My Mech Queen

Chapter 258

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(Thanks to the monthly ticket of a little bird classmate in the south!)

In the casino, the atmosphere seems to be more and more active, and more gamblers have entered one after another. Of course, some people have left, but there are many people who leave.

Fang Shi stood quietly behind Qi Yanyan, but his heart was not as calm as the surface. He was a little excited and unbelievable. It only took about 2 hours to enter the casino. Qi Yanyan’s chips in front of him reached more than 2200 10000, which really made him feel a little shocked. In just 2 hours, there were more than 1300 10000. He thought that it would take 20-30 years to accumulate such wealth based on his current salary at Snowflake Company, even if he did n’t eat or drink. Qi Yanyan spent only 2 hours. He has some doubts about the consciousness formed in his mind in the past. Gambling seems not only to make some people go bankrupt, but also seems to allow some people to quickly accumulate wealth.

Qi Yanyan still has no intention of closing her hand. At this time, she is playing a card game called Blackjack. The goal of the player is to make the sum of the cards in her hand no more than Blackjack and be as large as possible. Of course It also has a series of related rules.

Fang Shi watched quietly, watching a few games plus the relevant rules that Qi Yanyan had told him before, but he basically understood the 21-point gameplay. He had to say that Qi Yanyan behaved extremely calmly during the gambling process and should give up At that time, she basically chose to give up without the slightest hesitation, and there will be no hesitation when it comes to betting. Although she has lost and won throughout the process, on the whole, the chips in front of her are always in constant rising trend. At this time, Fang Shi had already judged that Qi Yanyan was completely a professional gambler, and was still a very gambler.

With the increasing number of chips in front of Qi Yanyan, more and more people in the casino began to pay attention to her. There were a lot of inside and outside around her 21:6 1-person gambling table, and many of them were sent out. The sound of discussion.

“Wow, it’s awesome. I think she has more than 2000 chips in front of her.”

“Well, I took a closer look just now. There are more than 2200 and 10000. It seems to be an expert. Since she entered the casino, I began to pay attention to it. It is only 2 hours now. The average person will win unless he is lucky. So much. “

“Tsk tsk, this woman is not only a superb gambler, but also a great beauty. If you marry home and become a wife, you will make a profit.”


The onlookers all murmured secretly, but did not make much noise.

The game at the poker table continues.

With the game after game, time rushed by one minute and one second.

Half an hour later, Qi Yanyan’s front stack had reached more than 2800 and 10000.

The crowd onlookers couldn’t help but sigh. In just half an hour, there were 6,000,000 more chips, which is really incredible. Looked towards Qi Yanyan’s eyes also have a lot of strange colors, there are greedy, envious, There are worship …

Fang Shi was a little amazed in his heart. He got nearly 2 stars in two and a half hours. He felt a little crazy. If he did n’t see it with his own eyes, he could not believe it. The money was so profitable. Some of them wanted to worship Qi Yanyan as a teacher, but he soon dismissed his thoughts. Although Qi Yanyan’s crazy winning of chips brought him a lot of visual impact, but his deep in one’s heart was ultimately repulsive to gambling.

“Okay, keep playing.”

Qi Yanyan smiled charmingly, got up and collected the chips, and lightly said.

The onlookers showed some disappointment, but they wanted to watch it for a while.

As Qi Yanyan left the table, the talents around him gradually dispersed, but the afterglow of many people’s eyes was still on her.

Qi Yanyan, who had left the crowd, glanced at side Fang Shi and faint smiled and said, “How is it? Are you interested in playing one or two, I can teach you.”

Fang Shi shook the head, definitely replied: “Not interested.”

Qi Yanyan spread his hands and said, “Okay. I think about what to play next.”

Fang Shi face revealed a trace of helplessness. Since entering the casino, he has some knowledge of Qi Yanyan’s habits. She will play each gambling game for at most half an hour.

It was at this time that an old man on crutches walked slowly to Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan, and said with a smile on his face: “Oh, I can’t see the Lord Nightingale here. The old man is really the blessing of three lifetimes. “

The old man is about 70 years old. His temple hair is gray. The hair in the middle is black and white. The wrinkles on his face are like one after another deep gully, but his eyes are still clear. There is an elder style, and behind him are two men wearing sunglasses, who seem to be the bodyguards of the elderly.

Hearing the old man’s words, Fang Shi was slightly surprised. Did the nightingale in the old population refer to Qi Yanyan?

Indeed, Nightingale is Qi Yanyan’s famous title in the military casino.

