My Mech Queen

Chapter 297

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(Thanks to the black cat Lin Feng ’s monthly ticket and the evaluation ticket of the Oriental Unicorn student)

After hearing a series of emergency reports, Qi Yanyan’s cold face grew darker, but as the commander in chief, she was still quite calm. Although the situation she is facing is very critical, she still has an abacus in her mind-more than 70 In fact, the ghost warship is not very threatening to the fleet. She still understands the ghost warship very much, and they are all offensive warships. The minesweeper fleet can be a combination of multiple warships, which can form a variety of battle formations. Mistakes, the ghost fleet wants to defeat the minesweeper fleet unless they have an absolute number of advantages, more than 70 ghosts are almost impossible.

Compared to the home team ’s worries, Qi Yanyan is more worried about the situation of the 3rd combat formation. Although she has confidence in Tang Yuanqing ’s command, the 3rd combat formation has only more than 30 warships after all, and now seems to have lost No small, almost impossible in the face of more than 100 ghost battleships. In addition, she has a great worry. Once the ghost fleet that besieged Tang Yuanqing defeated the third combat formation, the next target must be the home team of the minesweeper fleet. Arrived in the space area of ​​the current home fleet.

After a short silence, Qi Yanyan immediately issued a series of combat orders: “All warships are ready to meet the flanking ghost fleet, MDefensive Array type, all defensive warship outer guards, ready to fight back at any time. The fleet third round Mecha and the fighters are immediately ready to fight To assist in fighting against Mecha groups against enemy fighters. The third combat formation was ordered, and the main to fleet was ambushed and could not escape, hoping they would try their best to break through … “

Soon, Qi Yanyan’s order quickly passed on.

The minesweeper fleet also responded quickly. The entire fleet immediately adjusted its direction and quickly changed the fleet formation. It welcomed more than 70 ghost warships flanking from the flanks. At the same time, many fighters on the fleet were fast with Mecha. Take-off, also formed a team formation to support the past second round Mecha and fighter group.

The first battle to occur is not a battleship, but the fighters and Mecha groups of both sides.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The fighters of the two sides met Mecha and there was a fierce and violent battle. The space area of ​​the battle exploded almost instantly.

The fighters and Mecha of the Ghost Fleet obviously occupy a lot of advantages in number, and the 2 wing outstrikes against the Mecha and fighters of the second round of the minesweeper fleet launched a violent attack almost instantly.

Faced with the powerful ghost fleet fighters and Mecha, the crew of the minesweeper fleet did not have the slightest stage of fright, and they drove their fighters and Mecha toward the enemy, and they knew that this time was a desperate moment of concern. Fear and escape will only make them die faster and worse, and only hope can be finally born with a hard blow.

The explosion in the battle area lay in an uproar, and a Mecha and a fighter jet turned into debris and dust in space in a violent explosion.

For a time, a large number of Mecha and fighter planes died.

Soon, Mecha and the battleship from the third round of the minesweeper fleet joined the slightly chaotic fight between the two sides.

At the same time, the battleship queues for minesweeper and ghost warships have also begun to fight. Light beams, missiles and other attacks roared from the battleships on both sides like tigers, and shot at the other battleship array.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

The violent explosion sounded like a hackle-like crackle, and with the intensive attack, many of the battleship shields of the warships were directly shattered, and the warships without the shields could only resist the howling wind and torrential. rain-like attack.

In a blink of an eye, sporadic battleships in both teams’ arrays exploded violently and then became fragmented, but the ghost fleet was significantly heavier in terms of the specific losses of both sides.

After a violent exchange of fire, the Ghost Fleet lost a dozen warships, while minesweeper lost only three warships. However, several other warships were hit hard and basically lost the ability to continue fighting.

In the command and control cabin of a medium-sized battleship of the ghost fleet, sitting on the main command seat is a middle-aged officer with a beard face. At this time, his face is slightly dark, and I wanted to borrow the ghost fleet ’s The quantity and attack advantages have given the other party a heavy blow, but they did not want the reaction of the opposing fleet to be much faster than he expected. A round of surprise attack not only failed to achieve the expected goal, but also suffered a round of blows by the own fleet, almost 20% of them. The battleship was destroyed in a brief confrontation, which was a compromise. The loss of the enemy battleship was much lower than he expected. The heavy defense launched by its outer defensive warship almost resisted most of the attacks of the ghost fleet. There are only a few trifling enemy warships.

“Pass my order and the fleet will retreat for the time being.”

beard The middle-aged officer saw that the situation was far from good, but quickly issued a retreat order. He knew that if he continued to fight hard, it would definitely be the ghost fleet that suffered, and he could n’t help but feel annoyed. Too.

