My Mech Queen

Chapter 308

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The speed of the MAX shield Mecha in the speed mode is really amazing. I saw only a faint blue afterimage in space, and the direction of the afterimage is the flagship War Tiger XO large warship of the minesweeper fleet.

Since rushing out of the No. 2 battleship, the Shield Max model Mecha has not at all made any counterattack except for evasion and flight. Fang Shi knew that even when several Mechas were destroyed when he faced the alliance-like Mecha like locusts, but It has no effect on the alliance Mecha group simply, so he has informed Nana at first-don’t attack, rush to the No. 1 flagship as quickly as possible.

The speed mode of the Maxun Mecha model is the same as most ordinary Mechas, with only 3 seconds of speed mode.

3 seconds is very important for Fang Shi, and also the key to the successful landing of the War Tiger XO large battleship.

Blue’s afterimage continued to move at a rapid speed, almost across a small half of the space area.

All the pilots of the Alliance looked at the blue image of the fast speed in the light screen, and they were a little surprised in their hearts. Obviously, the other party turned on the fast speed mode at this time. It was really appropriate to benefit, so it just avoided their third round fire attack.

After a moment of surprise, the alliance pilots naturally reacted quickly. Many of the alliance Mecha silhouettes flashed, and they immediately turned on the speed mode and hurried away towards the MAX shield Mecha. Apparently they had already The Mecha, the Max Shield MAX model, was regarded as the first target.


The scene of dozens of Mechas turning on speed mode at the same time is quite a situation, one after another afterimage flying at speed.


Suddenly, two fast-flying alliance Mecha accidentally collided together, and then a violent explosion occurred directly.

The distance between the No. 2 battleship of the Minesweeper Fleet and No. 1 flagship is not far away, and Mecha flying in the speed mode obviously still has certain requirements for the pilot’s level of control. In addition, the number of alliance Mecha is really space-intensive It is quite normal for some low-level pilots to fail to respond.

Shield MAX model Mecha simply ignored the Alliance Mecha, which was also chased by the speed mode behind him, and its target seemed to be only the flagship of the minesweeper fleet in front, and the Alliance Mecha, which intercepted halfway, chose to dodge, so Shield The MAX model Mecha does not fly in a straight line, but flies through multiple curves.

One second, two seconds, three seconds!

After 3 seconds, the speed of Mecha, the Maxine MAX model that ended the speed mode flight, suddenly slowed down.

In the control cabin of the MAX shield Max model Mecha, Fang Shi looked at the alliance Mecha that quickly gathered to him in the light screen in front of him. Was there no slight tension on his face, instead he sighed slightly in relief in his heart, because At this time, the MAX shield Mecha is only more than 100 meters away from the No. 20 battleship. It should not be difficult to board the battleship. The only thing that is troublesome is the blocking of the 30-1 Alliance Mecha in front, but I believe that Nana The strength can still be broken quickly.

The pilots in the alliance Mecha near the battleship No. 2 naturally discovered the Empire Mecha who rushed towards them early in the morning. Seeing that the Empire Mecha even singlehanded to rush to intercept the 300 Mecha, they were naturally surprised. At the same time, they also aimed their weapons at the MAX shield Mecha.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

More than 20 attacks immediately screamed from those blocked Mecha and blasted towards the MAX shield Mecha.

Faced with almost 20-30 Mecha attacks from the Alliance, Shield MAX’s Mecha’s defensive shield quickly opened again. At the same time, Mecha itself immediately made a series of difficult dodge moves.

More than 20 attacks were evaded by the Shield MAX model Mecha with a perfect dodge action. Only 2 attacks hit Mecha ’s defensive shield, and one of them was only a side attack. Such damage is for the strong defense. The Shield MAX model Mecha is not a threat at all, it only consumes a little energy to defend the shield.

The Shield MAX model Mecha still did not make any counterattacks. After avoiding the attacks of more than 20 Alliance Mechas, it headed towards the No. 1 War Tiger XO large warship of the minesweeper fleet.

The distance of more than 100 meters is actually very close to Mecha. The Mead of MAX Shield MAX suddenly flashed on the large War Tiger XO battleship.

After more than 20 alliances surprised the pilots, they immediately knew that the powerful strength of the pilots in the Mecha Empire was far above their low-level pilots, but they did not hesitate at all, almost at the same time. Immediately chased to the MAX shield Mecha, the Mecha weapon quickly locked the Empire Mecha again, and the attack was ready.

The Mecha of the MAX shield MAX model almost fell on the War Tiger XO large battleship, and fell with a slam near a passageway leading to the interior of the battleship.

