My Mech Queen

Chapter 317

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(Thank you Black Cat Lin Feng for your monthly ticket!)

Fang Shi was not surprised at the sharp performance of Nana. After all, he had seen it many times before, and it was a piece of cake to deal with 3 ordinary league Mecha simply with Nana ’s powerful and perverted machine control strength.

After solving three Alliance Mechas, the Mirage 3 model Mecha not at all stayed too much, and the direction turned slightly, and then continued to run quickly in the corridor in front.

According to Fang Shi’s expectations, this escaped the encircling circle of the ghost fleet, the 1st Step was to rush out of the No. 8 battleship. Fang Shi had noticed that there was a passage to the outside of the battleship on the battleship 001-Layer. The goal of the Mecha model is to return to the battleship 8-Layer to enter that special passage, and then rush out of the battleship No. 1.

Fang Shi knew that this was his last crisis, and let ’s not mention the alliance Mecha outside the battleship, which was 100 to 1000 wandering in space. It is the Mecha Invasion that invaded this battleship that was definitely a major challenge for the Mirage 001 model Mecha. Although Nana’s control strength is far beyond those of the alliance pilots, she can only control one Mecha after all, and as the battle continues, the consumption of Mirage 001 Mecha is also quickly consumed.

Through the observation of the relevant data of the light screen in the control cabin, Fang Shi found that the Phantom 001 model Mecha has consumed almost 2/3 of the weapon reserve, of which the laser energy and armor-piercing projectile consumption are the most popular. The current Phantom 001 model Mecha is barely okay. 8 laser cannons were fired, and only 5 rounds of armor-piercing shells were fired. In addition, the energy of the Gaussian gun was still sufficient, and nearly half of the energy. As for the strongest weapon ion gun of the Mecha of the Mirage 001 model, it can support up to 5 times Launch, thanks to the very few use of ion guns in Nana ’s previous battles.

Soon after, Phantom 001 thought about Mecha and arrived at the special channel position of the tenth floor of the battleship connected to 9-Layer, but what made Fang Shi slightly helpless was that the channel position even encountered the obstacle of 2 alliance Mecha.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The battle between the two sides started almost instantaneously. The latest sound was a burst of streamline bombs, followed by the sound of laser guns and ship shells.

The battle is coming fast and going fast.

The situation of the battle only lasted for more than ten seconds, and then came to an end.

In the face of 2 ordinary alliance Mecha, the Mirage 001 model Mecha is still quite easy. During the period, it did not even open the energy shield, and successfully solved the other 2 alliance Mecha. One of the alliance Mecha was blown up. The debris, another Mecha was severely deformed, especially the part of the control cabin in front of Mecha’s chest, almost completely collapsed, and the Alliance pilot was tragically killed.

After quickly solving two Alliance Mechas, the Phantom 2 Mecha’s body flashed slightly, and it directly flashed into the special passage of the tenth floor of the battleship and 001-Layer, and disappeared.

And just after the Mirage 001 model Mecha just entered the channel, a silhouette of a dozen or so alliance Mecha suddenly appeared near the channel entrance, but they not at all rushed into the channel, but looked at the fighting scene.

“Damn, we are still a little late. Captain, 7 and 1 have already been sacrificed.”

There was a voice from one of the gray-black League Mecha. There was a hint of anger in the voice. The two Mechas that were destroyed were the members of the team, plus the previous three Mechas. In just a few moments, Five comrades have been lost, which is also the biggest loss of their team after entering this empire warship.

Another Mecha soon came out with a rather solemn voice: “It seems that our opponents are not simple, and several of them sent back messages before their death. They attacked a silver white Empire Mecha. In such a short period of time, we solved five of our team members. The target machine control is probably very powerful, and I am still above me. “

“How is it possible, above you? Didn’t the other party have reached the level of a high-level pilot?” Another rather surprised voice suddenly appeared.

Captain, the Mecha squad of the league, said again: “Well, so in the following chase, you all give me more caution. In the face of this level of opponents, a small mistake can be fatal.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Among them, there was a voice of response immediately from Mecha, judging from their tone, it was obviously more dignified, and even some voices were mixed with some dread.

“Okay, start, continue to pursue, the goal should be to sneak into 8-Layer.”

Captain, the Mecha squad of the Alliance, yelled, and then led Mecha into the passage between the tenth floor of the battleship and 9-Layer.

Afterwards, Mecha, an alliance of Taiwan, immediately entered.


In the space area outside the Imperial battleship, more than 100 battleships of the ghost fleet have arrived near the five remaining battleships of the minesweeper fleet.