After a few minutes of fighting, the Ghost Fleet quickly adjusted its formation and withdrew backwards in response to the Minesweeper Fleet’s attack.

In the flagship command module of the minesweeper fleet, Qi Yanyan saw that the ghost fleet had become a retreat, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes, and then she commanded without the slightest hesitation: “The Defensive Array type of the whole ship is a double eagle The attack formation, centered on the large fighters No. 2 and No. 35, respectively, fully attacked. In addition, the frigates No. 41, No. 57, and No. 7 assisted the No. 68 and No. 1 anti-aircraft warships to quickly support Mecha and the fighter group … “

A series of decisive commands fully demonstrated Qi Yanyan’s thunder and thunder.

Soon, the minesweeper fleet changed into a double eagle attack formation, and the core of the double eagle was 2 large battleships, rushing towards the retreating ghost fleet.


The battleships in the minesweeper fleet had almost no pause, and round after round of attacks exploded towards the ghost fleet.

After a while, several warships that fell in the tail section of the ghost fleet disintegrated into space after the explosive fragments of the massive explosion.

It took the minesweeper fleet just over ten minutes to fully occupy the initiative of the battle, while the ghost warship was like a chased mouse rushing backwards.

At the same time, the third battle formation led by Tang Yuanqing on the other side was miserable. Facing the ghost fleet, the third battle formation was surrounded by enemies. Tang Yuanqing, who learned that the home team’s fleet was also ambushed, immediately shattered his hopes. With 3 frustrations, he finally chose to break through and led the remaining battleship to the last side of the ghost fleet’s weakest side.

In the end, under Tang Yuanqing ’s decisive command, the 3rd Combat Fleet experienced an extremely tragic and deadly battle and finally broke through the encircling circle of the Ghost Fleet. However, only 3 warships remained, except for the No. 3 main ship. There are also two defensive medium-sized warships, while the rest of the warships are all engulfed by ghost torrents. Although the other three warships have highlighted the encirclement, the warship itself has suffered various degrees of damage, and more than 2 ghost warships in the back are still hotly pursued, it seems that they want to wipe out the third battle formation.

In the face of the desperate pursuit of the ghost fleet, in addition to the bitterness and frustration on the face of Tang Yuanqing, the highest commander in the No. 3 main ship, there was a sadness that was hard to conceal. As the supreme commander of the 3rd squadron, he still put a lot of effort into the battle formation under his opponent. The soldiers in the fleet are his soldiers, and it was destroyed in just a few minutes. Mostly. In the previous fleet sweeping mission, he can definitely be considered a person with full confidence, but at this moment, his confidence has disappeared, and all kinds of complex moods have gathered in the arms, with self-deprecation, anger, and sadness …

Tang Yuanqing, who was intertwined with many emotions, was still awake, and continued to quickly issue one after another command, leading the remaining three warships to sail toward the endless dark space.

Soon after, one of the remaining three warships exploded into countless fragments during the bombing of Mecha and fighter jets of the ghost fleet.

In the command cabin of a medium-sized warship in the ghost fleet, the prisoner looked at the 2 battleships fleeing hard in the light screen. The mouth was a lightly playful smile, as if watching a cat-and-mouse. Interesting game.

“Reporter, the rescue request came from the 2nd Fleet. The fleet suffered heavy losses. Almost half of the warships have been destroyed by the Imperial Fleet. The remaining warships are in the process of being pursued and are in jeopardy.”

Suddenly, a communications liaison reported with some eagerness.

He was watching the torture of this in the light screen excitedly, frowning slightly frowned, coldly snorted, and angrily said: “Waste, how long will it take to support it.”

The eyes of Zuo Ning ’s eyes flashed slightly, faint smiled and said, “Major General, it seems that Colonel Fang Jin has some quick success, otherwise the 2 ghost ships of the 77nd Fleet just dragging the enemy fleet should be a piece of cake. , And is now being chased by the enemy, most likely he tried to gain an advantage only to end up worse off by destroying the enemy fleet directly with the 2nd Fleet. Although the number of battleships of the Imperial Fleet is not as good as the 2nd Fleet, but It not only has 2 large battleships in town, but also multiple battleships with multiple combat modes. As long as the second fleet does not defeat the opponent in a round, then the subsequent battles can be imagined. “

The punisher naturally understood what Zuo Ning said, but it was too late to say anything at this time. I saw him coldly snorted and said: “The 2nd Fleet is ordered to enter, even if the last ship in the battle has to drag me to the enemy fleet. Otherwise, even if he returns to the base alive, I will still collapse his head. “

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