My Mech Queen

Chapter 342

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After lunch, Bai Chaoge personally took Fang Shi around the camp of the Battle Princess Mecha camp, which made him familiar with the camp environment.

During this period, the two also chatted about machine repair issues quite casually.

Fang Shi specifically asked the mechanic question raised by Bai Chaoge in the first round assessment in the morning. Although he had guessed from the other party ’s approval attitude that he had touched the correct answer in the several types of probability, he still got a clear and positive correct answer as soon as possible. In the future, if he encounters a similar problem, he can also make the judgment as quickly as possible, and since Bai Chaoge has raised such assessment questions, the other party should have a clear answer.

Bai Chaoge not at all any excuses, and carefully explained to Fang Shi carefully, the principles involved were also one after another Daoming, she was still very satisfied with Fang Shi ’s such active learning attitude, and she was very young With such surprising results, and not at all showing pride and arrogance, it seems to her that Fang Shi is still very promising, and it will be no problem to become a special mechanic like her.

The answer is indeed one of Fang Shi’s speculations. After Bai Chaoge explained it in detail, he also understood the reason. He had mastered some new mechanic knowledge, and always maintained a serious attitude towards that face. The head of the group is still very respectful.

After visiting the camp of the Battle Princess Mecha camp, Fang Shi looked towards Bai Chaoge said goodbye. The reason why he said that he would come to the Battle Princess Mecha camp in the morning to report, in fact, he used the free time in the afternoon to feel Senior Sister Xie Xiao Lingyun, this time I can enter The Battle Princess Mecha battalion almost relied on the relationship of Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun. Without the other party at this time, he is estimated to be still in the mechanic group of the 7nd Fleet of the 2th Army of Hua Moxing. Although he has nothing to send at this base, at least Words still greeted Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun.

Back at the base Central Region, Fang Shi did not rush to find Xiao Lingyun, but walked slowly into the building of the maintenance team when the other party was about to finish his work at dusk. Before that, he had already asked Liu Hongzhuo It was considered that there was an appointment, but it was quite smooth to see Xiao Lingyun.

“Little Junior Brother, congratulations on passing the Battle Princess Mecha team leader assessment. I have received the news from the Battle Princess Mecha camp. I have asked you to go through the formalities as soon as possible. It should be completed tomorrow. “” Xiao Lingyun said lightly as soon as he met.

Fang Shi was grateful and said seriously: “Senior Sister, it’s all thanks to you. If it’s not you, I’m afraid I don’t have such a good opportunity. By the way, Senior Sister. Is there any time in the evening? I want to invite Senior Sister together After dinner, I will report to Battle Princess Mecha tomorrow. I am afraid there will be fewer opportunities to meet in the future. “

Xiao Lingyun slightly nodded and said, “Well, there is time.”

Soon after, the 2 people walked out of the machine repair group building and stepped into a high-ranking officer’s restaurant nearby.

The dinner for 2 people is not a high-end cuisine, just like some food.

During this period, Xiao Lingyun specifically asked Fang Shi to pay more attention to the problems in the future. After all, he is not a research and development laboratory of Snowflake Company, but a force in the frontline defense zone of the Empire. He may have to face some emergency situations at any time. Reminder 2 1 can also allow him to have a heart in preparation when he encounters related problems.

After dinner, Fang Shi and Xiao Lingyun separated, and each returned to their residence.

On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi completed the daily morning training tasks step by step. After eating breakfast, he packed up his other luggage. In fact, he had very little luggage, only a few clothes and some simple life items.

At 8:1 in the morning, Liu Hongzhuo drove the off-road vehicle to Fang Shi to the Battle Princess Mecha camp.

Upon arriving at Battle Princess Mecha Camp, a lieutenant colonel-level mechanic personally greeted Fang Shi in person and was very polite.

The person who met, Fang Shi actually knew. It was one of the 2 deputy heads who took part in the assessment with Bai Chaoge yesterday, named Huang Junba, about 3 15 years old. He looked quite modest.

“Leader Fang, you go with me to go through a few simple procedures, and then take you to the fifth maintenance team.” Huang Jun said politely.

Fang Shi quickly replied: “Well, then it’s a trouble for Vice President Huang.”

Huang Junba said with a slight smile: “You’re welcome, we will be the same people in the same camp in the future, there are many places to cooperate.”

Fang Shi was quite surprised when he personally greeted the deputy team leader Huang. After all, the other party was a deputy team leader, and his rank was one level higher than the mechanic team leader of his 5th company. The other party can send someone to meet him casually, but the other party’s warm welcome personally makes him somewhat flattered.

Afterwards, Fang Shi followed Huang Junba and went to the personnel office of Battle Princess Mecha Camp to go through some simple procedures. It was indeed very simple. He only spent more than ten minutes and easily completed the necessary procedures.

