My Mech Queen

Chapter 390

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“dong, dong, dong ……”

The snow bear came crashing at a heavy pace quickly, and the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl even sent out a very threatening roar, and the distance of several dozen meters was really nothing for it, I just saw the blink of an eye , He ran a few meters away in front of Fang Shi.

Fang Shi facial expression grave, with eyes as pillars, right hand clenching the electric knife, and the pace is faster and faster, approaching the snow bear.


After angry roar, Xue Xiong leaped suddenly and went straight to Fang Shi.

Fang Shi’s body flashed quickly, and the huge size of the snow bear was almost 1000 pounds. Coupled with the violent impact, he did not dare to pick up the snow bear’s such a strong blow. Therefore, immediately, he chose dodge.

Xue Xiong’s movements were quick, and Fang Shi was almost swept by him.

“Fortunately, I’m reminded of some preparations. If I’m slowing down the first half, I’m afraid it will be finished.”

Fang Shi was slightly thankful that the Snow Bear’s attack was obviously faster than he expected. Fortunately, he hadn’t been neglected before, otherwise he would be unpredictable.

Seeing such a dangerous scene, Bai Qianqian, ten meters away, couldn’t help but feel tight, and the worry on his face couldn’t help more.

Lao Bai, who was behind Fang Shi, wasn’t slow. He evaded cleverly before Xue Xiong made it up, and grunted at Xue Xiong’s teeth.

After Fang Shi dodged the snow bear’s rush, he immediately flashed sideways, pulling away the distance from the snow bear, and fighting the snow bear with such a huge monster. The meet force with force is obviously not working, only to seize the opportunity Winning by cleverness, his opponent’s sharpness in the electric knife is still several points of confidence, as long as he can hit the key parts of Snow Bear even if he can’t kill the opponent, he should be able to hit the opponent.


Without a hit, Snow Bear immediately issued an angry roar, then quickly turned around and dashed towards Fang Shi again.

Fang Shi stepped back quickly, staring closely at Xue Xiong, and the electric knife in his hand was ready to go.

Snow Bear’s movements were quick, and several jumps came to Fang Shi. This time, he did not intend to directly knock down Fang Shi. Instead, he found a huge bear paw and quickly shot Fang Shi.

Fang Shi’s eyes narrowed slightly, his figure flashed quickly, and flashed to a small tree a few steps away.


The giant bear paw was photographed on the trunk of the small tree almost instantly, and the trunk that was not thick was bent and deformed almost instantly, and then ka-cha broke open.

Fang Shi saw Xiaoshu instantly snapped by Snow Bear, and he couldn’t help being slightly shocked. Obviously the power of Snow Bear’s blow was extraordinary. If he was shot, it would be bode ill rather than well, but he also There was only a flash of shock. When the bear paw of Snow Bear was photographed on the trunk, the electric knife in his hand was not idle.

The blade light flickered slightly, and then he drew towards Xue Xiong’s protruding front foot.

For Fang Shi, this is a rare opportunity. The bear paw has almost consumed most of his strength on the trunk, and the imposing manner has declined. It is just that he will take the mobile phone out, although he can’t cut to any vital parts. , But at least give the snow bear some damage.

The electric knife swiftly crossed from Xue Xiong’s protruding front legs, but the distance traversed was not very long, about 20-30 cm.


Feeling the severe pain from the front paws, Snow Bear quickly retracted the protruding front leg and gave an angry roar, exposing Bai Sensen’s fangs.

Bright red blood spewed out of the 20-30 cm wound on the front leg of the snow bear, and soon stained the white hair nearby.

After a sweep, Fang Shi immediately retreated backward. The instantaneous injury was actually very limited. The 20-30 cm long knife edge is almost nothing for the huge size of Snow Bear, and the depth of the flash of the wound It’s not very deep, it should just scratch the skin of the snow bear, it can only be regarded as a minor injury.

Indeed, a 20-30 cm long wound is nothing to the huge snow bear. I saw that huge head opened the wound and immediately raised his head to lock the backward Fang Shi. There was already a burst of violence in his eyes. ‘S fierce light, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl slammed openly, angrily roared at Fang Shi.


Roar to the sky!

After a roar, Xue Xiong’s huge figure rushed out again. This time its offensive momentum was obviously a few points faster than before. Obviously it was already extremely angry with the human being in front of him.

Fang Shi, who was retreating, saw Xue Xiong rushing again, and his heart was slightly tight. He had found that Xue Xiong in front of him reacted faster than before, and behaved more irritably.

“Hey, hey…”

Snow Bear’s speed is extremely fast, 2 or 3 jumps came to Fang Shi’s front, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl wanted to bite directly at Fang Shi.

Fang Shi seemed to have expected it, flashing towards a thick and thick tree nearby.

Due to the obstruction of the thick trees, the snow bear collision suddenly decreased, and the threat to Fang Shi was naturally reduced.

