My Mech Queen

Chapter 338

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In the small conference hall, three high-level mechanics from the Battle Princess Mecha Camp asked Fang Shi in turn, and the dozens of mechanic questions raised were quite complicated.

Fang Shi calmly faced the assessment of three mechanics, he answered every question as detailed as possible, and he also added some unique insights to many of the questions.

After several rounds of questions, the two deputy heads of the mechanics team inadvertently showed some satisfactory expressions. Obviously, Fang Shi’s answer was quite satisfactory. However, the head of the group, Bai Chaoge, has always maintained a serious attitude, no matter whether her face or eyes have changed, and she can’t see what her attitude is at this time.

Qin Tianyue and Captain of the 5th Company watched quietly. Although they did not know much about the mechanics, they still vaguely guessed some results from Fang Shi’s fluent and lightly confident answer.

The machine repair assessment lasted for more than 40 minutes before it finally ended. At the last moment, the leader of the Bai Chaoge asked 3 questions about the machine repair in succession, and the difficulty was obviously much higher than before.

The 2 deputy chiefs sitting by the side heard the questions asked by Brother Bai Chao, and there were some surprises on her face. To be honest, the 3 questions she asked were really remote and complicated. They were all very rare problems in Mecha. In their view, this is somewhat beyond the scope of the previous design. Is it true that the head of the group leader wants to be a difficult person?

Facing 3 remote and complicated questions, Fang Shi did not seem to panic, but continued to answer calmly. He answered the first 2 questions with great ease, and one of the mechanics questions The minesweeper fleet has personally experienced it, and it is natural that he will not be overwhelmed by it. Another question is that he has seen specific treatment methods in relevant materials. Although he has not experienced it, it is quite smooth to answer it. As for the last mechanical repair question, Fang Shi felt a bit of a headache, because there seemed to be a similar problem in memory. Fang Shi only paused for half a minute before answering brace oneself. Although there was no relevant information about the mechanical repair problem, he still Based on machine repair experience and knowledge of Mecha, I made a bold guess, listed several probabilities, and then proposed solutions for each probability in turn.

After Fang Shi’s answer was completed, the serious head of the mechanics team finally flashed a hint of imperceptibility. Obviously, she was still quite satisfied with Fang Shi at this time. As for the 2 deputy heads, the answer to Fang Shi was slightly surprised. Obviously, they still underestimated the people in front of them. The first 2 questions were answered almost perfectly, and the last question was slightly There are flaws, but it is definitely within an understandable range, and one of the several probabilities it analyzes may just fit the correct answer.

After finishing the mechanical repair, Qin Tianyue asked lightly, “How is it?”

Bai Chaoge nodded and said: “Cross the border.”

Fang Shi hearing this, slightly relaxed in his heart, although he is more confident in machine repair, but the last question just made him a little nervous.

Qin Tianyue slightly smiled and looked at Fang Shi and said: “Congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel Fang, the first assessment passed successfully.”

Fang Shi said: “Thank you.”

Qin Tianyue continued: “Then we will start the next round of evaluation. This round will be evaluated by Qiurou Captain and I. We will ask you some simple questions and hope you can answer us honestly.”

Fang Shi calmly replied: “Yes.”

Qin Tianyue was slightly nodded and looked straight at Fang Shi, saying, “My first question is why did you choose to join the Battle Princess Mecha camp?”

The problem is simple and straightforward.

Fang Shi thought for a while and slowly replied: “First of all, I want to be a Peak mechanic. I think the Battle Princess Mecha camp can provide me with rich experience and constantly hone up the level of mechanics. Second, become a The mechanics of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion are the goals I have been pursuing. This time, the First Fleet Mechanics Team gave me the opportunity to choose, and I firmly chose the Battle Princess Mecha battalion; in the end; finally, maybe because someone has been Influence … “

Fang Shi answered Qin Tianyue’s question quite honestly. As for someone who did not at all, he said it directly, and this person was naturally the fanatic national idol Su Shi’er he used to be when he was the K3 mine star. In fact, his efforts in Mecha have a lot to do with the aloof and remote national idol, as can be seen from his room full of Su Shi’er posters and posters at 56 He An Street His original obsession was only with the ebbing of time, and he gradually came out of the awkward period, but he is still a loyal fan of Su Shi’er, but without the enthusiasm and impulse that’s all.


The fifth company Captain Qiu Rouxiu slightly frowned, with a touch of coldness.

Qin Tianyue looked at Fang Shi with a smile, and apparently she seemed to be waiting for the answer in Fang Shi’s mouth.

