My Mech Queen

Chapter 440

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Under the comfort of Fang Shi, Anxu’s fluctuating mood finally calmed down a lot, but there were some tears left on her cute face, like a little cat.

An Xu asked: “big brother, when will you come back?”

Fang Shi thought about it, and replied: “It should be soon.”

Anxu was slightly dissatisfied and said, “When is it soon? I haven’t seen you for more than 2 years. Why did you suddenly break contact before and only contacted me until now, when I heard the news from the military … “

Thinking of the gloomy days 2 years ago, Anxu’s face couldn’t help but look slightly sad, and his emotions seemed to be affected by it again.

Fang Shi seemed to feel, laughed, interrupted: “Big brothers are not good, don’t think about those unhappy things. I did appear in the planet called Rambo in the front line defense of the Eastern Region of the Empire. Under some circumstances, I was out of the team and fell into a snowy field … “

Regarding the loss of contact during this period of time, Fang Shi briefly described it lightly, and many of the things were summarized by him, and he did not mention anything about his life, lest the younger sister be safe. Worry.

After listening to Fang Shi ’s story, Anxu was so sighed that he did n’t think that the big brother had even lived in the Galactic Alliance, and then went to the 3 Jiaozhou Star District before finally returning to the empire. Unable to contact her.

After being silent for a few seconds, Anxu said, “big brother, don’t lie to me in the future.”

“Fool you?” Fang Shi froze for a moment, and soon relieved himself.

An Xu lightly hummed: “You were obviously recruited by the Imperial Army to the Eastern Region as the War Zone, and they told me what company’s special work arrangement.”

Fang Shi un’ed, continued: “Not next time.”

Anxu mumbled and said, “I know you are afraid of me, but now I am also an adult.”

Fang Shi said with a slight smile: “Well, Anxu is an adult. However, in the eyes of the big brother, you will always be a child who does not grow up.”

An Xu felt like a warm current flowing through for a few seconds. I saw her topic change slightly and said: “big brother, a strange and beautiful elder sister came to me more than a year ago. She said it was your friend, and I also asked a lot about you. “

“Elder sister?” Fang Shi showed a slight accident.

Ansu definitely replied: “Yes, she asked me to call her Yanyan elder sister, and also left me a contact number, saying that if I have any trouble in the future, I can directly contact her.”

Fang Shi hearing this, a beautiful shadow immediately appeared in her mind, her name is Qi Yanyan, a woman who occupies a very important position in his heart, he still clearly remembers the two people who were special in that phantom 2 model Mecha According to the agreement, he still wanted to come in like he was bathed in the warm sunshine in the spring. I never thought she went to Snow City to see the younger sister Ansu.

Ansu paused and asked, “big brother, do you know who is Yanyan elder sister?”

Fang Shi quickly replied: “Know.”

Anxu yelled and continued: “Yanyan elder sister seems to like big brother very much.”

“Really?” Fang Shi said with a slight smile.

Anxu was very surely replied: “Well, Yanyan elder sister looked a bit strange in seeing the photos of your room. Although I can’t say it, I can feel it.”

Fang Shi slightly shook the head and said, “Little girl, what do you feel. By the way, talk about your situation for 2 years. Have you studied hard?”


The Tianxun of 2 people spoke for several hours in a row, and didn’t reluctantly hang up the Tianxun until nearly midnight.

Through exchanges, Fang Shi had a clearer understanding of the situation of the younger sister An Xu in the past 2 years, and also made him feel relieved. In addition to the situation of the younger sister, Fang Shi also learned some information from other people. For example, Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu, what experimental task just left the Snow City a few days ago, if there is no wrong guess, it should be the relevant test of the Phantom Mecha. It is estimated that it has reached the experimental test of the Phantom 003 or 004 model Mecha; and then Ye According to Xiangyi’s information, Ye Xiangyi will still contact Anxu almost every other month or two, so Anxu knows about the situation of Ye Xiangyi. The current Ye Xiangyi still follows the Battle Princess Mecha camp in the Eastern Region of the Empire For the War Zone domain.

Putting down the mobile news, Fang Shi hesitated for a moment, and finally dialed the number of Qi Yanyan. Although it was late at night, he still heard her voice with some impatient, but what made him quite helpless was that he was not at all Dial that number.

There are usually 2 possible reasons why the Skylink number cannot be connected: one is that the number is no longer used; the other is that it cannot accept the signal at this time.

