My Mech Queen

Chapter 451

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The sky was bright, the fiery red glow of the eastern skyline gradually dissipated, and the spectacular sunrise scene also passed away. Tourists on the Sun Peak in small groups were leaving one after another.

Fang Shi at a moderate pace put away the carpet, then looked at Shana, who was trying to walk beside her, and asked with concern: “How is it now?”

Shana said hesitantly: “It should be no problem to go by yourself.”

In fact, she has just tried a few steps, and there is still a slight pain in the ankle. However, it is still much better than when she just started her foot, and it is estimated that this pain can still be maintained.

Fang Shi said with a questioning tone: “Really? Then you take a few steps to see.”

Shana showed a little helplessness, then like a little girl who made a mistake, admitted: “A little pain.”

Fang Shi looked at the pitiful Shana, said with a slight smile: “Then I will carry you down the mountain.”

Shana did not object this time, but was nodded cleverly, but her heart was slightly complicated. After a few days of traveling, she found that she was more and more like a little woman who was cared for in front of this man. The style of acting alone is very different, but this kind of feeling does make her feel the unique sweetness.

Soon after, Fang Shi walked on the back of Shana moved towards the bottom of the mountain. His pace was not very fast, almost keeping a constant pace, so naturally it was to better take care of Shana on the back, and at the same time he could enjoy it comfortably Natural scenery along the way.

Shana was lying on Fang Shi’s solid back, listening to the man’s thick breath in front of her, and her slightly rippling heart gradually calmed down. While enjoying the scenery on the mountain road along the way, she was very close to Fang Shi. Chatting casually.

Along the way, 2 people were almost immersed in a pleasant atmosphere.

At noon, Fang Shi and Shana arrived at the foot of the mountain. During this time, the two spent a lot of time in several scenic spots along the way, so it took more time to go down the mountain than to go up the mountain.

After arriving at the Shanjiao service area, Fang Shi immediately took Shana to the medical service and showed the doctor to see Shana’s injured foot. After the doctor’s confirmation, Shana’s feet did not matter, and it would be fine to take a short break.

Subsequently, the two left the mountain foot service area by car and went to the nearest small town.

In the small town, Fang Shi and Shana took a long break.

On the 2nd day in the morning, the two set off again and started a new journey.

The fourth stop of the trip is a wide grassland, an endless cyan-green grassland, like a cyan-green sea.

Fang Shi and Shana 2 lived in herders ’tents with a slightly ancient style, riding horses and galloping across the endless grasslands, looking up at the pure blue sky and white clouds, enjoying the grassland-specific milk wine and roast sheep, and immersing them with the herder In a joyous campfire banquet.

On the grassland, 2 people spent 3 days relaxed and happy, and most of the travel holidays passed quietly.

With some reluctance, Fang Shi and Shana left the grassland.

The fifth stop is also the last stop of Shana’s plan. It is a coastal town, not a tourist destination, but a small ordinary town, and he chose Dongyu as the final destination of the trip, because there is There is her home, her father and mother, and the younger sister Xia Ya who also came home because of her holiday.

The two arrived in a medium-sized city near Dongyu by plane and then took a car to Dongyu Town.

When we arrived at Dongyu Town, it was already dusk.

As the sun goes down, the afterglow of the setting sun is poured over the whole Dongyu town with a somewhat unique style, which is very beautiful and moving.

Shana not at all notified her family in advance and took Fang Shi directly to her villa.

Fang Shi felt that it was too abrupt to come home, and under Shana’s firm gaze, he had to brace oneself.

The villa of Shana’s house is very ordinary. A small two-story building and a small courtyard. Many flowers and grass are planted in the courtyard. The owner of the villa seems to be quite elegant.

Fang Shi saw that the first person was Shana’s father, Xia Jiashi. The other person had a pair of thick glasses. They looked quite elegant, with temples whitening, and a slight wrinkle in the corners of the eyes and forehead, not at all.

When Fang Shi and Shana first arrived at Xia Family Villa, Xia Jiashi was lying on the bench in the small courtyard and reading leisurely. With tea beside her, she seemed to be very relaxed and contented.

It was not until Xana and Fang Shi entered the villa door that Xia Jiashi reacted, and then looked at the two people with some surprise. Of course, this surprise came more from Fang Shi. He still knew his daughter very well. He never thought that his daughter, Shana, would take the initiative to bring a strange man to the house. This is definitely an unprecedented major event.

Shana was introduced quickly and actively: “Dad, this is a friend of the base.”

Fang Shi also quickly said politely: “Uncle, hello.”

