My Mech Queen

Chapter 302

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In the command cabin of the flagship War Tiger XO large warship, Qi Yanyan, the commander-in-chief of the fleet, watched the screen of the three pilot warships exploding violently in the light screen, brows tightly knit, and his heart sank slightly, showing from the light curtain She also immediately realized that the space area in front of the fleet should be equipped with space mines, and the three warships that led the pilot could not be caught in the minefield.

“Did the ghost fleet have learned the route of the minesweeper fleet? Or is it still just a small coincidence this time?”

While watching the three pilot warships explode, Qi Yanyan’s thoughts changed sharply. This space mine is not a special weapon. It is generally used to defend or set traps. At this time, the mine is actually placed on the minesweeping fleet’s navigation route. She was a little surprised. I am afraid that this situation cannot be explained by coincidence, because there are too many coincidences today, and it is difficult for her to believe that this is coincidence.

After a brief silence, Qi Yanyan quickly issued a series of coping commands.

Several warships in front of the fleet immediately carried out a quick special scan of the space area ahead, and soon discovered that the area in front was even laid with 1000 space mines.

Qi Yanyan who received the information lightly took a deep breath. At this time, the fleet does not at all time to demining. The explosion of mines and 3 warships may have alarmed the enemy. The minesweeper fleet must leave this area as soon as possible. If the battleship opens the energy shield and forcibly passes, it may be that her flagship War Tiger XO large battleship may not be able to withstand it, not to mention other small and medium-sized battleships. Although the space mine’s formidable power is not very large, but its number There are a lot of them. It’s like a wasp can’t threaten people, but what about a group of wasps?

Soon, the minesweeper fleet quickly adjusted its sailing direction to avoid the space mine area under the command of chief commander Qi Yanyan, but when the fleet was just about to sail at full speed again, a group of dense black spots suddenly appeared in front of the fleet.

“Report … report to the sir, a large number of ghost warships are found in front of the fleet, there are more than 100 ships.” The personnel responsible for the monitoring reported anxiously.

Yanyan hearing this on the commander’s seat suddenly looked down, and immediately looked at the monitoring screen that was mobilized urgently. I saw more than 100 black spots appearing in the screen, and she recognized it with many battles with the ghost fleet. It is the ghost warship that emerged from those black spots. At this time, more than 100 ghost warships have been arranged into a favorable attack formation and are quickly rushing towards the minesweeper warship.

“All the warships are immediately converted into anti-VDefensive Array type ready to meet the ghost fleet. All attacking warships turn on the maximum output attack mode, the defensive warships outer layer starts the maximum defense mode, and the Battle Armor of each warship quickly prepares for combat with the fighter … “

In the face of the aggressive fleet of ghosts, Qi Yanyan is also desperate. Although she is not sure whether the minesweeping fleet of less than 40 combat ships can withstand the impact of the ghost fleet, she is not at this time. all what other good way. If you turn your head to escape, not only will it take some time to adjust the formation, but it is very likely to be chased by more than 100 ghost ships of the other party. When the time comes, the minesweeper fleet may not even have any chance of winning. Now the minesweeper fleet chooses to fight head to head. Although the probability of being able to resist the other party’s attack is not high, at least there is still a hint of hope, and even the final failure can make the ghost fleet pay a heavy price.

Under the command of Chief Commander Qi Yanyan, the battleships of the minesweeper fleet quickly changed into positions to form an anti-VDefensive Array type. At the same time, the number one flagship War Tiger XO large battleship and the No. 2 Black Panther A-Rank large battleship were 2 Core points.

In a blink of an eye, more than 100 ghost battleships of the ghost fleet have clearly appeared in the field of vision of the commanders of the battleships of the minesweeper fleet. The uniform gray black hull is indeed like a wandering soul in space.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

In an instant, various attacks of the minesweeper fleet and the ghost fleet rushed toward each other like a torrent of torrents. Explosions created by the attacks of energy beams, heavy artillery shells, etc., lay in ambush and continued.

The No. 2 flagship War Tiger XO large-scale battleship, the most powerful weapon, the super-energy ion cannon, once again protruded from the ship within the body. In the previous battle, it had been launched twice, and now only the last attack is left. As soon as the enemy ghost warship entered its optimal range, a thick blue green beam of light flashed in its thick muzzle, snarling towards a ghost warship in front of the ghost fleet.

The super ion cannon once again demonstrated its unmatched strong huge might, almost instantly smashing the energy shield of the medium-sized ghost warship and directly penetrating the hull.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

A series of explosions immediately sounded.