Fang Shi is more inclined to the latter result. The Sky News number was given to him by younger sister Anxu. Since Qi Yanyan gave Anxu number It shouldn’t be to get a useless number, and the reason why he thinks it is second Probability is because Qi Yanyan is a combat commander and often boarded warships to perform related tasks. The general signals from the outside world are generally blocked.

After letting go of the sky, Fang Shi stood on the ground and created a glimpse of the dark night view of Wenda City again. The lights at midnight already appeared sporadic, but the night sky view was just thick, one after another The bright and shining stars are set like gems in the night sky, so beautiful.

Looking at the starry night sky, Fang Shi stood still for a long time, and multiple silhouettes appeared in his mind. For example, Gu Ruxin hurried away in the War Zone on the front line of the East Region, and Ye, who had not seen him for a long time, Those familiar with Xiangyi and Battle Princess Mecha.

The night is like flowing water, flowing silently.

It took a long time before Fang Shi came back to his senses again, then rinsed and lay down on the bed to sleep.

On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi got the news of Lan He Xuan-flying to Blue Wave Planet every 3 days, there will be a spaceship to Blue Wave Planet, and there is a spaceship to Blue Wave Planet that day, However, the starting point is a large city in the northern hemisphere of East Star.

Fang Shi asked for some specific information. The space spaceship to Blue Wave was set off in the afternoon. If he drove from Wenda City, he would still be able to catch up. He did not at all hesitate to let Lan Hexuan help He booked the relevant flight and spaceship tickets.

After breakfast, Fang Shi and Matt explained that they hurried to the airport alone and got on the aircraft and left Wenda City.

Fang Shi has endured the hardships of a long journey all the way, transferred 2 flights, and finally arrived at the large city named Chifeng in the hemisphere of the famous space spaceship at about 3 pm, and quickly rushed to the Chifeng City Space Port .

It is a medium-sized space port.

At 5 pm, Fang Shi boarded a spaceship to fly to the blue wave planet.

Soon after, the sky spaceship slowly left the ground, then faster and faster, and finally rushed out of the atmosphere of the planet of Dongdan and entered the dark space.

Fang Shi’s cabin is not a luxury cabin, but a standard cabin for a single person, but all this is enough for him, and the reason why he energetic and bustling to leave Dongdan planet this time, naturally wants See those who want to meet early.

The empire’s spaceship is significantly faster than the old spaceship in the 3 horns, and it quickly gallops in the dark space.

Three days later, the sky spaceship finally reached its destination-Blue Wave Planet.

The Blue Wave planet can be regarded as a medium-large planet in the Star Empire. Although it cannot be compared with the 5 super planets in the Central Star District, its space volume is still much larger than the average planet.

Fang Shi’s spaceship finally landed at a civilian spaceport in the eastern hemisphere of Blue Wave Planet and stopped. As for the headquarters of the 6th Army, it is located in the western hemisphere, with a special military area of ​​about 10% of the planet.

It’s dusk when we get out of the space port. Fang Shi is the most prosperous city in the specific space port when he gets on the bus. It is a high-level city that is completely different from Wenda City. Looking around, you can see tall buildings with different shapes standing tall.

Fang Shi found a random hotel and stayed, and quickly inquired about the relevant information of the 6th Group Military Area. The goal of his next plan was to go to the 6th Army. After all, his target identity was in active service by the Imperial Army. Soldiers, if they ran directly back to the Central Star District, I am afraid that something might be wrong. Maybe they will be directly regarded as deserters. This is not what he wants to see. In addition, he is also an officer of the rank of lieutenant colonel. The 6th Army should be able to provide him with some military shortcuts. As for returning to the Central Star District, when the time comes and apply for the relevant application should not be a problem. According to the relevant regulations of the Imperial Army, officers at the rank of lieutenant colonel can apply for some vacation time even during the special wartime period between the Empire and the Alliance. However, this vacation time is relatively short.

On the afternoon of 2nd day, Fang Shi left the city where he was and took a flight to 10000 Tacheng. 10000 Tower City is a large city in the western hemisphere of the Blue Planet, and it is also the closest large city to the 6th Army Military Region of the Empire. He chose to go to 10000 Tower City, but he regarded it as a transit station, and his final destination It is also the 6th Army Military Region.

After the aircraft continued to fly for nearly 6 hours, it finally reached 10000 Tacheng.

Fang Shi walked out of the airport at more than 8 o’clock in the evening. Looking at the 5 tower cities immersed in the enchanting night surrounded by 10000 colorful lights in the distance, he felt a little emotion in his heart, and now stretched out in the Empire Star Domain, It is completely different from the previous three-pointed star zone and the Galaxy Alliance Star Domain. The mood is relaxed and relaxed, and it is almost completely free of the slightly depressed feeling.

