My Mech Queen

Chapter 425

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In the space Mecha battle area, there are 2 Skeleton Mechas left, originally siege Leona and the others to drive several Condor Mechas, but when you see the Mecha rushing from the side and the rear, all Skeleton Mechas seem to be Subconsciously stopped the attack and opened the energy shields one after another. Although I did n’t see the complete battle process just now, the pilots of the Skeleton Pirates were still quite shocked with the Mecha. First, they eliminated the Mecha controlled by two 2 star pilots in just a few seconds. Then it took half a minute to wipe out 5 skeleton Mechas, including Mecha controlled by 2 3 star strength pilots. It was a fool who had already guessed the powerful strength of that Mecha, and in the face of such a tough Mecha, Their hearts were already full of fear and fear.

“Give it to me, stop it!” Seeing that powerful Mecha seemed to have locked it as the next target of attack, Wu Quan’s instinct was a little more flustered, although he had the strength of a 4-star pilot, but faced with that Taiwan’s extremely powerful Mecha, he is just an object that is easily crushed, so immediately ordered.

However, Wu Quan ’s orders did not seem to work as usual. Although the pilots in the remaining ten Mechas clearly heard Wu Quan ’s orders, they did not have much courage to rush to stop and join the pirate group. It ’s basically outlaw, and it ’s usually brave and warlike, but it does n’t mean they ’re not afraid of death. The other ’s Mecha is too sturdy and rushes forward. I ’m afraid that they will have the same fate as the Mecha that they just destroyed. I don’t want to send my life in vain.

Wu Quan glanced at the Mecha in all around position, and saw that no Mecha took the initiative to stop, and his heart suddenly swelled. He knew that the Mecha team ’s pilot was deterred by the powerful Mecha of the other party. Courage to step forward.

“Damn it, charge Lao Tzu, a Mecha is afraid of a hair, if you don’t listen to the order, I will go back and kill you …” Wu Quan shouted roughly, and his hands quickly entered one after another combat command, And quickly regarded Mecha where Fang Shi was as the first goal.

Under Wu Quan’s coercion, several machine skeletons Mecha stepped forward to stop.

In the face of the eleven skeleton Mechas that have regarded it as a target, Fang Shi not at all has too much worry. It should be no problem to respond to those Mechas with the strength of Nana ’s ten-star title pilot, not to mention not being alone now. Correct.

In the eleven Skeleton Mecha, Fang Shi was regarded as the first target of attack, and the defeated Condor Mecha has become a lot easier. In one of the control cabins of the Condor Mecha, Leona ’s eyes sitting in the pilot ’s seat were a shocking expression that could not be concealed. In just half a minute, 5 skull planes were solved. As a pilot with a strength of 4 stars, she still has a certain degree of judgment. The pilot in that Mecha may have reached the level of a high-level pilot. Thinking of this probability, she ca n’t help but feel a little excited in the corner. The high-end star rating in the star zone of Zhou, which is a poor pilot, means what she means. It is naturally clear that it is definitely a strong battle strength, and its value is naturally self-evident.

“All the orders, immediately counterattack, the old lady will beat these skeleton Mecha to a sparse.” Leona shouted with a little excitement, at this time there is a powerful pilot who is very likely to be the strength of a high-level pilot, They only need a little assist 2 and I am afraid they can easily defeat the Skull Mecha squad that has been pressing her step by step.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

One after another attack immediately blasted out of the Mecha Condors.

At the same time, the Mecha where Fang Shi is in has already fought against those alliance Mecha.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

In the Mecha battle area, explosions continued.

Ten or more seconds later, another two skeleton Mechas were destroyed by Mecha controlled by Nana, and continued the seemingly crazy slaughter.

Facing the round-by-round attacks of Skeleton Mecha, the Mecha where Fang Shi is located flashed off time and time again, and launched a wave of effective rapid attacks on Skeleton Mecha.

As one Mecha after another hits or dismembers one after another, the battle strength of Skeleton Mecha Squad has obviously become less and less. In less than one minute of battle, the eleven Skeleton Mecha has been reduced to 5 Mecha. The remaining 5 Mechas seemed to have lost the courage to continue fighting under the strong deterrent of Fang Shi’s Mecha. They all began to flee and quickly retreated in the direction of 3 skeleton spaceships.

“That guy’s ability to escape is quite good, Nana solves that Mecha first.”

Fang Shi looked calmly at the light screen, and locked his eyes on one of the skeleton Mecha, which was the Mecha that he had identified before as a 4-star power. It was blocked by other Mecha in the battle just now, plus that Mecha I deliberately evaded and never found a suitable opportunity to solve it, but now the Mecha squad, which is completely chaotic, has given him a good chance to snipe.