“Ah!” The surprise on Xia Jiashi’s face flashed, and then a gentle smile appeared, politely said: “Hello, youngster.”

Shana was introduced again: “Dad, his name is Fang Shi.”

Xia Jiashi looked at Fang Shi and Shana slightly, although the two youngster not at all were intimate, but his eyes were still clear, the relationship between the two was definitely not shallow, and his heart was dark with a smile: “Oh , Daughter really grew up! “

Then, under the greeting of Xia Jiashi, Fang Shi walked into the villa and saw Shana ’s mother, a gentle and virtuous woman who looked only 40 years old. Her appearance was similar to Shana ’s has several points of, obviously Shana ’s beauty More is inherited from her present.

In addition, Fang Shi also saw Xia Ya in a home casual dress, pure and lovely.

Seeing Fang Shi, Xia Ya looked like a ghost and asked incredulously: “You … how did you come to my house?”

When Fang Shi was preparing for an embarrassing explanation, Shana relieved him in time: “I invited.”


Xia Ya looked quite surprised. Although she knew that elder sister Xana and Fang Shi had some good feelings for each other, she had n’t thought that the two had reached the point of seeing their parents. Has it reached this point? This is too fast, completely beyond her expectations.

The dinner was cooked by Shana ’s mother and was delicious.

After the meal, the three mothers and daughters sat together and didn’t know what little secrets they were talking about. I saw a light blush on Shana’s beautiful face from time to time.

Fang Shi and Xia Jiashi sat in the small courtyard.

A pot of hot tea is placed on a small table between 2 people.

In the small courtyard, 2 people seem to chat quite casually.

Xia Jiashi casually asked some information about Fang Shi and the dark blue base, and told some about his personal life experience. 30 or so years ago, he and Fang Shi were sent by the imperial military to the outside world. Was assigned to the dark blue base, and then worked in the dark blue base for nearly 30 years. Just a few years ago, I just quit dark blue and returned to the cozy home of Dongyu Small Town to enjoy the heavens.

In front of Fang Shi, Xia Jiashi can definitely be regarded as his Senior.

When Xia Jiashi was telling, Fang Shi listened seriously. Although Xia Jiashi seemed to be a casual narration, if he carefully thought about the content of the story, he would find that the other party seemed to be very meaningful.

Indeed, Xia Jia does have a special intention. Previously, he seemed to communicate with Fang Shi casually, but he read some inner information from Fang Shi. The other party ’s mind seems not to be in Deep Blue, but also attached to World other than Deep Blue. Not a good message for her daughter Shana. Therefore, he used his own experience to paint a picture for Fang Shi, a beautiful picture about dark blue, and the purpose is to want to put down the world outside of dark blue, and start the dark blue future picture with peace of mind.

After drawing the picture, Xia Jiashi took a cold sip from the chilled tea and said slightly: “youngster, since you have reached the dark blue, stay at ease. If you carefully understand it, you will find that dark blue is a beautiful one. The place where you can also enrich your life many times, family, wife, and child … as long as you know how to cherish, what the outside world has, dark blue also uses. “

Fang Shi felt a bit bitter in his heart. Xia Jiashi revealed what he meant. He naturally understood that similar words were also followed by Yan Yao, who was in the R & D experiment of the Mecha design team, but now he really ca n’t abandon the dark blue accidental World. , Thinking of the silhouette of each and everyone occupying an important position, he is really unforgettable.

Xia Jiashi looked at the side youngster and secretly shook the head. Although Fang Shi not at all expressed any rebuttal meaning, he knew that he might not be able to convince the other party for the time being.

Looking up at the night sky above him, Xia Jiashi took a deep breath and looked quite serious and asked, “Fang Shi, do you like Xana?”

Although Xia Jiashi ’s contact with Fang Shi was not very long and he did n’t know much about it, he knew enough about his daughter. From Shana ’s words and deeds, he knew that the seed in the daughter ’s heart had germinated, and Fang Shi was now He is not very confident about trusting the daughter to the other party, maybe this is his cautiousness as a father.

Fang Shi was slightly flustered, but he still honestly replied: “Like.”

Xia Jiashi not at all revealed the slightest accident and asked again: “Do you love Shana?”


For a while, Fang Shi didn’t seem to know how to answer. Obviously, “like” and “love” in Shana’s father’s mouth were two completely different concepts.