After catching the car, Fang Shi entered 10000 Tower City in the night.

However, he not at all stayed at 10000 Tacheng for more than one night. On the morning of the fifth day, he took a train to the nearest city in the 5th Army Military Region-Urban.

Urban is just a small city, which is the window of the 6th Army Military Region’s diplomatic connection, and the destination he had previously booked.

The high-speed train galloped all the way.

Along the way, the scenery outside the car window seemed extraordinarily beautiful, with rolling green hills, green meadows full of World, and surging rivers …

After more than 3 hours of galloping, the train finally arrived in the small town of Urban.

Soon, Fang Shi had endured the hardships of a long journey out of the train station. Outside the station, there is a distinctive city of Urban, not at all. There are too many high-rise buildings, and more are the unique 5 6-Layer small buildings, which seem to have several points of town style.

Fang Shi not at all Too much to admire the special town style of Urban, but quickly took a car to the military office of the Imperial 6th Army in Urban.

The car traveled at a moderate pace along the streets of Urban.

Along the way, Fang Shi looked at the small city of Irban intentionally or unintentionally through the window. The sidewalk on the 2nd street was not able to see some imperial soldiers in military uniforms. In addition, there were many military vehicles on the street.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi arrived at the military office of the 6th Army of the Empire in Urban City. It was a square building with a dozen floors, and above the roof were the Imperial Army flag and the 6th Army. Special military flag.

Fang Shi got out of the car and quickly walked into the military office of the Imperial 6th Army.

The 1st floor of the office is a wide hall, and many people are busy, including military personnel and non-military personnel.

Fang Shi found the reception desk in the corner of the service hall.

He was in charge of a young girl in a short skirt and military uniform, 2 eleven-twelve years old, quite delicate and pretty, and his exquisite figure appeared quite a few tights against the slightly tight military uniform valiant and formidable looking.

When I met Fang Shi, the girl in charge said at a moderate pace: “Hello, is there anything?”

Fang Shi briefly explained the situation and handed over his Imperial Officer ID.

The girl at the reception was quite calm at first, but when she saw the rank of lieutenant colonel on the officer ’s card, the delicate and pretty face suddenly changed. She never thought that the man who seemed unremarkable in front of her was actually A lieutenant colonel, who is higher than her little corporal, is not sure how many ranks, even the highest chief of his office is only a captain.

“Then … that, sir … Chief, I am afraid that your affairs will need to be decided by your superiors. Please wait a moment, I will go to ask one 2 above.” The girl said a little stuttering, obviously he could not be very good in a short time Control their emotions.

Fang Shi slightly laughed and said, “Okay, then trouble you.”

“No … trouble.” The girl in charge concealed the embarrassment slightly, and then quickly asked her superior for instructions.

Five minutes later, a man of about 5 years old came to the reception to meet Fang Shi in person, and as soon as he came up, it was like Fang Shi paid a standard military salute, and said quite respectfully: “Sir, I am Chief of the reception. -In-Charge Xu Lang. “

Fang Shi looked at the captain’s uniform of the other’s uniform, slightly nodded, and politely replied: “Captain Xu, hello.”

2 people simply politely.

Later, Fang Shi followed Xu Lang to the other party’s office on the top floor of the office building.

Xu Lang was extremely polite. As soon as he sat down, Fang Shi had poured tea and said with a smile: “Sir Fang, I just heard about your affairs, but the specific details are still there. It ’s not very clear, but I ’m going to trouble you to explain more. I really want to report on it. ”

Fang Shi nodded, and described his situation in more detail, of course, he is a summary of many things, not at all for any detailed explanation.

Xu Lang’s face showed surprise from time to time, because what Fang Shi said was unbelievable to him, he could not imagine that the other party had moved from the front line of the Eastern Region of the Empire to the Star Alliance of the Galaxy Alliance, and then came to the chaos. The polar 3 horn star zone finally returned to the empire through the dangerous space distortion channel. For him, this is really an unimaginable thing.

“I didn’t expect that Mr. Fang would have such a tortuous experience. It’s really unimaginable. I will report to you as soon as possible about the officer. Some specific procedures may still take some time. Forget the officer.” Xu Lang said at a moderate pace.

Fang Shi smiled slightly and said, “It’s okay, I can still wait at this time.”

Subsequently, the two people exchanged politely for more than half an hour.