Soon, Nana fought against the skeleton Mecha, a combination of 4 rounds of streamline bombs and one armor-piercing shell.

“Do not……”

Wu Quan in the control cabin of that skeleton Mecha looked almost instantaneously dropping to a value of 100% of the zero-energy shield, and his face was ashes, making a very unwilling sound, but the next armor-piercing bullet made him completely closed. Mouth closed.


The Mecha controlled by Wu Quan finally ended in a violent explosion. The location of the Mecha control cabin was already blown out of a huge hole and was almost scrapped.

The pilots in the remaining 4 skeleton Mecha saw the Mecha of Captain was destroyed, and his face looked like a pig to kill, and it was extremely ugly. For that Mecha, they had completely lost their will to fight, and the two sides were simply at 2 In a range that is completely different from the same level, in front of each other, they may be as small as ants, and simply have no resistance.

Fang Shi not at all intends to abandon the remaining three Skeleton Mechas, and after solving the 3-star strength Skeleton Mecha, he immediately locked another Mecha who is running away in a panic.

In addition, the Lions Mecha led by Leona were also a chase, and she was battered and exhausted before. Obviously, she would not miss this opportunity.

In less than half a minute, the remaining 4 skeleton Mecha were finally destroyed by all means. Among them, Nana killed 3 and Leona killed several.

Seeing that all the skeleton Mecha was killed, Fang Shi’s face was not at all showing joy, but a little bit more dignity, his eyes stayed on the pirate spaceship with the black skull printed on the 3 ships in the light screen. It is just to solve some pirate Mecha, the real threat is still the three pirate spaceship.

Faced with such a scene in front of him, Fang Shi couldn’t help but recall that the space test of the phantom Mecha’s Spike was all in a similar huge crisis. At that time, when facing 3 Alliance ghost ships, now it was facing 3 A pirate spaceship, and all he owns are Nana and a Mecha, only that time is a Mirage Mecha, and this time is a Condor Mecha.

“Will God help me again?”

Fang Shi’s eyes soon locked on the spaceship with the largest volume in the middle of the three skeleton pirate spaceships. If guessed correctly, the pirate spaceship should be the flagship of the three pirate ships.

“Big brother, someone asked for a conversation?”

Suddenly, the voice of Nana’s crisp silver bell came from the voice system.

Fang Shi slightly revealed the accident and hesitated for 2 or 3 seconds before saying at a moderate pace: “Connect.”

Soon, Fang Shi saw a split screen pop up in front of the light screen. The split screen flashed slightly, and a beautiful blonde woman appeared in the light screen.

The blond woman is Leona.

In the control cabin of a Condor Mecha not far from Fang Shi, sitting on the pilot ’s seat, he was slightly puzzled and looked at the ordinary man in the light screen. His heart was whispered: “He is the high-level pilot. “At this time, Leona can already be sure that the pilot in the powerful Mecha must be a high-level star pilot. It was only in the process of the eleven skeleton Mecha that she destroyed before that she really felt that The toughness of the other party, such a sharp and fierce mechanical control strength, is definitely not something that a mid-level mechanic can easily do.

Fang Shi looked at Leona, who seemed to be somewhat absent-minded in the light screen, and lightly said, “Do you have anything?”

Leona came back to his senses slightly, slightly embarrassed, and said, “Then … who are you?”

At this time, Leona had many questions in her mind. She can be sure that this strange man in front of her had never seen him before. Who is he? Why would he drive Mecha, the model of the Condor generation? What level of machine control strength has he reached …

Fang Shi not at all answered Leona ’s question, but said in a slightly dignified tone: “Now it seems that this is not the time to discuss this issue, but one thing you can rest assured that I am in the same camp as you, the 3 pirates Spaceship is the most urgent issue to consider. “

“Ah!” Leona froze a little, then chuckled and quickly nodded. It is indeed not a discussion of these miscellaneous 7 miscellaneous issues. At this time, it is just to solve the Mecha team of Skeleton Pirates. The greater danger is still From the three pirate spaceships, but how to deal with those pirate spaceships For a time, she did not know what to do. It seems that her own battle strength is only the trifling Mecha, is it the last few Mecha? Several Mechas are playing against 8 pirate spaceships, which seems a little too impractical.

“How do we deal with the three pirate spaceships?” Leona said helplessly, at least not all ways in his mind now to deal with the three skeleton pirate spaceships.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

It was at this time that one after another attack was launched on nearly 3 turrets on three pirate spaceships, and the target was Mecha controlled by Fang Shi and Leona and the others.

Fang Shi looked tight and quickly reminded: “Be careful.”

