My Mech Queen

Chapter 249

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Ten days of preparation time is still sufficient for Fang Shi, enough to arrange things for him, and he still devoted himself to the work time. Life seems to continue to run along the normal trajectory.

Fang Shi used his spare time to apply for a gold card for Anxu. He actually stored 90% of his savings in that gold card. After all, he went to the Eastern Region where the Empire was in flames this time. It must be prepared early in case of 10000.

Fang Shi has already made arrangements for Saturday and Sunday. He plans to take a trip with him. During these 2 years, he rarely took his younger sister Anxu to travel. This time it is to make up for it. The 2-day travel time is slightly anxious. The place Fang Shi chose is a famous mountain city on the S3 Nanzhou Star, not far from Snow City. It only takes more than 2 hours by plane.

The mountain city is very beautiful, and Fang Shi experienced the beauty of natural scenery.

The two-day travel time passed by. When Fang Shi and Anxu returned to Snow City, one continued to work and the other continued to study at school, and the days of leaving were getting closer and closer.

Sunset at dusk.

Fang Shi once again walked out of the No. 2 R & D laboratory of the No. 2 Research Institute. Looking at the Western Sun, he could not help feeling a little bit of emotion. Tomorrow he would leave Snowflake Company and leave the No. 5 R & D laboratory that accompanied him for 2 years. His life has reversed here, and tomorrow he will have to leave again. I don’t know how long it will take this time, maybe it will be long.

Standing at the door of the R & D laboratory No. 2, Fang Shi froze for a while, and through the doors and windows of the experiment, he could also see the standing phantom Mecha in the hall on the first floor, and he was a little bit reluctant. He witnessed the phantom Mecha’s growth, and the phantom Mecha also witnessed his growth, he and it are like a pair of Old Friend, and today is a day of parting, I don’t know when it is next time to meet.

“Old Friend, goodbye.”

Fang Shi lightly waved his hand, then turned and strode away.

When returning home, Fang Shi found that Anxu was busy in the kitchen. He was a little surprised. He could not imagine that the little girl actually cooked in person. In the past, he always asked Anxu to spend his time and energy on studying as much as possible, so he rarely let her Cook.

As soon as he walked into the kitchen, Fang Shi was stopped by Ansu. “Big brother, I’ll make this meal today. You just go to the living room outside and wait.”

Fang Shi couldn’t help but show a little helplessness, but he didn’t do anything to stop it. Obviously today’s supper little girl has made full preparations, this is also the last supper before his departure, can taste the younger sister Ansu Dinner made in person is not bad.

“Okay, then I’ll wait outside. If it’s not good, I won’t eat it.”

Fang Shi laughed, jokingly said, there was a burst of satisfaction in my heart, the younger sister An Xu in unconsciously has grown up, this is a kind of happiness that he can experience.

Going to the living room, Fang Shi turned on the light-screen TV and jumped directly to the government’s official channel, which broadcasted the news related to the Eastern Region.

One of them is that today, three small-scale battles broke out on the front line of the Eastern Region, destroying a total of 3 warships invaded by the Alliance, while the Imperial Defense Force lost only 35 warships. Overall, it can be regarded as a small victory. It is barely an encouragement to the people.

There is also an important news about the hinterland of the Eastern Region. The content is that around 30 am, a small transport fleet of the Empire was unfortunately hit by the sneak attack of the Alliance Ghost Fleet. Of the 2 transport ships, 5 of them were unfortunately destroyed and 8 of them. Suffered different degrees of damage, and finally, under the arduous fighting of the escort fleet, 3 enemy ghost warships were eliminated, and the remaining ten or so ships escaped, and the escort fleet paid a small price for this. 4 warships were given the opportunity, and 1 warships were damaged to varying degrees.

In similar news, Fang Shi can see almost every 3 to 5 that he did not have any accidents. When he left Snowflake Company, he went to the East Region where there was constant war.

After half an hour, An Xu in the kitchen finally seemed to be finished.

Anxu put the elaborate dish one after another on the table, with a slight smile on his face, and in his mouth shouted with excitement: “big brother, dinner is ready.”

Fang Shi echoed, turned off the light-screen TV, washed his hands, and sat down at the dining table.

Dinner is very hearty, with a total of 5 courses, all of which Fang Shi likes to eat.

Anxu looked at Fang Shi slightly expectantly, and said, “big brother, try it, how does it taste?”

Fang Shi lightly nodded, put the closest dish to him into the mouth, lightly chewed, the taste is not bad, just slightly salty, he is still quite satisfied.

Anxu watched Fang Shi eating and asked a little nervously, “How is it?”

