My Mech Queen

Chapter 446

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(Thanks for the monthly ticket of the sugar students in the water!)

Xia Ya is quite worried about the emotional problems of elder sister Shana. Since the “violent incident” that spread at the deep blue base 2 years ago, there are hardly any men who dare to actively pursue their elder sister Shana. And elder sister Shana has put Great One Sect’s mind on R & D work, if it is so continued, it is not a good thing.

When Wei Jingguo talked about how Fang Shi admired his elder sister, Xia Ya didn’t believe it immediately. She knew that Wei Jing was a bull who estimated that he could blow the sky with oil and vinegar. However, she thought about it, and finally agreed to Wei Jing ’s request to help Fang Shi meet her elder sister Xana. Although he did not think that the two people would have any further development opportunities, she still wanted to give it a try. , After all, elder sister Shana is not such a thing, it is a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

However, before Xia Ya helped Fang Shi to see her, she still had a slight eye on her. She needed to look at Fang Shi’s attitude. After all, Wei Jing’s mouth was a bit unreliable. She got sighed by Fang Shi’s serious and positive attitude. Slightly in relief, I finally made up my mind to help make a match.

Facing Xia Ya’s smile like a spring breeze, Fang Shi was slightly touched in his heart, but he was still suppressed by him instantly, and I was slightly grateful: “Thank you.”

Xia Ya said with a slight smile: “No thanks, I will give you some time tomorrow to tell you about my elder sister’s situation, so that you can also be fully prepared. My elder sister is a stubborn person, if she makes a disapproval Things, but basically no drama. “

“Ready?” Fang Shi’s face flashed helplessly.

Afterwards, the 2 people said a few words at random, and they separated.

When taking a break at noon the next day, Xia Ya gave Fang Shi a piece of information about Xana that she seemed to have collated carefully. Of course, the information was not the kind of information from the military, but a more private information.

When handing over the information to Fang Shi, Xia Ya also solemnly charged him and asked him to read every piece of information on the information carefully.

Fang Shi felt helpless, and was a little curious as to why Shaiya was so spared to help him.

In fact, there is not much information about Shana. Fang Shi glanced roughly, and there was a strange expression on his face. Although the information was few, it was very specific and detailed. It was specific to Shana ’s height and size, what she hated, what she liked … …

Fang Shi slightly shook the head, secretly sighed Xia Ya sold elder sister Xana well and thoroughly.

The relevant information materials given by Xia Ya to Xana are just a small episode for Fang Shi’s life in a day. His focus is still on the work of the Mecha design team. Although his heart is not in dark blue, he can’t help it now. Leaving the dark blue planet, it seems that we can only stay at the dark blue base at present. As for how to leave the dark blue in the future, we can only take one step at a time.

After 2 days of Weijing’s visit and introduction, Fang Shi’s work on the Mecha design team is now basically clear, and on the afternoon of the 3rd day when he officially joined the Mecha design team, the team leader Leng Danqiu met him alone in the office.

Leng Danqiu still carried an oppressive imposing manner with a serious and cold face, looked up and down at Fang Shi, who walked into the office not far away, and then said at a moderate pace: “Sit.”

Fang Shi sat down opposite Leng Danqiu by word.

Leng Danqiu pushed the glasses on the nose bridge and said lukewarmly: “With the help of Weijing in these 2 days, you should have understood all aspects of the work of our Mecha design team?”

Fang Shi nodded replied: “Yes, basically clear.”

Leng Danqiu said: “Since this is the case, let me first ask a few simple questions to see if you really know.”

Fang Shi said calmly, “Team leader, please.”

Subsequently, Leng Danqiu asked five questions about the basic aspects of the Mecha repair team, all of which were specific and detailed.

Fang Shi’s expression was serious, one after another answered.

At the end of the question, Leng Danqiu’s face flashed a little bit of satisfaction, and lightly said: “The answer is good, it seems that you have really worked hard for these 2 days, then I will arrange some specific work, although you were Snowflake Company’s mid-level Mecha designer, but in the dark blue, everything must start from the beginning, that is to say, you must start from the most basic work, only familiar with and seriously complete those basic work, can you involve some core work step by step, this is Every new member of our dark blue Mecha design team has your rules … “

Leng Danqiu talked about a big pass, and finally gave Fang Shi several basic tasks similar to data recording, and asked: “How is it? Do you have any opinions about the work I arranged?”

