My Mech Queen

Chapter 462

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4 The joint meeting of the Star Alliance lasted half a month before and after the finalization of specific issues in various aspects, and then the large and small forces began to gradually perform their corresponding responsibilities according to the terms of the joint meeting. The transfer is the top priority.

Military power is the root of all large and small forces. It is obviously not a trivial matter to transfer most of the military power to the joint military department. However, at the joint meeting, the various forces have reached consensus and signed the corresponding joint statement. It took 3 months. The transfer of the corresponding military force is the deadline.

The fastest response to the transfer of military power is the 4 top forces of the 21 Star Alliance. After only one month after the joint meeting, they handed over 100 points and 90 military battle strength to the joint military department. When it became a leading role model, then other forces of all sizes successively handed over most of the military forces under control to the Joint Force.

Regarding the various aspects of the 4 Planet Alliance ’s actions, Fang Shi, who is far away from the Tavin Planet Sky Tower City, has already received relevant information. During the 4 Planet Alliance held a joint meeting, he had already learned the relevant information. It was just after he had just held a grand press conference for the large battleship Tarvin, but he did not expect that the 4 Star Alliance reaction would be so intense, he even came up with a joint statement, and he wanted to bring the large and small forces close. Ninety percent of the military power is included in the joint military headquarters for unified command.

4 The nearly 100 points and 90 military forces of the Star Alliance cannot be underestimated. No matter the number of warships, or the number of war preparations such as fighters and Mecha, can occupy many advantages over Tianluo, and according to the relevant provisions of the 4 Star Alliance Joint Conference, each The forces of all sizes have clearly assigned various military units, materials, and other production tasks in various aspects, that is to say, the 4 Star Alliance is ready to use full horsepower to accelerate the development of military forces. This is not good news for Tianluo. In terms of overall resources, the 4 Planet Alliance is still above Tianluo, and behind them there is the special channel of the Galaxy Alliance. In the past, the reason why Fang Shi was not too worried about the 4 Star Alliance was because the other party seemed to be strong, but it was a scattered sand, but this time 4 the joint meeting of the Star Alliance was equivalent to forcibly carrying out a consolidation of the various forces of the scattered sand inside. Great, at least the military power has a qualitative improvement with the previous situation.

Facing the new situation of the strong integration of the 4 Star Alliance, Fang Shi had to invest more attention. He knew that the 4 Star Alliance chose to integrate and vigorously develop military power at this time. I am afraid that he has realized the huge threat of Tianluo, and 4 The joint military department of the planet is likely to be the first to launch a war against Tianluo.

The situation between Tianluo and the 4th Planet Alliance is getting more and more tense. Fang Shi knows that the prologue of the war should be very likely to be opened soon. To this end, he, Nana and the Tianluo Military Department have already begun various preparations. .

Although the current size and number of military strength of Tianluo is not as good as that of the 4-Star Alliance, the specific battle strength still occupies a certain advantage. In addition, after several months of continuous production, Tianluo Mecha has secretly hoarded more than 1000 units, and it continues to grow at a rate of ten Mechas per day. According to relevant information from Dark Chess, 4 Planet Alliance not at all perceives the existence of Tianluo Mecha, and this is exactly what he is willing to see, once Tianluo and 4 Planetary Alliance kick off the prelude to the great war, then Tianluo Mecha will be able to Quickly transformed into a sharp sword, giving an unexpected “surprise” to the 4 Planetary Joint Forces.

After three months of rapid integration, the joint military department of the 3 Star Alliance finally took control of the military forces from various large and small forces. According to the highest directive of the joint meeting, the next goal of the joint military department is to target Tianluo. Carry out further action plans.

Soon after, a serious friction incident occurred in a space area bordered by Tianluo and the 4th Planet Alliance. After several warnings were ignored by the opponent, the Tianluo Fleet launched attacks on those spaceships, but shortly after the attack, it incurred a swift attack by a joint warship fleet of nearly 4 warships. In the end, the Tianluo fleet damaged 100 patrol warships, and only 9 warships survived.

The patrol fleet was attacked immediately by the joint warfare fleet, and Nana immediately mobilized the fleet to the incident area, but it was still a step later. After the joint fleet destroyed 9 Tianluo patrol fleets, not at all continued to pursue, but Immediately returned to the space area of ​​the 4 Star Alliance.

Fang Shi in the Mecha R & D laboratory of Tawen Planet Tianluo City also quickly learned the relevant information from Nana ’s mouth. His face could not help but show a little more solemnity. Obviously this is not a simple friction event. The joint warfare fleet of nearly 100 warships was able to react so quickly. Obviously, it was already prepared.

