My Mech Queen

Chapter 393

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The whistling cold wind blew through the snow and brought snowflakes all over the sky.

On the 2nd day after separation from Bai Qian Qian, Fang Shi suffered the biggest snowstorm since entering the snow. The biting cold wind was scraping hu hu for a while, like a roar of anger, and the snowflakes in the sky were flying in the air, almost covering the whole sky.

“This weather! Walking on foot has become a bit difficult.”

At the foot of a Snow Mountain in the snow, Fang Shi looked at the fluttering snowflakes in the sky, and his heart was slightly bitter. He thought that the weather had improved and he ushered in an almost violent wind within a few days.

In the hu hu roaring snow and snow, the difficulty of walking on foot has increased significantly. Fang Shi is now only about half of the distance traveled in an hour, and the wind and snow are becoming more and more fierce, which can greatly disadvantage him. .

Fang Shi walked quite hard step by step. At this time, he has been walking in the snow for nearly 5 hours. If the previous weather was 5 hours, it was nothing for him, but now it is consumed. A lot of physical strength, breathing has become quite heavy, “oh! I don’t know how long this blizzard will last, find a place to rest for a second, and then add physical strength.”

Lao Bai followed Fang Shi right next to him. The white hair on his body was blown wave after wave by the strong cold wind, which was the grass on the field. It continued to travel for nearly 5 hours, and it also seemed exhausted, walking slowly stepping down with its head down, each step seemed to take a lot of effort.

Fang Shi looked at the side Lao Bai and yelled, “Lao Bai, find a place to rest.”

Lao Bai tweeted at Fang Shi, and responded.

Fang Shi now understands Lao Bai’s cry more than the beginning. Some simple expressions of the other party can be immediately understood after hearing it. At this time, Lao Bai’s cry should agree with his decision.

Fang Shi slightly nodded, then continue to move, and pay attention to whether all around is conducive to avoiding the place where the wind and snow are good to rest.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi found a bunker behind which he could barely avoid some snow and snow.

Fang Shi was close to the bunker and took out 2 pieces of barbecue, one of which was given to Lao Bai, but he was nibbling another barbecue.

The cold roast is very hard. Fang Shi almost bite it off by little by little teeth. At this time, it is helpless. In this blizzard, even if there is firewood, I may not be able to burn it, so the barbecue has to be hard to nibble.

However, the roasted roasted meat in the mouth can still barely feel a little scent in the mouth. It is also a rare delicacy for the empty belly.

After a while, Fang Shi chewed up nearly half of the meat.

Lao Bai on the side eats faster, and a whole piece of barbecue has been eaten almost by it.

biting cold wind is still hanging non-stop, mixed with fluttering snowflakes.

After eating the roasted meat, Lao Bai curled up beside Fang Shi, squeezing a ball, squinting his eyes, and fell asleep quickly. Obviously, he was quite tired for more than 5 hours.

After Fang Shi slowly nibbled at the barbecue, he was preparing to squint for a rest, but before closing his eyes, he stood up suddenly and looked up towards the sky with a facial expression grave.

“En? Mecha!”

Fang Shi looked intently at the sky full of snow fluttering and fluttering. His gaze was not a snow flake, but a gray-black dot.

Although the gray dots are not big, he quickly judged that it was a Mecha.

Over the past 20 days, Fang Shi and Bai Qianqian have met Mecha a few times, but Mecha in the sky did not notice them, and almost all of Mecha flashed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, the Mecha not at all that Fang Shi is watching now flashes, but from a small gray dot to a bigger and bigger, which shows that the Mecha is lowering the height and approaching him.

Soon, a gray black Mecha appeared clearly in Fang Shi’s field of vision.

“Alliance Mecha! Was it found?”

Recognizing that the gray black Mecha is an alliance Mecha, Fang Shi’s face suddenly sank. From the running track of Mecha, it was moved towards him that quickly flashed.

Facing a fast-flashing alliance Mecha, Fang Shi not at all chose to run away, because in front of a powerful Mecha he had no way to escape, and the other party could easily kill him with a random shell attack.

The old Bai on the side seemed to have been awake and stood up, screaming at Mecha flashing fast in the sky.

Alliance Mecha was extremely fast, blinking, and reached the sky above Fang Shi, and slammed down to the ground, setting off more than 20 meters of snow, and then I saw it quickly walked to Fang Shi and Lao Bai. At the same time, the mechanical gun of his arm quickly aimed at Fang Shi.

