My Mech Queen

Chapter 453

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In the room, Shana and Nana chatted quickly.

Fang Shi on the other side seems to be a superfluous person, and the conversation between the two, he can hardly get in the mouth. So he simply went into the bedroom to pick up his luggage.

There is not much luggage, just a few simple things.

Soon, Fang Shi packed up and saw that the two people in the living room, Shana and Nana, were still chatting hotly. He didn’t bother, but walked to the small balcony.

At this time, it was already past dawn.

The dark blue base is immersed in silence.

Fang Shi held the railing in hand and watched quietly this dark blue base that had been living for almost a year.

After a long stay, I get used to it.

Now he can say that he is completely accustomed to the life rhythm of the dark blue base. In fact, the life rhythm of the base is relatively ideal for him. Almost every day can be engaged in the work of Mecha he likes. The only shortcoming is the outside world barrier. After all, people His life is not just composed of work, there are more precious things than work, which is the main reason why his heart is always out of the dark blue.

Thinking of leaving the Deep Blue Base tomorrow, Fang Shi still has a slight nostalgia in his heart. After all, he is accustomed to the life of the base, but compared to the things he desires in his heart, a touch of nostalgia is not enough to shake his heart away from Deep Blue.

Time flows slowly in quiet thoughts.

Nearly 2 in the morning, Shana and Nana seem to have come to an end.

Fang Shi has also returned to the living room.

Shana looked at Fang Shi with a somewhat complicated face. Through communication with Nana, she also learned a little about Fang Shi ’s plans to leave the Deep Blue Planet. If there is no accident, there is still a great possibility of leaving Dark Blue smoothly. Planet. Fang Shi ’s departure almost meant a farewell to her. From an emotional point of view, she did n’t want Fang Shi to leave the dark blue base, but she knew that the man ’s heart in front of her was not in dark blue, even if she forcibly retained it. Meaning.

“Nana has already told me about the general things. Since you have said that your heart is not in the dark blue, then I have nothing to say. I wish you a safe journey.” At this time, Xana’s heart looked a lot away, although she There are all kinds of reluctance to Fang Shi, but she also doesn’t want the man in front of her to go against her will. As he said before, love is to take responsibility. She likes him and loves him, and she also has to take responsibility, because love is mutual, and now her choice is to silently bless him, as for that love may only be cherished forever in the heart.

Shana’s eyes were a little sad, but her lips showed a faint smile.

Looking at Shana with a smile in front of her, Fang Shi felt a little quivering in her heart. If Deep Blue made her the most nostalgic, it was undoubtedly the blue-haired girl in front of her. Complex 10000 points.

Certain choices are destined to give up something that is difficult to choose.

The silver-haired girl on the side seemed to be unable to stand anymore, and then took Shana ’s hand, and then said softly, “Shana elder sister, or you should leave with us, so you ca n’t be with the big brother forever. Together? “

Shana was a little flustered. Nana ’s proposal did make her a little bit moved, but thinking of her parents, the dark blue base, and the other women in Fang Shi ’s mind, she still had an answer quickly and gently took the head and said: “Nana , Some things not at all are as simple as I think, elder sister ca n’t do without dark blue, just like someone ca n’t give up the world outside of dark blue. “

Fang Shi slightly smiled bitterly, he knew who Shana was referring to.

Shana and Nana exchanged a few words, lightly said: “Okay, it’s not early, I should go back.”

The silver-haired girl looked down.

Fang Shi said quickly: “I will send you back.”

Shana did not refuse, gently nodded.

Soon, Fang Shi and Shana left the room and walked out of the dormitory building.

On the quiet trail in the dormitory area, two silhouettes walked at a moderate pace, and the expression of the two people was more or less complicated.

2 people seem to be calm and talking about light topics, but somewhat is in their hearts.

After a while, two people arrived downstairs in Shana ’s dormitory.

“Okay, here it is.”

Shana stopped, with a faint smile on her face.

Fang Shi gently nodded, took a deep breath, and then hesitantly said, “Xana, right …”

His words were not finished yet, but his mouth was bet on Shana’s fingers.

Shana shook the head slightly and said, “I don’t like to hear those three words. If you really like me, then remember me forever, just like the women you love in your heart.”

Fang Shi is seriously nodded, in fact, Shana has entered his heart, a woman destined to always remember.

Shana withdrew her hand and said firmly, “I will remember you too, because you are the first man who really walked into my heart.”