Fang Shi quickly replied: “No opinion.”

Leng Danqiu’s lips and lips slightly flashed a smile, and then said aloud: “Okay, since there are no opinions, then work hard. If you don’t even do those basic tasks, I don’t think you have stayed in the Mecha design team. Is necessary. “

Fang Shi said: “I will work hard, team leader.”


On the fourth day of entering the Mecha design team, Fang Shi finally had his own work. Although they are all basic and repetitive work, he did not at all take it lightly, but completed a work carefully and meticulously, and Make it as perfect as possible.

Facing a lot of repetitive and somewhat busy work, Fang Shi occasionally couldn’t help but think of the busy and fulfilling days when he just entered the Snowflake Company 2 Research Institute during the rush at the R & D laboratory 2 and Qin Garden College The picture in the memory of the screen flashed quickly in his mind, panic as if it happened yesterday. In a blink of an eye, he quietly left in a few years, and he still had some emotion in his heart.

The busy days seemed to pass very fast, and a few days passed.

Fang Shi has quickly adapted to the special life of the Deep Blue Base. Although he often thinks of those who miss deeply, he can only show a bitter smile. Now he can’t leave Deep Blue at all.

On the 4th day of agreeing to help Fang Shi meet the elder sister Shana, Xia Ya showed a slight excitement and found Fang Shi, with a faint smile, she said: “Fang Shi, elder sister have promised me to meet tomorrow night, but Meet her in my name. “

“Your name?” Fang Shi slightly puzzled and puzzled.

Xia Ya nodded explained: “Well, my elder sister seems to be somewhat repulsive of this kind of incident. If I show her directly, she will definitely not agree, so I can only ask her to have dinner together in my name, when the time comes, you just go directly. “

“Ah!” Fang Shi’s hesitation flashed across his face, and hesitantly said, “Is that alright?”

Xia Yaxiu’s brow wrinkled slightly and said, “Why, you backed down?”

Fang Shi replied slightly helplessly: “No, I will go.”

Xia Ya hearing this, brows lightly, said: “That’s good.”

Subsequently, Xia Ya told Fang Shi about the specific location and incident, and also specifically reminded Fang Shi to read the information she provided before carefully.

Regarding seeing Shana, Fang Shi’s heart is still slightly fluctuating. The most important thing for him now is to confirm whether the other party is the blue-haired girl who accidentally met the K7 mine star more than 3 years ago. Previously Wei Jing provided him with the image of Shana. The bland coldness sent by his eyes is completely different from that of Xia Ya, which is indeed more in line with the blue-haired girl’s temperament in his memory. I also feel that Shana in the video is the blue-haired girl in memory. However, he could not be sure, it was just a special feeling, and the reason why he wanted to meet him again was actually a knot in his heart. Perhaps the unexpected encounter at the time made him too deep.

Knowing that the meeting time has been determined, Wei Jing is obviously more excited than Fang Shi. He went to Fang Shi ’s residence that night, and Kuo Ruoxuanhe taught him what he called the Book of Mercy, and he looked very serious. Before leaving, he also returned Do n’t forget to meaningfully encourage: “Brother, come on!”

The afternoon of the next day, Fang Shi left the exclusive area of ​​the Mecha design group after completing the tasks of the Mecha design group. Before leaving, Wei Jing was nagging again and again, making Fang Shi feel helpless.

The restaurant agreed by Xia Ya is not far from the exclusive area of ​​the Mecha design team. In fact, there are only a few restaurants in the dark blue base, all of which are free of charge.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, Fang Shi arrived at the restaurant Xia said.

When Fang Shi walked to the restaurant door, the robot standing next to the door said quite warmly: “Welcome!”

Fang Shi did not have any surprises. There are still many similar robots at the Deep Blue Base. I saw him taking a deep breath and then slowly walked into the restaurant.

The restaurant is divided into two floors, and there are many people dining.

Fang Shi took a quick glance for the first time, not at all found Shana’s silhouette, and got on 2-Layer, and soon found Shana with long blue hair in a window-side position, and then moved towards that direction Walked past.

A table by the window somewhere in the restaurant, the blue long-haired girl slightly supported her slightly delicate chin in one hand, and looked at the window somewhatwhat absent-minded, with a touch of melancholy in her eyes, seemingly caught in a faint thought In front of her, there was a cup of coffee still emitting steam, which should have just been delivered not long ago.

