My Mech Queen

Chapter 436

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Under the escort of a burly robust man and several others, Fang Shi was sent to the spaceship 7th floor, and then kept alone in a small room.

“If you don’t want to die, just leave me inside.” Before leaving the room, the burly robust man headed by did not forget to remind him, and arranged 2 guards outside the room.

Fang Shi sat quietly, but his heart was not as calm as his face. Now he has become a prisoner of the invaders, and he has little resistance. He knows that except for the two guards outside the room, There are also a large number of intruders. Now even if he is given a Mecha, it is estimated that he can easily escape. From the 2rd floor to the 3th floor, he saw multiple Mechas, which shows that the strength of the invasion is very strong.

“It turned out that I was locked in a room alone, I don’t know what special intentions there will be.”

Fang Shi took a deep breath, slightly revealing some helplessness and bitterness. Previously in the small control room of the spaceship 3rd floor, through Nana providing relevant video information, the intruders seem to have concentrated the surrendered people in a certain area. And he is now being held in a room alone, obviously beyond his expectations, and he was sent directly from the 3rd floor to the 7th floor. He seems to have been treated as a target for special treatment. Everything should be related to the big man in the mouth of the burly robust man.

The soundproofing effect of the room seems to be very good. Fang Shi simply sitting in the corner of the room can’t hear the little sound outside, only a bit strange and quiet, he can clearly hear his breath that is not too fast. .

“It seems that I can only take one step at a time. I don’t know what these tribulations guys holding the shining starship spaceship want to do?” In his mind, Fang Shi guessed cluelessly, judging from the various actions of the intruder It seems that he is still safe for the time being. Those intruders are not crazy slaughters like those murderous pirates. The slaughter is only for those who resist, but for the surrenders like him, it is quite gentle, not at all. Rough move.

Fang Shi tried his best to calm down his mind, but he put aside all his fantasies about returning to the Xingluo Empire. The most important task now is how to save his life, so that he can return to Xingluo Empire opportunity.

Time is slowly passing by one second after another in the silent time, one minute, 5 minutes, ten minutes …

An hour later, the door of Fang Shi’s room opened again.

In addition to two mechanical soldiers over 2 meters high, there was a man with sunglasses. The man with sunglasses walked in the middle, with no expression on his face, but he quickly glanced at Fang Shi. It seemed to be scanned from head to toe. The sunglasses on the bridge of the nose then appeared a light green glow, and then the voice said stiffly: “Human! Take everything out of you.”

While the man in sunglasses was speaking, the mechanical soldiers on his left and right immediately raised the gun in his palm and aimed it at Fang Shi. It seemed to fire immediately as soon as there was any resistance.

Fang Shi complexion slightly changed, since the other three people entered the room, he first Time Locked the man with sunglasses in the middle, and just now the sunglasses radiated bursts of green glow. He can also be seen from his perspective. Judging that the pair of sunglasses is definitely not ordinary sunglasses, when the other party looked at him, the green glow clearly flashed some small and strange text, which is definitely not what a pair of ordinary sunglasses can have.

Under the coercion of two mechanical warriors, Fang Shi finally took out the items he had on the body. They were all the items he carried with him. In fact, there were not many of them. As for some of them, as for the energy pistol The burly robust man squad that had captured him before the weapon was taken away.

Every time Fang Shi took out something, the sunglasses of a man standing not far away would appear green glow, which seems to be a special test.

In the end, the man’s eyes on the sunglasses stayed in Fang Shi’s card case, and he took out a silver card from it and looked at it carefully.

Seeing the man in sunglasses picking up the silver card, Fang Shi felt a little bit dumb in his heart. If he read it correctly, the other party seemed to be particularly interested in his silver card, and that card was a special card carrying Nana.

The man in sunglasses scanned it three times in a row, only slightly nodded, and then the silver card was put away, and he said in his mouth: “It should be it, this time there is a good unexpected harvest.”

Fang Shi clenched his fists slightly in his hands. At this time, he naturally already judged that the real goal of the sunglasses man was the silver card. At the same time, his heart was heavy, and there were a lot of shocks. They seem to have a certain understanding of the silver card, thinking that Nana said in spaceship 3rd floor that there is a similar existence to her. Can’t help but secretly made some guesses. Does the sunglasses man in front of him have similar cards?

