Chapter 836

   "I want a car, how can I ride in a car like that of a poor man? No, you must find a car for me."

   Mu Yali's face turned sour when she thought that she was going to ride a bicycle.


  Yu Shuping and Shi Xiang looked at each other and shook their heads immediately, "No, we don't have limousines here, but donkey carts and ox carts. Would you like to sit?"

"What did you say?"

  Mu Yali thought she had heard it wrong, these two women actually wanted to ride an ox cart and a donkey cart by themselves.

   If this was spread to the capital, she would not be laughed at by those little sisters, she didn't want it.

"I'm going to make a car now. If you can find a car for me, I'll give you 200 yuan." Mu Yali seemed to have touched the lifeblood of the mother and daughter. When they mentioned the money, they were like pugs. Move forward the same.

   Sure enough, after Yu Shuping and Shi Xiang looked at each other, greed flashed in their eyes, "Okay, I'll leave this to our mother and daughter, and I promise to find you a car."

  Shi Xiang immediately ran to the village and called Lin Yu and asked him to find a car in the town. It didn't matter what the price was, as long as it was a car.

  Lin Yu was originally reluctant, but Shi Xiang said he could give him 50 yuan for errands, and Lin Yu agreed immediately.

  20 minutes later, Lin Yu looked around and found only a small truck that was pulling goods. After negotiating the price, he and the truck came to Shangwan Village.

Lin Yu had been with Qin Lan before, and often came to Shangwan Village to find Qin Lan. He was very familiar with Shangwan Village. Before reaching the entrance of the village, he saw Yu Shuping and Shi Xiang, and a very beautiful woman standing beside them. .

  Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked the driver to stop in front of the three women. He looked at Mu Yali without blinking.

   Immediately thought of something, he hurriedly tidied up his clothes and hair, and after confirming that he was in good shape, he pretended to be polite and got out of the car.

   smiled at the three women, "Why did you guys come out and wait? By the way, Shi Xiang, this is."

  Lin Yu originally wanted to pretend to be reserved, but his eyes seemed to stick to Mu Yali and could no longer move.

   This made Shi Xiang feel bad, so he coughed hard and then pulled Lin Yu's soul back.

   Mu Yali's stomach turned upside down when Lin Yu saw it, she almost vomited, she quickly turned her face to Shi Xiang's side, and asked, "Where is the car I want, is it coming?"

   Although Shi Xiang was very angry that Lin Yu was fascinated by this vixen, but when she thought about it for money, she forcibly endured it. Anyway, this woman will never appear again in the future, so why bother.

   So, she pointed to the pickup and said as a matter of course, "Isn't this a car?"

"That's it?"

   Mu Yali was shocked and said angrily, "You actually asked me to make this kind of car? Are you crazy, I mean a car, a car Understand?"

  Shi Xiang was speechless, "What's more, it's not bad to be able to find four wheels. If you don't want to take this, you can only take a bicycle, an ox cart, a donkey cart, you choose one!"

  Mu Yali is going crazy, are these two women playing with her on purpose? What she wanted was a small car, but what they found was a small truck, and it was also a small truck with pork. It didn't taste much, and she always felt that if she got on it, she would have the illusion of being offended.

   Pork: They are the ones offended.

   Mu Yali was in a bad mood, "I want a car, can't you understand a car?"

   "Anyway, if you don't ride, you can only ride in ox carts and donkey carts"

   (end of this chapter)

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