My Mech Queen

Chapter 279

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While Fang Shi was dealing with events related to Battleship 3, the Minesweeper Fleet once again experienced a small-scale encounter, consisting of a fleet of 5 ghost warships.

The minesweeper fleet almost destroyed the five ghost warships on the opposite side with a quick thunder, and the fleet only lost some fighters and Mecha, which was a small victory in a complete sense.

However, the busiest after each battle is probably the mechanics of fighters and Mecha. As the chief of the mechanics of the Mecha group, Fang Shi was naturally impossible. After a brief conversation with Liu Yang, he hurriedly returned to the mechanics library of the No. 2 battleship. During this small battle, the tenth and third mechanics team was in charge Two of Mecha’s have some damage and need urgent repair.

Chen Shuya and nine other members of the tenth and third mechanic repair teams have been sent to battleship 9 by Fang Shi to carry out a comprehensive inspection mission for Mecha. Now the tenth and third teams only have 3 members, which is relatively compact. However, dealing with two damaged Mechas is not a big problem.

Fang Shi immediately assigned maintenance and inspection tasks. He and three mechanics were in charge of one of the relatively damaged Mecha, and the other five team members were responsible for the emergency repair of the other Mecha. The remaining members were responsible for Mecha ’s Detection.

After a busy meal that lasted for nearly 5 hours, Fang Shi only slightly slowed down, but he not at all leisurely, first asked about the situation of the other group in the machine repair team. Seeing that there was nothing, he was slightly relieved. As for Fang Shi ’s suggestion, all the Mechas in charge of the second mechanic repair team that had been involved in the accident did not participate in the war, and naturally there was no loss.

After learning about the situation of the various groups in the mechanic repair group, Fang Shi returned to the office of the mechanic repair library, took out all the mechanic repair reports these days, and listed them in order according to the group, and then began to look carefully.

Fang Shi always felt that there was something wrong with the sudden situation in the second group, but he didn’t know that there was a problem for a while, to see if he could find some clues through the repair reports of the various groups.

Fang Shi carefully read all the repair reports from the second repair team.

“It doesn’t seem to be a problem, but the performance of Liu Yang’s people in the past few days has been slightly prominent, and the others seem quite normal.”

Fang Shi gently frowned. From a dozen machine repair reports, he not at all noticed any problems, and slowly put down the machine repair report of the second group. He murmured it in his mouth.

Soon, Fang Shi picked up the mechanical repair reports of other groups and began to read them carefully. The data of these reports may seem very boring to others, but for those who have been working in Snowflake Company for 5 years Fang Shi is nothing. In the No. 2 R & D laboratory, he deals with a large number of repeated data almost every day. The data in the small mechanical repair report in front of him is pediatric.

Time passed quickly by minute and second.

An hour later, Fang Shi’s eyes were suddenly fixed, his face suddenly a little more excited.

“Is the problem here?”

Fang Shi thought a little, and then quickly turned over the machine repair reports he had seen before, but this time he only stayed for a few seconds on each machine repair report, and his eyes remained almost at the same place in the machine repair report.

In a few minutes, Fang Shi read all the previous mechanic repair reports, and his face gradually dignified.

“This second mechanic repair team really has problems. I don’t know if the same situation occurred during the first round.”

Through an unexpected data not long ago, Fang Shi finally found the point of a problem, a problem that may be easily overlooked. Mecha, who was in charge of the second mechanic repair team, was destroyed and damaged in more than ten battles than others. The team has to be more and more, and it has been significantly more serious in recent battles. In addition to the most recent ones, in the previous multiple battles, the total amount of Mecha lost by the second group is about 2 points and 2 or more than the other groups. If it is inferred according to this, the second repair team is likely to be at There was a problem with the first. It is likely that someone has started to act on the responsible Mecha, so it caused the loss of Mecha to be high among all the teams.

Of course, the idea in Fang Shi ’s mind at this time is just a guess, not an affirmable result of 10000 points, and he cannot rely on these mechanic repair reports in his hand to prove anything powerfully. He must get the second mechanic repair team in Minesweeper fleet first round of relevant information in the sweep to see if there is a similar situation. If it does, it means that Group 2 is likely to have problems from the moment it joined the minesweeper fleet. It is very likely that someone from the very beginning started to deliberately or unintentionally deal with Mecha, but he did a very concealed job. Most battle losses are one or two more than those of Mecha, which is in charge of other teams, and it is difficult to attract the attention of others. However, with the accumulation of battles one after another, the data in the total amount can still explain the problem, and one and a half more battle losses at a time, but the accumulation of dozens or dozens of times, I am afraid that can explain certain problems. Too.