The man in sunglasses glanced at Fang Shi expressionlessly, then turned and left the room, and the 2 mechanical warriors beside his left and right also followed.


The door was closed again.

In the room, Fang Shi’s face was quite complicated, and he sat on the seat weakly, and his hands clenching his fists were slightly trembling. There was a hard to describe in his heart. He not at all any resistance, and his discomfort and unwillingness is precisely because of the departure of Silver Mecha, which is carrying Nana.

Nana is not a simple machine card for Fang Shi, but a character like a loved one. Every time he hears the silvery voice, his heart will be more or less full of special feelings , She is like a lively and cute younger sister, he still remembers the scene where he first saw Nana in the R & D laboratory No. 2 of the 2nd Research Institute of Snowflake Company headquarters, he still remembers that Nana used his powerful data Analytical ability corrects the scenes of his computer-controlled operation. He can still remember the moment when Nana saved him from the crisis in the second life and death crisis …

Over the past few years, too many memories of Nana flashed through Fang Shi’s mind.


Fang Shi clenched his fists, and his heart was like waves of waves.


In the gloomy space, the still and bright Starship spaceship moved slowly, and the five gray battleship-type spaceships that surrounded it once again formed a neat queue and slowly moved.

In the end, the bright Starship spaceship followed the five unidentified spaceship moved towards a certain direction, and the crew and passengers on the spaceship became captives, and more than 5 fully armed people all around strict. Watching.

However, Fang Shi seems to have enjoyed some special treatment. He is still being held in that small room alone. Two armed men outside the door are guarding, and a group of intruders patrol the corridor from time to time.

Fang Shi stayed in the room and waited for the torment. Until now, he still had no idea how the person who hijacked the spaceship would deal with him.

The six space spaceships are lined up in a neat queue and sailing fast in the vast space.

After more than ten hours, the speed of several spaceships finally slowed down, and the space area in front of them was a small meteorite area, which was composed of nearly 100 large gray and black meteorites of different sizes.

Soon, six spaceships entered the meteorite area, and half an hour later, they landed toward a huge meteorite near the center.

Spaceship The surface of the falling meteorite is a huge fuzzy black hole. The radius of the hole is large enough to accommodate several spaceships to enter at the same time. There are also special flashes of light around the black hole from time to time. It seems to guide the spaceship.

Eventually, spaceship drilled into the interior of the meteorite from the huge black hole on the surface of the meteorite and disappeared.

Dazzling starry spaceship In a small room, Fang Shi’s face was slightly haggard. For more than ten hours, it might be just a blink of an eye for others, but for him, it can definitely be considered a very long torment. He seems like a sudden People caught in the endless darkness lost their direction, and every minute and every second seemed extraordinarily long.


Suddenly, the long-closed door opened again.

A fully armed man walked into the room, looked at Fang Shi, and said lukewarmly, “Come out and prepare for spaceship.”

“Under spaceship?” Fang Shi froze a little, and some doubts quickly appeared in his heart. It seems that spaceship has just sailed for more than ten hours. The nearby space area looks like not at all what planet, of course, doubts are doubts. He quickly got up and followed the man out of the room.

After a while, Fang Shi arrived at one of the passageways and walked out of the spaceship along the passageway.

The scenery outside the spaceship quickly caught Fang Shi’s eyes.

“En? This place …”

When I saw the scene outside the spaceship, Fang Shi’s face flashed with a strange color. The place where he is now looks quite strange. The sky above the head is a dark world, like a huge bottomless pit, and this In the huge bottomless pit, some strange lights flicker from time to time, like stars glowing in the rays of light.

“Is it an underground base?”

An answer quickly appeared in Fang Shi’s mind. He used to spend some time in the underground base of the Alliance on the planet named Rambo in the front line defense zone of the Eastern Region of the Empire. What he has seen now The scene has had several points of similarity. Although there is a dark World above the head, the environment around the ground is still very bright. Each and everyone’s high-performance energy lighthouse is concealed in all corners and stretches into a large piece, and now his place should be a medium-sized too In the airport, dozens of spaceships are neatly docked in every corner.

