so let’s play with the talisman first.”

Originally, Lin Chuan wanted to use the seal of mountains and rivers to produce a wave of violence. He glanced at Nine Tails who was meditating with his eyes closed, but he put away his thoughts and pulled out a stack of talismans.

In front of these new teammates who have just met, it is still necessary to preserve strength.

Lin Chuan quickly entered the fighting state and smashed out a piece of talisman. The output was even more violent than the previous Nine Tails.

The walking corpses that were pouring over were wiped out in an instant.



Lin Chuan’s fierce attack did not scare the walking dead back.

Those walking corpses reacted even more strongly, as if they stabbed a hornet’s nest, rushed towards here frantically.

Several giants hidden in the back also jumped out of the mountains and forests and rushed towards this side.

Tigers, leopards and jackals have everything they need, and their actions are quick, and they don’t want to give them a chance to react at all.

“Be careful!” Kyuubi heard the movement and opened his eyes. He just saw those tigers, leopards and jackals rushing over, his face paled.

At this time her spiritual power has not yet returned to normal, and Xiaobai, Lin Chuan, is obviously also hard to beat four hands with two fists.

The only defensive formation that can be relied on can not resist for much time.

Once you get close by these walking corpses, you can imagine the consequences!

“Am I going to be planted here?” Kyuubi, who could do nothing, closed his eyes in pain.

“Give me to die!” Lin Chuan faced such a dangerous scene, but he could not see the slightest fear on his face, so he threw all the talisman in his hand!

To be less, there were hundreds of talismans, all of which were scattered. The scene was quite shocking.

The light of various spells appeared in the air!

In the face of extremely fierce attacks, no matter it was tigers, leopards, jackals, or ordinary animals, they did not have the power to fight back and were completely wiped out.

Within a few hundred meters in front of Lin Chuan, a vacuum zone was directly formed!

The walking dead that was not killed farther away, were so scared that they turned around and ran away, without daring to look back.

“This…” Kyuubi opened his eyes when the light of various spells suddenly appeared. Seeing such a shocking scene, he didn’t know what to say in a daze.

To tell the truth, the power of each of these talisman in Lin Chuan’s hands is equivalent to a full blow by a cultivator in the late stage of Qi training.

For a cultivator like Nine Tails in the late stage of foundation building, this power is naturally insignificant.

But when there were hundreds of such powerful attacks in an instant, she felt the creepy feeling.

With the current status of the spiritual world, apart from the superb practice sects, wherever there might be such a scene where hundreds of monks attack at the same time.

There are many immortal cultivators in the management team of the spiritual realm, but they are all scattered to perform tasks, and so many immortal cultivators are not gathered.

It was the first time she saw a situation like this.

At this time, she had only one feeling in her heart, and that was the moat, the inhuman kind of moat!

“What’s wrong with Kyuubi? Are you scared?”

“Sorry, my firepower seems to be greater than yours, but the situation was urgent just now and I didn’t have time to remind you.”

Lin Chuan looked at Jiuwei’s dull eyes, thought she was scared, and apologized.

“…” Kyuubi came back to his senses, and immediately became speechless after hearing his words.

Before, she thought that Lin Chuan was here to play support, but as a result, he was the main output.

What she had told Lin Chuan before, now it is a joke.

Lin Chuan also felt a little helpless about this. He thought it was easy to play support, but his strength didn’t allow it.

If you show a little bit of skill, you will be better than Kyuubi.

“Local tyrant, let’s be friends!” Nine Tails just felt sad, and instantly jumped up, pulling Lin Chuan’s arm, and glaring at him wildly.

The price of a talisman is not low, and all the equipment Lin Chuan used just now is enough for her to buy!

Such a proud person is not allowed to get close.

“Kiuwei, what are you doing!” Before Lin Chuan had time to react, he heard Suoya’s roar.

He got out of the soil and stared at Lin Chuan with red eyes, full of anger, as if he had been green…

“Yuyan, come here, I just learned that Pai Yao is a local tyrant. He used hundreds of talismans just now.”

Kyuubi greeted him happily without any feeling when he saw Jumei’s appearance.

“What, there is such a thing!”

“Thou tyrant, do you still lack leg pendants?”

Hearing the words, Su Ma instantly changed his face, looked at Lin Chuan with beaming eyes and said.


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