My Mech Queen

Chapter 383

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(Hurry up, upload first, and make mistakes tomorrow, forgive me!)

Hole **, Fang Shi determined that there was no problem, not at all sat down and rested, but instructed at Lao Bai: “Lao Bai, I ’m staying in the hole **, I went outside to get the wood, I ’m outside today Sleep in this cave. “

Lao Bai tweeted twice, which was a response to Fang Shi.

Fang Shi didn’t understand Lao Bai’s words, but he knew that Lao Bai was very obedient. Generally speaking, he could basically obey what he said, so he was too lazy to study what Lao Bai meant, so he quickly walked towards the hole.

Lao Bai followed the cave and stopped. He shouted at Fang Shi with some reluctance and then sat down at the cave. His eyes were staring at Fang Shi’s movement.

Fang Shi not at all walked away, and the woodland was near the cave entrance. He cut down a few small trees and it was OK. At this time, he just made a fire in the cave to drive off the chill.

Cave **, Bai Qianqian slowly opened her eyes again. In fact, she woke up before entering the cave, but she had no eyes opened. At this time, it was a lot clearer than the confused consciousness before. And her body seems to have recovered some strength, but it has only recovered a little, barely able to move her finger, as far as getting up still does not have half the strength.

Feeling that the strange man had left, Bai Qianqian opened his eyes and looked at the environment of the hole **, but in his heart, he quickly thought about the environment where she is now.

Facing strangers and surroundings, Bai Qianqian did not show any fear. In a word, he felt like a lucky person. Before Mecha was shot down, she was almost 9 from death. But she was lucky enough to escape the difficulty; afterwards she fell physically in the snow and was approaching death again, but now she is still alive.

Bai Qianqian knew that the reason why she was able to eyes opened again was that the strange man had saved her. Although she had not seen what the strange man looked like, she carried her all the way to the cave and placed her carefully. Well, she doesn’t seem to feel any danger at all, but feels some kindness from the other party, especially just when the other party lightly covered her with an unknown fur.

Of course, Bai Qianqin didn’t lose all alert in her heart, but now she has almost no strength, even if she wants to do anything, and he can’t do anything about Fang Shi’s body, he knows that the other party is very likely to be an empire People, I thought that if the other party knew that she was an alliance pilot, I am afraid that she would not help her, or kill her directly. There was nothing to worry about in her mind. She was already a person facing death and had no fear.

After checking all around, Bai Qianqian closed her eyes again, as if she was asleep.

Ten minutes later, Fang Shi brought 2 bundles of wood and some flammable plants.

Soon, a pile of bonfires rose in the middle of the cave, and the temperature in the cave gradually increased under the influence of the flame, which was more comfortable than before.

Lao Bai lay relaxed and relaxed beside the campfire, a very enjoyable state.

The other narrator Qian Qian still closed her eyes slightly and lay quietly. She naturally felt the temperature from the bonfire. Although she was covered with wolf skin before, her body was still cold. Under the heat from the bonfire, She only felt the body within the body, and the little by little slowly dissipated out. The bursts of warmth were like bathing in the warm sunshine of spring. In this Snow and Ice World, this is undoubtedly a luxury Enjoyment.

Fang Shi took out three pieces of wolf meat. Yesterday, he had roasted the remaining ten pieces of wolf meat, and now he only needs to heat it slightly to eat.

Skewer the 3 pieces of wolf meat, Fang Shi set on the fire and roasted.

“Nourish, nourish …”

After a while, the wolf meat heard the sound of zi zi bursts of fat burning, and the hole ** was filled with the scorched aroma of barbecue.

The old Bai on the side had been expecting for a long time, and he watched the aroma of barbecue with his eyes straight, and his saliva flowed out.

Fang Shi glanced at Lao Bai’s greedy state, helplessly shook the head, and cut a piece of wolf meat into several pieces and put it in front of him.

Bai Qian Qian lying on the ground naturally smelled the scorched incense in the hole. She had not eaten for more than a day, and the food was still very tempting for her. The original consciousness became clear again. Opened consciously.

The hole ** is quite bright under the light of fire and energy.

Bai Qianqin saw the face of Fang Shi, who was seriously cutting the wolf meat, at a glance. It was very ordinary. This is her appearance to Fang Shi First Seal.

As the chill of within the body gradually disappeared and supplemented by energy shocks, Bai Qianqian’s physical strength recovered a lot, if he could, he felt that he could barely sit up, but she did not at all try.

