My Mech Queen

Chapter 403

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The welcome meeting for the new deputy battalion commander was held on a bright night in the starry sky. The venue was a large conference hall in the camp. More than 1600 pilots and more than 500 mechanics of the Mecha camp in Kamen were successively present. For the lively.

Fang Shi followed the group 3 into the meeting room and sat down in a corner.

In the conference hall, almost all the pilots and mechanics of the Mecha camp masquerade were whispering. Most of the discussion was about the trusted deputy commander, and the third group was no exception.

“Team leader, I have inquired. The newly appointed deputy battalion commander is very young and very handsome. I heard that he has done great things before, and the rank is the same as that of Commander Bai Qianqian. They are all colonels … … “Su Ying, sitting at Xia Feihe’s side, said with a smile, slightly excited.

Xia Feihe doesn’t seem to have a cold, but just whispers.

“Su Ying, are you going to commit nympho indulgence again? The deputy battalion commander won’t look at you. His young and handsome looks like it has nothing to do with you.” Put together a sentence.

Su Ying eyebrows slightly frowned and hummed: “Zhou Kang, if you don’t speak, no one thinks you are dumb.”

“Okay.” Zhou Kang showed a little helplessness and sighed: “Ai, I originally asked some more specific information about the new deputy commander. I want to say that you want to hear it. It seems that there is no need to say.”

“En?” Su Ying quickly showed a trace of interest and said, “What message?”

Zhou Kang shrugged, helplessly said: “Don’t you tell me to shut up?”

Su Ying glared at Zhou Kang and said, “Now let you say it, hurry and say it.”

Zhou Kang was not hypocritical, and quickly said: “I heard that our new deputy battalion was a spy before, and he returned to our coalition military not long ago. Have you heard of the Meteor Boom?

As soon as Zhou Kang’s words were spoken, several others in Group 3 showed some interest.

Fang Shi’s face was slightly more unexpected. He had heard of the meteorite explosion and played a key role in the success of the Alliance’s large fleet in winning the Eastern Front of the Imperial Region.

Meteorite is an important military planet in the frontline defense area of ​​the Eastern Region of the Star Empire. It is located in the B section of one of the 7 major defensive sections of the empire. It is the military core planet of the B section. However, it was such a military core planet that caused a completely unprepared big bang for the imperial military. The big blast directly destroyed the military base of the B section headquarters on Meteorite, and commanded several top commanders of the B section. The officer was blown to death.

After the big bang, a major fleet of the coalition army launched a large-scale attack on the Empire B sector defense zone with a thunderbolt, and took the entire Empire B sector zone in less than ten days with absolute advantage. It completely broke the balance between the alliance and the empire’s front-line defense in the Eastern Region, and also gave the Empire military a heavy blow.

After that, it took only 2 months for the alliance military to win the entire Eastern Front of the Imperial Region. It can be said that the reason why the Alliance Military successfully won the Imperial Front of the Eastern Region was completely proud of the breakthrough of the B section. The breakthrough in Section B is actually due to the big explosion of Meteor.

Regarding the Meteorite Big Bang, Fang Shi has received a lot of information before and after. It is said that the Big Bang was a masterpiece completed by several alliance spies. At this time, Zhou Kang heard about the new vice camp. Chang seemed to have something to do with the big bang, and he couldn’t help but become more interested.

There was a trace of surprise on Su Ying’s face, and he said suspiciously: “I’ve heard of the big explosion of the Meteor Star, of course. Is there anything related to the explosion of our new deputy commander?”

Zhou Kang did not continue to sell Guanzi, gently nodded, said: “I heard that our deputy battalion commander is one of the spies who worked together to complete the meteorite explosion. He also won a symbol of the highest honor afterwards. The Golden Dragon Medal. “

Hearing Zhou Kang’s words, some surprises appeared on the faces of the rest of Group 3, and even the seemingly calm leader Xia Feihe flashed some surprises.

Fang Shi’s face also flashed with surprise. I could not imagine that the deputy battalion commander of the Kamen Mecha battalion was really not small. Not only did he have the special status of an alliance spy, but he also participated in the East that affected the Empire and the Alliance The meteor star explosion in the situation in the frontline defense zone of the region.

“Really?” Su Ying was surprised, but with a trace of doubt.

Zhou Kang said slightly hesitantly: “I also listened to this, but I can’t guarantee it, but at least 70% of it is true.”


Everyone in the conference hall continued to whisper, and they seemed to have a lot of expectations for the new deputy commander.

Soon after, Bai Qianqian and several other senior leaders of the Kamen Mecha Camp walked slowly into the conference hall.