Fang Shi flew quickly towards the other side.

Afterwards, Fang Shi used the role of trees to legally conceal multiple attacks from Snow Bear. During this time, he once again found a chance to give Snow Bear another blow. However, he did not hit the key point of Snow Bear, but only Caused a skin injury.

Being scratched twice by the electric knife in Fang Shi’s hand, Snow Bear became more angry, and then directly broke 2 trees, and almost hit Fang Shi, its sharp claws crossed on Fang Shi . However, when the paws crossed the body, Fang Shi did the evasive action as far as possible, and finally just cut his clothes, not at all did not cause any substantial harm.

Fang Shi, who escaped successfully, was slightly cold in his heart. If Xue Xiong’s claws advance any further, I am afraid it will be bode ill rather than well.

Seeing the thrilling scene of Fang Shi, Bai Qianqin, who was not far away, almost put her heart on her throat, almost exclaimed, until she saw Xue Xiong’s paw just cut through Fang Shi’s clothes. She was slightly sighed in relief.

After several unsuccessful attacks, Snow Bear apparently became more violent, the attacks became more and more violent, and the roar was more violent than ever.

Fang Shi facial expression grave, my heart sank. Although I had identified 2 chances before and cut the snow bear 2 knives, they were all skin wounds, which did not cause much danger to the snow bear simply. Almost into a violent state, the attack is getting faster and faster. He has already struggled to deal with it. If he is not careful, he is likely to have mortal danger. At this time, he is also considered to have a tight heart.


Snow Bear uttered a furious roar again, and then rushed towards Fang Shi who had just flashed an attack.

Looking at the snow bear rushing in, Fang Shi eyes slightly shrink. At this time, not at all beside him can help ease the snow bear rushing into the attacking trees, but he has no panic, binocular cold light flashed, in hand The electro-knife held tighter.

A huge body like Snow Bear Hill jumped lightly, and then rushed to Fang Shi.

Fang Shi’s figure flashed quickly, thrillingly escaped the snow bear.

However, Xue Xiong’s offensive was not at all over, only to see that after it fell away, his forepaw swept to Fang Shi.

At this time, Fang Shi had just escaped the snow bear, and he had no time to avoid the sweep of the snow bear’s paws, but he was not at all the slightest fear, and the electric knife in his hand quickly greeted the snow bear’s paws.

The bear claw intersects with the electric knife, but it separates and separates in an instant.

The lightning blade radiance flashed directly from the paw paw, almost cutting off the huge paw paw one third.

As a result, in Fang Shi Medical, the electro-optical knife can cut even super alloy materials, and trifling the flesh and bear’s paw is naturally difficult.

However, although the electric knife is sharp, after all, only a small part of the bear’s paw was removed, and the remaining bear’s paw was still shot at Fang Shi.


The torn bear’s paw slapped on Fang Shi’s chest. The force was obviously not small. After a crash, Fang Shi’s body flew back out of control by 50-60 meters and fell to the ground.


As Fang Shi flew out, the snow bear with the small half paw cut out gave a stern and painful roar, and the left front paw was blood spewing.

“Fang … Fang Shi!”

Bai Qianqian, who stood at 2 beyond thirty meters, saw the scene where Fang Shi was photographed flying, and his heart sank, his face was full of worry, and his mouth was subconsciously exclaimed.

Lao Bai shouted hard on the side.

Fang Shi, who fell to the ground, only felt a tear in his chest, blood swelled, and a hot stream rushed directly into his throat, but he was forced to return it back. Obviously, Xue Xiong was so powerful in this blow .


After several screams, Xue Xiong didn’t care about the injury of his left front paw anymore. Instead, he quickly looked towards Fang Shi who was shot and flew to the ground. His teeth grunted and roared, obviously to the human eye. Hatred is bone.

“Hey, hey…”

With a glare, Xue Xiong rushed towards Fang Shi.

Fang Shi, who was hit by Xue Xiong, was a little dazed. When he first woke up, he saw Xue Xiong and wanted him to rush again. His face suddenly sank, and he quickly got up and wanted to dodge. However, his movement is obviously slightly slower than that of Snow Bear, which is still fast.

Fang Shi, who had just stood up, was thrown down by the snow bear as soon as he made an evasive action. He only felt that his body was suddenly crushed by a large stone.


Snow Bear just threw Fang Shi to the ground, and opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. He gave an angry roar to Fang Shi under him, as if venting its endless anger.

Fang Shi’s face was heavy. At this time, most of his body was pressed under the snow bear. Unable to move, even the electric knife of the right hand was also suppressed. It would take some time and effort to pull it out. At this point Xue Xiong bite down, he will definitely die.

“Would you die?”

Facing the moment of death, Fang Shi did not have much fear, but there were still many regrets in his heart.

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