When Bai Qianqin eyes opened looked towards him, Fang Shi seemed to realize his eyes. He glanced sideways at Bai Qianqin and said casually: “Look at you falling in the snow, and I saved you at will.”

Bai Qianqian wanted to avoid Fang Shi’s gaze, but when she saw Fang Shi’s calm eyes, she did not avoid it, but said a little gratefully, “Thank you.”

Fang Shi did not say much, but continued to cut the roasted wolf meat in front of him seriously.

The old Bai on the side has begun to become suspicious.

Bai Qianqin carefully looked at the strange man not far away in front of her. From the dress of the other party, she soon had a judgment that made him slightly dull. The strange man in front of him was an imperial soldier. She has also realized that she is also wearing military uniform-the military uniform of the alliance.

“Did the other party not notice the alliance logo on my military uniform?” Bai Qianqin was puzzled in his mind. In his consciousness, the empire and the alliance were born enemies, and an empire soldier and an alliance army were together. The result should not be your death or the result of my forgetting, and why should the other party save her and let her die is more logical? Does he have any special attempts?

Bai Qianqin looked towards Fang Shi’s eyes clearly had a hint of alertness.

Fang Shi was unprecedented. He carefully cut the wolf meat into small pieces, and then handed it to Baiqianqindi. Lightly said, “It’s good for your body to eat.”

Bai Qianqin put down the wolf skin covered on her body, and then stood up a little bit hard, but she not at all went to enjoy the barbecue in front of her, but looked at Fang Shi with a facial expression grave, and some solemnly said: “I am a Alliance soldiers. “

Fang Shi looked at Bai Qian Qian and said calmly, “I know.”

Bai Qianqin asked: “Why do you still save me, is it better to let me die?”

Fang Shi looked at Bai Qianqin’s serious expression, and slightly shook the head. Judging from the words given to the other party, it was clear that she had equated the Empire and the Alliance with the irreconcilable opposition between the states, and an Empire soldier saved An alliance soldier must have any special intentions in her eyes.

Fang Shi took his gaze back and continued to cut the barbecue in front of him seriously, and at the same time said at a moderate pace: “Whether you are an alliance soldier is not important to me now, because you are a person, so I saved you . “

Bai Qianqin looked at Fang Shi with a certain amount of consternation, and she was still puzzled about the reason why Fang Shi said, because the deep-rooted thoughts in her mind were absolutely impossible because the other party’s simple words changed, but Fang Shi’s words But it made her feel a little touched, does the other party really have no special requests?

After more than ten seconds of silence, Bai Qianqian picked up a piece of roasted meat in front of her and put it in the mouth, chewing lightly. Not at all added any ingredients on the roasted meat, but tasteless, but she still tasted quite delicious, maybe I thought I was too hungry.

Fang Shi cut his own barbecue and started to eat it. Today’s taste is obviously not as good as yesterday’s.

Bai Qianqin was eating grilled meat while continuing to look at Fang Shi with Yu Guang, but her heart was slightly complicated. She never thought she would get along with an Empire soldier in this way, and the other party also saved one. On the battlefield, when she sees any empire soldier, she will wipe out each other without mercy, but the man in front of her is slightly shaken the belief for a long time, can the empire and the alliance really get along peacefully?

Lao Bai finished the barbecue as soon as possible, but today he did not continue to greet the remaining barbecue in front of Fang Shi. It seemed to be satisfied. He squinted beside the fire and enjoyed the warmth from the campfire.

Although Fang Shi didn’t scream, he was significantly faster than Baiqianqian. Soon, a piece of barbecue was eaten by him, and Baiqianqin almost had one third.

Fang Shi pats hands, and then looked at Bai Qian Qian, at this time the other party’s condition is obviously much better, his complexion restored a lot of blood, looks even more amazing, but unfortunately the silver white mask took the rest of her The face blocked everything.

“The injuries on your body are not light. I have some simple medical items here. I will help you deal with them later. If the outside ice and snow environment deteriorates further, it may become a deadly threat.” Fang Shi lightly said.

Bai Qianqin looked at her right shoulder, hesitated a little, and eventually it was slightly nodded. Although there were only a few sentences with the Alliance soldier in front of her, she was inexplicably more trusting in her heart, which is also The reason she finally nodded to agree.

Fang Shi didn’t say much, but got up and took the stone in the hole **. The stone was simply processed into a small container with an electric knife. Although it looks quite rough, it can barely hold about one liter of water.

Later, Fang Shi went outside the cave to take some ice and snow and put it in a stone container, and put it on a campfire to heat it, and finally turned the ice and snow into hot water, which he used to wash the wound.

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