My Mech Queen

Chapter 323

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Three days later, Fang Shi’s body has basically recovered.

Susie once again did a comprehensive test for Fang Shi.

In fact, the 2nd day Fang Shi who woke up felt that it was okay to go out of the ward, but what made him feel helpless was that the Susi doctor who was in charge of him strongly disagreed, and even carried out on him during the period. A severe warning.

“I do n’t have any lieutenant colonels and chiefs here, only doctors and patients. You are my patient, so you must listen to me. This is responsible for yourself and for me. If you make a similar irresponsible request, , I do n’t mind suggesting to the ship that you should stay longer in the ward. “

In the face of Susie’s strict and threatening words, Fang Shi finally chose to compromise, but he seemed to underestimate the little doctor in front of him.

The reason why Fang Shi wanted to get out of the ward in a hurry was naturally to see Qi Yanyan earlier. He had communicated with the ship ’s personnel. As long as he recovered, the ship ’s personnel would arrange for him to go to the fleet flagship to visit Qi Yanyan.

In the ward, Fang Shi looked at Su Si with a serious look on his face, and asked carefully: “Dr. Su, is there anything wrong with my body?”

Susie not at all answered immediately, but took a closer look at Fang Shi. In fact, in the past 2 days, he has been faintly sure that Fang Shi in front of him is not an ordinary relationship with his so-called chief officer Yanyan, whether it is eyes or words. She can feel a little bit of tenderness when the other party mentions Qi Yanyan. This kind of tenderness is not like ordinary concern, but more like a sympathy between a man and a woman.

Su Xi did not pay too much attention to the delicate relationship between Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan. She just got a little curious and looked at Fang Shi with an awkward look. She finally reluctantly shook the head and said: ” Everything is normal and you can go out of the ward. By the way, I asked you yesterday, your chief qi Yanyan is fine. I woke up 2 days ago, but my body is a little weak. Time. “

Fang Shi hearing this, there was a lot of joy on his face immediately, and he quickly thanked: “Thank you, Dr. Su.”

Susie said lightly, “No thanks, you can leave by signing.”

Soon, Fang Shi left the ward and went to the office of the battleship commander Ning Yubo.

Ning Yubo was rather polite, and he actively invited Fang Shi to have lunch together, and then arranged for his lieutenant lieutenant to accompany Fang Shi to the Hegemon battleship in the fleet-the medium-sized Star Domain aircraft carrier.

Through the monitoring angle of the aircraft, Fang Shi clearly saw the huge medium-sized Star Domain aircraft carrier in the fleet. He still had some understanding of the Star Domain aircraft carrier. After watching a few eyes, he judged that the medium-sized Star Domain aircraft carrier was one. An imperial fang-class Star Domain aircraft carrier is regarded as the latest generation of the empire’s Star Domain aircraft carrier. Its powerful battle strength is naturally not comparable to ordinary battleships. It is said that the military has conducted relevant actual combat tests. A wolf-class Star Domain aircraft carrier can completely Comparable to a conventional small fleet consisting of thirty-forty warships.

Looking at the huge battleship in front of him, Fang Shi slightly sighed in his heart, thinking that if the minesweeper fleet also has a Spike-class Star Domain aircraft carrier at the core, that battle may be completely two different results.

After a while, the saucer successfully landed on the No. 3 platform of the Langya-class Star Domain aircraft carrier.

Under the leadership of Ning Yubo’s adjutant, he went to the medical department of the Star Domain aircraft carrier.

The medical department is very large, comparable to medium-sized hospitals on the planet, and some of the infrastructure is quite complete. There is also a large area of ​​artificial grass inside, and many people sit or lie down.

“Sure enough, it is the Star Domain aircraft carrier. This medical department is several times larger than the No. 2 large battleship of the Minesweeper Fleet, and this infrastructure cannot be compared.”

Fang Shi walked all the way and looked at it from time to time, with a little emotion in his heart.

At the consultation office of the medical department, Fang Shi asked the service staff about Qi Yanyan, but what surprised him was not at all. He found any relevant information about Qi Yanyan. all got specific information about Qi Yanyan, only knowing that she was sent to the flagship medical department.

“En! It seems that it was a little trouble to find Qi Yanyan, and it seems that I want to help the major Li Lili.”

Fang Shi slightly showed some helplessness. When he was in contact with Li Lili, he got the contact information from the other party. In addition, the ship also equipped him with a communication device.

Very open, Fang Shi facilitated Li Lili to get in touch.

Ten minutes later, Li Lili appeared in front of Fang Shi, with a smile on his face, and said, “Lieutenant Colonel Fang and Colonel Qi Yanyan were placed in the super intensive care unit due to the special attention of Major General Hua Chenyi, and there are also special guards, I am afraid that it is difficult for ordinary people to meet, but I have already asked the chief for instructions just now, and I can take you there now. “

Fang Shi slightly nodded. Before having lunch with Ning Yubo, he talked about Major General Hua Chenyi, the commander of the 6th mixed fleet. Although Ning Yubo not at all mentioned Hua Chenyi ’s specific identity, he still In the other party’s words, he noticed something strange. In Ning Yubo’s heart, he seemed to put the position of Major General Hua Chenyi extremely high.

