Chapter 803

   "This is amazing, it's impossible!"

A middle-aged senior doctor looked at the girl who had joined the medical team, and asked sternly, "Who are you, why did you join our medical team, and what kind of hemostatic medicine was just now, how could it stop in 7 seconds? Live blood, it's not common sense at all."

The girl who joined the medical team was named Song Jia, a staff member of Sunshine Pharma. She had the fearless eyes of a doctor and spread her hands innocently, "Doctor, the premise is that no one can develop it, but the hemostatic powder in my hand is not. Break through your cognition, so you will feel unreasonable.

Let me tell you the truth, our Sunshine Pharma not only has the unparalleled miraculous effect of Hemostatic Powder, but other medicines such as antipyretics are even more remarkable. Only two capsules are needed, and the fever will naturally subside within 20 minutes. Any action is required. "

   "Impossible, you are too alarmist." The senior doctor immediately retorted.

  The Song family pointed to the little girl's leg and looked at him, "Then how do you say this, it's also alarmist?"

   "Without my Zhixuesan, how could this doctor stop the blood flowing out of the patient's aorta in a short period of time?"

   The senior doctor's face changed, but he was speechless.

   "Sister, can I, can I use this medicine?" The pale, weak little girl felt the cold, extremely comfortable temperature on the hemostasis, she endured the pain and raised her head to ask, her voice as thin as a mosquito.

Song Jia touched the extremely weak little girl, her nose was sore, she held back tears, squatted down and stroked her forehead, comforting, "Of course, Sunshine Pharma just wants to bring sunshine and peace to the patients. The place of hope, elder sister sees you in pain, elder sister has a piece of candy here, little sister, do you want to eat it?"

   She took out a piece of red gum candy in the shape of a strawberry, put it to the mouth of the little girl and asked, "Do you want to eat it, little sister?"

   The little girl was in so much pain, seeing the red candy, still in the shape of a strawberry she liked, she immediately said sweetly, "Thank you, sister!"

   The little girl forced a smile, but politely thanked the other party.

   After eating the candy, the Song family told the male doctor, "I just gave her blood medicine. Doctor, time is running out. If you don't want her to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, please use our medicine."

  The doctor and the medical team looked at each other, and finally looked at Zhixuesan. The doctor gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, now, I need disinfectant and antipyretics."

   He said a lot of medicines in one breath, and the Song family's eyes lit up, and immediately took out what he needed from the large medicine box on his body.

   Not to mention, when the doctor used the medicines from Sunshine Pharma, all the treatment procedures seemed to be shortened a lot at once. Although the little girl's leg still needs to be operated on, it is shocking that her leg does not need to be amputated.

   At this point, the doctor was excited and immediately notified his hospital. When the director knew about this, he was shocked on the spot. After he reacted, he immediately asked the doctor to use sunshine medicine.

   The top priority is that as long as the treatment efficiency can be improved, the dean can’t take care of that much. With a little more assurance, more people can be treated.

   As a result, the efficacy of Sunshine Pharma suddenly spread, and even though some doctors did not dare to believe it, the patients themselves insisted.

   After all, their lives are their own, and there is no multi-interest dispute. Whichever is good for them will naturally use that.

   As a result, in just one day, Sunshine Pharma has become the drug of choice for saving lives and wounds, squeezing out all those old-fashioned pharmaceutical companies.

   (end of this chapter)

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