My Mech Queen

Chapter 319

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The order of the punishment was quickly passed to the battleship command and control cabin. The young battleship commander sitting on the main command seat was stunned for a while, enabling the flying spear to snipe an imperial Mecha? He was a bit surprised to hear this order. I thought it would be too small to use, but he quickly opened the “flying spear” weapon according to the order of the prisoner.

However, the personnel responsible for weapons lock-in reported a little unexpectedly: “Report … Reporter, target lost!”

“Lost?” The young battleship’s Weiwei commander slightly revealed his doubts. The target seemed to have just escaped from view. It should still be within the monitoring range. How could the target be suddenly lost?

The young warship commander immediately ordered the relevant monitoring personnel to confirm. Soon, he got the answer. Indeed, he has lost the trace of the imperial Mecha. This can not help but make him puzzled. Did the other party touch the space mine have turned into ash?

In the general command cabin, the prisoner listened to the report information from the battleship command and control cabin, his face slightly changed, and he felt a little unwilling in his heart. It seems that he still somewhat underestimated the ability of the imperial Mecha, and the other party was able to avoid the warship. Check the system.

Zuo Ning, sitting next to him, showed some surprise on his face, but he soon seemed to realize something, and then said slowly: “Major General, if you read it right, that Empire Mecha seems to be the latest Mirage series developed by the Empire. Mecha, similar to our ghost warship, has a certain stealth ability. I think this is the reason, otherwise it is impossible to escape from the lockout of the warship ’s monitoring equipment in such a short time. “

“Oh!” The prisoner looked at the quiet space in the large light screen in front of him, took a breath, and said lukewarmly: “so that’s how it is, it really underestimates it.”

Zuo Ning then asked: “Major General, what shall we do next?”

The culprit pondered for a while before saying at a moderate pace: “This is not a place where our ghost fleet stays for a long time. This time we have made such a huge movement. The empire may not be willing to give up. The other empire fleet is very likely. Entering this space area, we should clean up the battlefield as soon as possible, and immediately go back to the ghost base. As for the Mecha empire, run away, the nearby space area not at all what is the empire planet, even with this Mecha, even if you escape I can survive. “

Zuo Ning is slightly nodded. Now the situation is exactly as the prisoner said. Although they basically achieved the scheduled combat effect this time, the space area where they are located is ultimately the territory of the empire. The initiative is still controlled by the Empire. Maybe they can barely fight with a small team of more than 100 warships, but compared to those empires in the medium and large fleets, they are still unable to withstand a single blow, and this time the ghost fleet has also lost a lot Strength, this time it is estimated that returning to the ghost base will also enter a relatively quiet period of rest and adjustment.


In the space minefield, a silver white silhouette flew fast, and from time to time made some strange flying, it seemed to be evading something.

silver white silhouette is exactly Mecha phantom 001 model.

Fang Shi still looked at the light screen intently, but at this time his expression was relatively relaxed, and his heart was sighed slightly in relief. At this time, Phantom 001Mecha finally managed to escape the encirclement of the ghost fleet and looked at Mecha behind him. It seems that not at all means to pursue him, so he and Qi Yanyan are temporarily safe.

Qi Yanyan’s hand still clenched Fang Shi’s hand. Although her body became a little weak due to injury and her consciousness became deeper and deeper, she still held it hard. The slight warmth gave her a very Comfortable security. She was born in the military Aristocratic Family, father Qi Xiangwen is an empire general, and grandfather Qi Yuanzheng is one of the empire ’s once-famous “top ten generals”. Her hard-core environment has created her independent and strong personality. I never thought I would rely on a man like this.

Yes, a faint dependence, with a trace of satisfaction and sweetness.

Soon after, the Mecha phantom 001 model finally appeared to fly out of the space minefield, and the data information returned by the Mecha detection equipment was no longer in the space mines.

“Big brother, there are no more space mines. It should have flew out of the minefield. Which direction shall we go next?”

The voice of Nana’s inquiry came from the sound system.

Fang Shi slightly nodded, revealing a state of thought, although the Mecha of the Mirage 001 model at this time temporarily got rid of the ghost fleet, but he ca n’t be sure that the other party will not chase after 10000 points, so they must maintain high-speed flight, as far as possible. The ghost fleets were pulled apart.

In addition, he and Qi Yanyan must also face two important survival problems.

