Chapter 10 Buying a house and land, a great deal

The transaction went very smoothly.

After meeting Li Datou, after a few minutes of talking, he made a decision.

I found an intermediary nearby, gave some intermediary fees, signed the contract, and went straight to the Housing Management Bureau.

In less than two hours, Lin Chuan transferred the money to Li Datou, took back the keys, and after 20 working days, he officially took the house book.

Lin Chuan was excited.

Their Lin family has always been poor.

Other people in the village have built small buildings with several floors, but their Lin family has only three small tiled houses.

Even the land, other people’s homes have 35 acres at every turn, but their Lin family only has one acre of land.

In addition to being poor, the poorness of the Lin family is also a reason for being looked down upon in the village.

Lin Dashan has only one son and one daughter, which is nothing in the city, but in the countryside, this will be the main reason for being bullied.

Even Lin Dashan’s relatives look down upon them, let alone other villagers.

But now, everything will be different!

When he returned to his sister and brother-in-law’s house, Lin Chuan burst into something called ambition.

“Have you gone through the procedures?” Lin Dashan hugged his little niece Xinxin, and asked nervously.

Lin Chuan was full of spring breeze: “Go ahead and talk about it.”

Lin Dashan kicked a pair of slippers that had already been prepared.

“People Xiao Yao is willing to put out so much money to invest, you have to work hard, don’t lose the chain to others, let down the trust of others, have you heard?”

“Don’t worry, is your son an unreliable person?”

Putting on the slippers, Lin Chuan asked casually: “Where is my mother?”

“I went shopping, I should be back soon. Is it done?”

“It’s done.”

“That’s good.” Lin Dashan breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Chuan took over Xinxin, who was not yet one year old, and made Xinxin giggled.

“This pill is for you.” Lin Chuan freed up a hand and extracted a spirit gathering pill.

Lin Dashan frowned, “I’m not sick again, what medicine should I take!”

“Trust me, it will be great for your body if you eat it.”

Lin Dashan took a serious look at his son and took it.

“Eat now?”


Lin Dashan hesitated, put the pill into his mouth and swallowed it.

After a while, Lin Dashan sensed the changes in his body.

“This medicine is…”

“Don’t worry, I also took one.”

“I’m asking, where did you get this medicine.”

“Don’t ask, you just don’t know.” Lin Chuan smiled slyly.

“This kid…”

Lin Dashan no longer said more.

Not long after, Gao Ping came back with a vegetable basket.

Lin Chuan also gave his mother one.

Under Lin Dashan’s sway, Gao Ping ate too.

It didn’t take long for them to end the baptism of the elixir, and their faces were radiant, and they were all at least ten years younger.

The two elders were originally in their 50s because of the pressure of life, but they were older than their peers.

The two elders were all too excited.

“These two, when my sister and brother-in-law come back, give them.”

Gao Ping curled her lips: “Of course it is for your sister, for Xiao Deng… Hmph, I’m not happy.”

Lin Dashan gave a wry smile and did not speak.

Lin Chuan frowned: “What’s the matter?”

Gao Ping sneered: “Your brother-in-law’s snobbery family, you don’t know that you look down on our rural people. Last week, Xiao Deng’s power mother came here, yin and yang are weird, suggesting that we should take Xinxin back to the country. The house is vacated for rent.”

Lin Chuan frowned: “Isn’t this driving people? You are here to bring your granddaughter to their family!”

Gao Ping was indignant: “Isn’t it, that family looks inferior and patriarchal. Your sister gave birth to a daughter, not a boy, so she can talk strange things and show your sister’s face…”

Lin Chuan was stunned: “Why no one told me about this?”

Gao Ping rolled her eyes: “Is it useful to tell you?”

Lin Chuan held back his anger and asked, “Then what attitude is Deng Wei?”

“What kind of attitude can Deng Wei have, pretending to be deaf, and if it weren’t for his attitude, I wouldn’t be dissatisfied with him.”

Lin Chuan was unhappy: “If this is the case, then don’t send someone under the fence, go back to Taoyuan Village!”

Lin Dashan sighed: “Aren’t we distressed Xinxin this child? We are leaving, who will bring it? The Deng family has already said that they don’t have time to take care of the child, so you can’t let your sister quit her job and take the baby at home. , If you don’t have a job, won’t you be more angry in the future?”

Lin Chuan knew that this matter was really difficult to handle. He would rather demolish ten temples than break a marriage.

Isn’t it the separation of mother and daughter to take Xinxin to the country?

If you don’t take it away, nobody cares here.

If you ask your sister to go together, should they let the husband and wife separate?

This matter is a trouble.

Upright officials can hardly break housework.

If this had been in the past, Lin Chuan could only be helpless and accept it aggrievedly.

but now.

Lin Chuan doesn’t think this matter is unsolvable.

“Dad, Mom, I’ll take care of this.”

Gao Ping said in a strange way: “You solve it? How do you solve it?”

Lin Chuan chuckled softly: “Don’t worry, you can stay here for a few more days and let my sister resign. Everything is waiting for me to arrange.”

With that said, he put away a Spirit Gathering Pill.

Since my sister is suffering here, I’m sorry, this spirit-gathering tannin would rather be fed to the dog, it is impossible to give it to you.

“Resign?” Gao Ping looked puzzled.

“Yes, when my side is sorted out, I need manpower to find outsiders, it is better to find my own family.”

“That’s okay, at least it can save other people’s wages.” Gao Ping couldn’t help nodding. “If you want to start your own business, of course we will fully support it.”

Lin Chuan urged: “Look at the sludge in your body, go and take a bath soon.”

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