“It seems that the war between Tianluo and the 4 Star Alliance is about to start,”

In the face of an unusually serious friction incident, Fang Shi did not have much surprises. When the forces of various sizes of the 4 Planet Alliance signed a special joint statement a few months ago, he knew that the war between Tian Luo and the 4 Planet Alliance was already not far away. In the past few months, Tianluo ’s various deployments have been carried out in full swing, but the actions of the 4 Planet Alliance seem to be a little faster than he thought.

Fang Shi is somewhat informative about the war between Tianluo and the 4 Star Alliance. Although the overall military strength is slightly different in number, the real battle strength is not worse than that of the 4 Star Alliance. In another year, Nana A lot of dark chess has been installed inside the 4 Star Alliance, and some of them have entered the joint military department. Although not at all hold important positions, they can still play a lot of roles. The important intelligence information of the military department is passed back through dark chess.

After the serious friction incident between Tianluo and the 4 Planet Alliance, Fang Shi immediately held a high-level meeting in the name of the head of state and conducted an in-depth discussion on the friction incident. The results of the discussion were similar to his guess.

After the meeting, Secretary-General Misu immediately prepared a question letter to Fang Shi. The main content of the question letter was aimed at the 4 Planet Alliance. After all, this time friction time the joint military fleet entered the Tianluo space area to the Tianluo fleet. Attacked.

However, Fang Shi has not yet issued a challenge letter, but was the first to receive strong interrogation and condemnation from the 4 Planet Alliance, and their reason is entangled in why the Tianluo fleet launched an attack on their ordinary space merchant ships. As for their joint army The attack by the fleet is justified defense. In addition, he not at all regarded the space area as the area of ​​Tianluo influence, but belonged to the space area of ​​their 4 Planet Alliance, so the Tianluo cruise fleet at first was suspected of infringing the space area of ​​4 Planet Alliance.

Faced with the question and strong condemnation of the 4 Star Alliance, Fang Shi showed a little helplessness. It seems that the 4 Star Alliance hit Tian Luo and wanted him to lose his mouth. However, he did not at all taking seriously .

After that, Fang Shi was too lazy to publish any questioning letters. The battle in his mouth was directly passed to the officials of Tianluo, and he began to actively plan for the next step.

“Big brother, the people of 4 Star Alliance are so abominable, Nana must make them look good.” Learning from the question and strong condemnation of 4 Star Alliance, the reaction of the silver-haired girl was quite fierce, and 4 Star Alliance condemned Tian Luo as the duty She and Fang Shi, but also by a despicable means, in her view, this is absolutely unforgivable.

Fang Shi slightly laughed, lightly said: “Nana, it’s not worth it to be angry for unnecessary people. Since 4 Star Alliance took the lead in fighting, then we will come to A Tooth For A Tooth.”

“A Tooth For A Tooth?” The silver-haired girl was slightly puzzled.

Fang Shi definitely nodded and said: “Yes, as for how to act, we still need to study carefully. The war between Tianluo and the 4 Planet Alliance is imminent, and now we have no need to continue to endure.”


Faced with the difficulty of taking the lead in the 4 Star Alliance, Tian Luo seemed to be quite calm. As for the question of the 4 Star Alliance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded, and the young head of state did not come forward from beginning to end. For ordinary people who are concerned, Tianluo official just released a video and some simple text descriptions of the entire friction incident. Those who understand a little should understand that this incident is completely provoked by the 4 Planet Alliance.

Most of the ordinary people who have lived in a harmonious and stable social environment for more than a year have become Tianluo ’s loyal supporters. They naturally have no good impression of the 4 Planet Alliance trying to break this stable environment. Many people It also spontaneously organized various activities to support the crusade 4 Planet Alliance and the Tianluo government to fight back strongly.

Regarding Tianluo ’s response to various aspects of the friction incident, the 4 Planet Alliance is obviously somewhat dissatisfied. Just as they were preparing for a bigger conflict, Tianluo took the first step.

While the 4th Planetary Alliance continued to condemn Tianluo, a combined fleet of more than 70 warships composed of a medium-sized cruise ship suffered a devastating attack from the Tianluo fleet in the space area close to the border between the two sides. More than 70 More than 60 warships were destroyed or captured, and only 3 warships escaped.

There are more than 200 Tianluo battleships participating in the battle. In fact, they have already ambushed in the space area for the joint military cruise fleet. This is also the A Tooth For that Fang Shi and Nana have long planned. A Tooth’s action.