Fang Shi looked at Qin Tianyue and Qiu Rou with a little helplessness in his heart. Seeing the meaning of the other two people, Qiu Rou’s short three words seemed to be the question of assessment.

Bai Chaoge also cast a curious look at Fang Shi. It seemed that someone in Fang Shi’s mouth was also very interested, but it was a pity in Brother Bai Chao’s heart, he felt that Fang Shi’s answer was obviously a little bit worse. In the past assessment However, many people were eliminated because of similar answers because of impure motives, but some were worried that Fang Shi would be rejected because of this oiled and vinegared answer. She was still more optimistic about Fang’s assessment of the mechanics just now. Shi’s.

After a short silence of 2 seconds, Fang Shi preached generously: “She’s called Su Shi’er. Frankly speaking, I knew Su Shi’er before I knew the Battle Princess Mecha camp. Once I was her Fans, I am still her loyal fan. Without her, I might still be in the K3 mine star in the Western Region that will never see the sun. Without her, I might not touch Mecha. Without her, I might not. Become a mechanic … “

Fang Shi couldn’t help but speak, he really didn’t have any exaggeration. At the beginning, on the K3 mine star, there was a great interest in Mecha at the beginning. A large part of it was due to a certain government video, including Su Shi ‘ The silhouette of the er route is green. Since then, his interest is like a bottomless pit and a huge vortex, which not only attracts let, maybe in the eyes of others, it may be difficult to experience, but at least in his I think so.

Listening to Fang Shi’s almost eloquent “bold words”, the five people sitting opposite him were of different looks. Qin Tianyue is still a faint smile, as if she had long understood the answer; Bai Zhaoge secretly hooked the head, it seems that such a word privately can say the previous one, but in the presence of their 5 examiners In the face of these, it is definitely about about one’s own destruction. Various previous experiences have judged that Fang Shi is likely to be eliminated; two male deputy group leaders have already shown some pity on their faces, and it seems that Fang Shi has been eliminated. Too.

The fifth company Captain Qiurou’s face was slightly cold, and there was already a little bit of hatred in his eyes. Of course, this was not from jealousy of Su Shi’er, but pure hatred of Fang Shi. In her view, Fang Shi The reason why I want to enter the Battle Princess Mecha most important is probably for Su Shi’er. This impure expression implies that she almost immediately tagged Fang Shi with a bad label.

“Can I understand your words as a confession to Su Shi’er?” Qiu Rou’s tone was obviously cold, and she still had some hope for Fang Shi’s seemingly excellent machine repair assessment. At this time, she apparently no longer wants to see Fang Shi, “And I think it is more suitable to fight for the leader of the first machine repair team, and my fifth company seems to be not suitable for you.”

Qiu Rou’s words were like a biting cold wind, blowing Fang Shi trembling.

Fang Shi looked at Qiu Rou slightly in surprise, and the other party’s words undoubtedly negated him. As for the other team’s mouth, the leader of the first mechanic repair team also knew what it meant-the first company Captain was Su Shi’er, Since he is so enthusiastic about Su Shi’er, he will go to the corresponding first repair team. He didn’t know why Qiu Rou responded so strongly, but he was indeed the truth in his heart, and he didn’t think there was any problem there.

Fang Shi only felt a slight sinking in the bitter words of the cold wind. This time he still valued it very much. If he was rejected because of a simple answer, he was really upset.

Fang Shi took a deep breath, looking at the frost-like Qiu Rou, and said seriously: “Autumn Captain, you think your words are somewhat arbitrary. First of all, my words are not confession, but thanks, or say Thanksgiving, and those are all my truth; secondly, the first company’s mechanics team does not lack a leader, and I don’t need to fight, but I can understand your words as a proper joke. “

Qiu Rou looked at Fang Shi coldly, and the hatred in his eyes was not reduced at all because of Fang Shi ’s words, but he became more and more concentrated. It seems that Fang Shi ’s words are completely sophistry, or cover up, cover up His impure heart.

When Qiu Rou was about to speak coldly again, Qin Tianyue, who was sitting in the middle, said lightly: “Okay, let’s not continue to struggle with this problem, let’s start the next one.”

Qiu Rou, who was open-mouthed, heard the words between the throats and swallowed them back. At the same time, he looked at Qin Tianyue with some surprise. In his view, Fang Shi in front of him could be eliminated directly, simply did not It is necessary to continue the assessment, and the meaning of watching Qin Tianyue seems to continue, which makes her slightly puzzled, but he is still nodded obediently.

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