Chapter 2

Shennong’s request to add friends?

Could it be that it was also aimed at Shengshengdan?

Fairy Baihua: (Six proud expressions in a row) Immortal friends don’t know that Shengsheng Pill can not only provide immortal cultivators with endless aura, but also has an important function, which is to improve the soil and let the soil nurture Higher-quality plants. Shennong’s Medicine Garden and Ben Fairy’s Hundred Gardens needed this kind of pill the most, and Ben Fairy guessed that only he was willing.

Lin Chuan’s heart moved to improve the soil? !

Lin Chuan has an acre of land in Taoyuan Village and has planted various vegetables. If Shengshengdan is used to improve the soil, can those vegetables not be sold at sky-high prices? !

“So, fairy, let me ask, how much land can a sacred high-level life pill affect?”

Fairy Baihua: If it is a thousand acres of land, the effect of Shengsheng Pill can be maintained for more than three years, and the spirit is endless, and the quality of the planted materials will be greatly improved, whether it is medicinal materials or other plants. By the way, what is the fairy friend asking this for? (Followed by a confused expression)

Thousand acres…

Laozi only has one acre of land! You can’t use Shengshengdan to cheapen other people’s land! ! !

“Oh, that’s it. I also have a yard. I also like to grow flowers and vegetables, so I want to keep it for my own use.”

Fairy Baihua: (Sent to a row of shocks) How big the yard can be, using Shengsheng Pill, the fairy friends are really violent! I suggest that fairy friends should be diluted before use. According to a certain proportion, it must not be wasted.

“Then… ask Fairy, if my yard only has one mu of land, what is the approximate ratio?”

Fairy Baihua: (Expression of contempt) Only one acre! ! ! Fairy friend, then I suggest that you should change to the Spirit Gathering Pill with me! Don’t waste the life pill! I can give you 65 Holy Grade Primary Spirit Gathering Pills! One is enough to maintain the soil nutrients of one mu of land for two years!


Lin Chuan is secretly calculating whether it is worthwhile.

Fairy Baihua thought that Lin Chuan would not: (three angry expressions) Fairy friend, don’t be too greedy, you are a holy product, not a fairy product, 65 holy product primary spirit gathering pills are already the limit that can be exchanged. Even for Shennong, it is absolutely impossible to reach this price.

“Well, how to trade?” Lin Chuan realized that this is really the limit of trading.

Fairy Baihua: (Shocked!!!) Don’t you know? Use a scan to align the item to be traded, and then you can send it. But wait a minute, give me some time to prepare.

“No problem, I believe in Fairy. Besides, I have to ask Fairy to clarify. I don’t know the level of pill medicine. Can Fairy tell me briefly?”

Fairy Baihua: Silent, you don’t take medicine for the fairy friend? Then how did you cultivate to become an immortal?

“Haha, I just focus on cultivating and don’t pay much attention to it.”

Lin Chuan was suddenly afraid for a while, and he still couldn’t ask too much in the future. If these gods knew that they were such a mortal being in the chat group, they wouldn’t cut themselves alive!

Fairy Baihua: Let’s go, the pill is divided into seven grades, low grade, medium grade, high grade, holy grade, fairy grade, god grade and legendary grade. Each grade is divided into three grades for junior high school and high school.

“So that’s the case.” Lin Chuan originally wanted to ask more deeply, but was afraid of exposure, so he held back.

He switched to the Shennong chat interface again.

“Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time, I plan to use the Shengsheng Pill for myself, sorry, sorry.”

Shennong: Don’t, fairy friend, I can get 60 Spirit Gathering Pills. No, 60 Holy Grade Primary Spirit Gathering Pills. Would you consider it?

Lin Chuan secretly thought, Baihua Fairy said that 65 Spirit Gathering Pill was already the limit, so Laozi was not pitted.

“Shennong, I’m really sorry, Benxian decided to use it by himself. If there are any more next time, I will trade with you again, how about?”

Shennong: (Crying expression) Oh, now that Friends Xian has made a decision, there is no way.

Ended the single chat.

Before long, Fairy Baihua was ready to make a deal.

In the inventory, the Shengsheng Pill disappeared, and there were 65 more Spirit Gathering Pills.

Lin Chuan was shocked.

If it was not completely certain before the transaction, whether this Heavenly Court chat group was true or false, but now he completely believed it.

Extract 1 pill of Ju Ling.

Just thinking about it in my heart, there was a black immortal medicine in my hand, a faint fragrance, accompanied by a wisp of smoke and mist, in the palm of Lin Chuan’s palm.

Walking quickly to the vegetable field in the backyard, Lin Chuan scooped a bucket of water excitedly and nervously, and threw the Spirit Gathering Pill into the water. After waiting for ten seconds, the Spirit Gathering Pill slowly dissolved in the water.

The refreshing fragrance spreads with the wind, originally because the smell of “organic fertilizer” was added, it was washed away.

The color of the water was clear and transparent, Lin Chuan poured the water into the ground, and it penetrated into the soil in a moment.

The originally yellow soil, in just a few minutes, became black and shiny, and spread out to the surroundings.

Lin Chuan held his breath, incredibly excited.

Lin Chuan is the only one at home, and his parents moved to the city because they wanted to bring a baby to her sister Lin Juan.

Otherwise, you won’t be scared when you see this heaven-defying wonder!

“A Gathering Pill can maintain nourishment for at least two years. Doesn’t it mean that you don’t even need to give fertilizer in the future.” Lin Chuan was overwhelmed.

How did he know that Fairy Baihua said that such a sacred and elementary Spirit Gathering Pill works on the soil of the immortal world!

This mortal land, let alone two years, can guarantee fertility for decades!

The spiritual energy spread quickly, and at most half an hour, this area of ​​one acre, which is more than 600 square meters, will be upgraded to spiritual soil.

In the field, there are green peppers, morning peppers, eggplants, water spinach, red amaranth, tomatoes, and half of the area is set up to plant cucumbers, bitter gourds, pumpkins, carobs, and loofah.

Lin Chuan suddenly discovered that the leaves of a green pepper plant in front of him that had been a little wilted unexpectedly stretched out, and some of the dry areas became green.

So fast!

Lin Chuan volleyed a fist.

Grinning excitedly.

The things in the fairy world are really extraordinary.

It suddenly occurred to him that since this Spirit Gathering Pill had such a miraculous effect, what if he took it by himself?

His heart beat faster and turned on WeChat on his mobile phone.

In the inventory, clicked on the Spirit Gathering Pill.

The details page appears.

【Spirit Gathering Pill, the holy product is elementary, contains a large amount of aura, and the user can quickly restore the aura. Note: Do not take below Dixian. 】

Do not take below TMD Dixian!

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