After the patrol fleet was attacked, the joint military department immediately dispatched 3 fleets of more than 100 warships to the space area in an attempt to counterattack, but the Tianluo side seemed to be prepared early, and 2 fleets of more than 100 battleships immediately supported the fleet In the past, the two sides fought again as soon as they met.

Because Tianluo had been prepared for a long time, the assembled warships clearly had a certain number of advantages over the joint military. More than 400 Tianluo warships played against more than 300 joint military fleets, plus the performance advantages of the warships. Within a few hours, the Tianluo fleet determined its absolute superiority.

Facing the aggressive Tianluo Fleet, the commander of the Decaduous Joint Warfare Fleet decided to make a fruitful decision and immediately ordered the Fleet to retreat while fighting. At the same time, he immediately sent an emergency request to the Joint Warfare.

The Tianluo fleet continued to pursue for several hours before stopping the pursuit, and quickly returned to Tianluo’s sphere of influence, because the other fleets of the Joint Force had already come from the support and should not be pursued deep.

In the second engagement, Tianluo destroyed more than 2 warships of the Joint Forces at the cost of more than a dozen warships. In addition to the more than 70 warships lost by the previous patrol fleet, more than 60 warships were lost before and after, against 130 planets. The league is also a huge blow.

Knowing the results of the battle from Nana, Fang Shi showed a slight accident, to be honest, the results of this battle exceeded his expectations. Before, he estimated that he had wiped out dozens of warships of the other party, and now he has destroyed them all at once. More than 130 joint warships, and one of the third warship was destroyed and one of them was captured. These captured warships have suffered a certain degree of trauma, but most of the warship equipment is still good, only need to be repaired, and soon it can be transformed into a Tianluo warship, which also relatively compensates for the lost warship.

The loss of more than 130 warships can be said to shock the entire 4 Star Alliance. The highest-level circular conference hall of the joint headquarters building of the Sibu Planet immediately convened a temporary emergency meeting.

After the meeting, 4 Planetary Alliance issued a severe rebuke and condemnation of Tian Luo.

In the face of condemnation and condemnation, Tian Luo seemed to have no response at all, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond at all, as if nothing had happened.

On the 2nd day, 4 the attitude of the Star Alliance was quite firm and declared war directly on Tianluo.

Fang Shi almost immediately received the information of the 4 Star Alliance declaring war on Tianluo. At this point, he was not surprised at all. In fact, he has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Soon after, Tianluo ’s large and small TV stations broadcast the news of the 4 Star Alliance ’s declaration of war against Tianluo, and then the young head of state stepped onto the TV screen and announced 2 things: one against 4 planets. The Alliance ’s decision to declare war expressed regret; the other was the announcement of the challenge to the 4 Star Alliance, and announced that Tianluo had entered an emergency state of war.

For the decision of the young head of state, the vast majority of the people chose to accept it. Although they did not like war, in the face of the repeated provocations of the 4 Star Alliance and the declaration of war on their own initiative, it was time for Tian Luo to fight back.

Soon, Tianluo and the 4 Star Alliance entered a state of war. The two sides gathered a large number of military forces in the space area on the border, and battles seemed likely to happen at any time.

During the half a month after the declaration of war, the two sides did not have large and medium-sized battles, but only small-scale battles, which seemed to be tempting each other.

However, the Pirate Alliance began frequent activities in Tianluo, and the tactics they used were flexible space guerrilla warfare. Although Tianluo launched defensive measures against the Pirate Alliance, the effect was not at all very good, and the pirate warships eliminated were quite limited.

For the sudden and frequent activities of the Pirate Alliance, Fang Shi had long predicted that before he had obtained the intelligence information of the secret alliance between the 4 Planet Alliance and the Pirate Alliance, he and Nana had already arranged a special group for the Pirate Alliance. The fleet consists of more than 150 warships, of which more than 50 are medium-sized warships. Although the total number of warships is not as good as the Pirate Alliance, it is still sufficient to deal with the Pirate Alliance.

Fang Shi does not need that fleet to completely defeat the Pirate Alliance, he only needs to contain the other party from wanton arbitrariness, and his focus is still on the 4 Star Alliance, as long as the 4 Star Alliance is completely defeated, then it should be a deal to deal with the Pirate Alliance. with no difficulty.

Tian Luo and 4 Planet Alliance finally ushered in the first large-scale war after many small-scale war trials.

4 The Star Alliance gathered more than 500 warships and launched a full-scale attack on an important meteorite planet fortress in Tianluo. The black-pressed warships pounced on the fortress like a torrent.