Not waiting for Fang Shi to answer, Xia Jiashi continued to speak seriously: “Like love is different from love, love does not need to bear any responsibility, and love needs to shoulder responsibility, no love is not love. If you love Shana If you do, you must take responsibility for her and think about her. This is Dark Blue, not the World outside. If you really love Shana, then you must have the determination to stay in Dark Blue, or you have enough strength to Shana ’s safety belt is away from the dark blue, remember to take her away safely, if you do n’t have the determination or strength, I will not agree with you as a father … “

Listening to Xia Jiashi’s words, Fang Shi’s face showed a dignity. Indeed, as Xana’s father said, if he really loves Xana, he must take responsibility for Xana, if only for the satisfaction and impulse in his heart, Then he was not worthy to love Shana. Now he simply can’t let go of the outside world, he hasn’t the determination to stay in dark blue forever, and he doesn’t have enough strength to safely take Shana away from dark blue.

After a long silence, Fang Shi said seriously: “Uncle, I am understood.”

Xia Jiashi looked at Fang Shi and secretly shook the head. In fact, he was quite helpless to do so, but as a father, he had to think about the daughter. This is his responsibility, and there are two kinds of consequences. One kind of Fang Shi Choose peace of mind to stay in the dark blue; another kind of other party took the initiative to leave Shana. Of course, the first result in his mind is the first result. In his view, Fang Shi is still a very good youngster. If the other party chooses to stay in the dark blue, it is a good choice as the destination of the daughter.

Taking a short breath, Xia Jiashi said slowly: “Fang Shi, you have to think carefully, I just don’t want Xana to be hurt, but also hope you can understand a father’s heart.”

“Understood.” Fang Shi slightly nodded, and then solemnly said: “Thank you, uncle.”

At this moment he was indeed grateful, at least Shana’s father made him understand what is like and what is love.

In the small courtyard, the 2 people did not continue the slightly heavy topic, but quickly shifted the topic to the dark blue base. However, the atmosphere has obviously changed compared to the previous one.

For the dialogue between men, the Xia Family mother and daughter were very tacit and did not disturb.

It wasn’t until ten o’clock in the evening that Fang Shi and Xia Jiashi entered the villa.

In the villa room, Fang Shi lying on the bed was sleepless. He still remembered Shana father’s words from time to time. He didn’t sleep until he had a real choice.

2nd day Early in the morning, Fang Shi got up and walked out of Xia Family Villa to start the morning exercise.

After more than an hour of morning running, Fang Shi ran for almost half of the East Fishing Town.

The Dongyu Town in the early morning is equally beautiful and moving, with a light morning light on the streets and buildings. Everything seems to wake up from sleep.

On the streets, pedestrians greeted the new day with a warm and bright smile.

Soon after returning to Xia Family Villa, Fang Shi enjoyed a delicious breakfast made by Shana mother.

Several people sat around the dining table and enjoyed breakfast together, warm and beautiful.

Fang Shi is eager for such a warm life, maybe he can get it as long as he is determined to stay in the dark blue, but he knows that he still can’t put down those things that have been deeply engraved in his heart.

After breakfast, Fang Shi and Xia Family sisters left the house.

According to the plan, 3 people are going to visit Dongyu Small Town first, and then go to Dongyu’s most famous Crescent Bay Beach, which is also a general arrangement for 3 people a day.

However, shortly after going out, Xia Ya was separated from Fang Shi 2 for reasons.

Before leaving, Xia Ya looked at Fang Shi and Xana, and said with a smile: “Well, I will not be your light bulb. Fang Shi, you should take care of my elder sister. If something goes wrong, I can follow you. Endless, there are other things you big man can take the initiative, cowering but no one likes. Oh, elder sister, do you say that? “

Fang Shi is slightly helpless, this Xia Ya’s hint is too obvious.

Shana is slightly frowned, although her relationship with Fang Shi is subtle, but it seems that she has not reached a point of clarity. Xia Ya ’s words made her a little embarrassed. I saw her lightly snorted and said: “little girl, take care of yourself Just do it. “

Xia Ya spit out her small tongue and said, “Well, I’m gone. I wish you a happy time.”

At the end of the conversation, Xia Ya moved away, but after just a few steps, she turned back and yelled, “you two want to cheer!”


After being separated from Xia Ya, Fang Shi and Xana started the East Fishing Tour, but it seems that there have been some subtle changes between the two people compared to the previous tour.

Fang Shi quickly felt the old and special changes. The change mainly came from Shana. He felt that Shana seemed to be centered on him everywhere. When he bought something, he also had to take the initiative to ask his opinion, and his words were more intimate. 2 The relationship is more like a couple.


Fang Shi ’s answer is no, because he soon felt the change of Shana clearly. If he did n’t have a conversation with Shana father, he might still be happy, but now his heart is more and more complicated, he seems not Know how to deal with Shana’s relationship.