Fang Shi’s flashes are complicated.

With a warm smile, Shana said softly, “Okay, good night.”

Fang Shi was slightly flustered. He hadn’t heard Shana’s goodnight farewell for a long time. Maybe it was the last time goodnight was heard.

After Wei Leng, Fang Shi smiled slightly and said softly, “Good night.”

Shana turned and left, leaving only the lingering Qianying.


On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi arrived at the Deep Blue Base Pier and boarded one of the ships.

Soon after, the ship moved slowly.

Looking back at the dark blue base behind him, somewhat sighed in Fang Shi’s heart. The dark blue base has a place where he has grown a lot. There are friends he knows well and lovers who are difficult to give up, but all this will follow his departure Slowly away, perhaps, this is his last parting from the deep blue base.

In a small room inside the body of the ship, Fang Shi saw Nana who had sneaked into the ship. The silver-haired girl has indirectly controlled the entire ship’s network control system, and everything is proceeding according to the pre-plan.

Fang Shi did not spend much time in the small room where Nana was hiding, and soon returned to her cabin, waiting quietly for the ship to dock.

After more than ten hours, the ship finally arrived on land.

Fang Shi and Shana successively disembarked the ship, and then entered the military base not far from the harbour. It was also Fang Shi ’s 1st Step to leave the dark blue planet, and the 2nd Step was the military space battleship. As for the specific steps Nana has already planned, and Fang Shi only needs to follow the plan.

The military base has set up a special guest house for the scientific research personnel of the dark blue base. After Fang Shi arrived at the military base, he was taken by the base personnel to a fairly comfortable suite in the guest house, which was equipped according to the rank of the school, which was still much higher than the ordinary room.

Late at night, three people wearing imperial military uniforms quietly visited Fang Shi’s residence, headed by a burly robust man nearly 3 meters tall. His shoulder uniform was shown as a captain, and his expression looked very wooden. Behind him is a beautiful couple.

Looking at the tall and burly big captain outside the door, Fang Shi looked rather stunned. He didn’t seem to realize anything until he saw a silver-haired girl with an innocent smile on the side, and immediately let 3 people enter the room.

After entering the room, the silver-haired girl quickly introduced: “big brother, they are the 2 people I said before, this is called Oz, this is called big man.”

Fang Shi glanced at two people. Nana had already introduced it at the dark blue base. The two were re-transformed by Nana at the meteorite base. In fact, Oz was transformed on the basis of the previous ZN2, and his independent thinking ability It is the closest to Nana, and the big man is based on the one that Oz made. It is still a bit different from Nana and Oz, but it is still higher than Matt No. 2 Many levels.

In the room, the main purpose of meeting 4 people is to make more specific arrangements for the 2nd Step plan. According to the information available to Little Oz, the military space warship that they took in the light port in 3 days will set off and return. The plan for 2nd Step is to take this military warship to leave the dark blue base.

Several people continued to communicate for 2 hours before announcing the end, and then the 3 silver-haired girls left Fang Shi’s room silently again.

On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi left the military base and went to a small town nearby. This was for the attention of the base’s military personnel.

Nana 3 people continued to secretly remain in the military base.

Fang Shi spent a little helplessly in the small town near the military base for 2 days. On the night of the 3rd day, he returned to the military base.

At the military base, Fang Shi once again saw Nana and Oz 3, and he is now transforming his new identity, which is the arrangement that Nana made for him and is an ordinary non-commissioned officer.

At noon on the 2nd day, Fang Shi successfully boarded the Imperial warship with the new identity provided by Nana. Of course, his face has changed a lot, and a special mask has been put on his face. He has put on a pair of special glasses prepared by Nana for his nose bridge, through which he can keep in touch with 3 people of Nana.

As soon as he boarded the military battleship, Fang Shi received a message from Nana, and she and Oz Jr. had all safely boarded the battleship, so the 3nd Step plan was largely successful.

Half an hour later, the military battleship slowly took off.

The speed of the military warships is getting faster and faster, and it quickly reaches the booked altitude, and then suddenly accelerates towards the dark space direction.

Standing in front of one of the light screens of the battleship, Fang Shi looked at the dark blue planet quietly. It was a planet almost completely surrounded by the ocean, like a deep blue crystal ball, beautiful and enchanting.

