My Mech Queen

Chapter 443

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(Thank you Black Cat Lin Feng for your monthly ticket!)

Through Wei Jing’s introduction, Fang Shi soon had a rough understanding of the planet he is now called “Dark Blue”. This is a small blue planet covered by nearly 95% of the ocean, and it There is also a special title of “Dark Blue Prison”.

The open-top off-road vehicle drove fast, and the wind with the smell of sea water blew his cheeks.

Wei Jing still talked with Fang Shi unscrupulously, very casually, and did not show any kind of officer of the Imperial major.

“Oh, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi, in fact, Deep Blue is a very good place, just get used to it, let ’s go and have a drink first, it ’s just to catch the wind and dust for you, we will have to rush back to the base tomorrow, when the time comes We don’t have such a good chance to relax. “Wei Jingmian said with a smile.

Fang Shi looked calm and lightly asked, “Is the base far away from here?”

Weijing was replied at random: “At seabed.”


The convertible off-road vehicle quickly drove out of the miniature military base, and then took a coastal road to full speed.

After 2 hours, the SUV arrived in a tropical town.

The town is not very big, but the various buildings are quite characteristic, most of them are small buildings with 2 or 3 floors, and the street 2 is lined with rows of coconut trees that can be seen everywhere. Azure coconut.

The convertible SUV finally stopped by a road near the center of the town.

Wei Jing pointed to a facade decorated with 5 lights not far from the street and said, “It’s finally here. I haven’t had a drink for a long time.”

While speaking, Wei Jing had jumped out of the car.

Fang Shi glanced at the facade not far away. Above the gate are 5 big lights spelling “Sunshine Beach” 4 characters, presumably the name of the bar.

Soon, 2 people walked into the sunny beach.

As soon as she entered the door, a sexy and charming woman greeted her, and said with a smile: “Oh, this is not Xiaowei, why haven’t you been here for a long time, elder sister wants to die you.”

Wei Jing smiled all over, reaching for the sexy woman and grabbing it wantonly, saying, “hehe, I miss you too.”

The sexy woman did n’t mind Weijing ’s perverted hand, and said slightly: “Why, I want to eat tofu from elder sister. How about if elder sister accompanies you at night?”

Wei Jing hehe laughed, but did not answer.

The sexy woman quickly turned her attention to Fang Shi again, said with a lovable smile: “This handsome guy seems to be coming for the first time.”

Wei Jing on the side was introduced: “My friend, when I first arrived in Deep Blue, I might be a regular visitor in the future. You can entertain us afterwards, otherwise we won’t come next time.

The sexy woman flashed a slight accident, and then said with a smile: “Relax, promise to treat you well, and give you a 20% off today.”

“Thirty percent off?” Wei Jing murmured: “Is it too little, 7 percent off!”

The sexy woman tenderly snorted and said, “Xiaoweijing, you know that it’s cheaper for elder sister, okay, look at your new friend’s face, then 5% off.”

“Elder sister is so nice, I love elder sister!”

Wei Jing laughed splendidly, and at the same time extended the devil’s claws very unconsciously, but was easily opened by the other party.

Later, Fang Shi and Wei Jing took a seat in the bar and sat down and ordered something.

Perhaps it was because during the day, the bar seemed quite quiet. The sexy bar Lady Boss also had a drink at the table of Fang Shi and Weijing in person. There were many teasing words, but Weijing was able to cope with it. The perverted hand is even more expensive from time to time.

Fang Shi, who arrived for the first time, seemed very calm. He treated the explicit language basically with a smile, not at all too much entanglement.

At dusk, 2 people walked out of the bar.

Fortunately, Fang Shi’s head was quite clear during the not at all how much alcohol he drank. Wei Jing was a little unsteady, and he started the chat mode directly, chatting and talking non-stop.

Soon, 2 people got on the off-road vehicle.

Weijing let the off-road vehicle turn around in the town, and he acted as a guide, giving Fang Shi a careful acceptance of this seaside town called Pearl.

After visiting the town, the buggy drove back to the military base they had come from.

The night breeze is cold and the stars are bright.

Fang Shi looked at the quiet sea in the distance in the distance, and there was a seemingly sadness on his face. Through communication with Weijing, he had a clearer understanding of the dark blue planet at this time. The only external connection of the planet is through the ships of the Imperial Army. The miniature space port where he is today is also the only space port on the Dark Blue Planet, so the only way to leave the Dark Blue Planet is to take the Imperial Warship.

