My Mech Queen

Chapter 332

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Through the relevant reports of the Star Empire and the Galaxy Alliance in recent months, Fang Shi knew that this great war would be almost impossible to stop for a short time, and it is now very likely that it has just just begun, 2 in the history of the Empire and the Alliance. The duration of a full-scale war is relatively long. The great war known as the “galaxy tide” 100 years ago lasted more than ten years.

The stars in the night sky are dazzling and tranquil.

Fang Shi was lying on the quiet grass and stared at the night sky in a daze. He knew that at this time there might be fierce fighting on the front line of the Eastern Region of the Empire, or he would join it soon, so now the night is so quiet at night Perhaps it will disappear.

It wasn’t until midnight that Fang Shi got up and returned to his residence.

For the next few days, it seemed not at all Fang Shi anything. He insisted on the long rest time every day, such as fixed wake-up time and fixed morning exercise time. Although the time was not accurate to minutes and seconds, it still seemed quite Is fixed.

These days, Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan have not been together for a long time. The 2 people only meet briefly in private for a short time. Only at this time, the 2 people are like a pair of intimate lovers. Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan both mentioned about the promise in the control cabin of Mecha. In the face of the war situation in the empire, there is obviously not much time to talk about marriage. The current two people are only looking forward to it. That’s it.

While staying at the military base, Fang Shi spent most of his time on machine control training. This is also a rare amount of free time that can be devoted to machine control training. Since the first encounter with the 6th hybrid fleet, it has been almost the same now. It has been more than a month, and most of this time he is still relatively leisurely. The time spent for machine-controlled simulation training is also much longer than before, and sometimes he spends eight-nine hours a day Control simulation training.

With frequent training, Fang Shi also fully felt the progress in machine control. After nearly a month of continuous training, his machine control strength has obviously improved a lot. Although distance to breakthrough 3S still has a certain distance, but compared to It was significantly shortened a month ago, and this can be considered further strengthened Fang Shi’s self-confidence.

However, how long Fang Shi’s leisure time not at all lasted. On the tenth day of arriving at Base No. 4 in the First Army area of ​​Tours, the Imperial Army ordered the remaining members of the minesweeper fleet.

According to the arrangement of the Imperial Ministry, the remaining personnel of the minesweeping fleet will be merged into another sweeping fleet in the hinterland of the Eastern Region, and the fleet commander Qi Yanyan is transferred to a fleet belonging to the Central Star District First Army As a commander, Fang Shi was separately transferred to the 7nd Fleet Maintenance Team of the 2th Army in the front zone of the Eastern Region.

Merging the remaining personnel of the minesweeping fleet into another sweeping fleet, Qi Yanyan was not surprised. This was the most likely arrangement she had estimated before, but the arrangement about her and Fang Shi exceeded her expectations, especially Fang Shi’s individual arrangement can be said to be far beyond her estimate, and in her view it definitely violates the Imperial Army’s usual arrangement rules. Fang Shi is only a small mechanic commander, and is only a lower-middle-ranking officer in the fleet. According to the military’s usual arrangement rules, Fang Shi should follow the remaining personnel of the mine-clearing fleet, and arrange almost alone.

“Is it Huachenyi?”

Qi Yanyan learned of the imperial army ’s separate arrangement about Fang Shi, and soon thought of a possibility in her mind, because she could not find a better reason for such an abnormal arrangement, he could only think of Someone deliberately made the specific arrangement. She was transferred to a safe central star zone, while Fang Shi was arranged to the most dangerous frontline defense zone. The two people were completely isolated and Fang was to be completely isolated. Shi is in danger.

Looking at the arrangement of the Imperial Ministry, Qi Yanyan was amazed for a long time, and at the same time, she couldn’t help worrying about Fang Shi. At this time, she can already be sure that there must have been special “care” on the specific personnel arrangement. As for that Whether she is Hua Chenyi, she doesn’t want to pursue too much now, and the orders issued by the military department are almost impossible to change.

From Qi Yanyan’s mouth, he learned about the Imperial Army’s relevant arrangements. Fang Shi’s face also showed a trace of accidents, but his accident was far from being surprised, nor did he think that someone would take special care of her, and he was slightly I’m a little happy because Qi Yanyan is going to be transferred to the Central Star District, so Qi Yanyan should be considered quite safe.