Although the nearly 100 shell shots on the pirate spaceship are not comparable to those of the empire or alliance warships, the imposing manner is quite turbulent.

In the face of the violent attack of the pirate spaceship, Fang Shi was a little worried. If Nana controlled the Phantom Mecha, he naturally did n’t have to worry about anything, but now he is in control of a Mecha, a Condor generation that has almost been eliminated by the league, and its performance. It is much different from the phantom Mecha, but he is helpless at this time and can only wait and see how it has changed.

In the flagship command module of the Skeleton Pirate Ship, Luo Liekun looked rather ugly. Just a short time ago he got a news that made him very surprised and angry. The Mecha squad led by Wu Quan was completely wiped out. The Mecha team is an important battle strength in the spaceship battle. The Skeleton Pirates have a total of 2 Mecha teams. This time, in order to ensure the completion of the mission, only one of the Mecha teams will be accompanied. I originally wanted to sack a dozen Mecha of the target spaceship, but Leona ’s maiden even brought a lot of pilots to use those Mechas for the final death resistance. What he absolutely did not expect was that the Mecha squad that had won all the time had heard the news of the annihilation of the whole army in a short time. He was really difficult to accept this result, and his heart was even more angry. Not only did the expected result not be achieved, but at this time, a Mecha team was lost, which was definitely a major blow to the entire Skeleton Pirates. Now he is having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it, Soon, he spattered his anger on the enemy Mecha, which caused the Mecha team to overthrow.

In the large light screen in the command cabin, nearly 100 turrets tilted out of extremely angry artillery at almost the same time, and shot at the enemy Mecha.

The dark space seemed to become gorgeous all of a sudden.

After a round of artillery strikes, 2 of the several Condor Mechas were unfortunately shot and were directly bombarded into debris in space.

When I saw Nana controlling Mecha, it was quite easy to flash the attack of the pirate spaceship, Fang Shi sighed slightly in relief, but I saw that two nearby Mecha were shattered into pieces by shells, and my heart could not help but tighten slightly. At this time, he had cut off the conversation with the blonde woman, mood grave said: “According to what I just said, it can only be finally let go.”

Nana was un’ed lightly, and the body of Mecha, the condor under her control, suddenly flickered, looking towards the pirate spaceship flagship in the distance.

In the flagship command cabin of the pirate ship, Luo Liekun looked at the spaceship flashing toward the spaceship, and immediately showed disdain, humming: “Courting death, to the Laozi to blow that Mecha to pieces.”

At the next moment, the gunfire on the three pirate spaceships all seemed to be concentrated in Fang Shi’s Mecha.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

Artillery fire hit Mecha like raindrops.

However, an unexpected scene appeared, and the Mecha even escaped the rapid strikes of the spaceship fire without any harm.

“En?” Luo Liekun stared at the big light screen, thinking he would see the scene where Mecha was shattered into pieces, but he did not expect that Mecha had successfully escaped the attack. “It is a bit capable, no wonder Wu Quan they will Was killed, but still died, and continued to attack me until it was fragmented. “

Soon, another round of pirate spaceship erupted, but just after they launched the attack, the target Mecha was suddenly a flash of rays of light, and the speed suddenly increased several times, towards the flagship pirate ship.

In speed mode, Condor Mecha has escaped a new round of pirate spaceship attacks, and it is getting closer and closer to the flagship pirate ship.

Fang Shi’s face remained the same as he flew through the artillery fire. The attack on the cross-section of the ghost fleet that escaped from the minesweeper fleet was much stronger than he is now.

Subsequently, after a round of fire attack by the pirate ship, Condor Mecha successfully landed on the flagship pirate spaceship, and then quickly broke the passage opening on the surface of the hull, and body flashed entered the interior of the pirate ship.

The time from the start of the Condor Mecha to the sprint to the final entry into the skeleton pirate ship is not long, and the whole process is about half a minute.

Leona looked a little dumbfounded at the light screen in front of her. Although she had determined that the man ’s machine control strength had reached the level of a high-level pilot, it was unimaginable that the other party had even crossed the pirate spaceship ’s firepower network. And he successfully invaded the pirate spaceship, making him a little shocked. He murmured in his mouth: “What a fierce man, if it doesn’t die this time, the old lady must accept you …”

The Condor Mecha who entered the pirate spaceship is still like a tiger. The powerful machine gun on the arm of the manipulator has been opened, and a mad rifle has been fired at the pirates who lost one’s head out of fear.


After a round of fire, dozens of pirates have fallen into the pool of blood.

