My Mech Queen

Chapter 349

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In the 5th garage, Su Shi’er did not notice that the 2 mechanics of the 5th mechanics group had been found not far from the rear, but continued to walk generously towards the interior of the garage.

“This sir, I wonder who you are looking for in our fifth garage?”

Mo Xiaoci, who has just completed today’s work task, walked slightly out of the garage, and the reason for the displeasure was entirely due to last night’s incident, which not only failed completely, but also caused her not to sleep well. The sky was a little absent. Looking at the oncoming colonel pilot, she asked subconsciously politely. After all, she was just a little lieutenant.

Following Mo Xiaoci side and Ling Feifei and Huangpu Youlan, when he saw the colonel pilot approaching, there were obvious surprises on his face.

Su Shi’er glanced at Mo Xiaoci, said with a slight smile: “I’m here to find …”

“Ah … you … you are Su Shi’er Captain!”

Su Shi’er only said half of it, but was interrupted by cry out in surprise. It wasn’t Mo Xiaoci who exclaimed, but Ling Feifei on her side.

Ling Feifei opened her mouth slightly, and her face was full of excitement and surprise. In fact, when she saw Su Shi’er, she was a bit suspicious at first glance. Until Su Shi’er spoke, she was already 10000 points confident of the colonel pilot in front of her. It is Su Shi’er.

In the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, Su Shi’er’s prestige is definitely like thunder piercing the ear, and even far exceeds the battalion chief Qin Tianyue, because she is the first woman to become an empire ten-star title pilot. Break the ultimate shackles of female pilots. In the eyes of many men, she is Supreme Goddess, and in the hearts of many women, she is the ultimate Supreme idol. She is like a very bright star, making people crazy and making people worship.

Ling Feifei is Su Shi’er’s most loyal follower. Although she is only a mechanic, this does not hinder her likes for Su Shi’er, but rather inspires her admiration. She dreams about one day Able to become a special mechanic for Su Shi’er to fight side by side with each other.

Every time I saw Su Shi’er from a distance, Ling Feifei felt that her small heart was beating very fast, and now Su Shi’er was standing in front of her and was less than one meter away, so she recognized Su Shi’er In an instant, he couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Hearing Ling Feifei’s exclaimation, Mo Xiaoci and Huangpu Youlan were slightly stunned, and there were many surprises on their faces, although 2 people not at all Ling Feifei’s obsessive attachment to Su Shi’er, But their hearts were also full of respect and admiration for Su Shi’er. In front of the most prestigious and attractive woman in this fighter Mecha camp, their confidence in the bones was suddenly dim.

“Su Shi’er Captain!”

“Su Shi’er Captain!”

Mo Xiaoci and Huangpu Youlan shouted subconsciously, in addition to shock in their eyes, there was also a lot of respect.

Su Shi’er slightly nodded, showing a faint smile.

Ling Feifei took a step forward excitedly and said excitedly: “Su … Su Shi’er Captain, my … my name is Ling Feifei, a mechanic of the 5th mechanic group, can you take a picture with you? “

Su Shi’er showed a little apology, and said softly, “I’m afraid it won’t work now. I’m going to ask your team leader to discuss something. I wonder if your team leader is in the office?”

Due to Ling Feifei’s cry out in surprise, it suddenly attracted the attention of many people nearby, especially when he heard Su Shi’er, a word that almost made everyone sensitive. In just a few seconds, there were already a dozen pairs of eyes looked Towards, Su Shi’er at this time naturally does not want to entangle too much with Ling Feifei, so as not to cause more people to watch.

Ling Feifei did not show any disappointment, but immediately replied: “Yes, Leader Fang was in the office all afternoon.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Su Shi’er lightly thanked, and quickly walked towards the direction of the team leader’s office. Before coming in, she had asked Qiu Rou about the specific location of the office.

Mo Xiaoci, Ling Feifei and Huangpu Youlan stood a bit dazed.

At the same time, the surroundings just noticed a scene in small groups gathered, and there was a burst of discussion.

“Really … really Su Shi’er. I saw her face just now. I can recognize it clearly even though I wear sunglasses.”

“Woo … I only saw her back. I have been in the Battle Princess Mecha camp for almost 2 years. I have seen Su Shi’er several times in the distance. I thought I could see her every day when I entered the Battle Princess Mecha camp. “

“You wishful thinking, I have been coming in for almost three years, and I have only seen eight-nine times. I have only seen her only once in close quarters, and that time you were forced to squeeze near her in violation of the order.”

“Why did Su Shi’er suddenly come to our fifth garage?”

“I just heard her conversation with Ling Feifei. It seems that she was looking for her surname Fang … no … it is our leader.

“Look for Team Leader ?! Do 2 people know?”