When Fang Shi side was different, Shana asked softly, “Fang Shi, what’s wrong?”

Fang Shi adjusted it slightly and then quickly replied: “It’s okay.”

Shana whispered, but did not continue to ask anything. She continued to take Fang Shi to visit Dongyu Town. Although Dongyu is not a tourist attraction, there are still many places worth watching.

In the morning, 2 people walked around in Dongyu Town.

In the afternoon, Fang Shi and Shana went to Crescent Bay Beach outside Dongyu Town as planned.

Crescent Bay Beach is regarded as the most famous place in Dongyu Small Town. The entire beach resembles a crescent moon, hence the name.

Along the way, Shana gave Fang Shi some information about Crescent Bay, and also told many interesting facts about her coming to Crescent Bay with her parents when she was a child.

Unconsciously, 2 people arrived at Crescent Bay Beach.

Broad crescent beach, clear blue sea water, blue sky with white clouds …

Looking at the sky where the clear water and blue sky intersect in the distance, Fang Shi took a deep breath. Crescent Bay Beach is indeed a very beautiful place, comparable to the beaches of some tourist resorts, but its area is relatively a bit small.

Before entering the beach, both people put on the beach clothes prepared in advance.

Fang Shi changed his clothes quickly and briskly. In fact, he was just a pair of beach pants, and his upper body was directly naked.

Outside the locker room, Fang Shi waited more than ten minutes to see Shana walking slowly out.

Shana had a slightly conservative dark blue beach suit, but most of her long slender porcelain jade-like legs were still bare, and her beautiful face was wearing a trace of blush that was very rare. The bare-chested beach suit is still a bit uncomfortable.

Looking at Shana who walked in front of her, Fang Shi subconsciously swallowed her saliva, but there was a urge to hug and take a sip.

Seeing Fang Shi’s almost straight eyes, Shana’s blush was even better, and asked softly, “Then … that, what’s on my face?”

Fang Shi withdrew his gaze a little awkwardly, with a shy shina already very touching, plus this faintly discernible beach suit inevitably makes people imagination, it is a man’s instinct.

“It’s nothing.” Fang Shi seemed calm and quickly changed the subject, saying: “Let’s go.”

Shana is slightly nodded and lightly un’ed.

Fang Shi just turned around and was about to move towards the beach, but found that his right arm was covered by a white slender hand. He was stunned, and he looked sideways towards the face and looked down at Shana, who seemed to be okay.

Shana stretched her hand on Fang Shi’s right arm.

Fang Shi’s heart is a little complicated, and his head is not made of elm. This hand in hand means a kind of recognition, a recognition of the relationship between each other. However, now he really can’t do the 2 points that Shana father said, but now he doesn’t want to destroy Shana’s mood at this time, hesitating a little, he took the initiative to grab Shana’s hand, and then moved towards the beach Walk in the direction.

Shana not at all resisted, but the reddish and delicate face was a bit sweeter, and her heart was rippled.

There are many water sports on the crescent bay beach.

Fang Shi and Shana 2 didn’t seem to be interested in entertainment, but walked slowly along the crescent bay beach holding hands.

However, the mood of the 2 people is quite different.

Fang Shi seems quite calm on the surface, but he is thinking deeply, and what he is thinking about is his relationship with Nana. In fact, he made a decision last night. Before he made up his mind to stay in the dark blue, he still kept Shana enough distance so as not to hurt her in the future, but now it seems that holding hands is beyond the scope of his booking.

Shana is immersed in a touch of happiness. Although it is just a simple hand in hand, it also means that the relationship between the two has taken the most important step. The Deep Blue Base meeting every 2 or 7 days has made her gradually accept the existence of Fang Shi, and left a clear silhouette in her heart, and this trip that lasted more than ten days together was to ferment the special feelings in her heart. And qualitative changes have taken place, which is the most important reason for her to reach out.

Along the Crescent Bay beach, two people walked unconsciously for more than half an hour, then sat down at a slightly secluded beach, moved towards the sea.

Wave after wave of lightly patting the beach lightly, waves of blue hair blowing through the sea.

Shana lightly leaned on Fang Shi’s shoulders, with a light sweet smile on her tender lips.

Fang Shi looked at the blue sea in the distance, sniffing the faint fragrance floating beside him, but there was no imaginary picture in his heart, and there were some struggling flashes on his face from time to time. He really didn’t want to break what is so beautiful now. The picture, but he must make his own choice, otherwise the deeper and deeper, the final injury may be Shana, that is not the result he is willing to see.

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