My Mech Queen

Chapter 228

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(Thanks for the reward of Red Wine MM!)

The phantom Mecha has a great power on one foot, and even a few hundred pounds of heavy objects may easily kick and fly, not to mention a human body of less than 100 pounds.

The female lieutenant collapsed in the pool of blood, her body was severely deformed under a huge impact, and apparently no longer alive.

Fang Shi, who was sitting in the control cabin of Mecha, looked at the scene in a blink of an eye, and there were some surprises on his face. The woman moved him, but he looked in the eyes, but what he did not understand was what she wanted to do? What’s the point of her move?

Fang Shi looked towards the woman’s body, eyes slightly narrowed, paused for a few seconds, and finally focused on a palm-size black object still half-held in the woman’s right hand.

“This is her purpose?”

Looking at the black object of palm-size, Fang Shi guessed in his heart that if it is not wrong, this thing should be in the hands of the middle-aged warship commander who was hit by shrapnel, and the woman is so hard to fight for this Something? Does it hide any secrets?

“Nana, check the black object in her hand.”

Fang Shi was a little curious, but still wanted to see what the black object was. It was actually worth the woman to let go in the front of one’s eyes of Phantom Mecha.

Nana’s tone was easily replied: “Okay, big brother.”

Phantom Mecha 3 2 steps to the woman’s body, bowed slightly, stretched out the thick mechanical arm, and used two mechanical fingers to cautiously pick up the black object.

Fang Shi got up and opened the door of the Mecha control cabin.

Phantom Mecha carefully delivered the black object to Fang Shi’s hands.

Fang Shi closed the cabin door and sat back on the pilot’s seat. He looked at the black object in his face seriously, guessing what it was.

The design of the black object is quite simple. There are 3 small red buttons on the top. Each button is marked with a number, and the number one 2 3 is marked from left to right.

After watching it carefully for a while, Fang Shi not at all clearly judged what the black object was in his hand, but in his experience he guessed that it should be something like a controller, and the three red buttons should control what, As for the specific control, he is not clear.

Fang Shi showed a thoughtful look, and muttered in his mouth, “What is it used for?” He knew that this black object should be a very important thing, otherwise how could it be controlled in that name? The battleship commander of the year, and then the woman grabbed it with dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety.

“Big brother, this little thing seems to be sending a weak signal to the outside.” Nana’s slightly curious voice came from the voice device.

“Send a signal?” Fang Shi’s expression froze slightly, and after a few silences, he asked tentatively: “Nana, do you know what this thing is?”

Nana replied: “I don’t know, but since it can transmit a weak signal to the outside, it should be installed with some automatic program system. Nana may be able to crack it, and you can analyze its specific utility.”

“Crack? How to crack?”

Fang Shi showed a little surprise, Nana can even crack this, but it is an independent object.

Nana lightly un’ed and continued: “Just connect it to Mecha’s network system and I can crack it.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Fang Shi immediately understood that before Nana could control the Black Panther C-Rank battleship through the connected network system, as long as the network was connected, Nana could enter freely.

Connecting the network system is not difficult for Fang Shi. It can be easily done with a single transmission connection.

Fang Shi completed the connection in only about one minute.

After connecting, Nana quickly replied: “The system defense of small things seems to be quite powerful. If it is completely cracked, it is estimated that it will take about 30% of the time.”

Fang Shi lightly nodded, but not in a hurry, 3 minutes is not very long, but not short.

“dong, dong, dong ……”

Suddenly, there was a rapid sound outside the command and control cabin.

When Fang Shi heard the sound, there was a little more vigilance on the face. Judging from the sound, it should be that a Mecha was quickly approaching the command and control cabin, and the rapid response should be the sound of walking from the opposite side of Mecha ’s foot. , Be careful, there may be an enemy. “

“Understood, big brother.”

Nana responded immediately, and the phantom Mecha under her control immediately moved, facing the direction from which the sound came, and at the same time, the Gaussian gun in the right manipulator was already opened.

Soon, an ash-gray silhouette appeared in Mecha’s field of vision.

“Third Senior Brother ?!”

Seeing ash-gray Mecha, Fang Shi was slightly surprised, it was an imperial Mecha, and it should be driven by Second Senior Brother Su Feichen.

Nana not at all fired, after all, she still clearly distinguished her.

It was Su Feichen who was driving the gray Mecha, and there was still a shock on his face.