In the command cabin of one of the medium-sized ghost warships, the supreme commander of the ghost fleet was holding a wine glass in his hand, shaking the wine glass with scarlet liquid, sipping lightly from time to time, and revealing a relaxed and comfortable state of enjoyment. And most of his eyes stayed on the imperial battleships that were still in the light curtain in front of him. The result of the battle was really what he expected. Although the ghost fleet paid a lot for this, the end result was to let Satisfied, first successfully attacked the Empire ’s transport fleet, and then eliminated an Empire minesweeper fleet consisting of more than 100 warships. Such a result must surely cause a big reaction in the empire, so that he can also submit a perfect answer to the army side of the alliance, and this credit should naturally be counted on his head. Although it is not a particularly great achievement, this battle may possibly leave a slight stroke in the history of the coalition war. After all, this is a real counterattack of the ghost fleet in the hinterland of the empire.

“Major General, congratulations, we have won a great victory in this battle, not only successfully attacked the Empire’s transport fleet, but also eliminated an Empire fleet, so the results can certainly satisfy those of the military department, our ghost fleet mission Perfection is also completed. “Zuo Ningwei, who was sitting not far away, said with a smile, his gaze stayed in the large light screen in the command cabin, and information had just been sent not long ago, 5 warships command and control The cabin has been occupied and controlled by the alliance Mecha, at this time the Imperial Fleet has no resistance at all, and the results of the battle are already clear.

The punisher took a sip of scarlet liquid and said at a moderate pace: “It is indeed a satisfactory result. The only regret is that the 2nd Ghost Fleet. When I enter the rice bucket, there will be almost the entire 2nd Ghost Fleet. Funeral. “

Zuo Ning did not say much. Only the last 2 warships remained in the 7nd Ghost Fleet. It was not much different from the annihilation of the whole army. Returning to the base and entering that ship, Captain most likely would be cancelled. At this time, he did not. It was necessary to continue hit a person when he’s down. I saw his topic change slightly and said, “Major-general, what should we do with the five imperial battleships in front of me?”

The prisoner looked at the imperial warship in the light curtain in front of him, and paused for a few seconds before slowly saying: “The two large warships are definitely good things. It can be for me to use by bringing them back to the base for a little transformation, The strength of the base can be somewhat improved, as for the other 2 warships … “

The sentence of the prisoner was not finished, and a person in charge of information suddenly reported: “Reporting to the Major General, the first Mecha squad has received the latest news, and has successfully occupied the commanding module of the Imperial Fleet, but Lord L has died.”

“En ?!” The punishment complex slightly changed. This time the ghost fleet successfully ambushed the Imperial Sweeping Fleet almost entirely thanks to the L spy. Before that, he had instructed the Mecha Squad that invaded the imperial battleship to protect the L Safe, but I couldn’t think of the message that the other party was already dead at this last moment.

Zuo Ning, hearing this, slightly shook the head, said with regret: “It’s a pity, otherwise he should be a colonel when he returned to the Alliance with his rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and he knew our alliance with his understanding of the Empire. Action in the empire is not a small help. ‘

The prisoner’s face was slightly gloomy. This time the establishment of contact with the L was given by the Alliance Spy Department, and the military department also seemed to value the L Spy. Added many flaws.


In Battleship No. 001, Mecha, the Model L spy Terminator Phantom 9, has already broken through the battleship 8-Layer and entered the channel between 9-Layer and 1-Layer.

During the period, it was relatively lucky to only encounter a group of 5 Alliance Mechas. After Nana solved one of the Mechas instantly in a similar sneak attack, then immediately used the phantom 001 model Mecha’s strongest weapon ion gun thunderbolt. Destroy another Mecha directly. Solve 3 Mecha in less than 2 seconds, the remaining 3 alliance pilots are naturally turn pale with fright, the battle confidence almost disappeared instantly, but the Phantom 001 model Mecha offensive is completely gone, it only took ten seconds. Time to solve the remaining three Mecha.

In the phantom 001 model Mecha just entered the passage of the battleships 9-Layer and 8-Layer, the figure of dozens of alliance Mecha appeared near the entrance of the channel. Coming squad.

The pilot of one of the alliance Mecha reported: “Captain, it went in.”

Captain solemnly replied of the Mecha squad of the league: “Well, chase!”

More than a dozen Mecha silhouettes quickly flashed into the channel, chasing toward Mecha 001 model Mecha.

At the same time, the Mirage 001 model has arrived in the battleship 8-Layer.

“Nana, the passage is in that direction.”

