My Mech Queen

Chapter 422

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The night in Shuguang Town is getting deeper, but the doomsday pub is getting more and more lively, and there have been many winemakers in groups of three or four. People, most people are overwhelmed, and the atmosphere becomes more noisy, and the sound of talking, laughing, yelling, etc. is mixed together, just like a pot of mix-up.

In a corner corner of the tavern, Fang Shi was still sitting calmly, talking to Lulu at a moderate pace, and had to say that he got a lot of information about 3 Jiaozhou Star District Although I do n’t know how valuable it is, at least it has made him more aware of 3 Jiaozhou.

3 The Jiaozhou Star District seems to be a very dangerous place. The space distortion channel of the Galaxy Alliance to the 3 Jiaozhou Star District engulfs a lot of spaceships every year, and the interior of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District is large and Small forces stand in great numbers, chaotic, people entering outside accidentally are very likely to lose their lives.

It was not until midnight that the lively and noisy atmosphere of the doomsday pub gradually faded away, and the drinkers walked out of the bar one after another.

Fang Shi also slowly walked out of the doomsday tavern, but his head was quite sober, and he entered the bar. He did n’t drink, but to inquire about some information about the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, so he was quite restrained in drinking. Although he raises his glasses from time to time, they are basically just pretend, not at all how much to drink.

Soon after, Fang Shi returned to the previous hotel room.

Lying on the bed, he not at all sleepiness, on the one hand, because he has been asleep for several hours during the day, on the other hand, he is constantly thinking about the matter of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District in his heart Communication, he now has a general direction, the next main goal is to collect as much information as possible about the 3 Jiaozhou Star District.

On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi hurriedly left the hotel, had a breakfast, and then went to the Western District of Shuguang Town. Last night in the Doom Tavern, he went to Lulu and learned that there was an area in the Western District of Shuguang Town. 3 Jiaozhou Star District Immigrant gathering area, where you should get more and more specific information about the 3 Jiaozhou Star District.

Two hours later, Fang Shi entered the immigrant residential area of ​​the 2 Jiaozhou Star District in the Western District of Shuguang Town. Compared with his predecessor, the immigrant area of ​​the 3 Jiaozhou Star District looked more dirty, messy, Rundown, the residents’ houses are basically small bungalows on the first floor, like a shanty town. Pedestrians in groups of three or four hurriedly walked on the street, each and everyone’s children in tattered and dirty clothes naively innocently roamed in the crowd, and almost every 3-20 meters Seeing women with heavy makeup and exposed clothes standing at the door of the dim house, glaring or provocative words at the passing man.

Looking at the slightly tumultuous environment, Fang Shi secretly shook the head, slightly sighing in his heart, but he knew that these were not the things he wanted to care about, he walked quickly, his eyes were constantly looking, As for those women who stood on the street, he was unheard of.

Soon after, Fang Shi entered a dim tavern.

In the tavern, there were dozens of people sitting sporadically. These people looked listless and chatted with each other, but when they saw Fang Shi walking in slowly, several of them arrived immediately. Some joy and excitement.

As soon as he entered the tavern, Fang Shi only felt that there was a strong alcohol smell in the air. It was the smell of strong alcohol. His brows wrinkled slightly. He did n’t like the smell, but he continued to go. Going in, ordered a glass of wine, and sat up in an unoccupied position.

More than a dozen people in the tavern looked at Fang Shi either explicitly or secretly. Soon, one of the stubborn robust men walked to Fang Shi ’s table with a little smile and said, “brother, Need relevant information from 3 Jiaozhou Star District? “

Fang Shi glanced at the robust man with a stubborn face and paused for a few seconds before being slightly nodded. He said calmly, “Sit.”

Hu Zuo robust man hearing this, the smile on his face became instantly stronger, and he quickly sat down opposite Fang Shi and chuckled: “brother, don’t mind asking me to have a drink.”

Fang Shi said nonchalantly: “No problem.”

The stubborn robust man was not polite, and immediately yelled at the pub counter: “Boss, give me a large glass of rum.”

The rest of the pub looked at the stubble robust man, his face slightly envious.

Fang Shi didn’t make any more twists with the other party, and directly opened the mouth and said: “I need a detailed information of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, the more detailed the better.”

The stubborn robust man glanced at Fang Shi slightly, and then chuckled: “No problem, but in terms of price …”

Fang Shi looked calm and lightly said, “1500 Union Coins.”