In addition, apart from special military communications on the dark blue planet, other communications with the outside world are also completely cut off, and ordinary communications from the outside world cannot enter dark blue, and will be shielded by military satellites near dark blue.

“Do I really stay on this blue planet forever?”

Fang Shi let Fenger hu hu blow his cheeks, and his mind was immersed in thinking. Now his current situation is quite bad for him. He returned to the empire with his untold hardships. Not only did he not see Those who met each other were instead sent to this dark blue, known as the “dark blue prison”, and had completely disconnected from the outside world. In addition, according to the information in the mouth of Wei Jing, the probability of the person who was sent to the dark blue almost wanted to go out again was extremely low. Although he did not know why Wei Jing was so conclusive, he knew that the other party was definitely not kidding him. This is for him. It is undoubtedly a terrible message, but his heart has not given up on it. Anyway, his heart does not stay on this deep blue little planet.

After 2 hours, the SUV finally returned to the tiny military base near the space port.

When Fang Shi arrived at the military base, there was no sign of any prisoners. The treatment still followed the standards of school-level officers. A very comfortable suite with all kinds of equipment.

The night of the military base appeared to have several points of gloom, only sporadic lights and some special rays of light that appeared from time to time on some buildings, and the distance was immersed in a gloom.

Fang Shi stood on the small balcony and gazed into the dark distance. He knew that the direction was an endless sea, and the sound of the waves came from that direction from time to time, with a unique rhythm.

He not at all any sleepiness, his face not at all sentimental or anxious, only a touch of calm like a lake water, quietly watching the direction of the sea along the railing, listening to the faint sound of the waves .

It was late, Fang Shi sighed and returned to the room.

On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi and Wei Jing ran out of breakfast together, and then moved towards a port not far from the military base. It was a harbour that was not too wide, but the facilities were quite complete.

In the port, there are more than 100 ships of different sizes. Among them, the most prominent one is a large silver-grey ship with a strange shape in the center of the port. Its entire volume is larger than that of the military space warship Fang Shi used to ride. It is even bigger, compared to other ships in the port, it is a huge monster.

Wei Jing pointed to the super-large ship in the center of the port and said with a little smile: “hehe, that is our ship, Deep Blue 7.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded, he had noticed the huge monster since entering the harbour, but after hearing Wei Jing’s words, a flash of accident flashed on his face. After a few glances, he said quite differently. : “Those who are responsible for handling are robots?”

Wei Jing said with a smile: “Well, not many dark blues are more robots, and you will understood when you reach the seabed base.”

Soon after, the two boarded the Dark Blue No. 2 together.

Ascending the Deep Blue 7, Fang Shi went up and down under the leadership of Wei Jing, and he couldn’t help but feel a lot of shock. According to Wei Jing’s introduction, the huge ship of Deep Blue 7 was not Some people control it, but it is automatically controlled by an intelligent system, and there are only dozens of real crew on the whole ship, and the rest are mechanical units.

At 9 am, the Deep Blue 7 anchored on time and left the port, and soon sailed into the endless deep blue sea.

Standing on the deck of the ship, Fang Shi looked at the land where there was only a touch of land, taking a deep breath. The farther away from the land, the less hope of leaving the dark blue. The only exit now is to pass the outside world. And he is gradually away.


Suddenly, a hand rested lightly on Fang Shi’s shoulder.

Wei Jing glanced at Fang Shi’s continent in the direction of Fang Shi’s gaze. One hand just fell on Fang Shi’s shoulder, his face was not at all the usual big smile, his brow was slightly wrinkled, tone But with a trace of dignity, he said, “Why, want to leave the dark blue planet?”

Fang Shi withdrew his gaze, looked at Weijing, gently nodded, and then spit out a word slowly: “Think.”

Although he doesn’t know Wei Jing well, he still feels that this person can be a good friend, so he honestly said what he thought.

Wei Jing showed a state of thought, and after a moment of silence, he said seriously: “If there is no military order, I advise you to dispel this dangerous idea early. I have heard of some vain attempts to leave by special means. Dark blue people, but successful people have not heard of it. “

“Really?” Fang Shi turned to look towards the endless sea in the distance, his eyes flashing a faint daze.

Wei Jing withdrew his hand on Fang Shi’s shoulder and said, “Why, don’t you believe it?”

“I believe.” Fang Shi shook the head, paused, the topic changed slightly and asked, “Do you want to leave the dark blue planet?”