Fang Shi slightly laughed, repeated: “Not bad.”

Anxu immediately expressed some satisfaction, said with a laugh: “big brother, you will try other things.”

Fang Shi un’ed, one after another, I tasted a few dishes, although the taste is not particularly good, but he enjoyed it very much, because this is the dinner that the younger sister Anxu personally made, the unique and unmatched dinner on the world.

Fang Shi glanced at An Xu, who could not eat by the light, and was quite satisfied. He said, “How can you eat me just by looking at it? Otherwise, if the food is cold, it will not taste good.”

An Xu was nodded, looking at big brother Fang Shi’s contentment, she was also happy in her heart, thinking of her little brother and big brother’s bit by bit, and the encounter with the abandoned mine star, her heart could not help but rise up slightly, Thinking of the big brother leaving her tomorrow, I can’t help but feel more worried, and some crystal tears flashed in my eyes inadvertently.

Fang Shi was eating in a mouthful while Yu Guang looked at the slow and uncomfortable An Xu. Seeing that she was relaxed and happy just now, she suddenly became full of melancholy, even tears in her eyes, and he couldn’t help but give birth Pity, and put down the cutlery, reached out lightly pats his shoulders, said softly: “What’s wrong? Just now, how are you unhappy now.”

It ’s okay not to speak, but the words I care about just said out, but Anxu ’s nose is slightly sour, and he cried out subconsciously, and hugged Fang Shi ’s arm, sobbing softly, “big brother, I do n’t want to Let you go. “

Fang Shi only felt a little sour in his heart. He was also helpless when he went to the Eastern Region. Why did he not want to continue to live a quiet life in Snow City, and watched the younger sister grow up day by day, what a wonderful thing, But now the situation is forced, he must make a choice.

Fang Shi lightly stroked Fu Anxu’s head with a little helplessness. After Anxu stabilized a little, he said, “Anxu, you are a 16-year-old girl now, but not a little girl. Cry again, otherwise big brother will feel bad too. “

Anxu calmed down a little bit of emotions. This cry was to vent the repressed emotions in these days. Now she is a lot more comfortable. After hearing the words of big brother Fang Shi, she quickly wiped away her tears, slightly nodded, reproduced: ”En.”

Fang Shi looked at An Xu ’s state and sighed slightly in relief. He said as easily as possible: “Hurry up and eat. After eating, pack your things well. I ’ll take you to Zhiqiu elder sister. I You will live there with peace of mind when you leave. “

Anxu picked up the tableware and began to eat it. She ate the dishes she made. Her heart was slightly complicated. The taste of these dishes was really not very good. It was much worse than what big brother usually did, but looked at big Brother satisfactorily eats a picture, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

2 people ate slowly, which lasted for half an hour.

After the meal, Fang Shi and Anxu put away their luggage. In fact, Fang Shi had already prepared almost the same before, just need to tidy up a little 2 on it. As for Anxu, it was simpler and she could always Come back anywhere.

After tidying up the luggage, Fang Shi checked it at 4 places at home and was assured that it was correct.

At 8 p.m., Fang Shi left the house with Anxu and some simple luggage and went to the residence of Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu had already ordered Aunt to prepare the room for Ansu.

After arriving at Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu’s villa, Fang Shi accompanied Anxu in the room for nearly 2 hours and handed him the gold card he applied for, just saying that he had saved some money for the occasion Yes, I did n’t say much about the rest.

At around 1 o’clock in the evening, Fang Shi returned to his residence.

2nd day Fang Shi drove to the Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu villa early in the morning. After having a breakfast with Anxu, she sent her to school again.

In the car, Fang Shi asked a long word.

Ansu not at all any boredom, but like listening to songs, he knows that this is what the big brother cares about her, although many words have been said last night, basically equivalent to repetition, but she still listens quite seriously From time to time, nodded cleverly.

At the entrance of the school, Anxu reluctantly got off the train.

“Big brother, remember to come back early.”

Before getting off the bus, An Xu said very reluctantly.

Fang Shi nodded, smiled and waved his hands, said: “Well, you have to study hard.”

Standing at the gate of the school, Anxu looked at the departing car shadow. Until Fang Shi’s car disappeared, he turned around and walked towards the school.

After Fang Shi arrived at Snowflake Company, not at all went to R & D Lab 2, but went to Snowflake Company to inform a meeting place similar to the conference hall. There are quite a few people at the meeting place, and there are about 700-800 people coming in one after another. He inquired a little. The Mecha mechanics in the hall are actually just a small number of people. There are other mechanics in other aspects, such as fighter mechanics, naval gun mechanics, etc.

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