In the conference hall, the original lively discussion sound disappeared almost instantly, so it was extremely quiet, and everyone’s eyes focused on Bai Qianqian and the others.

“The third young man who followed Bai Qian Qian was probably our new deputy commander. Sure enough, he looked handsome!” Su Ying seemed to have identified who was the new Kamen Mecha at first glance. Deputy Commander.

“It seems to be true, he is not known among a few people, the most likely is my new deputy battalion commander.” Su Yingside Another 3rd team member immediately replied.

At this time, the eyes of many people in the hall were focused on the strange young man.

Fang Shi’s first glance was on Bai Qianqian, and then he glanced at the man most likely to be a masked Mecha camp, but his gaze just turned to the young man, his calm face. A sudden surprise appeared on the board, because that face was very similar to his Old Friend.

“En?” Fang Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully looked at the young man, but his face was more dignified in surprise.

“How is it possible? Fun?”

Seeing that handsome face, Fang Shi immediately had a familiar silhouette in his mind-Yule on the K3 mine star in the Western Region of the Empire, who had been with him for three years, although the young man ’s face was as good as his memory. Yule is a little bit different, but still very similar, like it was carved out of a mold, so similar!

However, apart from being shocked, Fang Shi still immediately rejected the idea that the other party was Yule. He still knows Yule very well. 56 people at No.2 He’an Street, Jiangyan City have been together for 3 years. How could the other party appear? In the coalition forces.

took a deep breath, Fang Shi quickly calmed down his inner fluctuations, but his eyes still stared at the young man resembling Yu Le. Although he had denied the possibility that the other party was Yu Le, he always felt strange.

Soon, the welcome meeting officially began.

The host of the party first slightly adjusted the atmosphere in the conference hall, and then went to the camp leader Bai Qianqian of the Mecha camp in Kamen.

Bai Qianqin looked cold and walked to the central podium, at a moderate pace to talk about the recent situation of the Kamen Mecha camp, and finally introduced briefly about the new deputy commander. From the tone of her, she seemed very Optimistic about the new deputy commander.

After Bai Qianqian stepped down from the podium, the host quickly stepped onto the stage and said with a smile: “Everyone knows that this evening’s meeting is one of the important themes is to greet our new deputy commander of the Mecha camp in Kamen. Long introduction You already have a general understanding of the new deputy battalion commander. Let us welcome the new deputy battalion colonel Tang Yongle of the Mecha camp with our warm applause to the stage … “

In the conference hall, there was an extremely enthusiastic applause almost instantly.

Fang Shi applauded lightly as well, at this time he had calmed down. When Bai Qianqian said the name of the deputy battalion commander, he seemed to be more firm once again that the other party was not his brother Yule, if the other party really made meteorites One of Star Alliance ’s alliance spies really could n’t accept the fact.

In the extremely enthusiastic applause, the young man who was previously believed to be most likely to be the new deputy commander slowly stood up, walked onto the stage at a moderate pace, and stood at the central position, standing upright, towards Everyone performed a standard Alliance military salute, and slowly preached with a slight smile: “Hello everyone, I am the newly appointed deputy battalion commander Tang Yongle. I am very honored to be able to join the masked Mecha camp …”

Hearing the voice of Tang Yongle, the new deputy battalion commander on stage, Fang Shi was stunned for a while. The voice of the other party was so similar to Yu Le. This made his calm face appear a little unexpected again, but he only defined it as Similarly, in the heart still denies that the alliance colonel in front of him is Yu Le.

Tang Yongle spoke at a moderate pace for 5 minutes, but with a bit of humor in his speech, it made the members of the Mecha camp in the conference hall add some good feelings.

Soon, the new deputy battalion commander Tang Yongle stepped down from the crowd with warm applause.

Then, the meeting began another important content about the Masked Mecha Camp. Obviously this time was not just a welcome meeting, but also a collective meeting.

The collective meeting is not very long, and it adds up to 2 hours.

After the meeting, the pilots and mechanics of the Mecha camp in the hall left the hall one after another.

Fang Shi followed the group 3 and left the conference hall in an orderly manner, but he seemed to be absent-minded when he walked out of the conference hall. His mind was still the shadow of Yu Le, although he denied that the new deputy commander Tang Yongle was Yu Le , But he always felt there was something wrong there, and there was always something strange in his heart, because it seemed that Tang Yuele could always find Yu Le’s shadow.

“It should be too similar!”

In the end, Fang Shi still gave himself a seemingly very reasonable explanation before he stopped the doubts in his mind.

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