The rest of the Minesweeper Fleet learned that Fang Shi had been transferred away alone, and many people also showed some strange and surprised feelings. For example, Lieutenant Colonel Tang Yuanqing of the 3rd Combat Fleet of the Minesweeper Fleet obviously had more oddities in his eyes. In his opinion, this arrangement will inevitably make people imaginative, thinking that this Fang Shi should not offend who, should not be transferred to the front zone of the East Region alone. After contacting Qi Yanyan, he knew that all Fang Shi said was a man of merit. Let ’s not talk about the rebellion of the second maintenance team of Warship 3, that is, he rescued the fleet commander Qi Yanyan by himself. It’s a big deal. Now he pushes the opponent to the front zone of the Eastern Region. It really makes him a little incomprehensible. He can only understand that someone wants to deal with him.

In addition, Chen Shuya and other members of the second machine repair team were also a little confused and not understanding, they thought they could continue to follow Fang Shi, but what they did not expect was that Fang Shi was even transferred out separately, and still transferred to the East Region In the frontline defense zone, they really don’t understand the personnel arrangement of the Imperial Army, but they are also powerless to the arrangement of the Imperial Army. The kind of high-level decision they simply cannot reach, let alone change.

The night was like water, gently rippling.

In a remote and quiet corner of No. 4 Military Base, moonlight sprinkled with mottled light spots like white jade through the gaps between the leaves, adding a lot of light and color to the quiet night.

2 silhouettes are sitting under the shade of trees, close together.

Sniffing the faint fragrance coming from beside him, Fang Shi’s mouth could not help but reveal a sweet smile, sitting on his side was Qi Yanyan, the night could not hide her beautiful face, just like the stars in the night sky.

When Qi Yanyan received the arrangement for the transfer of Imperial Army personnel, Fang Shi knew that his time with Qi Yanyan would soon be declared over, and it would be separated in a few days, and now such a gentle time is left Not much, this is the only place where he feels a bit regretful.

“Okay, Yanyan, don’t worry anymore, just look at the stars in the sky.”

Fang Shi looked up at the quiet night sky, and the one after another bright star was like one after another gem in the night sky, exuding his unique and charming rays of light in the dark night.

Qi Yanyan slightly nodded, stretched out a slender hand and grabbed Fang Shi’s hand, feeling the unique warmth, and then looked up towards the bright night sky.

The night sky is really beautiful, especially at this moment.

Fang Shi lightly clenched the smooth and soft slender hand, and a faint warm current flowed through his heart. At this moment, he felt the night sky was particularly beautiful.

At night, it is like a tranquil pool of water.

Time flows slowly.

Qi Yanyan leaned her head quietly on Fang Shi ’s shoulder, both eyes slightly closed, like she was asleep, but she was not at all asleep, she just wanted to lean so lightly, leaning beside this man , Without any words. At this moment, she is not a fleet commander, just a simple woman, thinking about nothing, leaning beside a beloved man like all women, if she can, she wants it to be eternal.

Fang Shi glanced sideways at Yanyan, who was leaning on her shoulders. The dark night could not hide her long black hair, nor her skin like a sheep-fat white jade, nor could she conceal that beautiful face … He wanted to kiss lightly, but after all he just watched quietly, because he didn’t want to break such a warm and beautiful moment.

Until early in the morning, Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan got up and walked slowly towards the residence.

“good night!”

“good night!”

At the time of separation, the two spoke very well at the same time, and then walked towards their respective residences reluctantly.

On the 3rd day notified by the Imperial Ministry, Tang Yuanqing and more than 4000 surviving soldiers of the minesweeper fleet boarded their warships again. At this time, the two warships have been renewed, and the broken parts have been repaired.

Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan both went to the space port to bid farewell to the minesweeper fleet.

Tang Yuanqing and several other high-ranking officers of the battleship paid a standard imperial salute to Qi Yanyan before boarding the battleship.

Fang Shi mainly sent off for Chen Shuya and other eleven mechanic repair team members. During the mine-clearing fleet, he had contact with almost every mechanic repair team member. The same was true of the second mechanic repair team member. During the period, Chen Shuya asked him to return 2 Everyone in the mechanic repair group has taken classes in mechanic repair, coupled with the military base’s contacts these days, they are more familiar with the eleven people in front of them.

“Chief Executive, I don’t know if I have a chance to meet in the future. Can I hug you?” Said a cheerful female mechanic with a bold personality.

Fang Shi slightly hesitated, but in the end it was still nodded.

As a result, the 2 people gave a soft hug for the last farewell.

However, what makes Fang Shi a little embarrassed is that after embracing one, others have expressed that they also want to bid farewell.

In addition to the sole male mechanic who performed a military salute, the other ten female mechanics followed by Fang Shi in turn. Such a scene attracted a variety of envy, jealousy and hatred from the soldiers boarding the ship. Voices of discussion.

“I depend, you really have a lot of good fortune in love affairs, that chief executive, I also want a hug!”

“Damn it, this chief station is unscrupulous, even one hug, impure motivation, I want to report to the military.”


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