Fang Shi reminded me that Mecha 001 model Mecha had just walked out of channel 8.

Nana immediately replied: “understood, big brother.”

Qi Yanyan both eyes slightly closed on the pilot’s seat, the shot just caused her a lot of influence just now. At this time, she was already confused and seemed to be sleeping.

Mecha 001 model Mecha paused slightly at the entrance of the tunnel, looked towards one of the corridors and ran quickly.

After a while, Mecha phantom model 001 arrived near a passage mentioned by Fang Shi, but it stopped abruptly more than 100 meters away from the entrance of the passage, and I saw a Union Mecha at the entrance of the passage. It’s inconvenient to rush out at this time. If the other party has only a few Mechas, it is not a big problem. With Nana’s powerful machine control strength, it is only one. Mecha, if he rushes past, I am afraid that it will become extremely dangerous. After continuous fighting, the weapon reserve of the Mirage 001 Mecha has been consumed again.

Fang Shi said slightly and solemnly: “Look at the other party’s movement first.”

At this time, the Mecha 001 model Mecha is hiding in the corner. As long as you do not take the initiative to go out, those Mecha alliances will not easily find it.

More than a dozen seconds later, a dozen Mechas emerged from the entrance of the aisle, and then no other alliance Mecha appeared, and I saw that they slightly adjusted the formation to quickly run toward the corridor on the other side.

Seeing this, Fang Shi felt a little relaxed in his heart. After waiting for almost ten seconds, he reminded: “It’s almost time, it’s time to go.”

Nana lightly un’ed and immediately controlled the Mecha of Mirage 001 to run towards the channel.

However, Mecha 001 model Mecha just ran 2 steps, but suddenly and forcibly changed the square, and made a difficult dodge action.


2 red beams almost flashed into the Mecha phantom 001 model.

Fang Shi complexion slightly changed, several attacks were lasing from behind Mecha phantom model 001. Just now he did not pay attention to Mecha behind him. Fortunately, Nana responded in time and escaped the sneak attack behind.

The sneak attack on the Mirage 001 Mecha was the dozen or so Alliance Mechas that were chased from the tenth floor of the battleship. When they saw the Empire Mecha, they immediately attacked them.

The phantom 001 model Mecha that escaped the attack slightly adjusted its direction, and the ion gun quickly opened, and then a thick blue green light beam erupted from the ion muzzle instantly, rushing to the forefront of dozens of alliance Mechas. A Mecha roared away.

The speed of the blue green light beam flashed slightly in front of the leading Mecha.

The pilot of the alliance Mecha did not respond slowly, and quickly opened the energy shield, and a bubble-like energy even light mask immediately enveloped Mecha.

A thick blue green beam of light blasted on the energy hood of the leading league Mecha.


In the next moment, Mecha’s energy shield looks like paper, but it breaks apart and becomes fragments in just an instant.

The thick blue green light column offensive was unabated, and it went straight to Mecha’s body.


The thick blue green light beam directly penetrated the body of the leading league Mecha and advanced towards the Mecha behind the leading league Mecha.

That alliance Mecha opened the energy shield early in the morning.

However, in the next moment, an unexpected scene reappeared. Although the blue green light column showed a lot of losses compared to the previous star, it still broke the energy shield of the Mecha of the alliance with thunderbolt, and it burst On the fuselage of that alliance Mecha.

With a bang, the blue green beam of light penetrated Mecha again.

“Plop, plop!”

2 Alliance Mecha fell to the ground almost at the same time as if they were dead.

The other dozen Mecha pilots of the League saw such an scene, and almost all of them showed an incredible look. The Mecha leading the team is their team Captain, a League 6 star pilot, in the whole ghost The fleet is definitely a well-know figure. But in the moment just now, their brains seemed to be short-circuited instantly. The imperial Mecha killed the 6-star pilot Captain they regarded as idols with just one blow, and Yu Wei also killed another player. They could n’t imagine the picture in front of them, but they were so real in front of them. In addition to the huge shock, there was a strong fear in their hearts.

“This … how is this possible? Captain was killed by the alliance Mecha in an instant, then … the Empire Mecha …” The young alliance pilot who followed the leading Mecha side alliance machine Mecha opened his eyes wide, Some were staring at Mecha, the leader who fell to the ground in front of him. From his point of view, he judged at a glance that the blue green beam of light at that moment was just ready to hit the position of the Captain Mecha aircraft control cabin. The cabin control has almost been ruined, and if there is no wrong guess, his 6-star pilot Captain has been killed.