Wei Jing thought about it and replied: “How to say, I am a bit different from you. I am a native of the dark blue planet, my loved ones, my friends, they are all in dark blue, and dark blue is my best return. Despite the occasional boredom, I also want to go to the World outside to take a look, but I ’m afraid I ’m reluctant to leave when I ’m leaving. ”

There was a slight accident on Fang Shi’s face. It turned out that Weijing was a man on the dark blue planet.

Wei Jing looked at Fang Shi, touched his chin, and said thoughtfully, “Why, there are people of special importance to you in the outside world?”

Fang Shi gently nodded, and a few silhouettes flashed quickly in his mind.

Wei Jing slightly frowned, but did not continue to say more.

Sea breezes blew across the ship’s deck and through the hair room, with a hint of coolness.

Deep Blue 7 sailed fast in a deep blue wave. His speed was significantly faster than that of ordinary ships.

Fang Shi and Weijing ship deck spent half an hour and returned to the cabin.

In the cabin, each and everyone’s mechanical units were busy, and the crew seemed rather relaxed.

After 3 hours, Deep Blue 7 finally entered the deep water. After seeing its shape change itself, it sank into the sea like a submarine. After reaching a certain depth, it started to drive quickly and its navigation Compared to the sea surface, the speed has been increased several times, and moved towards the deep sea farther away at full speed.

Fang Shi, who was inside the ship, saw the deep blue No. 7 deep underwater through the light screen on the wall. He had heard of this special ship before, but he had n’t even sat down. This time I was fortunate enough to sit back.

Deep in the seabed is a gloomy World, like a thick layer of smoke.

After more than a dozen hours of full-speed voyage, the Deep Blue 7 finally eased slightly, and the seabed not far away in front of him radiated bursts of light.

“Is that the seabed base?”

Looking at the huge light in the light screen, Fang Shi’s face flashed with surprise.

Standing on the Fang Shi side, Wei Jing was nodded and said with a bit of frustration: “Well, that is the seabed base. Alas, I do n’t know when I will go out next time. The military supplies are quite adequate this time. If there is no accident, it is estimated It’s about 1 month later. “

As the Deep Blue 7 continued to move forward, the bright place in front was more and more clearly displayed in the light screen not far away in front of Fang Shi. It was a huge seabed plain with a huge light mask in the middle of the plain. The inner space of the photomask is very large, and a large number of other buildings of all kinds of strange things have been built, like a small seabed town.

Soon after, the dark blue 7 reached the bottom of the giant light mask, and a layer of light mask appeared outside the hull, blocking the sea water from the light mask, and the layer of light mask followed the dark blue 7 ‘S slowly advancing touches the huge light screen in front, and slowly merges into one.

As the mask slowly merged, the huge hull of the Deep Blue 7 moved little into little inside the huge mask.

After 3 minutes of slow advancement, the entire hull of Deep Blue 7 finally entered the huge light mask, and then I saw it slowly sailing along the water channel in the light mask into the dock.

The ship was docked, and many mechanical units in the dock were busy.

Fang Shi and Weijing walked down the Deep Blue No. 2 at a moderate pace.

2 people just got off the boat, and a 40-year-old stubble robust man drove a wind-stretching mechanical car in front of them. The slag robust man looked at Weijing and then Fang Shi, looking slightly A dignified expression said: “Why, there are new members joining us in Deep Blue?”

Wei Jing laughed and said, “Yes, Shanmu Uncle, how about sending us 2 people?”

The stubble robust man snorted and said briskly: “Come on, but I suggest you youngsters still walk more, which is good for the body.”

“Understood.” Wei Jing took the lead in jumping on a mechanical car with a relatively strong wind, and was introduced at the same time: “Shangmu uncle, this is Fang Shi.”

Robust man nodded said with a smile: “Hello, youngster.”

Seeing the badge on the slag robust man’s uniform, Fang Shi was slightly surprised. The other party turned out to be a colonel-level officer, so his alliance said slightly respectfully: “Hello, sir.”

“Sir?” Hu Zuo robust man said with a smile: “Hehe, I have been a sir for many years, don’t call me sir, I’m just a pier administrator, just call me mountain uncle with Weijing. Also, to remind you, you do n’t need to look at any military rank at this seabed base. The old man in the warehouse may be a general officer. You do n’t need to make a fuss about nothing. This is dark blue. The military rank is fart. Well, hurry up Right, youngster. “

Fang Shi looked slightly weird, and at the same time he was amazed in his heart. The manager of the dock actually had the rank of colonel. Looking at the old man in the warehouse, it might be a general officer. This is too weird and makes him feel a surprise. .