The medium-sized ghost warship that was hit was not at all destroyed immediately under the attack of the super ion cannon, but it lost the battleship’s energy shield and was quickly submerged in other subsequent attacks of the minesweeper fleet, and eventually became a violent explosion. Made fragments in space.

At the same time, under the nearly crazy attack of the minesweeper fleet and the ghost fleet, many warships on both sides were also broken off the energy shields and suffered strong strikes from various weapons during continuous attacks.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

The battle space area seems to have left dense explosions like fireworks.

The fierce battle lasted more than 30% and only slightly stopped for a second. However, the attacks on both sides continued, but they were slightly weaker than the fierce attacks at the beginning. Various attacks continued to emerge in an endless stream. Space area.

In the command cabin of a medium-sized warship at the rear of the ghost fleet, the Supreme Commander Xing Zai looked directly at the light screen in front of him, and his face was slightly dignified. Just a few minutes of intense confrontation just now, the ghost fleet has broken Ten or nine warships were damaged, including seven medium-sized warships, and more than ten warships were traumatized to varying degrees. The initial observation is that the number of losses of the Imperial Fleet is obviously less than that of the Ghost Fleet. There are about ten warships destroyed. As for the damaged warships, he is not very clear. The result of such a battle is slightly beyond his expectations. Although he knows that the combination of multiple fleets of the Imperial fleet has a certain advantage over the single fleet of ghost fleets in platoon formations, but the current results are completely different. Xu, the loss can be a bit big.

However, although the prisoner was a bit surprised, he was not very worried. In this battle, he brought out nearly 2/3 of the ghost fleet. Now the main battleship of the fleet has an absolute advantage over the imperial battleship, which is a swarm of bees. It is estimated that a blast of bombardment can also destroy those imperial warships, but the result is that it is very likely to lose a lot of ghost warships. This is not the result that I want to see.

“Major General, it seems that this imperial fleet is really hard bones. At this time, it can also prevent attacks of this scale. Among them, the emergence of a powerful super weapon such as a super ion cannon is really a surprise. Ha ha, but believe it After a violent attack just now, it should have entered a period of relatively weak attack. This is our perfect opportunity. If we make another round of strong attack, hide the fighters and the fighters that are not far behind them to prevent them from escaping. The Mecha group should be useful. “Zuo Ning, who was not far away, lightly supported the glasses at the bridge of his nose, and said with a slight smile in his mouth, he said with a little excitement.

The tortured lightly said: “That’s what I meant.”


In the command and control cabin of the flagship War Tiger XO large battleship, the chief commander of the fleet, Qi Yanyan, stared closely at the light screen in front of him, and his face was deep. Just after a violent exchange of fire, the minesweeper fleet barely resisted the first round of the ghost fleet. A powerful attack, but the minesweeper fleet lost a lot.

Nearly half of the outer defensive battleships of the minesweeper fleet were destroyed, and several attack warships in the inner layer were damaged to varying degrees. The battle strength can be said to have dropped by one third in just a few minutes, while the enemy ’s Although the number of battleships lost by the ghost warships is much higher than that of the minesweeper fleet, the number of battleships themselves is large, and the impact on their battle strength is probably not very large. If the fierce battle continues, the minesweeper fleet is likely to be the same as the third combat formation, but at this time she not at all other choices, turning around and retreating can only make the minesweeper fleet fall into a more passive situation.

According to the damage situation of each battleship of the fleet, Qi Yanyan quickly issued the order of one after another adjustment, and the overall Defensive Array type of the fleet was significantly smaller than before.

The battle between the two sides continued, and after a brief adjustment, the two sides once again carried out a new round of fierce fire fighting for several minutes.

In the second round of fire fighting, the minesweeper fleet ’s attack was significantly weaker, and the ghost fleet was still fierce and unusually fierce. There were only more than 20 warships left in the minesweeper fleet, and nearly half of the warships have been transformed into space. In the debris.

In the flagship command cabin of No.100, everyone’s faces were almost gloomy. After more than ten minutes of battle, the minesweeper fleet has lost nearly half. Although the enemy ghost warships have been destroyed a lot, there should be about 1 ghosts. The warships, with their current combat capability, are probably not opponents of the other party at all.

Qi Yanyan, who was sitting on the commander ’s command seat, naturally knew that the minesweeper fleet now only had battle strength and was not an opponent of the ghost fleet. Even the slightest hope of victory had disappeared, looking at the light curtain in front of him. She is struggling a little bit. Is she going to go all out to destroy as many ghost ships as possible or immediately choose to retreat quickly and scatter away? If they choose the former, they should barely fight out 20-30 ghost warships at the cost of death; if they choose the latter and are lucky enough, there may be several warships that can survive.

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