Fang Shi had observed it before Mecha landed on the battleship No. 1. The entrance should be caused by the alliance Mecha. There are signs of forced opening around the entrance, and this entrance is just away from the MAX model. Mecha’s nearest place is also one of the most favorable landing points for boarding.

After successfully ascending to the No. 1 battleship, the speed of the MAX shield Mecha did not stop at all, and then quickly flashed over the attack of the Mecha of the alliance. At the same time, the body quickly flashed and rushed directly to the entrance of the tunnel.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

Alliance Mecha’s attack immediately caused bursts of explosion, and the blasting smoke shield MAX model Mecha has entered the channel.

The explosion dissipated.

The alliance pilots looked at the empty surface of the ship’s hull, and they were all one after another. However, they quickly judged that the powerful Empire Mecha should enter the battleship from that passage.

At the same time, the more than 100 Alliance Mechas that followed the MAX model Mecha from Kendun had also been rushed over. Due to the distance, they not at all saw the scene just now and watched some mechanical debris scattered on the surface of the hull. Many people thought that the imperial Mecha was directly shattered into pieces, and some disappointment was revealed on his face. Of course, some people also saw some clues. The mechanical debris in front of him should not be the fragment of the imperial Mecha. The Mecha might have entered the battleship from that passage.

Mecha not at all hovering outside the battleship chose to board the large War Tiger XO battleship. Their task was also to be responsible for the status of the nearby space area. Without the commander ’s order, he could not enter the battleship at will. A lot of Mecha, the Empire Mecha is probably about one’s own destruction even if it enters, and the only regret is that they solved the Mecha by themselves, eliminating an imperial high-end star pilot can be considered a big deal, but now It seems to have missed them.

After entering the tunnel, the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX shield quickly stealth along the tunnel.

In the control cabin of Mecha, Fang Shi glanced at the situation behind Mecha through the light screen in front of him. Seeing that no alliance Mecha was chasing after him, it was sighed slightly in relief in his heart. It was the best way to save a lot of trouble.

“En! This seems to be a passage to the battleship Mecha library, and there seems to be some faint explosions in it. If there is no guessing wrong, the inside should have started a fierce battle.”

With the rapid stealth of the MAX shield Mecha, Fang Shi had a preliminary judgment in his mind. He had been to this battleship many times, especially the Mecha library and the machine repair library. As the chief of the machine repair, each machine repair team He still needs to know the personal information about Mecha 2. The first machine repair team led by Jiang Ten thousand li is responsible for the maintenance of the Mecha aspect of the No. 1 battleship. Among the whole machine repair team, the performance of this first machine repair team has always been among the best, and Fang Shi rarely worry about it. Several mechanic repair teams.

“I don’t know how the first machine repair team is now.”

Fang Shi thought a little, and now the minesweeper fleet has been massively invaded by the alliance Mecha, and the battleship is almost in a fierce engagement state. Under this environment, human life is also the most unguaranteed moment.

At this time, Fang Shi had no intention to worry, and his heart was numb to death. The warship monitoring screen mobilized by Nana in the hangar of Warship 2 has witnessed the death of hundreds of pilots and the death of the warship. In addition, he knows that most of the members of the mechanic team who were not previously contacted have mostly been sacrificed, and death is everywhere. This is war.

After more than 30 seconds, Mecha, the Maxine MAX model, rushed out of the tunnel.

“It really is the Mecha library.”

Fang Shi glanced at all around, but immediately judged that this is the Mecha library of the No. 2 battleship, but the Mecha library at this time is completely the same as the Mecha library in his previous impressions. I saw Mecha The inside of the library is already a mess, and there are traces of battles everywhere. Almost everywhere on the ground are mechanical fragments of different sizes. He can easily judge at a glance that those mechanical fragments are Mecha fragments, and there are mechanical fragments of the Mecha of the Empire. There are also mechanical fragments from Alliance Mecha, which apparently experienced a very violent battle not long ago.

In addition to the mechanical debris that can be seen everywhere, there are more than a dozen incomplete Mecha remnants that burst into disintegration, igniting light and smoke, a scene of ruin and misery.

Fang Shi light took a deep breath, but did not go to watch too much, but lightly pointed in a direction and said: “Nana, over there.”

Nana immediately un’ed, and immediately controlled the Maxine Mecha, a Max shield model, and rushed in a certain direction.

The direction Fang Shi was pointing to was only the direction leading to the garage, and there seemed to be bursts of explosions over there. Obviously there should be a fighting state over there.

