My Mech Queen

Chapter 387

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The urgent order to evacuate Rambo was quickly spread at the Imperial headquarters base.

In a machine repair library hall somewhere in the headquarters base, the mechanics of the 5th machine repair group gathered together. Mu Wenxin’s facial expression grave announced the emergency order he had just received to evacuate Rambo.

The mechanics in the hall heard the order of evacuation and evacuation of Lambo Star. They couldn’t help but showed some unexpected and doubtful feelings. Since arriving at Lambo Star, it has only been 2 3 days. Why is it that they have to evacuate suddenly, The time also seemed very hasty. The Battle Princess Mecha camp was the first evacuation. There was only a few hours left. They could n’t help but guess whether there was a major event for Lamborghine. Some people were even more curious to Mu Wenxin. Asked a question.

Mu Wenxin was helplessly shook the head. She was very surprised when she just got an emergency order to evacuate Rambo from the head of the machine repair team, Bai Chaoge. She also guessed whether Rambo had a major event. She didn’t know what happened.

“Sister Wen Xin, you will leave in the afternoon. The leader of the party, he …”

In the corner of the hall, Mo Xiaoci’s face was slightly ugly. Two days ago, she and the fifth company and more than 2 people finally escaped the chase of the Mecha of the alliance, but since then, they have completely lost contact with Fang Shi. The reason why more than 5 of them successfully escaped the chase of the Mecha squad of the alliance is actually the most important reason for Fang Shi to drag down the Mecha troops tracked by the alliance. But she has never seen Fang Shi come back. Although she knows that Fang Shi has fallen into the hands of those alliances Mecha very much, there is still a trace of hope in her heart before the news is confirmed.

Hearing Mo Xiaoci suddenly mentioned Fang Shi, everyone in the hall was more or less dull. They had also heard about the fact that Fang Shi singlehanded to block the league Mecha team. The new team leader Fang Shi was admired and respected from the heart. Although the time with Fang Shi was less than a month ago, they had accepted the new team from the bottom of the heart through those small contacts. It ’s just that they absolutely did n’t think that this mission of annihilation was unfortunately killed. In most people ’s consciousness, the leader of Fang Shi should have fallen.

Mo Xiaoci mentioned Fang Shi at this time, everyone in the 5th mechanic group was more or less complicated.

In the conference hall, the atmosphere was slightly depressed.

Mu Wenxin took a deep breath, and after Fang Shi lost contact, she was re-designated as the acting leader by the head of the mechanics group, Bai Chaoge, and was solely responsible for the matters related to the fifth mechanics group. With regard to the situation of Fang Shi, she was also very emotional heavy. In just over 5 days of contact, she also knows Fang Shi naturally. The other party can definitely be regarded as a responsible team leader. She also knows what Mo Xiaoci’s simple words mean. As long as Fang Shi does not have the exact news of death, there is still a glimmer of hope, but her last glimmer of hope is gone. I saw her solemnly saying: “Headquarters The base has stopped search and rescue operations, and this time it was not just our Battle Princess Mecha battalion but all the troops that evacuated Rambo.

Mo Xiaoci was slightly startled and said, “All the troops! Doesn’t that mean giving up Rambo.”

Mu Wenxin nodded helplessly.

With a definite answer, Mo Xiaoci’s face was darker. Giving up Lambo Stars was the last hope to find Fang Shi. This was not the result she was willing to see.

Sitting on Mo Xiaoci’s side Ling Feifei’s slightly fat baby’s face also appeared quite heavy. Although sometimes her brain responded a little slow, she still knew the meaning of Mu Wenxin’s words. For the new team leader Fang Shi, she still feels guilty in her heart. Before that, she and Mo Xiaoci and Huangpu Youlan did not embarrass each other. Although she did not have that intention, she still participated in it. Team leader, she feels a little uncomfortable.

“Little elder sister, we may never see Team Leader Fang Shi again.” Ling Feifei said with a frown.

Mo Xiaoci not at all replied. Obviously, she was also feeling very heavy at this moment. Fang Shi ’s scene of rescue her at a critical moment was still vivid, and she was about to evacuate Lambo Star soon. She was not really in her heart. taste.

Afterwards, Mu Wenxin recounted the details of the evacuation of Lambo Star.


At a medical department at the headquarters, a cute girl with short hair walked slowly into one of the wards, with a slight smile on her face.

On the hospital bed was a delicate and pretty girl with some coldness. When she saw the short-haired girl who walked in, she smiled slightly and said softly, “Xue Yan.”

Wang Xueyan lightly nodded and sat down next to the bed, said with concern: “Vice Group Leader, how is your body now?”

The girl on the bed shook the head and said: “It’s okay, it’s just a small skin injury. It has recovered almost in the past 2 days. You should be able to go out tomorrow. By the way, there is news from the base rescue team.”