Fang Shi took a breath and quickly got on the mechanical car.

Wei Jing, who was sitting on the side, said: “The mountain uncle is like you from the outside World, hehe, listen to him boasting that he was the fleet commander who controlled more than 100 warships …”

Waiting for Wei Jing to finish, the dross-robust man who was driving hummed with dissatisfaction: “Wei Jing, you are a brat, uncle, is that boasting? Want to uncle when I was in the Eastern Region of the Empire, your girl was still there Wear crotch pants. “

Wei Jing chuckled: “I don’t believe it.”

Fang Shi slightly shook the head, and the slightly dull mood was slightly better.

The slag robust man exclaimed angrily: “I don’t believe it, don’t look for uncle in the future, I will tell you the story of the mountain. By the way, youngster, how can you get this dark blue.”

Fang Shi smiled bitterly and said helplessly, “I don’t know.”

“I don’t know?” The stubborn robust man frowned slightly, and then said with some relief: “It should have offended the great character. It was good luck to send it to the dark blue. At least it will not be killed here.”

Fang Shi hearing this, my heart sank slightly. In fact, why he was sent to Deep Blue has always been a problem that bothers him. He thinks that it is most likely the reason of the military department Teco, and the trees and trees in front of him are quite sure that he is Offended the mountain great character, which made him a little puzzled. It seems that he did not offend any great character of the empire, and he just returned to the Xingluo empire, how could he offend the great character?

The slag robust man glanced at Fang Shi and said, “youngster, since you have reached this dark blue, don’t have any other thoughts. Stay here, in fact, this place is also good in dark blue. There is food and drink. If you are good luck, you can find a woman and have a child and so on … “

Soon, the mechanical car arrived at the gate of the terminal.

The stubble robust man stopped the mechanical car and yelled, “Okay, get off the car, there are still a lot of work waiting for me in District 7 today.”

Fang Shi and Wei Jing jumped out of the car.

Without waiting for two people to thank, the stubborn robust man drove the mechanical car quickly to the 2th area of ​​the terminal.

Looking at the back view of the mechanical car in the distance, Fang Shi took a deep breath. The slag robust man’s words just touched him a lot. At present, his perception of dark blue seems to be only the surface fur. What is the dark blue like? Does it exist?

“Okay, don’t think about it. I’ll take you to see old fogey first. I don’t know if he will arrange you there. It is best to arrange it in the Mecha design team, so that we can be together.” Wei Jing whispered Said in one breath.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi followed Weijing into a cylindrical building near the center of the seabed base and quickly got on the elevator.

Inside the building, it was quite deserted, only a few people were seen along the way, and there were many mechanical units.

In the end, 2 people arrived in a circular room similar to Conference Hall on the 5th floor.

“Old fogey seems to be busy, it is estimated to wait for a while.” Wei Jing said slightly helplessly.

Fang Shi nodded and said: “It’s okay.”

While waiting, Wei Jing introduced Fang Shi to his old fogey. The old fogey in his mouth is not a simple character. It is the core senior of this seabed base and controls his distribution rights. The distribution right is to allocate what kind of work it will do in the seabed base in the future.

After more than 20 minutes, a gray-haired old man entered the room at a moderate pace.

The old man is obviously old, with wrinkles on his face, like a stack of mountains, but his eyes are bright and bright. After entering the room, he immediately locked Fang Shi and lightly said: “You are Fang Shi? “

Immediately since the old man entered the room, Fang Shi noticed each other and looked at the rank of admiral on the epaulet. He was really surprised. This base really gave him too many incredible places. The uncle of the dock management was the colonel. , And now seeing an old man turned out to be a general, this seems to be the first time to face an admiral officer in person.

Facing the other party’s question, Fang Shi immediately replied: “Yes, sir.”

The old man looked quite serious, glanced at Fang Shi, and said, “In Deep Blue, you don’t need to call me sir, just call me a professor.”

Fang Shi nodded and said: “Yes, professor.”

Wei Jing on the side was already standing respectfully at this time, and his expression was obviously not as comfortable as when he called old fogey.

The old man glanced at Wei Jing, and lightly said, “Wei Jing, you go out first. There are some things that I want to talk to Fang Shi alone.”

“Yes, professor.”

Wei Jing looked back seriously, then left the room quite consciously, and asked lightly to close the door.

The old man sat down and pointed to the position opposite, and said lukewarmly: “Sit down too.”

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