Recalling his experience in the dark blue in the past year, Fang Shi’s complexion was slightly complicated. If his heart was not concerned about the outside world, he would be willing to stay on this beautiful planet all his life. It ’s just a pity for this girl, I do n’t know if there is a chance to come back to this planet again, see you blue-haired girl again.

“Is it power?”

Fang Shi slowly clenched his fists while looking at the deep blue planet that was moving away. The special experience of Deep Blue made him aware of a very serious problem. He was too small, a nobody who could trample on others at will.

According to the information obtained by Nana, he now knows why he was sent unfathomable mystery to the dark blue planet. It was the Hua Family Eldest Young Master who had seen him more than 3 years ago. If there is no wrong guess, it should be because of Qi Yanyan.

Facing the great character of aloof and remote, Fang Shi feels that he is too small, and has no chance of even the most basic resistance. This time it is not Nana who helped him. He is very likely to stay on the deep blue planet all his life.

Fang Shi within both eyes flashed a faint cold glow that was not easy to detect. At this moment, his heart longed for strength, which could resist the strong strength of some great characters.


In the dark space, the military warships sailed fast.

Seven days later, the military battleship from the deep blue planet finally arrived at the destination of the voyage-H7 Holy Week Star, the headquarters of the 5rd Army of the Empire.

The battleship landed in a large spaceport in the northern military region of the Holy Week.

Fang Shi at a moderate pace walked out of the battleship and felt the warm and shining sun of this Holy Week star. This was his second visit to H2 Holy Week star. In order to find the younger sister Anxu, he purposely came to H5 to find Senior Brother With Su Feichen’s help, he could not help but recall a slightly old memory.

Soon after disembarking from the battleship, the special glasses on Fang Shi’s nose bridge received information from Nana. There was nothing special about it, just confirm 2 1.

Soon, he followed the spaceship personnel to leave the spaceport and enter the nearby large military base.

Two days later, a military off-road vehicle moved towards the demilitarized zone quickly.

The driver was a burly robust man with a stern expression. The co-pilot position is a handsome young man, sitting in the back row is a silver long-haired girl and a glasses seven-eight man with glasses.

The four people in the car are exactly Fang Shi and Nana.

At this time, they had already left the previous military base and were driving to the demilitarized zone, which was still dozens of li.

“Big brother, do you really want to go to Nanzhou Planet in the Central Star District of the Empire?” Young Silver Hair asked softly with this bright smile.

Fang Shi nodded, replied: “Well, I must look at Ansu.”

The silver-haired girl is lightly un’ed. Actually, going to Nanzhou Star is not in her plan, because the entire group needs at least half a month when it arrives in Nanzhou Star. There is an ambush there, but she does not at all object to Fang Shi’s request. Although there are some risks, just be careful. It shouldn’t be a big problem.

“That’s fine. Last time I saw Xiao Anxu at Nanzhou Xing, I think she was worried about big brother. This time, she can also make her feel a little relieved.” The silver-haired girl said immediately.

Speaking of Anxu, Fang Shi’s eyes subconsciously flashed a bit more complicated. In this World, younger sister Anxu is undoubtedly his closest person and the person he feels most owed. He has been away from Snow City for more than 3 years, and the 15-year-old little girl has become an 18-year-old big girl. Nana had already told him about the things she had seen in Anxue’s apartment, but he still felt a little worried in his heart.

Military off-road vehicles are driving fast along wide roads.

An hour later, the SUV finally drove out of the military zone and entered a small city.

The four of Fang Shi and Nana stayed in the town for only 4 hours before leaving, and their identities changed again, from the officers of the 2rd Army to ordinary imperial people.

4 people moved to one of the central cities in the northern hemisphere of Holy Week Star, and then boarded the space spaceship to H3 Huang Lanxing.

Three days later, spaceship arrived at H3 Huang Lanxing.

After waiting for 2 days in Huang Lanxing, Fang Shi and Nana 4 personnel took a space spaceship to the S3 Nanzhou Star in the Central Star District, which is a large-scale civil shipping spaceship of the universe level.

Boarding the large spaceship to S3 Nanzhou Star means a long wait.

Fang Shi used to take this spaceship flight before. It takes about ten or five days to add up and down. It is also the most convenient civil flight to Nanzhouxing. Ten or five days may be short for others, but for him now, it can definitely be a long wait.

Time passed slowly day after day in the long wait.

On the 6th day, space spaceship reached the final destination of the voyage-S3 Nanzhou Star.