Regarding the special care of Major Yan Huayan for Qi Yanyan, Fang Shi did not feel any surprises. After all, Qi Yanyan ’s identity was not low. He was still slightly grateful for this Major General Hua Chenyi, and the special care was more In favor of Qi Yanyan’s recovery.

Under the guidance of Li Lili, Fang Shi walked into a relatively quiet area of ​​the medical department. The facilities in this area were much higher than those he had seen before. There were gardens, lawns, pools …

Special guard posts are also set up at the gates of the area, and they must have a special pass to enter. This makes Fang Shi a little surprised, and naturally he does not need to show any special permits under the leadership of Li Lili.

The Ning Yubo aide with Fang Shi was quite consciously waiting outside the sentry post.

Passing the sentry post, walking through a path, and then through a quiet corridor, Fang Shi and Li Lili stopped outside a room.

Li Lili said softly, “Lieutenant Colonel Fang, this is Colonel Qi Yanyan’s ward.”

While talking, Lily lightly knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Soon, a calm man’s voice came from the ward.

Fang Shi heard the sound, and there were some surprises in his heart, but the surface remained calm.

Lily Lily opened the door lightly and said politely: “Lieutenant Colonel, please come in.”

Fang Shi followed Li Lili into the room slowly. The room was indeed quite high-end. It seemed to have several points of nobility and elegance. There was an abstract painting on the wall of the entrance door.

In a few steps, Fang Shi saw Qi Yanyan lying on the bed, but his face was not at all as joyful as he imagined, but he struggled with a trace of imperceptibility in peace, because Qi Yanyan was beside him There was still a young man sitting.

The young man is the commander of the 6th Mixed Fleet Hua Chenyi.

Hua Chenyi was holding a bowl in one hand and carefully feeding Qi Yanyan with a spoon in one hand, and his eyes were full of love, and he was anxious not to look up at the people who walked into the room, and It’s lightly put down the spoon in his hand, and then he took the napkin and wiped the corners of Qi Yanyan’s mouth very gently, which looked quite warm.

Li Lili walked slowly, and was introduced: “Sir, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi is here.”

Qi Yanyan at first not at all noticed Fang Shi who stepped into the room. It was not until Li Lili spoke that she subconsciously looked towards Fang Shi. The black face within both eyes had an indistinct suspicion, but it was calm when she saw Fang Shi There was a hint of struggling expression in Zhong, but she realized what she felt instantly, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit bitter.

Huachenyi stood up quite naturally, looked towards Fang Shi, lightly said with a smile: “Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Fang.”

At this time, Fang Shi naturally realized who the handsome young man in the major general’s uniform was in front of him. It was Hua Chenyi, the commander of the 6th Hybrid Fleet who had special care for Qi Yanyan, and just entered the room to see The scene arrived did tingle into his heart, but he was relieved only in an instant, because he did not want to guess anything and increased his troubles. Another important point was that he believed Qi Yanyan.

Fang Shi’s expression was struggling, and soon disappeared, with a slight smile, at a moderate pace said: “Hello, Major General.”

Hua Chenyi looked at Fang Shi calmly, but there was a slight surprise in her heart. In fact, the scene he just arranged was deliberately arranged before. Hearing Qi Yanyan’s dream even yelling Fang Shi’s name was still a big touch on him. , The woman she likes yelled another man ’s name in front of him. As a normal man, it ’s a bit unpleasant in her heart. Although I do n’t know if Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan have a specific relationship, he still Instincts have some more precautions and frustrations for this Fang Shi.

Not long ago, Hua Chenyi learned from the second lieutenant Li Lili that Fang Shi was going to visit Qi Yanyan, and arranged such a scene. On the one hand, he wanted to try some Fang Shi to see what the other party is. This kind of reaction determines whether the other party has a special relationship with Qi Yanyan that he suspects and does not want to see; on the other hand, it is an indirect warning. If Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan really have a special relationship in front of them, see In such a scene, if the other party is smart, he should make a judgment without saying much, and then obediently quit.

Hua Chenyi was quite confident about the scene arranged by the trend, but when he saw Fang Shi’s calm face, he could not make any judgment for a while.

“Did I think too much?”

Hua Chenyi dashing eyebrows quickly picked, and then lightly said with a smile: “Yes, Lieutenant Colonel, this time I really want to thank you for saving Yanyan, I want to express my thanks in person, but it ’s a pity the past few days is really busy, plus Yanyan just woke up these 2 days, did not take the time to see you. But I have some time tonight, I do n’t know if you have time to have dinner together, I want to hear from you The specific process of rescuing Yanyan, I believe it must be a thrilling story. “

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