While walking at a moderate pace, Fang Shi carefully looked at the blue-haired girl who was getting closer, and another slightly green silhouette appeared in his mind. He was trying to overlap the two. .

When he walked to the dining table, Fang Shi realized that the blue-haired girl in front of him seemed to have completely overlapped with the silhouette in his mind.

“She is Shana!”

At this moment, Fang Shi’s mind seems to be no longer a question mark, but an affirmative symbol. Of course he is not at all 100 points and 100 affirmations. After all, 7-8 years have passed, there are still many changes, and these changes Becomes a factor of uncertainty.

The blue-haired girl seems not at all to notice Fang Shi who has stopped at her dining table. She still looks out the window deliberately. Until someone sits down opposite her, she seems to come back to his senses, only Seeing her take a quick glance and a not at all man who sat down at random with her consent, a faint chill appeared on her beautiful cheeks, her brows were slightly wrinkled like a moon, and her thin lips opened slightly: “This position already have……”

Shana was about to issue a deportation order to an impolite guy, but she just uttered a few words, but she stopped suddenly, because the strange face suddenly aroused a green shadow deep in her memory, although It has been 7-8 years, but she occasionally recalls the unexpected encounter, the green and firm silhouette, and the first kiss in a hurry …

“Really like it!”

Looking at the face of the man opposite, Shana’s consciousness gave an answer. The person in front of him was very similar to the young man in memory, but the person in front of him had a more mature taste.

“is it him?”

A question emerged in Shana ’s mind. For the man who hurriedly met in fate, she not at all had too much memory, but when the other person turned around and asked her name seriously, her special silhouette was stored in her memory. , And she always just regarded her as an accident, a special embellishment in her life.

She never thought that she would meet again with the man who took the initiative to offer her first kiss, but every time she recalled her first kiss, she would casually think of the young man named Fang Shi.

Shana’s heartbeat seemed to be subconsciously quickened a bit, and her mood surged, but her rather strong psychological quality still calmed her down quickly and secretly gave herself an answer: “Impossible, it should be just similar, How could that person appear at the dark blue base. “

Fang Shi looked at Shana, and she was already more sure that the blue-haired girl in front of her was Shana that K3 Mine saw. The look of the other party changed sharply just now, but he looked clearly in his eyes and intuitively told him that the other party was looking. He had recognized him when he was towards him, but the other party’s rapidly chilling expression made him feel a little nervous.

The two people were very short before they were silent, only a few seconds later, and then they saw Fang Shi took a deep breath, the expression said seriously: “My name is Fang Shi, from K2 mine star.”

Introducing myself simply, Fang Shi actually just confirms whether the other party is him, the Shana in his mind. If the other party is the blue-haired girl met by the K3 mine star, and remember his name, there may be some strange reactions.

Hearing Fang Shi’s self-introduction, Shana had been calmly trembled in her heart. At the moment, she had denied that the man in front of her was the green man who had met by accident, but the other party gave her affirmation. answer.

“Fang Shi is not the name of that person. The K3 mine star is not the place where the incident happened.”

“He is the one!”

Floating Light Sweeping Shadow flashed the answer in Shana’s mind, and her cold face became complicated again. Although she had a slightly lost self-control reaction in the past, she was denied and rejected by her. In the affirmative answer, she still can’t restrain the ups and downs of her heart a little, and many questions arise in the same heart. Why did he appear here? Why did he appear dark blue base? Why did she appear on the dark blue planet …

After a brief surprise, Shana uttered two words in disbelief: “It’s you!”

2 simple words are a definitive answer for Fang Shi.

Fang Shi breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he was already sure that Shana in front of him was the blue-haired girl who had accidentally met on the K3 mine star. The corner of his mouth subconsciously showed a faint smile, and said slowly: “Long time no see, Shana.”

Shana frowned slightly, the other person’s tone was like an Old Friend that she hadn’t seen in a long time, but the 2 people only met once in a hurry and should not be considered a friend, but she didn’t at all to refute anything, but leisurely. Say: “Yes, it’s been a while.”

Shana took a sip of the steaming coffee in front of her, and then said slightly dignifiedly, “Why are you here?”

A little embarrassment flashed on Fang Shi’s face, replied: “I know Xia Ya, in fact, I want to see you today, so please help her, and hope you don’t forgive me.”