First of all, Mecha is not a battleship and a spaceship, and its own fuel for propulsion is still very limited. Phantom 001 model Mecha can only last for about ten hours at full speed if it is full of fuel, and the Phantom 001 model Mecha itself is not full, plus some previous losses, the current fuel reserve has looked at It can only last for 6 hours. Fang Shi still knows a little about this space area. There is no planet nearby, and the nearest planet seems to take 2 to 3 days. However, the current fuel reserve of Mecha phantom 001 model cannot reach that planet at all. And Mecha without fuel can only drift with the power of the changing space in space, just like a ship that has lost power in the sea, and can only drift with the waves.

Secondly, it is a more urgent issue than Mecha fuel-food and water. He was in battle almost every moment when he was on Battleship One. He did n’t think about food and water. He just wanted to escape from the encirclement of the Ghost Fleet as soon as possible, but now he thought of it. Mecha is basically fighting for a short period of time. Usually, simply does not have food and water equipment. The same is true for the Mecha phantom 001 model. He knows that under such circumstances, he and Qi Yanyan ca n’t last for long, and Qi Yanyan is still in a state of injury. In the commander ’s cabin of the fleet, she only performed some preliminary treatment. Now her state does not seem very optimistic. If you do n’t get timely medical assistance, the problem may be more serious than food and water. a bit.

Thinking of the upcoming problems, Fang Shi couldn’t help but feel a little bit dumbfounded, but he quickly made a decision. First, he used the system in Mecha to simply determine the current location, and then quickly identified a certain direction, let Na Na controlled the Mirage 001 model Mecha sailing at full speed in the direction he identified. As for Mecha’s fuel, food and water issues, he could only take one step at a time.

Soon, the Mecha Mirage 001 model sailed at full speed in a certain direction.

Qi Yanyan both eyes slightly closed on the pilot’s seat, seems to be asleep, but her hands are still clinging to Fang Shi.

Looking at Zhang Jiaomei’s face, Fang Shi couldn’t help but feel satisfied. Although he hadn’t spent a long time with Qi Yanyan, he had put her in the bottom of his heart. The two people added up and down only three times in a strict sense. When the first time was in the small town of Sumen, Langya, more than 2 years ago, it was Qi Yanyan who helped a lot; the second time was the reunion of the Muenxing 3 military area, and the fate once again met by chance, and The impulse suddenly sparked an unexpected spark; the third time was the meeting of the No. 2 battleship again, the fate of the two people was already intertwined and tied together, and it was in this case that he saw the black eyes Limpid autumn water tenderness.

The Mecha phantom 001 sailed at full speed for 5 hours before stopping.

Along the way, Fang Shi not at all found any signs of the ghost fleet, which means that the phantom Mecha is very likely to have completely got rid of the ghost fleet, and the threat of the other party can naturally be lifted. He is also considered slightly in relief in his heart.

However, the Mecha 001 model Mecha has very little fuel reserve, and it can only maintain full-speed navigation for about an hour.

Fang Shi has made Nana stop the flight of the Mirage 001 Mecha, but started drifting in space. As for the last remaining fuel, he wanted to use it at a critical moment. At present, he and Qi Yanyan are the only ones who survive. The hope is that they met the ships of the empire in the next 3 to 4 days. At this time, they are like holding a driftwood in the vast sea and can only wait for the favor of Goddess, although he knows that he is in the vast space. The probability of encountering an imperial ship in China is somewhat slim, but he still has to firmly believe this, and this is his last hope.

Qi Yanyan has fallen asleep.

Fang Shi took off his jacket and covered Qi Yanyan’s shot, then sat down quietly in the corner, squatting in the corner. He didn’t continue talking with Nana. On the one hand, he thought he didn’t want to disturb the sleeping Qi Yanyan; on the other hand, he is really tired and really wants to take a good rest 2. Since the beginning of the minesweeper warfare, he has been busy, and then after a series of battles, by this time he was a little tired, and his belly has begun to protest to him, facing no food and The embarrassment of water, he can only save as much energy as possible.

It is extremely quiet in the machine control cabin.

Although Fang Shi was a little tired, he did n’t feel a little sleepy. In his mind, he quickly flashed scenes of the past, about Xida to K3 mine, about the younger sister Ansu, about experiment 2. There are a lot of people in the room. Those people have left traces in his memory. From time to time he will inadvertently smile a little, seeming to think of something that makes him happy.

Mecha 001 model Mecha started a long journey of drifting in space, the time slowly passed by one minute and one second.

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