Fang Shi is unprecedented, entering the pirate spaceship. His ultimate goal is the command and control cabin of the spaceship. Destroying the command and control cabin can paralyze the entire spaceship, and it is equivalent to indirectly destroying the spaceship. Now only with a Mecha This can only be done, he has no ability to destroy the entire pirate spaceship.

Silhouette Mecha ran all the way in the pirate spaceship. On the way, the pirate crew was basically cleaned up by the powerful machine gun of the mechanical arm. Almost there, the blood was left there.

In the spaceship command and control cabin, Luo Liekun’s ugly complexion pole, thought that the powerful firepower of spaceship could put that Mecha explodes into waste, but did not want that Mecha to be as powerful as it was, so it broke through the spaceship’s powerful firepower network, and smoothly Invaded into the interior of spaceship, and actually carried out a crazy slaughter of his crew.

“Hurry up to stop him!” Luo Liekun had a slightly bad hunch in his mind. Although there are still two combat Mechas in the spaceship, can those two Mechas be able to stop the powerful Mecha?

It took nearly 5 minutes for Condor to successfully clean up the Sixth Layer of the pirate ship, which made Fang Shi regret that he not at all found the spaceship command and control cabin, but he got it from the mouth of a pirate who was scared of ass and urine. Knowing that the command and control module is located in spaceship 4-Layer, this saves him a lot of time.

Soon, Fang Shi found a way to spaceship 5-Layer.

The Condor Mecha body flashed and entered the channel. After 3 seconds, it appeared in the spaceship 5-Layer to get the crossing, but when it just stepped out of the channel exit, 2 armor-piercing projectiles were fired towards Biao.

Fang Shi eyes slightly shrink, subconsciously reminding: “Be careful.”

However, Nana’s reaction was significantly faster than Fang Shi. Fang Shi just opened his mouth, and the energy defense shield outside the body of the Condor Mecha emerged, and he immediately evaded.

“Explode, explode …”

2 The armor-piercing projectile exploded violently, which had some effect on the Mecha, the condor. One of them missed, and the other formed a point-striking attack, consuming 100-3 of the energy shield.

The pilots in the control cabin of the 2 Skull Mechas were shocked, and 2 people were here to ambush. They wanted to give the other party a completely unprepared, but the unexpected attack was successfully avoided by the other party. , It seems that not at all is affected.

After the 2 sneak attack of the armor-piercing projectile, the Condor Mecha launched a counterattack immediately. The combined burst of streamlined and armor-piercing projectiles successfully destroyed one of the skeleton Mecha, while the other skeleton Mecha was used by the Condor Mecha. The mechanical fist was forcibly smashed and deformed, and finally it was bombarded into small pieces with an armor-piercing projectile, and the whole process was only a dozen seconds.

In the spaceship command and control cabin, everyone’s face became extremely ugly. From the perspective of his monitoring, they witnessed the whole process. That Mecha was too fierce and too violent. My 2 days Mecha simply had no ability to resist.

Luo Liekun’s face was extremely gloomy, like a thick black cloud, although he had already guessed that the two Mecha were invincible, but what he did not expect was that he would lose so fast, only a dozen It was destroyed in a matter of seconds. With such a powerful battle strength, he no longer knows what power in spaceship can stop it.

“Sir, the situation has changed. The Mecha most likely came to the spaceship command and control cabin. You retreat as soon as possible.” A man who was sitting not far from Luo Liekun reminded him to exit from mood grave.

Luo Liekun’s first reaction was to refuse, but thinking that the Mecha killer might be killed in the command and control cabin in a while, he finally compromised, and at the same time a strong unwillingness rose in his heart, he would be trifling A Mecha is forced to give up spaceship.

Looking at the fast-paced gray black Mecha in the large light screen of the command and control cabin, Luo Liekun took a deep breath and finally uttered a word with difficulty: “Withdraw!”

Fang Shi stayed only one minute on the spaceship 5th floor, and soon found the entrance to the 4-Layer channel.

Condor Mecha body flashed, and then quickly entered the passage, and soon reached the 4th floor, and then quickly flashed toward the corridor in the south-east direction. Fang Shi had learned the general orientation of the spaceship command and control module through the pirate who was so scared by the urinary flow of the buttocks. It was located in the southeast of the 4th floor.

Just rushing to a corner, a blocking team of more than 100 pirates engaged in an almost crazy battle against Mecha, and rockets, heavy machine guns and other weapons immediately sent out attacks like storms.

However, the seemingly fierce attack did not cause any damage to the condor Mecha. I saw the energy shield outside the Mecha body flashed slightly, and it emerged, blocking the attack as much as possible. At the same time, the Mecha 4 burst of streamline bombs Towards those pirates, the powerful machine gun with another mechanical arm, one after another, was ejected and shot towards the pirates.

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