More than a dozen Mecha leagues stopped their offensive steps at the same time and stayed where they were.

Fang Shi in the Mirage 001 model Mecha also has a slight look of shock. He was not surprised that the ion cannon killed the leading alliance Mecha, but was surprised that the Mirage 001 model Mecha killed a 2 Taiwan Mecha. but. After a slight thought, he knew that there must be a certain coincidence. On the one hand, the two Mechas in front of and behind the other party just connected into a line, and this line happened to be the running track of the ion cannon; on the other hand, it was because of the ion cannon. Formidable power of its own extreme, if it is replaced with conventional weapons such as laser guns and linear guns, this effect will definitely not be achieved, and it may not be possible to even break the energy shield of the other party ’s Mecha.

Qi Yanyan on the pilot ’s seat also had a trace of surprise on her pale face. Just now, her eyes barely opened and looked at the shocking scene, but it was different from Fang Shi. She blamed Nana’s powerful and perverted machine control strength for this perfect blow, and she couldn’t help but marvel at Nana’s strength again.

Seeing more than a dozen Alliance Mecha froze in place, Fang Shi was slightly happy in his heart, reminding: “Nana, go!”

Fang Shi knows that the previous blow was largely due to luck. Since it can deter the other party with a single blow, it ’s better to have a dozen Mechas. If they are swarming, even with Nana ’s powerful strength It ’s probably not an easy thing to be able to retreat from the whole body, and the dozen or so Alliance Mechas that came out of the aisle just now should not be far away. It ’s very possible to support them immediately when you hear the movement here Nearly 30 Alliance Mechas cannot be estimated even if he wants to go, so it is an appropriate time to leave at this time.

Nana immediately un’ed and immediately controlled the direction of Mecha phantom 001 model, and quickly rushed towards the passageway not far away.

It was not until the disappearance of the Mirage 001 model Mecha that the remaining dozen Mecha pilots seemed to react, but they not at all immediately rushed to the direction of the disappearance of the Empire Mecha, because they did not dare, the scene just now was almost Instantly destroyed their confidence to continue to pursue. At this time, they naturally realized the terror of the Mecha empire, and even Captain with the strength of 6-star pilot was killed by the other party, not to mention that their strength was far inferior to Captain’s low-level pilot.

There was a timid voice from one of the alliance Mecha: “I … do we continue to chase?”

It was the silence of the crowd that answered the pilot.

It was not until more than ten seconds later that there was a voice in another league Mecha: “Then … that, let ’s report to the Mecha team first, then … The existence of a pilot of that level is not something that we people can easily resist. Of course, even catching up is probably equivalent to death. “

“Good… good…”

Among them, everyone immediately agreed with the voice’s proposal. Obviously at this time, they completely lost the courage to fight against the silver white empire Mecha.

Phantom 001 model Mecha rushed to the aisle position, and at the same time an eager sound of mechanical footsteps quickly came from a corridor.

“Sure enough, they were alarmed, so they walked in time.”

The sound came from the direction of the dozen or so Alliance Mechas that just came out of the channel. Fang Shi heard the sound and judged that they should have come back after hearing the movement, but at this time, even if they came back Unable to stop Mecha phantom 001 model anymore.

The phantom 001 model Mecha flashed slightly, and then directly entered the channel.

The passage to the outside of the ship is not very long. The Mecha phantom 001 model took only a dozen seconds to reach the exit position, but it not at all immediately rushed out of the No. 1 battleship, but stood quietly inside the exit to watch A glance at the situation around and in the sky.

Looking at the situation outside the ship, Fang Shi was not surprised. It was similar to what he had expected. The nearby space is still 100 to 1000 alliance Mecha, and the tight Mecha networks of breakthrough are naturally difficult. One If you are not careful, you may become debris in space like those exploding warships.

Fang Shi looked down towards Qi Yanyan, who was a bit white on the pilot’s seat. The face was very haggard at this time, but it was still so touching, sultry, and quiet with his eyes closed slightly.

Micro-took a deep breath, Fang Shi stretched out his right hand and caressed Qi Yanyan’s haggard cheek, thinking next moment he and Qi Yanyan might turn together into the dust of space, and this moment may finally survive.

Qi Yanyan’s eyelashes moved slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes, looking at the man with a certain expression in front of her, but inexplicably raised a trace of satisfaction in her heart, a strange and warm feeling.

Seeing Qi Yanyan opened his eyes, Fang Shi was slightly startled and subconsciously prepared to retract his right hand.

However, next moment, a soft hand grabbed Fang Shi’s right hand.

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