My Mech Queen

Chapter 344

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In the conference hall, more than 5 mechanics from the 100th mechanics group looked at the Tian Vice Group Leader who stood up at the front desk as if looking at a stranger. In their impression, Tian Vice Group Leader, although he looks majestic and rugged, is definitely a very gentle person. He usually does not get along with them. There are no jokes about jokes. The female mechanics are more private Call him “Bull Uncle”. However, in the moment just now, he was completely like a different person, struggling to beat the table, his face full of anger and seriousness, really shocked them.

Mo Xiaoci, who had just asked the question, wanted to argue one 2, but when he looked at the cattle with glaring eyes, he finally swallowed back forcibly when he reached the throat, and thought that the other party’s words had several points. Of course, if they are so troubled in front of the new team leader, they can certainly vent some resentment qi, but in the end it is very likely that Mu Wenxin will suffer.


It was at this time that the gate in the Conference Hall was slowly pushed open.

Mu Wenxin walked slowly into the good conference hall, and there was still a lot of gloomy meaning on his face that had not faded before. His eyes glanced warningly at everyone in the fifth mechanic group of the conference hall.

Fang Shi and Huang Junba, who followed Mu Wen, followed.

Among them, Fang Shi’s face remained calm, as if nothing had happened. In fact, he was still slightly surprised by the Tian Vice Group Leader who had just issued a rant, and the previous two people were simply contacted with one 2. I feel that the other party is a carefree and gentle person, but a while ago we can see that there is another admirable side to the other party.

Huang Junba’s face was a little displeased. Although the crisis hall entrance just resolved the crisis just now, the expression of everyone in the 5th mechanic group made him a little angry. If it weren’t for Fang Shi’s side now, I’m afraid he would have been mad.

Looking at the Vice Group Leader Mu Wenxin and the deputy group leader Huang Junba and the strange young man, everyone in the 5th mechanic group was a little surprised, and most people showed some fear on their faces. From the Vice Group Leader Mu Wenxin warned in their eyes that they had guessed that the words of the crusade against the new leader might have reached the ears of three people. Many others still focused on the strange young man, and said in surprise: “Is he It ’s the so-called new team leader. It looks like he ’s getting older at this age! “

Tian Niu looked quite dignifiedly at the three people who came in. At this time, he naturally realized that the voices of everyone in the fifth mechanic group had just reached the ears of Deputy Chief Huang Junba and the new leader Fang Shi. I couldn’t help feeling a little nervous, but I quickly thought about how to close it, but on the surface, he still managed to keep calm, quickly put away the anger on his face, quickly greeted him, and said softly a little embarrassedly: “Yellow Vice Group Leader, Team Leader Fang, the words of Group 3 have just been a little bit overdone, and I forgot to forgive me. I must teach them well. “

Fang Shi indifferently replied: “It’s okay.”

Huang Jun pulling down was lightly snorted, but did not say much.

Mu Wenxin gave Tian Niu a rather calm look, and then saw her walking slowly to the front desk, glancing at everyone in the 5th mechanic group, with a serious expression and a serious tone of voice: “I just heard what you said just now In my ears, I was really surprised and disappointed. This is not the 5th mechanic group I know … As for our new team leader, no matter who I am, I will firmly support and actively assist him in completing the first 5 This is my responsibility for every job of the machine repair team, and it is also the responsibility of every member of the 5th machine repair team. “

Mu Wenxin’s words were not very long, about two minutes or so. On the one hand, he was once again alerting everyone in the 5th mechanic group to 10000000. Don’t make any excessive words and deeds; on the other hand, she was showing her attitude to the public.

The mechanics in the conference room naturally understood the meaning of Mu Vice Group Leader. Most people’s emotions have calmed down, but there are still many opinions on the new team leader at heart, especially when they see the new team leader It is very likely that the old man who seems to be only 25 ~ 26 years old, many of them even guess whether the other party is coming to the Battle Princess Mecha camp with a deep background.

After a serious speech, Mu Wenxin saw that everyone’s face had almost eased, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, then said at a moderate pace: “Here is a warm applause, please ask the machine repair team Huang Jun to pull the Vice Group Leader for us Introduce the new leader of the 5th machine repair team. “

At the end of the meeting, applause sounded in the conference hall, but it was not enthusiastic, and some levels were uneven.

Huang Junba walked slowly to the front desk and gave a cold glance to everyone in the 5th mechanic group.

The people in the 5th mechanics group below have more fears on their faces. This deputy group leader has a high position in the mechanics group at the Battle Princess Mecha camp, which is 2 grades higher than their Mu Vice Group Leader. Although the machine repair team usually seems to be quite gentle, but the handling of things can be very harsh. Before the other party should be completely in the eyes, it is really necessary to investigate, and they must have a few bad luck.