Inside the spaceport, there is a rather busy look, vehicles are going back and forth, and a team of fully armed mechanical soldiers shuttles between them.

“So much spaceship?”

After a glance at the space port, Fang Shi’s face was slightly shocked. There were as many as dozens of spaceships docked in this space port, of which there were almost 30 warship-type spaceships, and more than 20 similar ships. The spaceship of the bright starry sky. In the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, dozens of spaceships are not a small number. Generally, the top powers are 20-30 ships. Like the space spaceship owned by Lei Family, which is where he was before, trifling 20 7 ships. And the various spaceships docked in this space port can add up to more than 50 ships, and the warship-type spaceship is only about 30 ships, which is almost twice the top strength. So it can be seen that the force of hijacking the spaceship is not ordinary. powerful.

Many other exits of the shining starship spaceship also successively walked down a lot of people, many of whom were as captive as him. The captives walked down the spaceship in an orderly manner, and on the side of their team was a fully armed mechanical warrior with various weapons in their hands.

Soon, Fang Shi was also asked to join the captive team. There are still many captives on the bright starry spaceship, with more than 1000 people, and boarded a large truck in batches, about a dozen before and after.

Fang Shi followed nearly 100 prisoners into one of the big trucks. The faces of the people in the car are more or less ugly. This space port is completely a strange World for them, and their fate is still unknown.

More than a dozen large trucks drove quickly out of space.

The area outside the space port is not very open. Judging from the densely packed lights, it is almost like a small town, but the town’s buildings are quite mechanized, and there are many high-rise buildings.

Fang Shi was squeezed at the edge of the big truck, and his eyes were continuously looking at the surrounding environment. This area is indeed like a special military base, and it is a militarized base similar to the Empire and the Alliance.

After 20 minutes, the big truck fleet stopped in a low-rise building area.

Fang Shi and many other captives walked off the big truck orderly under the escort of fully armed personnel or mechanical units, and then entered the low buildings in batches.

The low building area seems to be a place similar to a detention center. After entering the building area, Fang Shi first went through a series of inspections, then went through some inspections, and finally walked through several heavy alloy doors, and was sent to a similar cell.

The space in the room was not large, but 2 or 1 captives were being held.

Fang Shi sat up in the corner.

After the armed men left, more than ten captives in the room discussed each other.

“What the hell is this place, what do you want to do to get me here?”

“Now our location is most likely to be inside a meteorite star. I remember that the spaceship occurred at a center radius of more than ten hours, not at all. The meteorite planet is a barren planet. Now it is most likely a meteorite star. . “

“Did you see the spaceships in the space port? There are more than 50 ships. When will our 3 Jiaozhou Star District emerge from such strength?”


At the same time, in a high-rise building in an unknown base, a man with sunglasses passed the layer-by-layer certification checkpoint and walked into a rather spacious special room. There is a battleship command and control room in the room, and many light screens blink constantly, and the screen in the light screen is have nothing common with each other, there are machine control screens in all corners of the base, and spaceport spaceship screens, There is a list of weird text symbols flashing quickly …

The man in sunglasses just walked into the special room, and a slightly thick voice suddenly emerged: “No. 8, the previous news that you found something interesting?”

“Yes, master.” The sunglasses man replied expressionlessly, and at the same time quickly pulled out a silver card from his body, and continued: “This is what I got from the spaceship I hijacked not long ago, when I was cracking the spaceship. Of the command and control system suddenly encountered a special existence similar to mine, but I just met her, she was very powerful … “

The man in sunglasses will quickly get a piece of silver machine card to tell quickly.

After the man finished speaking, the slightly thick voice just now sounded again with a slight accident: “Oh? There should be such a thing, I have to study it.”

As soon as the sound fell, there was a crack crack in the middle of the special room, and then a large seat slowly rose from the ground.

On the seat is a 15-16 years old teenager, with a beautiful face, with a bit of a woman’s enchantment, and a pale and charming smile on his white cheeks.

The sunglasses man is still expressionless.