With the brief MAX model Mecha running fast all the way, Fang Shi in the control cabin further observed other scenes in the Mecha library. The area of ​​the Mecha library of the No. 6 battleship is still very open, divided into 20 blocks. In the area, there were 30-2 Mechas in each area before, but now almost all are empty. I only saw a few Mecha in the 2 areas that are still seriously damaged. Obviously, they have already lost their operations. Ability, and the scene of each area is similar to the terrible scene of the No. 1 area that Fang Shi had just entered. There are still many black corpses lying on the ground, and there are everywhere left behind by the battle.

The access road to the machine repair library is in the No. 6 area of ​​the Mecha library, and the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX shield reaches the No. 6 area after a quick running.

“Union Mecha!”

As soon as he arrived at the No. 6 area of ​​Mecha library, Fang Shi discovered that 2 Union Mechas exiting the passageway leading to the machine repair garage seemed to be preparing to enter the passageway.

The emergence of the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX shield also immediately attracted the attention of the alliance Mecha.

Two Alliance Mechas turned back to face the MAX shield Mecha, and the two Alliance pilots in Mecha were surprised when they saw the imperial Mecha that appeared suddenly. Their Mecha team has just made a Mecha library just now. After a comprehensive cleanup, the empire should have been completely dried by them, and there is no one left. Why is it suddenly popping out of the empire Mecha now? Is it the newly entered Mecha from the Mecha library channel?

In the face of the sudden emergence of the Max Shield MAX model Mecha, the alliance pilot was not at all ambiguous, and the hand was quickly linked, and immediately entered one after another attack command into the Mecha system. Their goal was very clear-to destroy that imperial Mecha .

However, compared to the two Alliance Mechas, the reaction of the Mead Shield MAX model Mecha was significantly faster. A streamline of 2 bursts was launched immediately, slamming towards one of the Mecha Mechas, and at the same time, the Shield MAX The model Mecha body flashed, rushed directly towards the 4 alliance Mecha.

“Hey, hey…”

4 The continuous streamer launched the first attack on Alliance Mecha, but the attacked Alliance Mecha did not respond slowly, immediately opened the energy shield, and a series of detonation immediately came out when the connection bomb hit the early energy shield.

When the last connection bounced on the hood of the Mecha of the Alliance, Mecha’s energy shield suddenly shattered and opened.

“En ?!” The pilot’s face in the attacked Alliance Mecha suddenly changed, and the opponent’s trifling a 4-stroke streamline bomb attack directly broke his 70% more energy shield, which is really Some are beyond his understanding, “How is it possible? Difficult … Is it hitting the same node position, he … he is a high-level star pilot ?!”

At the same time that 4 consecutive streamers hit the Alliance Mecha, two Alliance Mecha attacks have also been launched. Two red beams of light were ejected from the Alliance Mecha respectively and shot towards the MAX shield Mecha.

The fast running Shield MAX model Mecha slightly slowed the forward movement, immediately made a difficult evasion action, accurately evaded the attack of 2 laser cannons, and completed the Shield MAX model after evasion Mecha’s speed has not diminished again and rushed towards the 2 alliance Mecha.

The distance between the MAX shield Mecha and the two Alliance Mechas is not far away, but at the speed of Mecha, the time of Mecha is about 2 seconds. The MAX shield Mecha has reached the alliance Mecha that has been crushed by the energy shield. Before, the mechanical fist slammed at the opponent, with extremely rapid speed.

The pilot of another alliance Mecha was slightly stunned, and was also shocked in his heart. The Empire Mecha even flashed 2 laser cannon attacks so easily, and the driver seemed to want to choose close combat. At the same time, he has already vaguely judged that the Mecha in front of him is not simple, and his strength seems to have completely surpassed his and his companions, so he can’t help but feel a little more nervous.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The Mecha pilots in the Union of the shattered energy shield seem to have no reaction at all, and seem to be immersed in the scene where the Mecha energy shield was smashed just now. The Mecha mechanical fist of the MAX shield MAX model hit like a storm On the fuselage of the Alliance Mecha, there was a dull impact.

The Shield MAX model Mecha not at all gave the Alliance Mecha time to react again. After a fierce mechanical fist attack, he finally hit the laser cannon with a record and directly penetrated the control cabin of Mecha ’s chest. The alliance is active and powerless, and the whole process is only 2 seconds.

Standing nearby, Mecha, another alliance, saw that the 2 entered the close fight, and the attack immediately hesitated. If the attack is likely to hit the companion’s Mecha, it will be worth the loss, but he is surprised. The fight of the survivor has been announced for less than 2 seconds. The companion’s Mecha was defeated, and looking at the location of Mecha’s heavy damage, the companion may seem to have the one’s last.