When he and Ye Zhiqiu and the others just entered the battleship, more than 20 alliance Mecha also quickly followed, and there was a fierce battle with them. Although the opponent’s Mecha’s strength is average, their true strength is still discounted in battle in such a narrow space, and the opponent still has a quantitative advantage. It takes a lot of time to completely defeat the opponent.

During a fierce battle, 6 Mechas such as Su Feichen and Ye Zhiqiu actually defeated more than 1 Mechas, but the remaining dozen Mechas did not see a good situation. Although the battle is not as intense as before, it continues.

Ye Zhiqiu saw that she could not destroy the opponent in a short period of time, and immediately let Su Feichen previously support Fang Shi who had previously entered the battleship, and she and Yule continued to fight with the remaining enemy Mecha.

So, Su Feichen was alone and chasing along the path of Mirage Mecha, but the scenes he saw along the way really surprised him. He had seen many places in the tragic scene of corpses, including 5- There are 3 Mechas falling down at the Layer exit. Obviously, all this should be done by Little Junior Brother. To be honest, he thought that he knew enough about Little Junior Brother Fang Shi, but since the battle started inside the Black Panther C-Rank, he felt that he was quite strange to this Little Junior Brother. people.

Looking at the phantom Mecha in front, Su Feichen lightly happy, approached, and took a breath, shouting: “Little Junior Brother, are you okay?”

Fang Shi replied: “It’s okay.”

Su Feichen glanced at the rear of the phantom Mecha, his eyes flashed slightly, and said: “This is the battleship command and control cabin.”

Fang Shi un’ed.

Su Feichen controlled the gray Mecha into the command and control cabin and glanced at the already messy command and control cabin. 23 corpses were lying on the ground in a mess, and some people still maintained the state of fear before death, “Little Junior Brother, you really exceeded my expectations, even the command and control cabin was turned over. “

Fang Shi scratched his head helplessly. The reason why everything went so smoothly was actually attributable to the powerful Nana. Without Nana, he might have turned into dust in space, “Yes, Senior Brother, why are you alone? Senior Sister, what about them? “

Su Feichen replied: “Several of them were entangled by the enemy Mecha. We still destroyed the command and control cabin first, so that the battleship would be no threat, and we will go back and support them.”


Fang Shi immediately agreed, and then signaled Nana to further destroy the command and control module.

Phantom Mecha first raised the Gaussian gun in the right mechanical arm, fired a round of rapid fire at the control equipment in the command and control cabin, and also cast 2 rounds of round bombs. At the same time, the gray Mecha controlled by Su Feichen also bombarded the command and control cabin.

“Hey, hey…”

The explosion in the command and control cabin continued, and soon fell into flames.

The Mirage Mecha and the gray Mecha had already exited, and turned to the room when they came.

On the 4th floor, Fang Shi saw Ye Zhiqiu and Yu Le and the others. At this time, they were fighting with the remaining alliance Mecha.

Phantom Mecha and Grey Mecha join the battle immediately.

After two minutes, the remaining few Mecha alliances were quickly resolved.

Ye Zhiqiu sighed slightly in relief, looked towards the gray Mecha controlled by Phantom Mecha and Su Feichen, and asked, “How?”

Su Feichen grinned with a smile: “The command and control cabin has been destroyed, this warship should not be threatened.”

Ye Zhiqiu nodded said, “Well, they still have 2 warships.”

Everyone’s face was slightly dignified. They also fought a hearty battle, and achieved good results, but the enemy had two other warships. It may be extremely difficult to achieve the final victory. It may even be a little vague. The reason for the successful destruction of a battleship this time is actually largely blamed on Mirage Mecha. If it did not attract the first round of powerful firepower of the battleship, they might not only lose 2 Mecha, 2, 3 … even the whole army was wiped out. In addition, this successful luck has played a key role, and the enemy has two warships that seem to be of the same specification. Will they still have such luck?

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become heavy.

It was at this moment that Fang Shi, sitting in the control cabin of Mirage Mecha, heard Nana’s voice, “big brother, that little thing Nana has cracked, it turns out that it is a controller with Self-destruction system turned on.”


Fang Shi hearing this, his face suddenly changed.

Nana continued: “Well, this Self-destruction controller seems to correspond to their three warships.”

“What?” Fang Shi was slightly surprised, and said anxiously: “You mean that all three of their warships have Self-destruction system installed?”

Nana replied affirmatively: “Yes, from the internal data it is indeed like this.”