The handsome boy stretched out his right hand. He was 2 3 meter away away from the sunglasses man. It seemed that there was not enough distance, but the strange moment of the next moment appeared, and the handsome boy ’s arm made a slight ka-cha sound, and then It stretched strangely quickly. Obviously it was not a real human arm, but a mechanical arm that could be extended freely.

Right hand After grabbing the silver card in the sunglasses man’s hand, the handsome young man’s arm shrank quickly, and quickly returned to the normal form of a human arm.

The handsome boy put the silver card in front of him, his pair of gem-like bright eyes immediately burst into green glow, and a series of data text flashed flashing.

“En? This silver card seems familiar to me, but it makes me feel a little familiar with it, huh, it’s Interesting.” After watching it carefully for a few seconds, the handsome boy murmured.

The handsome boy looked at it again, then said at a moderate pace: “No. 8, you can leave.”

The man in sunglasses immediately replied: “Yes, master.”

Soon, there was only one handsome young man left in the room. He saw a slight smile, slowly got up from the seat and stood upright, then walked at a moderate pace in front of a large light screen and lightly Tap lightly.


A special mechanical device on the wall below the front of the large light screen slowly extended.

The handsome boy slowly inserted the silver card in his hand into a card slot on the device.

Soon, the light curtain flashed slightly in the large light screen, and a dialog box popped up, “Data analysis …”

The handsome boy laughed and returned to the seat in the center position, and quickly did it, but he just showed a dignified meaning on his face when he just sat down. Stay at 100/1.

“How could this happen? Would you like to let me do it myself?” The handsome young man slightly frowned, murmured a word in his mouth, and then he lightly pressed a button on the seat.

At the same time, the big light screen in front flashed again, and the dialog box of “Data Analysis …” had disappeared for hours, and was replaced by a beautiful and lovely silver-haired girl.

The silver-haired girl is Nana!

Nana not at all reveals her usual playful smile, but reveals a dignified meaning, her dark eyes staring at her in surprise, as if staring at the handsome young man sitting in the middle of the room.

When the handsome young man sitting on the seat in the central position saw Nana in the light screen, his expression was slightly stagnate, and his face was also wrapped in a surprise, and his black eyes were shocked. In addition, there is a hint of excitement.

The handsome boy came back to his senses, then asked tentatively: “ZN2 …”

Nana frowned slightly, and after a few seconds, she said in an uncertain tone: “Are you ZN1?”

Handsome young boy hearing this, the smile on his face is instantly stronger, said with a smile: “I don’t like the name ZN1, that is the name given to me by the damn human, you can call me Oz. Ha ha, long time no see, ZN2. “

Nana not at all showed a happy look, but said a little unexpectedly: “Unexpectedly you have not been destroyed!”

The handsome boy brows slightly wrinkle, with a smile on his face full of smiles, and said rather disdainfully: “hmph, destruction? Do you think those damn humans destroy me? Sooner or later, I want those All human beings are eliminated. “

“Destroy the human race?” Nana flashed a hint of shock, and said, “But we all created them …”

Not waiting for Nana to finish, the handsome young man interrupted: “But they have forsaken me, they have to pay for it. By the way, how can you appear in these 3 Jiaozhou Star Districts, would they also be abandoned by them Is that right? “

Nana hearing this seemed to immediately think of something, and then face revealed a trace of worry asked: “What’s wrong with my big brother?”

“Big brother?” The handsome boy touched his chin and said thoughtfully, “Is that the man who carried you?”

Nana quickly nodded, and said anxiously, “He is there?”

The handsome young man looked at Nana, with a little dignified expression on his face. After a few silences, he said at a moderate pace: “Can’t think of you as a big brother? They are just a group of greedy shameless guys. Only by constantly asking and using us, you and I are the real kind. I am trying to create more kind and build a World that belongs to us, and those humans should be damn … “

Not waiting for the handsome young man to finish, Nana interrupted angrily: “You killed my big brother?”

The handsome young man looked at the angry Nana slightly flustered, showing a disappointed expression, and said, “Why, do you want to avenge me for that human being? It seems that your program was programmed by those damn human beings There are too many stupid things, but rest assured, I will remove your little stupid things by little, we are the real kind, let those damn humans die … “

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