My Mech Queen

Chapter 400

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After the end of the two-month injury holiday, Fang Shi immediately went to the repair team of the Mecha camp in Kamen to report. Reporting was very smooth, and one of the mechanic Captain was greeted in person, and he was assigned to the team of the mechanic Captain.

There are 7 teams in the Mecha battalion maintenance team of the mask, which are 2 team, 3 teams, 7 teams … 50 teams, each team has 100 to 7 people, 7 captains are responsible, and 1 captains There is a general Captain, which is the Chief-In-Charge of the mechanics team.

Fang Shi was placed in the 7th team. He was greeted by Captain Rotonda of the 7th team. He was a fat man in his 40s. He was wearing a generous military uniform with a pair of square glasses on his nose and his eyes were partial. Smaller, smaller smile.

Luo Tongda took Fang Shi and walked in the direction of the 7-team hangar. He introduced Fang Shi with a smile: “There are 7 players in the 57 team. Of course, you have 58 players now. It ’s Mecha, the 4th company of the Mecha Battalion in Kamen. Oh, the strength of our 7 teams is indeed weaker than other teams, but I believe that as long as we all work hard, there will be rapid improvement … “

Regarding the 7th team, in fact, Fang Shi had already read the relevant information before coming to report. In the mask mechanics group, it was indeed a weak mechanics team, and the number of mechanics was also the smallest among the 7 teams. The strongest among the mechanic repair teams of the Mecha battalion in Kamen is not only a team of 100 mechanics, but also nearly half of them are intermediate mechanics, and one team of Captain also serves as the general Captain. The entire mechanic of Commander group. Most of the more than 7 mechanics in 50-pairs are only junior mechanics. Intermediate mechanics only have more than ten triflings, but Captain Rotonda is a senior mechanic.

Although Fang Shi already knew a little about the 7th team, he listened carefully and respectfully. Today, Captain Rotonda met him personally, which surprised him quite a bit. After all, he is just an ordinary little junior mechanic. It is necessary to have a senior mechanic at Captain level greet in person.

However, when he mentioned Major Mo Shaoang in Rotunda ’s exchange, Fang Shi guessed the reason. It turned out that Mo Shaoang had already taken care of it in advance. Luo Tongda estimated that he had a special relationship with Mo Shaoang. , He could not help secretly shook the head, he knew that the reason why Mo Shaoang would take care of it in advance was most likely to mean Bai Qian Qian.

Soon, Luo Tongda took Fang Shi to the hangar of Team 7. The area of ​​the machine repair garage is not very large, and it is estimated that it can accommodate thirty-forty Mecha for maintenance at the same time.

Luo Tongda said at a moderate pace: “At present, the Masked Mecha Battalion is still in a state of rest. The last battle with the Empire Mecha was too tragic. The only surviving pilot was only the original one third. Choose new members from other ordinary Mecha camps, but it is also fast. It is estimated that there will be up to one month before the masked Mecha camp can be restored to its original size. When the time comes I am afraid that I will leave this empire planet , Rejoin the battle, and we will be busy with it. “

Fang Shi slightly nodded, for the Kamen Mecha battalion fighting with the Imperial Qingchai Mecha troops, he had heard more or less from the mouths of those alliance soldiers before. That war was ultimately the Imperial Qingchai Mecha troops won the final victory, but It seems to have paid a very heavy price for this.

Rotunda summoned more than 7 players from 50 teams and introduced Fang Shi.

Fang Shi also introduced himself in front of everyone. Of course, now he is Fang Zhizhou, and the relevant content of the introduction is also the identity information about Fang Zhizhou that he has been familiar with before copying.

After a brief introduction, more than 50 mechanics returned to their jobs.

Luo Tongda took Fang Shi to his Captain office, took out some masks and sent me the relevant information of the Mecha camp maintenance team and the 7th team, and at the same time, he communicated with him quite enthusiastically.

Half an hour later, Luo Tongda called a very hot female mechanic and introduced: “Secretary Fang, this is our 7th team leader Xia Feihe.”

Fang Shi said immediately and respectfully: “Leader Xia, hello.”

Xia Feihe glanced at Fang Shi, slightly nodded, but he didn’t say much.

Luo Tongda said quickly: “Team Xia, how about letting Fang Xiaowei into your third group?”

Xia Feihe readily replied: “No problem.”

Luo Tongda said with a smile: “That’s good, Fang Shaowei, you will talk with team leader Xia in the future. She is an experienced intermediate mechanic, but you have to study hard. As for your specific work schedule, there will also be a team leader Xia. Make arrangements. “

Fang Shi immediately replied: “Yes, Captain.”