In the pub at the end of last night, Fang Shi had already inquired about the relevant situation from his mouth. The latest detailed information of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District is generally priced at around 1000 5 Union Coins.

The slag robust man’s eyes narrowed slightly. He used to want to pay a higher price, but Fang Shi said that he was 1500 Union Coins. Obviously, he should have asked before, and now he is not good at asking prices.

After being silent for a few seconds, the slag robust man said quite readily: “The deal, but I need to get the specific information, I am afraid it will take you a few minutes.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded, said calmly: “Well, no problem.”

The stubborn robust man took a large glass of wine in front of him and took a big sip, then wiped his mouth and quickly got up and left.

At 3 minutes, the stubborn man gasping for breath returned to the dim bar and chuckled: “brother, the thing came, and the money was delivered in one hand.”

While speaking, the stubble robust man took out a chip the size of a fingernail and introduced: “Everything is stored in it, you can view it after connecting to the device, rest assured, it is the latest update.”

Fang Shi handed over the already prepared 1500 alliance coins to the stubble robust man.

Hu Zhu took over the UnionPay and quickly tapped it. After confirming that it was correct, slightly nodded, he handed the chip card to Fang Shi, hehe said: “brother, you want to go to 3 Jiaozhou Star District is Right. “

Fang Shi did not deny it, lightly said: “en.”

The stubble robust man continued: “I don’t know when you will depart. About half a month from our side, we will have a spaceship to go to Planet 3, and the crew of the boat are all more than 5 years old. The safety is quite a lot. Guarantee.

“Really?” Fang Shi showed a slight interest.

The stubble robust man quickly nodded, hehe said: “Well, this time the spaceship ticket is a bit tight, only 100 tickets have been opened to the outside world, and many tickets have been booked.”

Fang Shi looked quietly at the stubble robust man and asked, “Can you get a ticket?”

The stubborn robust man is the hook the head, saying: “That kind of thing is not easy to get, but I have a way to get it here.”

Fang Shi lightly said: “What way?”

The stubble robust man did not sell anything, and quickly replied: “The ticket ticket auction.”

Fang Shi hearing this, not at all revealed something unexpected. Before that, he had some knowledge on how to go to the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. The alliance official did not open the route to the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. Private spaceship has great uncertainty, and due to the extreme danger of twisting the space channel, ordinary spaceships with little sailing experience can’t dare to set foot easily, otherwise it is very likely that they will not be able to get in, so this goes to 3 Jiaozhou Star The spaceship tickets in the district are not easy to obtain, and the price of these spaceship tickets is not low. When the tension is generally high, the form of auction is often used, and the higher price will get the ticket.

Fang Shi slightly laughed and said, “It seems you have entered the guest card for auction.”

The ticket ticket auction is not free, only special guest cards can enter the ticket ticket ticket. Of course, this can be considered a profitable way for the organizer.

Fang Shi had already known about the ticket auction, and after listening to the stubble robust man saying this, he naturally guessed that the other party should have a special guest card for auction.

The slag robust man laughed, said: “Yes, brother, this auction guest card is divided into A-Rank and B-Rank guest cards, B-Rank is a thumping seating area, each card is 2 200 Union Coins, A-Rank has set up a separate compartment to hide the identity, each 50 Union Coins, I do n’t know what level of guest card you need. “

Fang Shi thought about it and said, “Then give me an A-Rank guest card, when is the auction held?”

The stubble robust man quickly took out the golden card from his body and handed it to Fang Shi, said with a smile: “auction, held ten days later, when the time comes, only need to rely on this golden card to enter.”

Fang Shi received the golden card, and then took out 600 star coins to the stubble robust man.

Afterwards, the slag robust man told Fang Shi about the spaceship going to the 3 Jiaozhou Star District after half a month.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi walked out of the dim tavern and left the immigrant gathering place in 3 Jiaozhou Star District.

At noon, Fang Shi returned to the familiar central block of Shuguang Town, ate a casual lunch, and returned to the hotel room.

In the following days, Fang Shi couldn’t close the door, and almost put all his energy into reading the materials of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. The information he obtained from the slag robust man was indeed very specific and detailed, obviously behind it There should be a special force engaged in compiling the details of these three delta continents.