Qi Yanyan glanced at the old man, lightly said with a smile: “Old Guy, your vision is pretty good.”

Hearing the words of Old Guy, the old man did not have any slight color, but instead said with a smile: “Oh, the old man has not yet reached the other party of dim-sighted from old age, the renowned nightingale lord can still recognize it, play tonight DEK is still happy? “

Qi Yanyan replied: “Okay. Old Guy, did you come to see the casino?”

The old man was lightly nodded and said, “It is the old man. By the way, Lord Nightingale, I do not know if you are interested in playing in the special room. There will be a rich man tonight.”

Qi Yanyan hearing this, the pupil light flashed slightly in his eyes, showing some interest.

The old man secretly observed Qi Yanyan, and his heart was slightly rejoicing. Apparently the other party was already interested in his proposal. “There may be a mountain wolf who is the same as yours.”

Qi Yanyan Xiu Mei raised her head slightly and said, “Oh, I didn’t expect him to be here. It seems that I haven’t seen him for more than a year. Since I have such an opportunity, I want to meet him.”

The smile between the old man’s eyebrows seemed to be thicker in an instant, “Oh, then please come the old man.”

Fang Shi stood aside and listened quietly without interfering.

Qi Yanyan whispered sideways, “Come on.”

The old man was very observant, and at first thought Qi Yanyan side Fang Shi was just a bodyguard. From Qi Yanyan’s tone, he immediately realized that he seemed to be guessing and quickly said: “Your Excellency Nightingale, is this?”

Qi Yanyan said quite casually: “My younger brother.”

The old man looked towards Fang Shi, said with a laugh: “It turns out that Lord Nightingale also has a younger brother.

Fang Shi was nodded to the old man, but he didn’t say much.

Subsequently, Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan followed the old man to an automatic door in the corner of the casino lobby. On the 2 sides of the automatic door stood a man wearing a black suit, and the two looked very serious.

The old man walked into the automatic door, and Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan followed.

Behind the automatic door is a corridor. The corridor is very elegantly decorated. Every few meters, a picture with artistic characteristics will be hung.

Fang Shi didn’t quite understand what a casino did so elegantly.

The corridor is about 20-30 meters, with a turn in the middle.

The old man stopped at the door of one of the rooms in the corridor and knocked lightly on the door.

Soon, the door was opened.

The old man took Qi Yanyan and Fang Shi into the room.

The room is quite luxurious. It is divided into two parts: the inside and the outside. The outside is a person standing like a bodyguard. The inside is a large gambling table, of which 2 places are already occupied.

The old man advanced to ask Wei Yan a little, and then motioned Qi Yanyan and Fang Shi to go in.

“Oh, a few, this is the lady who has the casino nightingale, and beside her this is the younger brother of the nightingale.”

The old man introduced with a spring breeze.

“younger brother?”

Under the tone barely fell of the old man, there seemed to be a voice of doubt.

Questioning is a young man, whose slender white cheeks are like a woman, his eyes are staring at Fang Shi.

Fang Shi also looked at the young man. It was a familiar face and a memorable face. The man was named Gao Zixuan. In his eyes, the other party was a very handsome pampered young master. People watching. When he first entered the casino, he also compared Qi Yanyan with Gao Zixuan. It was a coincidence that he saw each other in this special private room.

However, in Fang Shi’s eyes, he and Gao Zixuan were limited to knowing each other, not friends.

Gao Zixuan was really surprised when he saw Fang Shi. His influence on Fang Shi was quite profound. If the fleet in charge of the space test was not the other party, I am afraid he could no longer sit in the special room of this casino. He checked the details of Fang Shi, and still has a certain understanding of Fang Shi. This is also unexpected. Fang Shi does not seem to have an elder sister. Why is there an extra elder sister now suddenly? However, the voice he questioned was very quiet, and the other few people did not seem to pay much attention, and his voice was interrupted by another very excited voice just after exiting.

A slightly fat man in the room screamed with excitement with a smile, “Yingying Young Lady, long time no see.”

Qi Yanyan faintly smiled, reproduced: “Mr. Mountain Wolf, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

The chubby man is the mountain wolf of the old population not long ago. Mountain wolf is actually just his nickname in the casino like Nightingale, and like Qi Yanyan, he has a good reputation in the casinos of various military regions.

As for the other two people sitting on the gaming table, one is a middle-aged man in his 2s and has a slightly burly figure; the other is a young man about 40 years old. Since Fang Shi 20 came in, his eyes will be It was placed on Qi Yanyan unscrupulously, and there was a trace of obscenity in his eyes.

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