“Okay, Team Leader, now I will take you to the fifth maintenance team.” While speaking, Huang Junba took out a document and handed it to Fang Shi, and said with a slight smile: “Yes Now, this is a detailed information of the 5th machine repair team, maybe it will help you a little. “

Fang Shi received the information and immediately thanked: “Thank you, Deputy Chief Huang.”

Huang Junba laughed and said gently: “Let’s go.”

Outside the personnel office building, Fang Shi and Huang Jun pull into a car, and then drive towards the inside of Battle Princess Mecha Camp.

The camp area of ​​the Battle Princess Mecha camp is relatively large. In addition to the living facilities that accommodate more than 2000 people, there are many training areas, which are still much larger than the ordinary army camp.

Along the way, the car drove at a moderate pace.

Huang Junba explained to Fang Shi the detailed situation of the 5th mechanics team in detail. Most of the content he actually told was that he had listened to the mechanics chief Bai Chaoge yesterday, but there are still many parts that he did not know. .

After more than ten minutes, the car stopped in front of a large square building.

“Let the team leader, this building is the specialized repair garage of the 5th mechanic repair team, and also the main work place for the members of the 5th mechanic repair team.” As soon as he got off the train, Huang Junbao introduced with a smile at a moderate pace.

Looking at the large square building in front of me, Fang Shi was a little surprised. Looking at the shape of the building, the space inside should be very large. I am afraid that it is more than a dozen larger than the R & D laboratory of No. 2 Research Institute 2 of Snowflake Company. Times, this made him slightly surprised.

Fang Shi was surprised with a slight tone of voice, and said slowly: “It seems that this garage has a large area.”

Huang Junba said with a smile: “It’s okay, the entire repair garage can accommodate 100 Mechas for maintenance at the same time. In some emergency situations, this can barely be regarded as a large Mecha repair garage of the military.”

“100 Mecha!” Fang Shi slightly held breath cold air. It seems that this repair garage is not really large. At the beginning, the repair garage on the large battleship of the minesweeper fleet could only accommodate a few Mechas for maintenance at the same time. The huge machine repair library obviously has no comparability.

While speaking, the 2 people have slowly walked towards the square building.

“Vice Leader Huang!”

Fang Shi and Huang Junba just entered the building gate, and a young lieutenant in his 2s wearing a mechanic’s uniform greeted him and shouted respectfully.

Huang Jun pulls slightly nodded, at a moderate pace, said: “Hurry to inform your Tian Vice Group Leader and Mu Vice Group Leader, the new team leader has arrived, and let them gather all the members of the 5th repair team.”

“The new leader?” The young lieutenant froze for a moment, but soon realized what he was, nodded quickly, and replied in a positive voice: “Yes, I will go here.”

Before leaving, the young lieutenant took a quick look at Huang Fang Shi’s side Fang Shi. His eyes flashed with surprise, thinking: “Isn’t he the new leader of the 5th mechanics group, but it looks like you are similar to me in age? With the qualification to become a team leader, that badge should be a lieutenant colonel! “

Soon, the young mechanic disappeared into Fang Shi’s field of vision.

Fang Shi has some understanding of Tian Vice Group Leader and Mu Vice Group Leader in Huang Jun’s mouth. It should refer to two Vice Group Leaders in the 5th machine repair group, one named Tian Niu and the other named Mu Wenxin. Yesterday Bai Chaoge gave him a brief introduction to 2 people, both of whom are very good mechanics. Among them, Mu Wenxin just won the title of senior mechanic recently. The mechanics team had secretly decided that if they didn’t find a suitable one in 2 months The candidate for the 2th mechanics team, Mu Wenxin was appointed as the leader of the 3th mechanics team. As for Tian Niu, he was half a foot on the threshold of a senior mechanic, and his experience in mechanics was quite rich.

A few minutes later, under the guidance of the young lieutenant mechanic, two mechanics, one man and one woman, walked quickly to Fang Shi and Huang Junba.

Among them, the man is a burly man of about 40 years old, with a bear, and looks quite rough; the woman seems to be only 30 years old, with a beautiful face, a tall figure, wearing military uniforms, and full of heroism.

The two are Tian Niu and Mu Wenxin, and the ranks shown on the epaulets are all majors.

“Vice Leader Huang.”

“Vice Leader Huang.”

Tian Niu and Mu Wen greeted each other politely, but the eyes of the two people were mostly staying on Huang Junba ’s side Fang Shi. They had just learned from Zhuang Yikou that the new team leader was coming. At this moment, they naturally regarded Fang Shi as I made the new team leader, but what surprised them was that the new team leader was too young, but there was some doubt in his mind. He was really the newly appointed of the 2th machine repair team. Team leader?

Huang Junba gently nodded, said with a slight smile: “Tian Vice Group Leader, Mu Vice Group Leader, to introduce you, this is your new leader of the 5th machine repair group, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi.”

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