Huang Jun pulls his face seriously. First, a slightly warning cold voice reprimanded everyone, but he was very particular about his size, but he secretly reprimanded a 2, after all, today’s main task is to introduce the trust leader Fang Shi, and the immediate These people will be the people of Fang Shi in the future, he should not be too excessive, just click to stop.

Afterwards, Huang Junba looked towards the 5th mechanics group and introduced the new team leader Fang Shi. “Let me introduce to you the new team leader of the 5th mechanic group, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi. Recommend it, personally appointed by Major General Qin Tianyue of Battle Princess Mecha Camp, and has successfully passed the personal assessment of Major General Qin Tianyue and the leader of Bai Chaoge. Let us welcome Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi with applause. “

Huang Junba did not disclose too much information about Fang Shi, but only briefly introduced it.

Applause reappeared in the conference hall.

Fang Shi slowly walked onto the stage, looking calmly at the people in the 5th mechanic group, but he felt a little helpless in his heart. From their eyes, he easily noticed a lot of doubts, and even some disdainful eyes, It is obviously a very difficult thing to get them to accept his team leader immediately.

After glancing at the crowd, Fang Shi took a deep breath, and then preached at a moderate pace: “Hello everyone, my name is Fang Shi, and I will be one of the 5th mechanic group in the future, and I hope you can give me more advice …”

Fang Shi’s speech is very humble, and his posture is also very low. Although I don’t know whether this will produce any negative effects, now he just wants to eliminate the gap between each other as soon as possible. The poor students in the mechanic repair team had too much impact.

Ten minutes later, the people left the conference hall one after another.

Soon, Huang Junba left the mechanic garage of the 5th mechanic group and returned to his own job, but before leaving, he asked Fang Shi intimately and asked him if he had anything to do in the future.

Under the guidance of Mu Wenxin, Fang Shi entered the exclusive office of the leader of the 5th mechanic group.

“Leader Fang, thank you. I still hope that you don’t go to your heart today. I still know very much about the 5th mechanic group. I usually perform very well, but I don’t know what medicine I took wrong today … “When Fang Shi sat down, Mu Wen showed gratitude and explained at a moderate pace.

Fang Shi laughed lightly and said, “It ’s okay, Mu Vice Group Leader. Please tell me about the situation of the 5th machine repair team. Although I have heard a few words about Team Leader Bai and Deputy Team Leader Huang before, I would like to talk about You should be the most aware of the details of the 5th maintenance team. If you need me to pay attention to those places, I hope you will remind one 2 so that I can integrate into the 5th group faster. “

Mu Wenxin immediately nodded and said: “Okay.”

Afterwards, two people communicated with me.

Until noon, Mu Wenxin slowly left Fang Shi’s office.

At lunchtime, the mechanics in the 5th machine repair library in small groups walked to the 5th restaurant closest to the continuation library.

In restaurant No. 5, at a corner table, Mu Wenxin had just sat down, and a tall woman wearing a silver white pilot uniform was sitting opposite him with a lunch box.

The female pilot’s face was quite cold, as if covered with a touch of frost.

Mu Wenxin glanced at the female pilot, but there was no surprise, but he said softly, “Qiurou Captain.”

Sitting in front of Mu Wen was Captain Qiurou, the fifth company of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion.

Qiu Rou was slightly nodded and asked, “How is the machine repair team over there?”

Mu Wen heart quickly realized what, replied: “Nothing, everything is normal.”

Qiu Rou whispered softly and continued to ask: “How about the new team leader?”

Mu Wenxin’s corner of the eye looked at Qiurou slightly, and then said slowly: “Leader Fang is very good, and it should be no problem to be the leader of the 5th machine repair team.”

Qiu Rou was stunned for a while, and she still knows Mu Wenxin very well. This kind of thing can only be finalized if you have a clear judgment of the other party. I did n’t expect to give Fang Shi such a high evaluation just half a day, which really made him feel a little accident.

“is it?”

Qiu Rou’s tone was clearly questionable.

Mu Wenxin hesitated for a few seconds, judging from the woman ’s perception, she discovered that Qiu Rou and Fang Shi saw what seemed to be a gap, and her mind moved slightly. Eventually she still told about what happened in the morning without omission and in detail. I hope to help the relationship between the 2 people. After all, a Captain of the 5th company, and a 5th mechanic leader, may need to cooperate with each other in the future.

After listening to Mu Wenxin’s words, Qiu Rou showed a state of thought. Obviously, she didn’t expect Fang Shi to take the initiative to help Mu Wenxin and the fifth mechanic group in that situation.

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