There are only more than 100 warships in charge of the defense of the fortress. In the face of the more than 500 warships of the joint military department like the tide, they are obviously weak. However, the military fortress has built a large number of defensive weapons and aimed at a respectable cannon. Dark space.

The Joint Force took advantage of the number of warships to quickly form an all-round blockade on the meteorite planet, and then step by step narrowed the blockade circle in an attempt to win the military fortress in one fell swoop. The fortress here is an important military stronghold in Tianluo ’s military. If it can be unplugged, the 4 Star Alliance will undoubtedly increase its odds. For the success of the operation, the Joint Military Department has also organized large-scale The purpose of feinting is naturally to attract Tianluo’s other military forces.

The battle between the two sides will start immediately!

The space area near the military fortress was quickly ignited by the flames of war. More than 100 fortress defense battleships began their tenacious confrontation relying on the defensive facilities of the meteorite fortress. Amazing rays of light.

The advancement of the Joint Force Fleet at first was smooth. The siege was rapidly shrinking as expected, but when it was close to the Meteorite Fortress, it was subjected to huge resistance from the Tianluo Defense Fleet. The speed of advancement was significantly slowed down, and both sides The battle has become more and more intense, and from time to time, warships have been dismembered into fragments by a violent explosion.

The fierce fighting continued, and time passed quickly.

Although the defense of the Tianluo Defensive Fleet is extremely tenacious, the overall battle strength is still somewhat inadequate compared to the large fleet of more than 500 battleships. The battle at first fell into a passive defensive situation.

However, the commander of the defensive fleet in a medium-sized warship is extremely calm, with little expression on his face, and a light green glow radiates from time to time in those eyes, and only he is the only one in the command and control cabin of the entire warship. Obviously, he is not a human being, but a special warship commander produced by the meteorite base. The information system is connected to the Tianluocheng central computer information system, and the commands in the central computer system can be directly transmitted to his system.

“No. 7, hold on for another hour, and the reinforcement fleet will arrive.”

Suddenly, a message was sent to the mind system on the 7th, and he quickly responded with a message: “Yes, Young Lady.”

The battle at the military fortress base continued fiercely.

The fleet of the Joint Force slowly narrowed the encirclement. Although Tian Luo defended the side very stubbornly, they always grasped the advantage. It is estimated that the military fortress can be successfully won in another 2 3 hours.

Just as the joint military fleet and the military fleet Tianluo defensive fleet were in full swing, a Tianluo fleet of more than 200 warships was moving towards the military fortress at full speed.

At the center of the fleet is a large battleship that is several times larger than the surrounding battleships. This fleet is an elite fleet carefully prepared by Fang Shi and Nana. They are all new-type warships and have excellent combat performance. In addition, most of the battleships are also equipped with Tianluo Mecha, which has not been used on the battlefield. 4 Special gifts prepared by the Star Alliance.

Time passed quickly by minute and second.

An hour later, the Tianluo core fleet arrived in the combat space area.

The commander in the command module of a medium-sized warship in the joint warfare fleet was somewhat surprised, but not at all intended to give up taking the military fortress. In his view, more than 200 warships are enough to shake his powerful fleet. He immediately divided more than 200 warships to block the Tianluo support fleet. As long as it blocks for about 200 hours, other warships can be won. Military fortress, and then to deal with the supporting Tianluo fleet should be more than enough.

Faced with the initiative to block more than 200 4 star alliance battleships, the Tianluo core fleet does not at all mean any show mercy, immediately firepower is fully on, and each Tianluo Mecha quickly flashes from the fleet to form Mecha Attack formation, ready to launch an attack on the more than 200 blocked fleets of the Joint Forces.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

The two sides fired at almost the same time, one after another attacked the target across the dark space.

However, as soon as the attacks of the two sides were revealed, the stronger and weaker were clearly distinguished. On the one hand, the turbulent stream was on the other side of the surging river. The attack of the more than 200 warships of the Joint Force was the river, compared with the attack of the elite fleet of Tianluo. , Obviously at a disadvantage.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

More than a dozen warships in front of the Joint Force ’s fleet formation were almost instantly submerged in violent artillery fire and exploded.

After a round of attacks, seven warships in the front formation of the joint military fleet were directly dismembered into fragments by a violent explosion, and several other warships suffered different degrees of trauma. However, only one warship of the Tianluo Elite Fleet was unfortunately destroyed, and the loss compared to the Joint Force was significantly smaller.

At the same time, the fighter groups and the fighter groups of the two sides also began to enter the battle.

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