Fang Shi hearing this, his face can’t help but reveal a hint of joy, if it is really like Nana’s words, then he can only make the enemy 3 warships Self-destruction just press the red button on the controller in hand, then It’s not easy to get the final victory quickly and easily, and he can’t help but feel a little ups and downs in his heart. However, he quickly calmed down the slightly ups and downs. What he just thought was just the ideal result. He is not sure that the enemy ’s Self-destruction system is aimed at the warship. If it is only aimed at a certain part of the warship or a small range Self-destruction, such as secret databases, databases, etc., so that even Self-destruction has no effect on the entire battle.

Fang Shi took a deep breath and asked with some anticipation: “Nana, do you know that their Self-destruction system is specifically targeted and so on?”

Nana replied slightly helplessly: “I don’t know this.”

Fang Shi whispered, but did n’t continue to ask anything. Right hand lightly held the black controller. Anyway, he could try it out of the battleship later. Of course, the most anticipated results were those of Self. -destruction system is for warships.

The brief silence between Mecha was quickly broken by Su Feichen, “No matter how many warships they still have, we will fight hard. Even if we die, let those of the Galaxy Alliance know the power of our imperial Mecha.”

Su Feichen’s voice was not very loud, but it was a resolute expression.

Yu Le said with a smile: “Hehe, then fight hard!”

The rest of the people secretly nodded, not at all to say more.

In fact, when chasing the enemy fighters, they have made up their minds. This is a battle of death. You have no choice but to fight hard.

Several Mechas moved quickly, lined up in a line, and ran towards the exit of the battleship. On the way, they met a team of coalition soldiers and were killed by them.

Fang Shi clutched the black controller in his hand, which seemed to be his other hope.

Soon, six Mechas flew out of No.6 Ghost Battleship in sequence.

The command and control system of Ghost Warship No. 1 has been destroyed. At this time, the attack weapon of the warship has become paralyzed. Naturally, it can no longer pose any threat to the Empire Mecha.

In the command and control cabin of Ghost Warship No. 2, the face of the young warship commander sitting in the main command seat was slightly gloomy, the right hand slightly supported his chin, solemnly asked: “Has the signal not recovered yet?”

The controller responsible for the signal immediately replied: “No, sir.”

Not long ago, they lost the signal connection of the No. 3 flagship. It is not that they have a problem with the communication signal, because the communication with the No. 1 ghost warship is still normal, which shows that there is a problem with the communication system of the No. 1 flagship. Reminiscent of the previous command by the Chief Executive to dispatch Mecha urgently, he knew that there should be an important problem with the No. 1 flagship.

The deputy commander seat is a deputy commander with a slightly lower rank. His expression is slightly complicated, and mood grave said, “Sir, should the flagship be in trouble?”

The young commander in the main seat took a breath and said, “It shouldn’t be.”

It was at this time that the person responsible for monitoring suddenly reported: “Sir, several Mechas flew out of the No. 1 flagship.”

The young battleship commander subconsciously said, “Ours?”

The person in charge of monitoring took the head replied: “Yes … it’s Mecha from the Star Empire.”

“En ?!” The young battleship commander eyebrows slightly frowned, tapped the light screen in front of him, the screen in the light screen flashed slightly, and the new screen was displayed. It was the 6 Star Empire Mecha that flew out The picture of Ghost Warship No. 1 is a little bit puzzled. Why does Ghost Battleship No. 1 not attack Mecha of the Empire? I can’t help but raise some bad predictions.

After six Mechas of Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu and the others flew a certain distance, they slowed slightly and locked another ghost warship not far away.

“Okay, this is my first attack. Keep a certain distance and find the right time to sprint.” Ye Zhiqiu looked calm and looked at the ghost ship No. 2 not far away. The tone was quite firm. Obviously this At that time, she wanted to prepare what the phantom Mecha did according to the law, attract the enemy fire attack, and then let the remaining 5 people take the opportunity to board the ship.

Fang Shi immediately shouted and stopped, “Senior Sister, wait.”

Ye Zhiqiu, who was about to rush to the ghost ship No. 2, moved slightly, and asked with some doubt: “What’s wrong?”

Fang Shi not at all answered Ye Zhiqiu, but lightly pressed the number one button on the controller in his hand, with some anticipation.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

Ye Zhiqiu just questioned, but next moment she not at all concerned about Fang Shi’s answer, but was completely attracted by the scene in the light screen in front of her. I saw that the enemy warship that just flew away somehow somehow There was a sudden big explosion.

