My Mech Queen

Chapter 334

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On the 3rd day after Qi Yanyan left, Fang Shi followed a small fleet to leave Base No. 4 of the First Army Division of Tours, and reported to the 7nd Fleet of the 2th Army of the Imperial 1th Army in the G District of the Eastern Front.

The front-line defense zone of the Imperial East Region is divided into 7 defensive sections, namely A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. The 7 sections are connected to each other in turn to form the Empire Eastern District defense line 7 The group army is responsible for the G area.

According to the arrangement of the Imperial Ministry, Fang Shi was assigned to the second fleet of the 7th Army. Before going to Hua Moxing, he made a simple understanding of the second fleet.

In the Empire-Union Total War Early-Stage, the 7th Group District of the Empire barely withstood the mighty offensive of the Galactic Alliance Fleet, but it also suffered very serious trauma itself. Of the more than 7 fleets, only 8 fleets remain. With the supplement and support of the imperial government, the current 20th Army has barely owned more than 3 warships, of which the main fleet is composed of the first fleet of more than 7 warships, and there are also the 2000nd and 1000rd fleets, 2 fleets Each has more than 3 warships, which is definitely several times stronger than the sweeping and clearing fleets in the hinterland of the Eastern Region, but it is nothing in the face of the Galaxy Alliance fleet.

There are 9 planets of different sizes in the G section of the frontline defense zone of the Eastern Region. Among them, only 3 are suitable for human habitation, and the other 6 planets are barren planets with extremely harsh environments. Huamoxing, one of the three planets suitable for human habitation, is the planet where the 3nd Fleet of the 7th Army is stationed, and is also the destination of Fang Shi’s voyage.

The planet of Tours is not far from the front line of the Eastern Region. Fang Shi ’s warship entered the Eastern Region Line of Defense within 3 days, and then continued to sail towards the Southeastern Space Area.

Two days later, the fleet reached its destination, Hua Moxing, and landed smoothly in a large space port.

Inside the space port, it seems to have several points of coldness and killing.

Fang Shi slowly walked out of the battleship, along with dozens of other people, they are the mechanics who reinforced to the second fleet like Fang Shi, but not only Mecha mechanics, but also warships, fighters, etc. In other respects, Mecha mechanics seem to have less than ten mechanics, but there seem to be many other battleships.

Outside the battleship, military vehicles are already waiting.

Fang Shi followed the mechanics in a military vehicle similar to a bus.

The vehicle started quickly and drove quickly towards the exit of the space port.

Looking at the slightly gloomy sky outside the car window, Fang Shi inadvertently recalled that the K3 mine star seemed to never change to the gray sky, and it also gave a light and difficult to sway the oppression, making people feel a little uncomfortable .

After the vehicle drove out of the spaceport, it looked towards the building area not far away.

The construction of the building area is similar to that of the military base seen by Fang Shi. Obviously, this area is also a special military area.

Half an hour later, the vehicle stopped in front of a tall building in the military zone.

Fang Shi followed the crowd and quickly got out of the car.

Several young lieutenant officers stepped forward to greet, and each greeted a different type of mechanic.

Dozens of mechanics in the car were immediately divided into several different camps according to different categories. There were more than a dozen people, and only a few people. There are only 7 people in the Mecha mechanic camp that Fang Shi joined.

“You guys, please follow me.”

Leading Fang Shi is a young lieutenant. The logo on his military uniform is also a special sign for mechanics. Obviously the other party is also a mechanic.

Fang Shi, in a lieutenant colonel’s uniform, drew the attention of the young lieutenant.

The young lieutenant was not surprised, and he couldn’t help but guess who the lieutenant colonel was in front of him. It was extremely rare that the mechanic had the rank of lieutenant colonel.

As for the six mechanics who were with Fang Shi, they had paid attention on the battleship before. At this time, they were not at all surprised.

Under the guidance of the young second lieutenant, Fang Shi 7 people walked into a rather spacious conference hall, where dozens of people had already sat. Their military uniforms were all uniform mechanic uniforms. Obviously this conference hall was dedicated Meet the Mecha mechanic.

“Everyone, you sit down first, and the others are ready to start the welcome meeting,” the young lieutenant said politely.

Fang Shi and the others found a place and sat down.

In the conference hall, many people cast a curious look on Fang Shi. The most important reason is the rank of lieutenant colonel in Fang Shi. Most of them are ranks of lieutenant ranks, and captain ranks are relatively rare. At the Lieutenant Colonel level, I was naturally surprised.

Fang Shi sat in a corner corner, curious eyes on everyone, he not at all cared, but just waited for this quietly.

In the hall, a group of mechanics successively entered the conference hall.