Fang Shi and Nana quickly left the space port and hurried to Nanzhou Airport. After waiting in the airport for about 4 hours, they got on the plane to Snow City.

Two hours later, it was almost dusk when the plane arrived in Snow City.

Subsequently, 4 people hurried to the city of Snowflakes.

Along the way, Fang Shi saw many familiar roads and buildings. Although it has been more than 3 years since he left Snow City, there has been no major changes. I think of a few years of quiet life in Snow City. Now he I still have some emotion in my heart.

Fang Shi didn’t return immediately to the residence of Snowflake City. At Nana’s suggestion, he stopped when he was still some distance away from the apartment complex. For safety reasons, Nana asked the small Oz and the big two to go to the apartment in Fang Shi to investigate first. If there was no danger, the two would be in the past.

Soon, Oz the little and the big two went to Fang Shi’s residential area.

Half an hour later, the two people came back with news that there was nothing strange at the apartment, and there was also a news that Anxu was not at home.

Fang Shi was not surprised. He checked it a little bit before. Today should be the normal time for class. Anxu may have to wait at night. If the learning task is heavy, he may stay directly in Academy. These basic information about Anxu He still knows something.

Before returning to his apartment, Fang Shi bought Ansu in the hypermarket and bought a lot of vegetables. At present, his identity is a fugitive of the Imperial Army. He can’t stay in Snow City for long, according to his previous relationship with Nana. After negotiating a good plan, he can spend up to 2 days in the city of Snowflake, and these 2 days can be regarded as his time with Anxu. Naturally, he should cherish this time well and give the younger sister Anxu more comfort and Warm.

Soon after, Fang Shi returned to his home away from home for more than three years. The environment at home was the same as when he left more than three years ago. Most of the places still maintain the layout when he left, and everything in the home is still organized. Well organized, there are many foods in the refrigerator. Obviously, Anxu still often lives at home.

Looking at the familiar environment at home, Fang Shi’s heart was complicated for 10000 points for a while. He had apologies for the younger sister An Xu and was also a little happy because An Xu has grown up and does not need him to worry too much.

Fang Shi walked into his room. Everything was the same as when he was there, except that there were many more pictures of him hanging on the wall. The room was not extremely clean either on the bed or on the bed. Obviously someone cleaned it frequently.

Afterwards, Fang Shi sorted out a little at home, then looked at the time, and went out again. The destination was Academy, where Anxu was located. He was going to pick Anxu home.

Nana was with him, and Oz the little and the big man stayed in the apartment.

Fang Shi and Nana hit the cart at the door of the community.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the university town in the Western District.

Fang Shi and Nana got out of the car, and moved towards the direction of Academy where Anxu was located. According to the information he had obtained before, Anxu is currently designing Academy. The design is not Mecha, but clothes.

Along the way, Fang Shi actually walked past the once-familiar Qin Garden College, where he studied for 2 years. Although he was only an auditor, Qin Garden College is also his alma mater, looking at the familiar school gate, I can’t help but flash the scene at Qin Garden College, and he has the urge to go in again, but now it’s almost time for Anxu to finish the class, and he has no time to go in.

Nana walked happily with Fang Shi’s hand in hand, her lovely and lovely face was filled with innocent smile, a long silver hair like a waterfall fluttering wantonly, plus her beautiful golden ratio Lithe and graceful figure, even walking in the Western District University Town where beautiful women are like clouds, is definitely a stunner. The to-and-fro young girls seem to be her green leaves. She seems to be the most among the 10000 flowers. Proud beautiful flowers.

In the streets of groups of three or four, young men and women are walking endlessly, and Nana has quickly become the focus of their eyes, especially men. The eyes stay on Nana and they are almost reluctant to leave. When they see Nana lead An “uncle” with obvious gaps in age showed almost envious envy and jealousy on his face, and he secretly slandered in his heart. It was a flower inserted on cow dung.

In the face of everyone’s eyes, Nana did not show the slightest shyness, but held her head high, like a proud Little Princess.

Fang Shi quickly realized that everyone’s eyes were different, and then looked at Nana’s head and chest, but she felt helpless in her heart. She knew she had come with little Oz or a big man.

“Big brother, look at my charm. Those people are staring at me for an endless time.” Nana said with pride as she enjoyed everyone’s greedy eyes.

Fang Shi shook the head with a headache and said, “Be careful others eat you.”


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