Mo Xiaoci looked at Su Shi’er’s disappearing back, and her heart was quite complicated. The information revealed from Su Shi’er was that she knew that the other party was looking for Fang Shi. She really did not understand Su as the first company Captain Why did Shi’er go to the surname alone, and it was just at the end of the work period, do the two still have a friendship?

Ling Feifei also seemed to come back to his senses, and his mouth murmured, “Su Shi’er Captain is actually looking for Team Leader Fang.”

Huangpu Youlan seems to be the most calm one of the three people, but the moment when she first saw Su Shi’er, she showed some shock and surprise.

Soon, the news about Su Shi’er’s arrival in the 5th garage was quickly spread in the 5th garage, most of the people showed some surprises and surprises, and many of them moved quickly and started Gather near the team leader’s office.

Fang Shi is completely unaware of the changes that occurred in Su Shi’er’s arrival in the fifth garage, and he is still immersed in reading.

“Hey, hey…”

Suddenly, a knock on the door broke the silence of the office.

“Please come in.”

Fang Shi not at all looked up, but continued to read the data.

At the sound of ka-cha, Su Shi’er pushed the door and walked in slowly. His eyes glanced at the young man at the desk with a focused expression, secretly thought: “He is that Little Master-uncle?”

Fang Shi looked up at Su Shi’er, then quickly lowered his head to continue reading the material, and asked casually, “What’s the matter?”

Su Shi’er brows slightly wrinkle, Fang Shi’s performance completely exceeded her expectations. At first, she seemed to be quite excited when talking to the other party online, and now it seems too calm and too casual. In fact, today she had inquired Fang Shi from Yingchangqin Tianyue, and she had confirmed the Fang Shi she knew, and she came to see him because she wanted to do the friendship of the landlord. After all, he was Master Ye Zhiqiu. Little Junior Brother, and 2 people had a pleasant chat once.

After a few seconds, Su Shi’er said softly, “I want to invite you to dinner, I don’t know if you have time?”


Fang Shi was subconsciously ready to answer no time, but just uttered a word, but he seemed to realize something instantly, and then suddenly looked up towards Su Shi’er who was standing not far away looking at him, his face quickly emerged With a touch of surprise, my heart was a little unconsciously excited.

“Su Shi’er!”

A name came to Fang Shi’s mind almost instantly.

Although the wide sunglasses obscured part of the face of the other party, he was almost instantaneously sure that she was Su Shi’er because the voice was too familiar to him, with a touch of etherealness in the softness.

Su Shi’er looked at Fang Shi’s suddenly changing expression, but immediately realized that the other party should recognize her now, and she couldn’t help but reveal a trace of helplessness.

“Little Master-uncle, I trust you have been well since we last met!”

Su Shi’er had a faint smile on the corner of his lips, and then lightly took off his wide sunglasses.

Beautiful and exquisite facial features, sheep-fat white jade-like skin, dark and bright eyes …

The memory of Su Shi’er in his mind almost instantly coincides with the people in front of him. This is the long-awaited moment that gives him a feeling of being free between reality and illusion. Perhaps he will be without the frantic youth slightest hesitation Go up on the ground to give a strong hug, even a greedy kiss, but at this time he is no longer that inexperienced youth, but a man, although Su Shi’er still exists like Goddess in his heart, But now he has a more important woman in his mind-Qi Yanyan.

After a short period of Lengshen, Fang Shi stood up a little embarrassedly and said slightly: “It turned out to be you, sorry. Just now I thought it was the 5th mechanic group. Please hurry up and sit down.”

Su Shi’er smiled slightly and then sat down.

Fang Shi asked politely: “What do you want to drink? It seems that I only have tea and water.”

Su Shi’er was not polite, and said, “Clean water is enough.”

Fang Shi nodded, arrived at a glass of water and handed it to Su Shi’er, then he also sat down.

Su Shi’er Yu Guang has been looking at Fang Shi a little bit. The other party did make a lot of changes at the moment when she recognized her, but soon recovered calmly, compared to the conversation with the other party. A lot.

Looking at Su Shi’er in close proximity, Fang Shi’s heart is still quite complicated, thinking of the bedroom full of posters and posters of Su Shi’er at 56 He’an Street, thinking of the dream of marrying Su Shi ‘ Er is a frivolous teenager who is a wife, and thinks of the obsessed nerd who dreams of becoming a mechanic of the Silver Battle Princess … Everything seems to have happened yesterday, and it seems extremely distant.

Su Shi’er said with a slight smile: “I can’t think of you as the leader of the 5th mechanic group. It is really a surprise to get this positive news today.”

Fang Shi lightly said with a smile: “Being able to enter the Battle Princess Mecha camp is also a quite unexpected and lucky thing for me. I didn’t expect to encounter such an opportunity when I first arrived in the front line defense area of ​​the Eastern Region. Entering the Battle Princess Mecha camp as a mechanic is now a reality. “


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