My Mech Queen

Chapter 346

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In the office, Fang Shi finally spent almost half an hour to explain to Mo Xiaoci the related mechanical repair issues.

During the explanation, Mo Xiaoci took the initiative to sit next to Fang Shi due to the combination of graphics and text, and there was a tendency to sit closer and closer. During the period, he touched Fang Shi with his body intentionally or unintentionally several times. Test Fang Shi’s response.

Smelling the slightly thick perfume next to him, Fang Shi occasionally frowned, wondering what the little raccoon wanted to do. Although the other party seemed to be asking questions, he always felt weird.

After Fang Shi brace oneself explained the problem clearly, he got up and went back to his desk to continue to read the relevant information of the fifth repair team.

“Leader Fang, I don’t know if you are free tonight?” Fang Shi just got up, and Mo Xiaoci’s charming voice came from behind.

Fang Shi not at all answered in a hurry, but first sat at the desk and asked with some doubt: “Is there anything?”

Mo Xiaoci’s bright eyes looked at Fang Shi, blinking slightly, and said softly, “You solved the problem for me. I want to invite you to dinner, and ask you some questions by the way.”

Fang Shi thought about it pretendingly, and then refused with some apology: “Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t have time tonight. In fact, there is nothing to thank for this kind of thing. We are all members of the 5th repair team and we should help each other. “

Mo Xiaoci screamed and asked, “What about tomorrow night?”

Fang Shi quickly replied: “The past few days have no time at night.”

“Really?” Mo Xiaoci pouted, slightly disappointed in his face, and even hated in his heart: “Well you Fang Shi, this Young Lady is so sincerely sending you an invitation, it is completely don ‘ t give face, really to the face to have no shame, look at your face, I feel sick, hmph! “

Fang Shi is very nodded.

Mo Xiaoci barely smiled, said: “Oh, then I will go out first, do not disturb your work.”

Fang Shi laughed at it slightly.

Mo Xiaoci hurriedly left the office, but as soon as she walked out of the room, the bare smile on her face was instantly disappeared, and it became very ugly. I saw her looking back fiercely and glaring at Fang Shi ’s office. He murmured softly: “The surname is Fang, you wait for me.”

Soon, Mo Xiaoci quickly walked across the corridor, and then slowed down a corner.

Around the corner, two female mechanics waited in different colors.

2 The woman is Ling Feifei and Huangpu Youlan, who have an excellent relationship with Mo Xiaoci.

Seeing Mo Xiaoci, Ling Feifei’s slightly anxious expression slightly loosened and said, “Little elder sister, how did you go for such a long time, I thought you were eaten by Leader Fang.”

Mo Xiaoci lightly snorted, knocked on Ling Feifei’s head, and said, “Eat your head.”

Huangpu Youlan glanced at Mo Xiaoci slightly, and lightly said, “Why, failed again?”

Mo Xiaoci said helplessly: “It seems that the surnamed Fang is not very interested in my type. It seems that you two need to appear in the back, hum, I don’t believe that he is not on the hook.”

“Ah … this …” Ling Feifei said zhi zhi wu wu.

Mo Xiaoci stared at Ling Feifei and said, “Ah, what am I not agreeing with today? We must let this surname Fang out of ugliness to let out our hatred. In addition, we better catch him. handle.”


In the office, Fang Shi continued to carefully read the relevant information of the 5th mechanic group. In fact, he was still very alert to Mo Xiaoci’s enthusiastic and proactive approach. No matter his words or manners, there was a hint of seduction. Speaking of love at first sight and so on, he would n’t believe it, and the collective rejection of the 5th mechanic group in the meeting room in the morning was still fresh in my memory. It would be almost impossible to say that the barriers to each other were eliminated so quickly.

Time passed quickly, minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, it was dusk.

Fang Shi still sat steadily at his desk, carefully reading the relevant information of the fifth machine repair group. The basic information he now understands is almost the same, and he is familiar with some relatively deeper information, such as the past of the fifth machine repair group. Relevant data in the machine repair mission, like the data records of the 5th machine repair team during some recent battles. In short, now he wants to get as familiar as possible with the 5th machine repair group and lay a solid foundation for his integration into this group.

“I’m afraid it will take me two or three days to read the information. No, I have to speed it up. Under the environment where Dongda goes to the front line defense area, the fifth maintenance team can enter an emergency combat state at any time, and must be integrated as soon as possible. To the 2th mechanic group. “

Fang Shi put a copy of the material he had just read back, and then stood in front of the window sill, watching the setting sun that had mostly sunk into the west horizon, thinking quickly in his mind, although he came to Dongda these days The frontline defense not at all saw any battles, but he knew that the battles were going on continuously and continuously every day. He had to be integrated into the group as soon as possible so that the 5th repair team could better play its due power.