Faced with Mecha ’s powerful weapons, Fang Shi ’s face showed a bit of misery. If people played against each other, he would have confidence in himself, but in the face of powerful Mecha weapons, he simply had no room for resistance. That Mecha The Alliance pilot in the control cabin can shoot his body instantly with a simple command.

Lao Bai seemed to be aware of the great danger and grinned menacingly at the tall Mecha fangs over ten meters away.

“Old Bai, don’t call it.”

Fang Shi immediately reminded Lao Bai that the tall alliance Mecha had aimed at them with a mechanical gun, but the alliance pilot in the control cabin of Mecha seemed not at all to attack immediately. Lao Bai’s cry angered the alliance pilot and shot them to make them sparse.

In the gray black Mecha control cabin, a 20-year-old alliance pilot sat on the pilot ’s seat, looking at each person and dog in the light screen, but there was a hint of joy on his face, and he spoke to the voice The system shouted with a little excitement: “Captain, the mission target has been found.”

Soon, a strong voice came from the voice system: “Are you sure?”

The young alliance pilot immediately replied: “OK, one person and one dog.”

“Okay, report the specific location. I’ll be there immediately.” The thick voice from the voice system was heard again.

The young alliance pilot immediately reported relevant information.

Fang Shi looked at the gray-black alliance Mecha who had no further movement in front of him, and there was a slight accident on his face, but he didn’t make any move at all, just waiting quietly.

Gray black Mecha motionless lasted more than 30 seconds before moving, but I saw it slowly put away the mechanical light, and at the same time there was a voice in Mecha: “Stay there, do n’t move, otherwise I accidentally can put you Stepped into a puree. “

Fang Shi slightly nodded, but there is not much, but what makes him quite puzzled is what the alliance Mecha in front of him wants to do. If he wants to kill him, I am afraid that he will start at first, and now let him stay in the original What is the intention of the earth?

Tens of seconds later, Fang Shi found that there were 2 more dots in the air, and quickly judged that they were also the Mecha of the Alliance, which actually made him a little puzzled, and he had little resistance to deal with him. There was no need to gather 3 units. Mecha.

Soon, two other alliance Mechas landed in the snow near Fang Shi.

One of the gray Mecha came to Fang Shi, and it seemed to want to take a closer look at Fang Shi.

In the gray Mecha control cabin, a robust man with a stubborn face carefully looked at Fang Shi and Lao Bai in the light screen in front of him, and then said with satisfaction: “Yes, it should be him, take him back to the base , The dog was also brought along. “

Soon, a 2-meter-high metal ball was placed a few meters away from the old Fang Shi by one of the league Mecha.

A door similar to the hatch in the middle of the ball quickly opened.

Under the strong command of the league pilot, Fang Shi and Lao Bai finally entered the ball. The ball is similar to a small room with a seat in the middle.

Fang Shi has a certain understanding of the orb. It should be a single space rescue capsule, but I do n’t know what the other party wants him to do in this space rescue capsule.

Fang Shi and Lao Bai just entered the space rescue capsule, and a thick voice suddenly emerged: “Boy, sit down on my seat honestly, we will take you to a place.”


Fang Shi was a little stunned. What exactly did the league Mecha Fei Zhouzhang want to do? However, he didn’t ask much, but sat on the seat of Zhongjingan honestly.

“Okay, let’s go.” Fang Shi just sat down, and the thick voice sounded again, which gave him a reminder.

Later, Fang Shi only felt that the space rescue capsule he was riding in seemed to have been caught by something. If it was correct, it should be Mecha.

“Fly up!”

Soon, Fang Shi realized that the space rescue capsule where he was in had already flown into the air, and the speed was not slow. At this time, he was still full of doubts. The series of the league Mecha makes him feel very weird. The other party seems to list him as the goal at first, which is also 100 puzzled by him, and where did they take him. Many mysteries came to his mind, and he didn’t seem to get any answers at the moment, so he could only wait quietly for the other person to reveal him step by step.

Soon after, three Alliance Mechas with Fang Shi’s space rescue capsule landed in a low, flat, and flashing valley.

The valley is covered with thick snow, which seems to be not at all different from other valleys, but if you look closely, you will find some anomalies. There are strange buildings in some unremarkable places in the valley and nearby hills. Although they are all disguised, just walk closer and you will find their anomalies.

The alliance Mecha had just fallen, a strange noise came from under his feet, and then the ground quickly sank, and Mecha had disappeared to the ground in just a few seconds, and the snow where they landed had recovered.

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