Yes, No.1 Ghost Warship exploded, a violent explosion.

The location of the latest explosion was in the middle of the No. 1 ghost battleship. The bursting flame suddenly erupted from the inside of the battleship, just like a volcanic eruption, and the entire battleship seemed to break off the waist.

The explosion in the middle just started, and the two broken sides began to burst one after another. The flame formed by the explosion wrapped the entire huge ghost warship almost in just a few seconds. It seemed that there was a huge Fireball in space. . The huge Fireball is still a continuous explosion, and it is constantly expanding and expanding, which looks quite spectacular.

The people who saw this scene were almost stunned, but their stunned mood was different.

“This … how is this possible ?!” In the command and control cabin of Ghost Warship No. 2, the young warship commander was incredulously looking at the picture that was almost occupied by flames in the big light screen in front. The heart was full of shock. The flagship No. 1 It exploded, what is going on? Could it be the ghosts of those imperial Mecha? No … impossible, trifling How could Mecha cause a ghost ship to explode in a few days, huge questions haunted his mind, in a short moment he had found several possible answers, and he was denied by one after another, He didn’t find the answer.

The rest of the people in the battleship command and control cabin also looked at the scene in the light screen with great shock. Many people’s eyes were almost protruding. This scene seemed to have never been thought of by them.

A similar scene also occurred on the ghost ship No. 3, and it took some time to destroy the remaining frigates and transport ships. At this time, he had just caught up with the ghost ships No. 2 and No. 1, and they did not understand what happened in the No. 1 flagship. What happened and why there was such a terrible big explosion.

In the command and control cabin of the Black Panther C-Rank battleship, Major Xu also looked at the scene in the light screen with great shock. Not long ago, he sent the warplanes in the warship to attack the enemy ship, but most of them were attacked by the enemy. Only three warplanes survived the ship’s destruction, and the damage to the enemy ship was minimal. But at this moment, the seemingly incomparably powerful warship of the enemy suddenly had a big explosion. Such a violent explosion was really unexpected. It was too spectacular. It was like enjoying a blooming red flower. His mood seemed to be exceptionally comfortable in a violent explosion.

Gao Zixuan looked intently at the magnificent picture in the light screen, and his mood was slightly complicated. He also absolutely did not expect the enemy ship to come to such a pyrotechnic performance at this time, he just watched quietly, quietly Appreciate quietly, as if watching a beautiful painting.

The crowd in the command and control cabin stared blankly, and many people couldn’t help but showed some smiles. Although they didn’t know the reason for the big bang, they were happy to see such beautiful pictures.

The Big Bang of No.1 Ghost Warship is like a big Fireball that keeps expanding. When the Big Fireball reaches a certain limit, it starts to burst, turning into countless small fragments and spreading frantically to all around, just like a huge firework. Unfolded the most beautiful posture in space, grand and spectacular.

Among them, the flying flame fragments reached the Mecha area of ​​6 people such as Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu. Although their formidable power is not comparable to artillery shells, if they are hard-connected, they still hurt Mecha, and at least some scratches will appear.

Ye Zhiqiu and the others immediately controlled the distance between Mecha and the location of the explosion, and made some evasive actions appropriately.

Fang Shi is not worried about the phantom Mecha. It is more than enough to have Nana’s ten-star title control ability to deal with sporadic flying debris. He just opened his eyes slightly and looked at the fireworks-like picture. His heart was already huge. Surprise occupies, yes, it is surprise. After he pressed the No. 1 button, the battleship exploded.

“Is this the Self-destruction system it controls? It was actually aimed at the warship.”

Fang Shi seemed to see the infinite dawn of victory instantly. He could easily end the battle. He did n’t understand that these 3 alliance warships would carry out such Self-destruction settings, but he must thank the designer of this Self-destruction system because With this special Self-destruction design, he was lucky to control the ultimate fate of the enemy battleship.

Looking at the black controller in the right hand again, Fang Shi pressed the buttons 2 and 3 without the slightest hesitation.

Soon, the scene he was expecting happened again.

After pressing the Self-destruction button on Fang Shi for No. 2 and No. 3 ghost warships, a big explosion occurred almost at the same time. Like the No. 2 ghost warship, the first explosion site was in the middle of the battleship, and then on the 2nd side, as The volcanic explosion exploded into the sea of ​​fire in a blink of an eye.

2 huge Fireballs burst into space, and soon burst like fireworks, like a grand firework show.

very beautiful!

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