Shana gave a light whisper, but did not show any displeasure, lightly asked: “Have you eaten dinner?”

Fang Shi gently shook the head and said, “Not yet.”

Shana said calmly, “Let’s go together, anyway, I’m a little hungry.”

Fang Shi un’ed and got up and stood up and asked, “What do you want to eat? I used to get it together.”

Shana drank her coffee and replied: “Just casually.”

Fang Shi gently nodded, moved towards the food platform. The restaurant at the dark blue base is not à la carte. The diners can go directly to the dazzling food platform to choose. The chef will continuously add various foods to the food platform for the diners to choose. Of course, there are special foods for special needs. You can order through the service platform robot, but you may have to board a little more time. In general, few people order directly because the food on the food platform is enough and rich.

Looking at the back view of Fang Shi’s departure, Shana’s eyes, which looked like stars, flashed a little more complicated. Seeing Fang Shi again at the Deep Blue Base really surprised her, and she soon realized that a very important issue was that The special smart card stuck in the other party’s clothes pocket. Thinking of that special smart card, she couldn’t help worrying for a while, and many questions came to her mind.

Soon, Fang Shi walked back with the tray. There are several delicate foods in the dinner plate, and he put two of them in front of Shana.

Shana looked at the exquisite food in front of her, and there was a slight accident on her face. She asked, “How do you know that I like matcha moss and tiramisu?”

Fang Shi did not conceal it, and replied: “Xia Ya told me.”

Shana said slightly, “It seems that she has revealed a lot of information.”

Fang Shi’s mind came up with the information about Xana that Xia gave him. He thought: “It’s indeed a lot of information!”

However, he covered up and said: “Don’t blame her, she might be worried about you.”

“Worry?” Shana’s face was slightly puzzled, but she seemed to think of something soon, eyebrows slightly frowned, and said, “Some things don’t listen to her talking nonsense.”

Fang Shi nodded, began to eat at a moderate pace.

Shana carefully cut off a small piece of matcha moss and sent it to her mouth. After a moment of silence, her face asked slightly and solemnly: “How come you appear at the dark blue base?”

Fang Shi smiled bitterly and said, “To be honest, I haven’t figured out why I was sent to the dark blue planet. It may have offended who.”

Shana whispered, but did not continue to ask more. The aliens who were sent to the dark blue planet were basically people who were judged to have committed some serious mistakes or offended some great character by the Imperial Army, and once sent On this planet that was almost completely closed by the imperial military, it became extremely slim when I wanted to leave, so there is no need to ask more about Fang Shi ’s past. I saw the topic slightly changed and said: “You Is Mecha Design Team now? “

At this time, Xana had had several points of speculation in her mind. Since Fang Shi is familiar with Xia, most likely is the person of the Mecha design team, but she still wants to confirm one 2.

Fang Shi nodded and said: “Well, I just arrived at this dark blue base a few days ago and was assigned to the Mecha design team. When I first saw Xia Ya, I thought it was you.”


2 people have a relaxed meal while you are talking at a moderate pace, the atmosphere is quite harmonious. Fang Shi thinks that Shana is still a very good communicator and, like Wei Jing said, is a very difficult girl to reach.

The dinner lasted for almost half an hour. Near the end, Shana slightly hesitated, and finally hesitantly asked: “Is the silver card I put in you still there?”

The smart card is actually Shana ’s most worrying issue at this time. It is related to a very important secret of the intelligent machinery group of the Deep Blue Base. The reason why the smart card was placed on Fang Shi in anxiety was actually to protect the smart card. Said to protect Nana in the smart card.

Nana is an important result that she and her mentor and many members of the intelligent mechanical group spent a lot of energy to develop. Together with Nana, ZN1 was also developed. However, during a space test, ZN1 ran away from the control of the R & D personnel and caused great losses to the Imperial Army. ZN1 was eventually disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the Imperial Army requested to stop research on the ZN2 project, and in order to prevent the ZN2 Nana from running like the ZN1, the military also decided to destroy ZN2.

Although Nana is just a smart card, she already has the independent thinking ability similar to human beings. During the long-term research and development contacts, Shana and Nana have established a special deep relationship between them, which exists like loved ones. Destruction, she finally made a bold decision and put it into action. But her actions did not go smoothly. Eventually, she and Nana fell on the K3 mine star. At that time, she met Fang Shi and secretly placed Nana on Fang Shi in a special way.

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