My Mech Queen

Chapter 291

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In the medical room of the No. 3 battleship, Fang Shi stayed for a full day before leaving. He had already finished the potion for half a day, but he couldn’t stand the coax and pester of Chen Shuya and Zhou Rong and the others, and finally stayed for more time.

The time lying in the hospital bed was really boring. Chen Shuya and Zhou Rong and the others had been sent back by him for mechanical repair work. He didn’t want to delay the work of the entire mechanical repair team because of a slight skin injury. However, during this seemingly boring time, he was actively considering the problem of the machine repair team. At present, the second machine repair team is almost completely paralyzed, the team leader Xu Star Sea died, and more than a dozen team members died unfortunately, leaving Only 2 mechanics who surrendered and were under control and 5 mechanics such as Liu Yang who were banned for fighting and fighting were afraid that these ten people would never return to the mechanics position.

Among them, Liu Yang may have been handed over to some of the Mechas because of the fact that he might be handed over to the military court for trial. As a result of him, even if he did not die, he might have to be put in prison for some years.

As for the other four mechanics together with Liu Yang, they need to see if they assist or know that Liu Yang has tampered with Mecha. Only by confirming that they have nothing to do with Liu Yang ’s tampering with Mecha incident, it is possible to return to the mechanic position. For a period of time, it is temporarily impossible to return to the machine repair team.

In addition, regarding the five mechanics who survived the surrender of the riot, although they were forcibly controlled by Xu Star Sea, they still need some time to conduct a specific investigation, and even if the investigation is clear, I am afraid that they will have to accept some punishment. After all, they did participate in the specific behavior of the riots, so they were unable to return to the machine repair team for a while.

In this way, the second machine repair team is just an empty shell.

As the chief of the fleet’s mechanics, Fang Shi naturally had to consider how the second mechanics team was arranged after the incident. Is it a reorganization? Or delist directly?

After the riots, Fang Shi immediately made some urgent arrangements. Chen Shuya and Zhou Rong and ten other mechanics of the Thirteenth Group continued to stay on the No. 3 battleship. At the same time, a dozen people were drawn from other groups to form a temporary The machine repair team, led by Chen Shuya acting as the temporary team leader, takes over all the work of the original machine repair team 3. This is the fastest way to ensure the normal work of the machine repair team.

After Fang Shi left the infirmary, he returned to the No. 2 battleship and continued to receive the mechanic repair work of the tenth and third teams. Without the ten crew members such as Chen Shuya and Zhou Rong, the mechanic repair tasks of the thirteenth and third teams were still relatively urgent. Fortunately, everything is still within range.

Battles of the minesweeper fleet are still frequent, with battles occurring almost every two days.

On the 5th day after the riot, Fang Shi held a plenary meeting of the machine repair team. On the one hand, it explained the riot incident of the second machine repair team in detail, and on the other hand, it was about the reorganization of the second machine repair team.

After the riot incident of the second repair team, it was posted on the major battleships of the fleet, which also had a large impact on the repair team. Fang Shi simply explained the matter in detail to eliminate some adverse effects. .

Everyone was surprised to learn that Xu Star Sea turned out to be a spy of the Galaxy Alliance, and also learned that Xu Star Sea actually used a remote-controlled bomb to control the mechanics of the second mechanic repair team. The mechanics from the army performed even more violently, and the mechanics from the Academy who used the flag of Xu Star Sea were angry and also a little ashamed. Shame on it.

The members of the machine repair team almost pointed the spear at Xu Star Sea and the Galaxy Alliance. Some of them secretly abused and some were indignant …

Fang Shi actually adjusted the emotions of the people in a timely manner. The reason why the riot incident was explained in detail is to make the members of the machine repair team understand that their biggest contradiction is not an internal contradiction, but an external one. It is the Empire and the Alliance. Contradiction, it is the most important thing for all members of the machine repair team to work hard together.

The first half of the meeting was spent in a slightly excited atmosphere, and the second half was about the reorganization of the second repair team.

Regarding the second machine repair group, Fang Shi has discussed with each machine repair group patriarch of the machine repair group, and unanimously approved a specific reorganization plan. The original 2th group Vice Group Leader Chen Shuya will serve as the new group 3 group leader. The tenth and third groups will allocate another 2 members to Chen Shuya, while the other eleven groups will select one or two people from each group of Chen Shuya to join her second machine repair team, of course, the premise is that the members other than the group leader and deputy patriarch And, the wishes of the selected team members must be obtained. If the staff is not satisfied, each team will be assigned by patriarch.