Only 3 days later, Fang Shi carefully read the relevant information about the 3 Jiaozhou star area, and he had a more comprehensive understanding of the 3 Jiaozhou star area. That star area is indeed a very chaotic star area. The space area is not large, there are only 7 planets suitable for human survival, and these planets are large and small forces stand in great numbers, friction conflicts occur almost every moment, and the change of various forces is also very common. Things …

After that, Fang Shi still put most of his energy on the data of 3 Jiaozhou Star District. He still remembers as many important contents as possible, but he still spends time to go out every day. In the evening, I would sit down and listen to everyone talking about various information. During the period, I encountered Lulu, who gave him a lot of information before. In a chat, 2 people are considered to be half an acquaintance.

Day after day it seemed to live plainly.

Soon, the day of the ticket auction came.

The ticket auction is scheduled to be held at 7pm. Fang Shi walked into the auction field half an hour earlier, and after showing his guest card from the slag robust man golden, he was led by the service staff to the compartment on the second floor.

Fang Shi sat down in a comfortable seat and began to wait quietly.

The organizer provided good service. Fang Shi had just sat for a while, and the service staff took the initiative to bring tea.

The first floor is an ordinary seating area. Some people come in one after another, and more and more people are sitting. When it is close to 7 o’clock, the lower part is almost full, only 20-30 seats are scattered .

Fang Shi looked at the first floor, and his face was slightly dignified. There were at least 1000 people sitting on the first floor. The people who could spend money to enter the auction field were impossible. They just came to the show, and naturally wanted to get to the corner. Spaceship ferry tickets in Zhouxing District, and the tickets for this auction seem to be only thirty-forty in total,

“It seems that it’s not easy to get a spaceship ticket to 3 Jiaozhou Star District.” Fang Shi felt his chin and murmured.

At 7 pm, auction is held on time.

Auctioneer is a middle-aged man of about 50 years old. He first introduced himself politely, and then introduced the relevant situation of the spaceship that flew to 3 Jiaozhou Star District, which roughly means that this spaceship is compared to the past The safety factor of the spaceship is higher, and the ship is a veteran with more than 5 years, and has rich experience in twisting the space channel.

Soon afterwards, the auction finally began. I saw Auctioneer said with a smile: “This first ticket is a spaceship VIP cabin ticket. The starting price is 10000 Union Coins, and each increase is at least 10000 Union Coins. Now officially started. “

When I heard the start price, Fang Shi’s face flashed a little bit of surprise. I couldn’t think of a trifling ticket starting price as high as 100000 Union Coins. If it wasn’t a little understanding before, this can definitely be a surprise.

“Ten 10000.”

The auction host, tone barely fell, someone immediately shouted the price tag. He was a guest in the compartment on the 2nd floor, with a clear voice and a woman.

However, as soon as the woman’s voice fell, another person immediately quoted: “120,000.”


“Ten 40000.”


Listening to the soaring price tag, Fang Shi secretly shook the head, this VIP cabin ticket he did not all intend to bid for, on the one hand, the high price is a bit ridiculous, and the effort has just arrived in just a few minutes. 200,000 star coins, although he still has some money in his savings card, he still seems to be awkward; on the other hand, he does not care about what other party lives on spaceship, as long as he can safely reach the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. Too.

“20 40000.”



Tickets for the VIP cabin are still rising, and the woman who was the first to bid is still continuously raising the price.

“400,000, is there any price increase.”

With a smile on his face, Auctioneer sold a 400,000 star coin in a VIP cabin ticket for a decent price.

In the end, the ticket in the VIP cabin was taken with 400,000 stars.

Soon, Auctioneer took out the second ship ticket, a premium class ticket, with a starting price of 2 Union Coins, each time the fare increase is also at least 80000 Union Coins.




The final ticket for the premium class was taken with 260,000 Union Coins.

In the second round auction, Fang Shi also did not participate. Seeing that he was finally photographed with 260,000 Union Coins, he couldn’t help but hook the head again. The price of the ticket this time has far exceeded his expectations. He had inquired about the relevant ticket before. Relevant information about auction, but the auction is obviously much higher than what he asked. Is it because of the rich sailing experience of the person in charge of the boat?

Subsequently, Auctioneer continued one ticket after another, and the auctioned tickets were divided into 4 different specifications, of which the highest class VIP cabin VIP cabin ticket, the latter one premium cabin ticket, intermediate cabin ticket Different from the lower class tickets, the starting price of each specification of the ticket is different. Among them, the starting price of the middle class ticket is 50000 Union Coins, and the starting price of the lower class ticket is 30000 Union Coins.