Fang Shi took a deep breath, and re-confirmed all the machine repair reports, and carried out detailed data records, and finally came to an accurate and accurate result. The 2nd machine repair team was responsible for Mecha in ten and six battles. The number of Mecha lost in the mid-battle battle was 6% higher than that of the second group 2, of which the number of battle losses in the last 20 battles was 8% higher than that of the second group 5, almost reaching nearly half of Mecha The number of battle losses.

“Does Liu Yang really have such capability?”

Judging from the various conversations with Liu Yang today, Fang Shi has had several points of certainty that this Liu Yang should have a certain relationship with the abnormal Mecha, but according to the speculative conclusion he should get from the machine repair report now He had some doubts and suspicions. He had an intuitive feeling that things seemed not at all superficially simple. What should the second mechanic group hide?

“Xu Star Sea?”

A character quickly flashed in Fang Shi’s mind, the Patriarch of the 2nd machine repair team-Xu Star Sea, a low-key and deep person.

“It seems that I must first have the relevant details of the 2nd maintenance team in the first round of minesweeping fleet, and how can I get these information?”

Fang Shi held his chin in one hand, revealing a state of thought.

After more than ten minutes, Fang Shi looked calm and muttered: “I don’t know if Rosen has this authority, but I can try it.”

Soon, Fang Shi took out the communication equipment and quickly pressed a string of numbers, which was the contact number that Rosen had left him.

The end of the communication device was connected, Fang Shi opened the mouth and said: “My Excellency Staff Officer, I am Fang Shi, the head of the mechanics team. I want to talk to you about something. I don’t know if I have time.”

“Oh, it turned out to be Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi, no problem, there is time.” Rosen’s voice came from the other end of the communication device.

2 people simply agreed on the time and place, then hung up.

Fang Shi sorted out the contents of the office a little, and hurriedly walked out of the office in the repair garage, and then took the aircraft to leave the No. 2 battleship and arrived at the No. 1 battleship.

In the end, Fang Shi met Lieutenant Colonel Rosen in a restaurant on Battleship 9-Layer.

Rosen had been sitting in the restaurant for a long time, seeing Fang Shi come in and beckoned slightly. When Fang Shi arrived at the table, he said politely, “Colonel Fang, please sit down.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded and sat down opposite Rosen.

Rosen continued: “Have you eaten? Would you like some?”

Fang Shi not at all refused, at this time he was indeed a bit hungry.

After a brief greeting, Staff Officer Rosen went straight to the topic and asked with a little curiosity: “Lieutenant Colonel Fang, I don’t know what is so urgent about me?”

Fang Shi light take a deep breath, but also avoid anything. After all, the other party is the staff officer of the fleet. About the battleship 3 should have heard about it, so he blunt said: “I want to find you to help you, I I want to see the relevant information of the mechanical repair team of the minesweeper fleet in the first round of sweeping, especially the information of Mecha related to the various repair teams. “

Rosen hearing this, stunned for a moment, and then asked with some doubt: “Excuse me to ask the last sentence, do you need any of this information? The fleet of these information is indeed archived, but if you want to retrieve it, you still need to apply for it. “

Fang Shi gently nodded and said, “Staff of Staff, you should have heard about the manipulation of the No. 3 battleship Mecha?”

There was no surprise in Rosen’s face. In fact, he had some conjecture before meeting. The things Fang Shi said were within his expectations, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. The things Fang Shi requested seemed to be related to this. It doesn’t seem to matter.

“I did hear about this a while ago, and I didn’t expect a simple fight to provoke such a troublesome thing, but is your request related to this matter?” Rosen said quickly. .

Fang Shi had expected that he took out a piece of data and handed it to Rosen, and said slowly: “This is a slightly abnormal data that I accidentally discovered not long ago, you can look at it.”

“en? !”

Rosen ’s eyes flashed slightly, revealing a little surprise, and he took what Fang Shi handed over, and then looked at it seriously, and with the flash of time after second, his face gradually became more dignified. , And become more and more dignified.

One minute later, Rosen put down the information in his hand, and said solemnly after taking a deep breath: “Lieutenant Colonel, then there is nothing wrong with this data result.”

Fang Shi shook the head, said: “I am based on the statistical results of the repair reports of the various groups, and the data should be no problem.”

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