In front of the window sill, Fang Shi stood for a moment, then sat back at his desk and continued to read the information of the fifth repair team, and left the office until it was completely dark.

At this time, at 7 pm, normal working hours will end at 6 pm. Cold and cheerless are already in the 5th garage, but few ten or so people seem to be still working in the garage. Fang Shi did not step forward to disturb, but left the garage directly and walked towards the restaurant.

Shortly after Fang Shi walked out of the fifth garage, three silhouettes came out carefully.

Ling Feifei said a little timidly: “Little elder sister, it is not good for us to follow the leader of the party like this, 10000, how embarrassed it is if he finds it.”

Mo Xiaoci, however, replied indifferently: “What are you afraid of, what happens if you find it? The road is so wide, who follows him and walks, let’s find out his life habits first, and we can start later.”

Soon, Mo Xiaoci and Ling Feifei carefully followed Fang Shi several hundred meters, trying not to let Fang Shi discover.

Fang Shi went straight to the restaurant, but didn’t realize that someone was following him. At this time, the restaurant had already passed the peak of the meal, and only a few tables were eating.

Ordering a meal casually, Fang Shi gorge oneself up, and it only took about 3 minutes, he finished the dinner, and then walked out of the restaurant, again toward the direction of the fifth garage.

“Why did you go to the machine repair library again?”

Looking at the back towards the distance, Mo Xiaoci’s face was full of doubts.

Ling Feifei muttered to Xiaoxiaoshudu: “Elder sister, shouldn’t Leader Fang go back to work, it seems he worked hard.”

Mo Xiaoci immediately retorted: “hmph, the first day must be pretending, pretend to be diligent, so that we can get our approval, no way!”

Ling Feifei thought for a while and said, “But who will he show to at night? Is it just to show us that we are not found by the other party.”

Huangpu Youlan lightly said, “We shouldn’t find us, let’s go, we also go back to the machine repair library to see what he really wants to do.”

Back at the garage, Fang Shi did not return directly to the office, but walked towards a well-lit garage.

In the repair room, 5 members of the 5th repair team were sitting frowning, as if they encountered some difficulties.

Fang Shi glanced at it and tapped on the door lightly, then walked in quickly and asked, “What’s wrong, still working in the garage?”

When I saw the new team leader Fang Shi who came in suddenly, 5 mechanics were slightly surprised. I didn’t expect that Fang Shi would enter the mechanics room at this time. 5 of them were all male mechanics. Although the other party was slightly repulsive, but compared to Mo Xiaoci and the others are still much better. One of the leaders, Captain, hesitated and replied quite politely: “I haven’t solved the problem of machine repair.”

Fang Shi snorted and asked, “Did you find the reason?”

The intermediate mechanic repaired the head slightly and said, “Not yet.”

Fang Shi continued: “Talk about the problem and see if I can help you solve it.”

The mid-level mechanic went back and forth for a while, and finally, without omission and in detail, they detailed the problems with the Mecha they were repairing.

Fang Shi listened attentively. He had already realized what the root cause was before the other party finished. This was a very rare mechanical repair problem, and it was slightly troublesome.

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, Fang Shi started to explain it to several people in detail, not only explaining the reason for one after another, but also explaining the specific maintenance steps in detail.

The five mechanics listened carefully. Although they couldn’t determine whether Fang Shi’s answer was correct by 5 points, they still vaguely guessed that it was correct from the other person’s confident words.

At the end of the explanation, Fang Shi faintly smiled and said softly: “Okay, you try to understood as I said, I have some things to go first, and I can directly contact me with any mechanical repair problems in the future.”

5 mechanics are slightly nodded.

Fang Shi turned around and left the mechanic room, then walked straight to the office.

In the mechanic room, 5 mechanics looked at each other in blank dismay. You look at me and I look at you. The youngest mechanic asked tentatively, “Captain, what should I do?”

The intermediate mechanic took a deep breath and said, “Try it according to what Fang said.”

The other few did not object.

After half an hour, the youngest mechanic showed a smile on his face, and said with some excitement: “Captain, as the team leader said, showed that the data has responded, so we should be able to fix it soon It’s gone. “

That Captain un’ed has a slightly complicated heart, and the other party can judge Mecha’s problem so precisely that it is beyond his expectations. After all, the other party looks too young, but he realized that his cognition is very good. There may be a deviation. Being able to pinpoint the problem and provide specific repair steps shows that the other party’s strength in machine repair is not a shelf, but has true strength.

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