An hour later, Auctioneer has already sold more than 20 tickets.

Fang Shi looked a little dignified. At this time, he still did not get the ticket. During that time, he participated in the auction many times. However, the competition is really fierce. About 250,000 Union Coins, low-class tickets are around 200,000 Union Coins.

However, Fang Shi not at all is anxious, from the information disclosed by Auctioneer there are more than a dozen low-level cabin tickets that have not yet been auctioned, and his goal is exactly those low-level cabin tickets, although there are still 40 in the savings card More than 10000 Union Coins, but going to the 3 Star Continent Star Zone is not his ultimate goal. His final goal is the Star Empire, even if he reaches the 3 Star Continent Star Zone, almost half of the way home is completed, and he will naturally save money Click to use.

Soon, Auctioneer began auctioning some of the last low-level cabin tickets, “Oh, the rest of the tickets are low-level cabin tickets. The opportunity is rare. Please do n’t miss the opportunity. Like the previous rules, the low-level cabin tickets The starting price of the cabin is 30000 Union Coins, each increase of at least 5000 Union Coins, let’s start now. “




Although the cheapest cabin tickets are the cheapest, they are the most fierce, with one price code advancing one by one.


“150,000 5000.”

“Ten 60000.”

Auctioneer said with a slight smile: “Ten 60000 alliance coins, there is no markup.”

Afterwards, Auctioneer yelled three times and saw that no one continued to increase the price, and finally knocked the hammer.

Fang Shi looked quiet, and the last ten thousand 60000 quotation was what he shouted. Seeing that he finally won the ticket, he sighed slightly in relief.

After a while, a service staff took the initiative to deliver the ticket to the compartment.

After Fang Shi paid with the savings card, he collected the ferry ticket, but he did not rush to leave, but continued to watch the auction. According to Auctioneer, this auction has some other things besides the ferry ticket. Something, he wanted to take a look.

More than ten minutes later, the remaining low-class tickets were auctioned off in sequence.

Auctioneer smiled slightly and said, “The ticket auction is over. The value of the auctions below is also not small. What is the most important thing in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District? Money? No, it is safe. The situation should be heard, and the things we auctioned can be guaranteed to a certain extent … “

While speaking, Auctioneer slowly took out a golden-yellow card and slowly introduced: “This one in my hand is a super citizen card of Planet Via, once the person holding this gold card arrives at Planet Via , Will be regarded as the highest level of VIP, yes, it is the entire Via Planet. It is recognized by all forces on the Via Planet, anyone with this card will become their key protection object, of course, this gold The card also has a period of 3 years, and you only need to renew your premium citizenship if you want to continue. Ha ha, this premium citizenship card is issued in limited numbers every year, but it ca n’t be done with money. It ’s a rare opportunity, so do n’t miss it. Well, I believe everyone should understand its role in general. I wo n’t talk too much. The Planet Planet Premium Citizen Card has a starting price of 2 1000000 Union Coins, and each increase of at least 500,000 Union currency.”

Fang Shi visually saw the golden-yellow card in Auctioneer’s hands on the auction stand, secretly hooked the head, and really had the money to make ghosts grind. With this premium identity card, it should be the largest on Viastar. To ensure safety to a certain extent, the final destination of the spaceship to fly to the 3 Delta Star Zone this time is Planet Via. The previous detailed information of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District also mentioned this special citizen card. Indeed, Auctioneer said that it is a limited issue and can only be limited to one person.

“2.5 million.”

Under the tone barely fell of Auctioneer, someone immediately shouted.


“300 500,000.”


Listening to the soaring price tag, Fang Shi light take a deep breath, this 3-year-old Via Planet super citizen card seems to be really sought-after, those people may not have looked at the money.


“1000 zero 500,000.”


In the end, the Planet Planet Premium Citizen Card took a high price of 1000 6.5 million Union Coins.

Subsequently, Auctioneer took out several other levels of citizen cards for auction in sequence, such as Via Planet A-Rank citizen card and B-Rank citizen card. Each citizen card corresponds to the corresponding authority, and its price is naturally different.

Fang Shi not at all participates in the bidding of those citizen cards, but it is not that he does not want it, but that he has no capital to compete with the bidding at all. Those citizen cards with authority have all shot prices that amazed him.

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