After walking to Xu Lang’s office, Fang Shi followed Xu Lang to arrange an office staff to go to the reception office of the military office.

The Fang Shi is almost treated with the highest standard of treatment in the reception hall. It is almost difficult to encounter school-level officers. Because the specifications of this move are not very high, Fang Shi is arranged for a comfortable suite. In addition, Xu Lang also specially assigned an adjutant to Fang Shi to take charge of his affairs in the guest house, and he could directly find the adjutant if he did not understand or needed help.

Fang Shi lived in the guest house of the military office for only one day. On 2nd day, he took the vehicle arranged by the military area and went to the military area.

The vehicle reached the trifling area of ​​the 6th Army, and soon arrived at a military airport.

Fang Shi and a lieutenant accompanied him on a saucer-shaped military aircraft. After the saucer was lifted off, it moved towards the hinterland of the 6th Group Military Region.

Two hours later, the saucer landed at the airport of a large military base.

Fang Shi and the accompanying lieutenant walked out of the airport, and a military off-road vehicle greeted him. A young major greeted him.

Soon, Fang Shi got on a buggy.

The off-road vehicle moved towards the central area of ​​the base military base and drove away quickly.

In the car, the major was quite polite and took the initiative to talk to Fang Shi and asked about Fang Shi’s things intentionally or unintentionally.

Half an hour later, the off-road vehicle stopped in a dormitory area of ​​the military base.

The young major personally led Fang Shi to the special settlement arranged by the base.

Afterwards, the young major took the military base for a brief pass and enjoyed a very good lunch with Fang Shi.

In the afternoon, Fang Shi followed the young major to the office building of a military base and saw a middle-aged colonel in one of the offices.

In the office, the middle-aged colonel carefully asked about related matters. The main part was Fang Shi’s related matters after the loss of Lambo planet in the eastern region of the empire, and he made a lot of records seriously.

Facing the inquiry of the middle-aged colonel, Fang Shi one after another gave a more detailed answer, but he did not mention the secrets of his own, such as those related to Yule.

In the office, the two people continue to communicate with me, sentence by sentence, and it is not until the end of 2 hours.

The middle-aged colonel said with a gentle smile: “Lieutenant Colonel, thank you for your cooperation. I still need to verify with you the 7th Army Corps about your matter. It may take some time. I hope you will wait patiently for one 2 and after clear results, I will make arrangements for you as soon as possible. “

Fang Shi looked seriously replied: “Thank you, sir.”

After a while, Fang Shi left the office of the middle-aged colonel and walked out of the building with the young major who brought him.

In the following 2 days, the young major was inseparable from Fang Shi. As soon as Fang Shi walked out of the residence, he would appear in front of him within less than half an hour. In response, he felt a little alert, and there was always a feeling in his heart that the other party seemed to be closely monitoring him, but on the surface, he did not show much.

On the 3rd day, Fang Shi got good news. His identity had been approved, and the base had already arranged for him to travel to another military planet in the Eastern Region, where he would receive further arrangements from the Imperial Ministry.

Two days later, Fang Shi boarded an imperial warship in the space port of the military base, followed by a fleet of a dozen warships and dozens of transport ships and left Blue Planet.

Life on the battleship is quite monotonous, and the time seems a bit long.

After 7 days of continuous navigation, Fang Shi ’s fleet finally reached the target planet and landed smoothly in a large military space port.

Fang Shi just walked out of the battleship, but encountered a rather unexpected scene. I saw a colonel officer with sunglasses quickly walked in front of him. He asked lukewarmly, “Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi?”

There were two captains next to Colonel Sunglasses, looking serious.

At this time, Fang Shi was wearing the uniform of the lieutenant colonel equipped to him by the 6th Army Group Military Base. Looking at the three officers in front of him, there was a slight flash of accident on his face, lightly nodded, and asked politely: “I am, Sir, do you know what happened to me? “

Colonel Sunglasses still said in a lukewarm tone: “I ’m Ji Geng, the 7th team leader of the Imperial Army ’s Special Forces. Some things still have to trouble you with our investigation.”

“Military Department Special Branch?” Fang Shi hearing this heart sank slightly. Military Department Special Section enjoyed special influence in the imperial army. He mainly dealt with special issues of the military, such as some special major cases involving the military. Investigations, spies and counter-espionage in the Imperial Army, etc. In short, it was most likely not a good thing to be searched by the military department of Teco, and now when he just got off the battleship, there were people from the military department of Teco waiting for him. He could n’t help but produce A bad hunch.

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