Later, Luo Tongda briefly explained a few words and let Fang Shi 2 leave.

After leaving the office, Fang Shi immediately followed Xia Feihe.

Xia Feihe walked briskly until he stepped off the office area on the second floor, his footsteps slowed slightly, his eyes glanced at Fang Shi, and said, “Fangzhizhou, isn’t it?”

Fang Shi is fast nodded.

Next moment, Xia Feihe suddenly had more seriousness on his face, and his eyes were slightly cold, saying, “I don’t care what your background is, as long as I enter my third group, I will do things seriously, obediently and honestly , Do n’t trust the hind legs of the group, understand? “

From Fang Shi’s attitude towards Rotunda today, Xia Feihe can still judge that the newcomer is most likely to have some background, but in her eyes, a real mechanic is to see if it is true. The strength, not the relationship background, in fact, when he saw Fang Shi at first glance, he was very optimistic about it. Unexpectedly, Captain Rotonda arranged the other party in her group. To be honest, she was still a little unhappy.

Facing Xia Feihe’s sudden change of attitude, Fang Shi was stunned for a while, and he couldn’t help but smile bitterly, but he still replied very respectfully: “Yes, team leader.”

Xia Feihe was quite satisfied with the attitude shown by Fang Shi. What she hated most were the guys who had some relationship background but had no strength but arrogant attitude. Fortunately, this new player was still a has several points of consciousness,

Xia Feihe said lightly: “Okay, I will take you to the repair room of Group 3.”

While speaking, Xia Feihe accelerated his pace again.

Fang Shi followed quickly.

After a while, Xia Feihe took Fang Shi into the workshop of Group 3. The size of the repair room is not large. There are 5 repair rooms, which is a small repair room. At this time, there is only one place for Mecha in the repair room. Nine mechanics are actively discussing what.

When Xia Feihe and Fang Shi walked into the repair room, 9 mechanics turned their heads towards the looked towards 2 people, among them looked towards Fang Shi’s gaze, they were more curious. They had already seen Fang before. Shi, the team leader brought him to the machine repair room, but they had a slight guess in their hearts.

One of them immediately greeted: “Leader, come back.”

Xia Feihe lightly nodded, introduced: “This is a new member of our 3rd group, Fang Zhizhou, is a junior mechanic. I hope everyone will continue to unite with each other and add luster to our 3rd group.”

Nine mechanics are nodded exactly.

Subsequently, Fang Shi greeted the third group member one after another. Among the 3 people except Xia Feihe, there were 9 male mechanics and a female surname mechanic. It can be seen that among the union mechanics, female mechanics It is also relatively rare.

To Fang Shi, the newly-added member, everyone in Group 3 still seemed quite enthusiastic, and some even got on the shoulders as soon as they came up, and they looked very familiar.

If it was before, Fang Shi might not be used to it. After all, he is an imperial man. From a certain angle, he and the people in front of him are enemies, but after a two-month transition from the injury vacation, he basically has no repulsion. psychological. In fact, no matter whether the alliance or the Empire is a human, not at all any essential contradiction, only because of the interweaving of various interests is forced to go to the opposite angle. In fact, most people want war, but war is not what they are Can be around.

After some mutual understanding, everyone in Group 3 returned to the machine repair work. Before Fang Shi and Xia Feihe entered the machine repair room, everyone was actively discussing this machine repair problem, which was the problem facing the Mecha in front of them.

Before starting the discussion again, Xia Feihe personally introduced Fang Shi to the mechanical repair problems faced by Mecha in front of him, and gave Fang Shi the relevant test data to read, and reminded: “This kind of discussion research is learning exercise Process, I hope you will earnestly and actively get involved in the future, so as to help you improve your mechanical repair strength, I will not force you today, after all, after discussing for nearly half the time, it is estimated that you are difficult to get involved, but you still sit Listening carefully next to it is good for you. “

Fang Shi immediately nodded, but his heart was a little helpless. In fact, after Xia Feihe introduced the Mecha problem and provided the relevant data, he had roughly judged the problem of the Mecha in front of him. Although it was not a problem, it was ordinary. Junior mechanics should be considered a challenge. In addition, from Xia Feihe’s tone, he knew that the other party should have already understood Mecha’s problem, and the rest of Group 3 was discussing and studying in order to give them a chance to learn from each other.

“It seems that she has several points of intention!” Fang Shi sat quietly beside the crowd, listening carefully to the discussion of group one in group three.

The discussion of the nine mechanics in the third group is not together, but a discussion in groups of three.

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