Wang Xueyan smiled and replied: “There is very good news. Dong Xiaoyou is still alive, but was injured and is being treated. The doctor said there is no mortal danger.”

The girl on the hospital bed showed a little bit of joy. During the battle of the annihilation mission, her team also had a lot of people who had no news. Most of them should have been sacrificed. It is quite lucky to find one person now. thing.

“That’s good,” the girl on the bed said at a moderate pace.

Wang Xueyan’s words changed slightly and said, “Vice Group Leader, there is another important thing to inform you. Not long ago, I received an urgent order from Captain. Our Battle Princess Mecha Camp began to evacuate Lambo Stars at 6 pm today. “

“Evacuate Lambo Star?” There was a slight accident on the girl’s face.

Wang Xueyan immediately nodded and said: “Well, the time is a little urgent, but it should still be too late.”

The girl on the bed asked with some doubt: “Why would you suddenly want to evacuate Lambo Star again?”

Wang Xueyan reluctantly hooked the head and said, “I don’t know the specific reasons, but I heard from others that the major event seems to have happened. This evacuation is not just our Battle Princess Mecha Camp, it is said to be owned by Rambo Star Ground troops. “

The girl on the bed took a breath, and mood grave said, “Is it really a major event?”

Wang Xueyan didn’t care. No matter what major event happened, it wasn’t her little pilot who could control her. After looking at the Vice Group Leader on the hospital bed, she suddenly thought of something interesting, and then asked curiously. : “Oh, Vice Group Leader, do you have a big brother?”

The girl on the bed shook the head and asked with some doubt: “Xue Yan, why did you suddenly ask this question?”

Wang Xueyan replied: “After supporting the 2nd Mecha army in the Qing Dynasty 2 days ago, I stayed with the injured Mecha. During the meeting, I met a mechanic who asked me about your situation, and claimed to be your big brother. It seems that he Is a big liar. “

The girl in the bed hearing this, delicate and pretty frowned slightly, and said, “I claim to be my big brother? You heard it right.”

Wang Xueyan immediately said: “Yes, at first it was your friend, and later it was your big brother. He must be a liar. He has the opportunity to teach him, dare to swindle me.”

The girl on the bed shook the head slightly, but she didn’t care much, but she asked casually: “He is a mechanic at our Battle Princess Mecha camp?”

Wang Xueyan nodded and said: “Yeah, if I remember correctly, then he seemed to claim to be the accompanying mechanic of the fifth mechanic group, but his mechanic level seemed to be pretty good. By the way, he seemed to be Fang, with his 5 Everyone shouts that the other team leader should have a certain status in the fifth repair team. Vice Group Leader, he seems to have a certain understanding of you and should pay attention to you for a long time, but this kind of liar does not need to ignore him even if he is excellent … “

Wang Xueyan said a long paragraph in a long speech, and obviously was very dissatisfied with Fang Shi deceiving her.

“Fang surname ?!” The girl on the bed suddenly froze for a moment, as if she thought of something, because the person in her heart also surnamed Fang, but she knew that the other party was far away in the Central Star District, It shouldn’t be appeared in Dongda Front zone defense zone.

It was Ye Xiangyi who was lying in the hospital bed. He had a bit of a wound in the previous battle with the Alliance elite Mecha forces. After returning to the headquarters and base for the past two days, he had been quietly rested in the medical department. Fortunately, he was only slightly injured. Recuperation 2 is no big deal. Compared to the many pilots who died in Battle Princess Mecha, she was lucky.

As for the person hidden in Ye Xiangyi’s heart, it was Fang Shi. During the painful days when father Ye Zhong left, Fang Shi was almost her last reliance, taking care of her, caring for her, and accompanying her step by step. Out of that gloomy day. In fact, she has placed Fang Shi in a very high position in her heart. Although she has not disclosed her heart to Fang Shi, she knows that the silhouette is difficult to erase and cannot be replaced.

After graduating from Qin Garden College, Ye Xiangyi joined the Battle Princess Mecha camp, away from the Central Star District, away from Fang Shi. She has not met for more than 2 years, but the Fang Shi mark in her mind seems to have never been reduced. The silhouette often echoed in her mind, clearly visible and unforgettable.

Based on his inner sensitivity to Fang Shi, Ye Xiangyi subconsciously thought of Fang Shi when he heard that Wang Xueyan said the person ’s surname, but he was quickly rejected by him. Obviously in her consciousness Fang Shi should It is at the headquarters of Snowflake Company in S3 Nanzhou Snowflake City, which is centrally interested. Impossible appears in the front zone defense area of ​​the Eastern Region, and it appears in the Battle Princess Mecha camp more impossible, and the other party is a Mecha designer. What about identity?

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