After defeating an alliance Mecha, the Shield MAX model Mecha did not stay for 3 seconds, and immediately launched an attack on another alliance Mecha not far away.

At this time, the alliance pilot naturally realized that the strength of the imperial Mecha in front of him was far beyond his previous expectations. Within 3 seconds, he killed his companion under his eyelid discipline. Resisting, he couldn’t help but feel a strong fear, but he opened the Mecha energy shield at the fastest speed and launched an attack on the terrorist empire Mecha.

However, in the next moment, the alliance Mecha not at all hit the target as expected. I saw the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX shield flashed slightly and easily escaped its attack, while a mechanical fist was already blasting on Mecha’s energy shield .

“Bang, bang, bang …”

Approaching, there was another quick strikes.

In just about 2 seconds, the seemingly defensive power Mecha energy shield turned into fragments in the continuous strikes of the mechanical fist.

The Mecha of the Alliance without the energy shield has been completely exposed to the attack of the MAX shield Mecha of the Shield MAX. One after another swift attack landed ruthlessly on the fuselage of the Mecha of the Alliance, and there was a burst of roar.

Eventually, the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX model used a single armor-piercing projectile to transform the alliance Mecha into many fragments of various sizes.

From the appearance of the Shield MAX model Mecha to the solution of the two Alliance Mechas, it took about ten seconds to add up. Fang Shi in the control cabin was a little surprised. Obviously Nana ’s combat ability seems to become more and more sharp. And it seems that it is still growing at a very fast rate. Isn’t the legendary ten-star seal pilot not the end, can Nana become a existence beyond the ten-star seal pilot?

After the Maxun Mecha Mecha solves the 2 Alliance Mechas, the body flashed directly into the channel leading to the machine repair library.

The channel is not very long.

Gradually it took about 5 seconds, and the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX shield came out of the tunnel and entered the machine repair library.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

As soon as he entered the garage, Fang Shi heard a violent explosion, and through the light screen in front of him, he immediately saw the situation in the garage. The mechanic garage in front of me is indeed in a fierce state of war. I saw that 5 Alliance Mechas are undergoing a round of strikes around 2 Empire Mechas, and 2 Empire Mechas are struggling to resist, one of which is even more Even the body’s energy cover has been shattered, and the situation is extremely dangerous. In addition, the situation in the repair garage is also in a mess. Many Mecha fragments have been broken on the ground. Obviously, Mecha has been blown into fragments before, and the repair garage Mecha is placed in several repair positions in the middle. It seems that Mecha is being repaired before, but at this time, it seems that only Mecha in one of the repair positions in the corner is still intact, and Mecha in other repair positions suffers. The 2 strikes of the league Mecha have become incomplete.

The area of ​​the machine repair library is still much smaller than that of the Mecha library. It is probably only as large as a small area of ​​the Mecha library. The sudden appearance of the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX shield naturally attracts the attention of the Mecha, a fierce alliance.

The alliance pilots were slightly surprised, but it was quickly reflected. One of the pilots, who seemed to be Small Captain, immediately issued the combat command. I saw two Union Mechas immediately turned around, moved towards the MAX shield Mecha. In the past, the remaining three Mechas continued to besiege two Imperial Mechas.

The two Mecha models that turned to the MAX shield were very fast, and the Mecha weapon immediately locked the target and launched an attack quickly.


Alliance Mecha’s attack was very consistent, even using a continuous line of artillery attack, one after another streamlined shells blasted towards the MAX shield Mecha.

However, before the Alliance Mecha launched an attack, the MAX shield Mecha launched the attack first. A red beam of light erupted out of the laser muzzle instantly, flashing towards one of the Alliance Mecha, and when the red beam of light broke out The streamlined muzzle also immediately fired 4 bursts of streamlined bullets, and the target was consistent with the laser gun’s target.

The attacked alliance Mecha immediately opened the energy shield, and the red beam and 4 bursts of streamline bombs hit the energy shield.

At the same time, the 2 streamline bombs of the 8 Alliance Mechas also shot directly at the MAX shield Mecha.

Faced with the 8 streamlined bombs from the blast, the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX model flashed and immediately made a series of dodge actions. At the same time, it also opened a defensive shield, and the space for evasion in the garage was limited There is simply not enough space for it to play. For the sake of insurance, the defense shield was quickly opened.

8 streamline bombs arrived one after another.

However, in the end, there was only one Mead MAX model Mecha hit in the front, and the other one was a side-strike. As for the remaining six streamline bombs, all were missed.

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