After more than 20 minutes, there were more than 100 mechanics in the conference hall, and many of them had already whispered and appeared a bit noisy.

A moment later, a middle-aged officer at the rank of major and several officers at the rank of captain walked slowly into the conference hall. Their military uniforms also had the special logo of the Mecha mechanic.

The middle-aged major slowly walked up to the front desk of the meeting, and the former captain-level officers sat down in the first row.

In the conference hall, everyone’s argument stopped, and apparently they knew that the person who came in should be the person of the 2nd Fleet.

The middle-aged major looked at the people in the conference hall slightly, a mild smile appeared on his face, and said at a moderate pace: “Good guys, I ’m Song morning sun, deputy chief of the 7nd fleet mechanics group of the 2th Army , Here I welcome all of you on behalf of all members of the 2nd Fleet Mechanic Repair Team … “

Song morning sun seemed very humble, first expressed a warm welcome, and then began to introduce the situation of the 2nd Fleet and the mechanic repair team at a moderate pace. At present, the 2nd Fleet has 500 thirty two operations Warships, more than 100 10000 combatants, nearly 10000 Mecha combats, 10000 fighters …

With the introduction of Song morning sun, more than 100 mechanics newly reported in the conference hall have a preliminary understanding of the 2nd Fleet.

Fang Shi felt a little emotion in his heart. The strength of this front-line defense area was not comparable to the sweeping and clearing fleets he had seen before. It is easy to crush the ghost fleet that attacked the minesweeper fleet.

Song morning sun’s speech lasted for half an hour before stopping, and then several people came to the stage. The content of their speech was mainly related to mechanic related issues, such as the mechanic’s code of conduct in the fleet, the mechanic’s obligations and Responsibilities …

Finally, a young captain took the stage and read out a list of newly-arranged mechanic assignments.

The mechanics group of the 2nd Fleet has nearly 2000 mechanics, divided into eleven groups, and more than 100 new mechanics are assigned to each mechanics group.

When the list was read out, Fang Shi, who was sitting in a corner, frowned slightly, because his name was not at all in the list.

“Did it be missed?”

Fang Shi showed some doubts on his face, but he was slightly guessing.

After the distribution list was read out, the meeting was soon declared closed.

In the conference hall, all mechanics got up and left in an orderly manner.

Fang Shi not at all got up, but sat quietly, the former second commander of the 2nd Fleet Mechanics, Song morning sun, specifically nodded to him, and made a look. The general meaning should be to wait for him 2.

After a while, the conference hall has become empty, leaving only the morning sun and Fang Shi.

Song morning sun stood up slightly and said politely, “Colonel Fang, hello.”

Fang Shi has also stood up and said, “Hello, Colonel Song.”

Song morning sun smiled slightly and asked, “Lieutenant Colonel Fang, are you surprised that your name is not on the distribution list?”

Fang Shi lightly nodded, but did not say much, waiting for the other party’s answer, from Song morning sun’s words he understood that he was not at all forgotten, but it seems that there are other special arrangements, which can’t help but make him slightly curious .

Song morning sun did not sell anything, explaining: “Actually, we have arranged a position for you, but before you arrived, the mechanics team received a new temporary order about you.”

“Temporary transfer order?” Fang Shi was a little surprised in his heart. In fact, after learning about the arrangement of the Imperial Army at Base 4 of the First Army area on the planet of Tours, Qi Yanyan privately expressed concern to him and suspected that someone had deliberately targeted He asked the military department to make some special arrangements. At that time he not at all paid too much attention. After all, the orders of the military department had been issued, and there was almost no possibility of modification, but he still kept a slight eye on it. And now a sudden interim order has suddenly popped up, which really surprised him. Could it be that someone has given him special “care” again, thinking of this result, he can’t help but feel a little bit hesitant.

Song morning sun nodded and said: “Yes, that interim transfer order came from the headquarters of the 7th Army. It was a temporary transfer of you to the first fleet maintenance group. Ha ha, Lieutenant Colonel Fang, this first fleet maintenance group is comparable to the first 2 The fleet is promising. “

“Ah!” Fang Shi was a little puzzled. When he arrived at the 2nd Fleet, he was transferred to the 1st Fleet. Is there really anyone who wants to deal with him? He doesn’t really think about the future. More bitter in my heart.

“Is it true that, as Yanyan suspected, it was Hua Chenyi’s hands and feet?”

Fang Shi thought slightly, since joining the Imperial Army, he felt that he didn’t seem to offend any great character. The only thing that might be alienated was Hua Chenyi.

Song morning sun paused, continue to say: “Lieutenant Colonel Fang, you can rest assured that we will arrange you to the first fleet station as soon as possible.”

Fang Shi was nodded a little helplessly.


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