Regarding the reorganization of the second mechanic repair group, the mechanic repair group did not show any surprise. Fang Shi first briefly introduced the new second machine repair team and Chen Shuya, as well as the selection rules for the new team members, and then Chen Shuya took the stage to give a speech in person, and finally began the new group of second machine repair team personnel selection.

The team leader assignment is just Fang Shi’s backup plan, and the selection of the second machine repair team for this meeting was not necessary to activate the backup plan, because the people selected by Chen Shuya are willing to join the second machine repair team, which is to let Fang Shi I was quite surprised. I did n’t know whether he or you were good in the ideological work of each team leader, or Chen Shuya was too attractive, but this result is what he would like to see.

Before the meeting, Fang Shi gave Chen Shuya the basic information related to the members of the mechanic group, and she selected them according to his own wishes.

The new group 2 team member was quickly identified, but what made Fang Shi and the heads of the various mechanic repair groups quite helpless was that Chen Shuya’s selection criteria were somewhat simple—all female mechanics. The ten seven female mechanics of the entire mechanics group, except for one other sixty six female mechanics who served as Vice Group Leaders, were all included in the second mechanics group. The two female members of the tenth and third mechanics groups were named by Chen Shuya before The surname is over.

Looking at the members of the second mechanic group after the reorganization, the male mechanics in the venue couldn’t help but be a little surprised. The second mechanic group after the reorganization simply called the women’s mechanic group. At the same time, I was greatly envious of the three mechanics in the second mechanic group. Male mechanics, they can be said to have fallen into 2 flowers.

The new group 2 took over most of the work of the original machine repair group 2, and a small part of the machine repair work was assigned to other machine repair groups by Fang Shi. Of course, he did not look down on female mechanics such as Chen Shuya, but the original There may be more than 2 people in the 20nd maintenance team, and now there are only 9 or 1 people. If the same task is not enough, it may affect the entire maintenance team, so reasonable adjustments are still necessary.

The plenary meeting of the machine repair team was not long, about 2 hours from start to finish, and then everyone split up.

Chen Shuya walked beside Fang Shi with some proud brisk steps. Today she is in a good mood, not only because she officially became the leader of the 2nd mechanics team, but also her women ’s mechanics team plan was basically successful. There are a total of 7 female mechanics in the mechanics group, and now there are 6 people who have already taken out her second mechanics group. He did not disclose the idea of ​​this person to anyone. If at first, just say it I am afraid that the female mechanics of valiant and formidable looking are hidden by those group leaders.

Fang Shi glanced at the quite proud Chen Shuya next to him. His face was a little helpless. At the meeting, he saw that many team leaders were black. Obviously, this candidate Chen Shuya was completely unprepared. Many teams Chen Shuya’s only flower was so naked that she was leaving.

“Did you think about it early in the morning and want them?”

Fang Shi sighed a little bit bitterly in his words. I don’t know if the leader of each team would scold him secretly.

Chen Shuya showed some crafty smiles slightly. She knew that Fang Shi said they were female mechanics. Except for the female mechanic named Vice Group Leader, all other female mechanics had already joined the second mechanics group. The fool probably sees her intention too.

Faced with some bitter answers from Fang Shi, Chen Shuya somewhat proudly replied: “Well, it’s really good early in the morning, don’t you think it’s interesting to set up a women’s mechanic group?”

“Interesting ?!” Fang Shi hooked the head helplessly and said, “It may be interesting to you, but it is miserable to me. Female pilots are the darlings of various mechanic repair teams. You put them all into the second place in this way. Team, those team leaders probably thought that I had colluded with you. I am afraid that I will complain about me. How can I get along with them in the future? “

Chen Shuya disagreed, saying, “You are the chief, are you afraid of complaining in your heart? Isn’t it just choosing an individual? Besides, they all agreed before, but now they can’t regret it, and after the riots, I think they all treat you more It ’s a lot of respect, and today ’s thing is at most just muttering that’s all. ”

Fang Shi showed some helplessness. Indeed, as Chen Shuya said, the members of the past few days of the mechanic repair team seemed to have a lot of identification with him as the chief of the mechanic repair, looked towards his eyes. , “Oh, you put them all in the second mechanic repair group, do you really want to form a women mechanic repair group?”

Chen Shuya was slightly nodded and replied: “It does have this idea. I want your men to know that our women can be not to be trifled with. Female mechanics can also shine dazzlingly. 2 The mechanic repair team supervises and supervises, and by the way, imparts more knowledge about mechanic repair, maybe you will get some unexpected benefits. “


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