Chapter 813 Spices

   After a short while, with a puff, a small squirming bug was sprayed out, yes, it was a spray.

   Qin Xi used Xuanzhen Qi to force it out. If not, the Gu worms in Cui Xiaoxiao's body would be attached to her flesh and blood, and would not come down even if she died.

   Only this method can force it out.

The    military doctor came to the Gu worm who was struggling desperately, and took a closer look, "So this is the Gu? It's no different from an ordinary little worm!"

   said and wanted to touch it with his hands.

   Qin Xi said quietly, "If you don't want to be like Cui Xiaoxiao, you'd better trample it to death!"

  The military doctor withdrew his hand instantly, took two steps back quickly, and looked at the little bug crawling on the ground in horror, "Is this thing so cruel?"

   Qin Xi put away the silver needle and replied lightly, "You can try it!"

   The military doctor's face turned pale, and he shook his head like a rattle, "I don't want it anymore!"

   He stretched out his foot and slammed the man-eater Gu directly to the ground, and the red particles with particles inside splashed everywhere.

   "Hey~ what is this, so disgusting!"

   It's not that he is hypocritical, but that this thing not only looks disgusting, but the smell it exudes has a very strong rancid odor, which makes his stomach churn.

   Qin Xi took out an elixir, opened Cui Xiaoxiao's mouth, and stuffed the elixir into her mouth. The elixir melted in her mouth, and Cui Xiaoxiao's throat rolled.

   "This is the internal organs that it ate away. Fortunately, I found it early, otherwise even the gods wouldn't be able to save her."

   Seeing her agile technique, Du Zhentao immediately believed her by seven or eight points, however, his eyes moved to the ground, and the face of the dead Gu worm, which could no longer die, was extremely solemn and ugly.

   "I didn't expect that after all these years, people still use this thing. It's really outrageous."

   Standing in his position, he naturally knew about the poison and how terrifying it was, but he didn't dare to easily contaminate it with anything related to the poison, for fear of putting himself in it.

   The above had warned those people who were good at gu poisoning that once they were discovered, they would never be lenient. Now that so many years have passed, there are still people who dare to raise gu blatantly. They simply ignore their warnings.

   Qin Xi said with a smile, "What's so strange about this, I have encountered several waves, and the other party not only used it, but also used it in a particularly despicable way!"

  Du Zhentao's face was as gloomy as water, and his momentum was rising steadily. He tried his best to suppress his volcanic eruption-like temper. He gritted his teeth and asked, "What does Dr. Qin mean?"

  Qin Xi did not shy away from telling people about the collective medieval affairs of Mr. Wang and a kind of archaeological team, as well as the affairs of Fu Sheng's mother.

  Du Zhentao became more angry the more he listened, and the more gloomy his expression became. In the end, his eyes were scarlet like a wild beast. The temperature of the surrounding air plummeted. The military doctor was frightened and felt as if he was in an ice cellar.

   "There's no such thing, there's really no such thing"

   He took a few deep breaths to relieve the anger in his heart. He looked at Qin Xi with apologetic eyes, "I'm really sorry, I was too excited just now and didn't restrain my emotions."

   Qin Xi thought for a while, raised his mouth, and said, "Although Gu worms are omnipresent, they are not omnipotent. If the chief wants a solution, it is actually very simple."

   "Oh? Doctor Qin has a way to suppress these Gu worms?" Du Zhentao was overjoyed and couldn't wait to ask.

   "Just a little bug, I have a spice, as long as the spice is ignited, no matter what kind of worm it is, it will be affected. If you want, I can give you a few packs for free." Qin Xi said.

  Du Zhentao was overjoyed, "Then thank Dr. Qin first."

   (end of this chapter)

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